도록 하다 Grammar | 【Topik 합격 필수문법】 40. V-도록 하다 | Korean Grammar Lesson | 우리랑패턴100 123 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “도록 하다 grammar – 【TOPIK 합격 필수문법】 40. V-도록 하다 | Korean Grammar Lesson | 우리랑패턴100“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 you.tfvp.org 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://you.tfvp.org/blog/. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 우리랑코리아Woorirang Korea 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 4,052회 및 좋아요 155개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

도록 하다 grammar 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 【TOPIK 합격 필수문법】 40. V-도록 하다 | Korean Grammar Lesson | 우리랑패턴100 – 도록 하다 grammar 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

😃 Let’s study Korean with Woorirang Pattern 100 lecture🎉👏👏
Today, we are going to study Pattern no.40 [ V-도록 하다 ].
Let’s get started!
40. V-도록 하다 [ 제안, 추천 ]– 다른 사람에게 어떤 행동을 허락하거나 시킬 때
– 상대방에게 어떤 행동을 명령, 권유할 때
The pattern \”A/V-도록 하다\” is an expression used to allow someone to do a certain act or to order or recommend someone to do a certain act.
예문) 꼭 손을 씻도록 하세요.
After class, you can review the grammar with [KPOPx우리랑패턴] video on the channel playlist.
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도록 하다 grammar 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure to) do – Korean TOPIK

V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure to) do ~suggest someone do something … – V-도록 하다 can only be used in imperative and proposition …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: www.koreantopik.com

Date Published: 3/20/2021

View: 4704

[Korean grammar] -도록 하다 Giving Recommendations and …

[Korean grammar] -도록 하다 Giving Recommendations and Advice … 가: 감기에 걸려서 열이 나고 머리도 아파요. I have a fever and (resulting) …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: sayhikorean.blogspot.com

Date Published: 2/4/2021

View: 7026

L2G24 V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure)… ~suggest or …

L2G24 V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure)… ~suggest or instruct sth to someone. Usage: – Use to suggest or instruct something to someone.

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: kr.bdsfun.com

Date Published: 11/10/2021

View: 1636

V-도록 하다 Korean grammar

V-도록 하다 듣는 사람에게 어떤 행동을 명령하거나 권유할 때 쓰는 표현이다. An expression used to order or recommend someone to do a certain …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: studying-korean.tistory.com

Date Published: 7/4/2021

View: 7136

도록 하다 – Korean Wiki Project

Definition. Verb + 도록 하다 : This pattern is equivalent to equivalent statement … See Also. Related topic or grammar …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.koreanwikiproject.com

Date Published: 11/30/2022

View: 822

Lesson 92: ~도록: To an extent, In order to, To make

Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.howtostudykorean.com

Date Published: 11/8/2022

View: 519

~도록 하다 – Key to Korean

Tell someone else to do something in a manner between a suggestion and a command. It’s a bit stronger than a suggestion, but less strong than a …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: keytokorean.com

Date Published: 3/8/2021

View: 4669

V~도록 [Korean Grammar] – TOPIK GUIDE

The usage can be in assertive or negative sentences as “V + 도록” and “V + 지 않도록” respectively. 하다 – 하도록 – So as to (do something) …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: www.topikguide.com

Date Published: 10/11/2022

View: 5633

(Please) be sure to V: 도록 하다 – My Korean Ramblings

V + 도록 하다 is used to instruct someone or suggest something. Its strength falls between 주세요 (‘please V’) and 보세요 (‘why don’t you …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.mykoreanramblings.com

Date Published: 1/30/2021

View: 4458

주제와 관련된 이미지 도록 하다 grammar

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 【TOPIK 합격 필수문법】 40. V-도록 하다 | Korean Grammar Lesson | 우리랑패턴100. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

【TOPIK 합격 필수문법】 40. V-도록 하다 | Korean Grammar Lesson | 우리랑패턴100
【TOPIK 합격 필수문법】 40. V-도록 하다 | Korean Grammar Lesson | 우리랑패턴100

주제에 대한 기사 평가 도록 하다 grammar

  • Author: 우리랑코리아Woorirang Korea
  • Views: 조회수 4,052회
  • Likes: 좋아요 155개
  • Date Published: 2019. 12. 8.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKD9mY6pCsk

V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure to) do ~suggest someone do something – Korean TOPIK

V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure to) do ~suggest or instruct someone do something

Usage :

– V-도록 하다 is used to suggest or instruct someone do something = please (be sure to) do

– V-도록 하다 can only be used in imperative and proposition sentences (e.g. “please do…” or “I will do…”.

– V-도록 하다 is stronger than a suggestion (V -아/어 보세요 = why don’t you try) but softer than a command (V-(으)세요 = Do, please).

Tense :

Verb + -도록 하다 /-도록 하세요 가다 -> 가도록 하세요 (please go…) 닫다 -> 닫도록 하세요 (please close…) 먹다 -> 먹도록 하세요 (please eat…) 끊다 -> 끊도록 하세요 (please quit…) 열다 -> 열도록 하세요 (please open…) 조심하다 -> 조심하도록 하세요 (please be careful…) 만나다 -> 만나도록 하세요 (please meet…) 공부하다 -> 공부하도록 하세요 (please study…)

Verb + -지 말도록 하다 / -지 말도록 하세요

[Korean grammar] -도록 하다 Giving Recommendations and Advice

도록 하세요.

지 말도록 하세요.

This expression is used to instruct or suggest a course of action to someone. It is stronger than -아/어보세요 and is used when a person wants to give advice or make a suggestion a bit more softly than what can be expressed using the form -(으)세요.


도록 하세요.

도록 합시다.

도록 하세요.




도록 하세요.

도록 하겠습니다.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to learn about the other grammars which also express ‘Recommendations and Advice’


>> Full of Intermediate grammars:

감기에 걸려서 열이 나고 머리도 아파요.I have a fever and (resulting) headache because I caught a cold.약을 먹고 나서 며칠 동안 푹 쉬Please take some medicine, and then get some good rest for a few days.약속 시간이 언제라고 하셨지요?When did you say the appointment was?다음 주 금요일 2시예요. 중요한 약속이니까 잊Next Friday at 2 o’clock. It’s an important appointment, so please don’t forget about it.• 건강에 안 좋담배를 끊Please stop smoking because it’s not good for your health.• 그럼 내일 10시에 회의하So let’s have the meeting tomorrow at 10 o’clock.• 내일부터 학교에 지각하지 말Starting tomorrow, please don’t be late to school.• 기침이약을 먹도록 하세요. (X)->기침이약을 먹도록 하세요. (〇)기말시험을 잘 봐야 진급할 수 있열심히 공부하You have to do well on your final exams to advance to the next grade, so please study hard.네, 열심히 공부하Okay, I will study hard.

V-도록 하다 Korean grammar


V-도록 하다

듣는 사람에게 어떤 행동을 명령하거나 권유할 때 쓰는 표현이다.

An expression used to order or recommend someone to do a certain act.

(출처: 한국어기초사전; https://krdict.korean.go.kr/)

수업 시작 전에 학교에 도착하도록 해요 .

숙제는 꼭 오늘 제출하도록 하세요 .

한국 유학 생활을 의미 있게 보내도록 하자 .

말하는 사람이 어떤 행위를 할 것이라는 의지나 다짐을 나타내는 표현이다.

An expression used to indicate the speaker’s will or determination to do a certain act.

(출처: 한국어기초사전; https://krdict.korean.go.kr/)

앞으로는 최선을 다하도록 하겠습니다 .

한국어를 한국 사람처럼 잘 할 수 있도록 열심히 하겠습니다 .

내일부터는 담배를 피우지 않도록 할게요 .

문장 구조 분석

숙제는 꼭 오늘 제출하도록 하세요. 숙제는 오늘 제출해야 한다. 숙제 제출은 오늘이 아니면 안 된다. 숙제는 오늘 제출해야만 돼요. 알겠죠?

한국어를 한국 사람처럼 잘 할 수 있도록 열심히 하겠습니다. 한국어를 한국 사람처럼 잘 한다. 그렇게 할 수 있게 열심히 하겠습니다. 한국어를 한국 사람처럼 잘 할 수 있게 (한국어 공부를) 열심히 하겠습니다.


V-도록 하다

= V-게 하다

선생님이 학생들을 자리에 앉도록 했다 .

= 선생님이 학생들을 자리에 앉게 했다 .

(관리인이) 도서관에서는 떠들지 못하도록 했다 .

= (관리인이) 도서관에서는 떠들지 못하게 했다 .

V-도록 하다

V-(으)ㄹ 수 있게 하다

숙제는 꼭 오늘 제출하도록 하세요 .

= 숙제는 꼭 오늘 제출할 수 있게 하세요 .

한국 유학 생활을 의미 있게 보내도록 하자 .

= 한국 유학 생활을 의미 있게 보낼 수 있게 하자 .


-도록 하다1

듣는 사람에게 어떤 행동을 명령하거나 권유할 때 쓰는 표현.

약은 하루 세 번 꼭 먹도록 하세요.

늦었으니 오늘은 이만 돌아가도록 해라.

오래 걸었으니 잠쉬 쉬었다 가도록 하죠.

-도록 하다2

말하는 사람이 어떤 행위를 할 것이라는 의지나 다짐을 나타내는 표현.

잠시 안내 말씀을 드리도록 하겠습니다.

다음부터는 약속 시간을 꼭 지키도록 하겠어요.

네. 보내 주신 서류를 검토하고 다시 연락 드리도록 하겠습니다.

(출처: 한국어기초사전; https://krdict.korean.go.kr/)


Korean Wiki Project

Verb + 도록 하다 : This pattern is equivalent to equivalent statement

Korean English Notes

앞으로 늦지 않도록 하세요. Don’t be late any more. Polite informal form

약을 먹고 쉬도록 하세요. Take some medicine and rest. Polite informal form

이제부터 열심히 공부하도록 할게요. From now on I’ll study hard. Polite informal form

내일 아침에 일찍 일어나도록 해. Please be sure to get up early tomorrow morning. Low form

오늘안에 끝내도록 해요. Please be sure to finish it before the day is done. Polite informal form

내일 시험을 칠 테니까 열심히 공부하도록 해요. I’ll give you a test, be sure to study hard. Polite informal form

배가 고프면 식사하도록 해요. If you’re hungry, get something to eat. Polite informal form

몸이 안좋으면 잠시 쉬도록 해요. If you don’t feel well, take a break for a while. Polite informal form

Lesson 92: ~도록: To an extent, In order to, To make

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Translation 1

Translation 2

Translation 3

Translation 4

Translation 5


Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.


댁 = one’s residence/home

Common Usages:

새댁 = new home

시댁 = the home of a woman’s husband’s parents

할머니 댁 = grandmother’s home Examples:

내일 할머니 댁에 일찍 갈 수 있도록 짐을 미리 다 쌌어요

= I packed all of my bags so that I can go to grandma’s house early tomorrow 매주 시댁에 가는 것 때문에 남편과 자주 말다툼을 했어요

= We go to my parents-in-law’s home every week so I often bicker with my husband

뇌물 = bribe

Common Usages:

뇌물 수수 = accepting a bribe

뇌물을 주다 = to give a bribe

뇌물을 받다 = to accept a bribe Examples:

중요한 선거가 곧 있으니 뇌물을 받지 않도록 주의하세요

= There is an important election soon, so be careful to not accept any bribes 뇌물 수수로 감옥에 간다면 정치인들 중에 감옥에 가지 않을 사람은 거의 없어요

= If you go to jail for receiving a bribe, there wouldn’t be any politicians who don’t go to jail

상금 = prize money

Common Usages:

우승 상금 = championship prize money Examples:

이제 저는 이긴 팀에게 상금을 주도록 하겠습니다

= Now, I will give the prize money to the winning team 이 대회의 상금이 크기 때문에 대회를 이길 수 있도록 열심히 노력할 거예요

= The prize money for this contest is big, so I will (be sure to) try hard to win

학과 = a department in school

Common Usages:

경영학과 = department of management

체육학과 = department of physical education

경제학과 = department of economics

국문학과 = department of Korean literature Examples:

기한 내에 서류를 갖춰서 학과에 내도록 하세요

= Be sure to prepare the documents within the timeframe and submit them to the department 국문학과에 입학하기 위해 수능시험을 준비할 때 언어영역을 제일 열심히 공부했어요

= In order to get admitted to the department of Korean literature, when preparing for the Suneung exam, you need to study the language field the hardest

소득세 = income tax

Common Usages:

종합소득세 = aggregate income tax (that includes all of one’s earnings)비

소득세 납부 = payment of income tax Examples:

한국소득세가 미국 사람들에게 해당되지 않아요

= Korean tax doesn’t apply to Americans 소득세를 세무서에서 납부해야 정확해요

= Only if you pay your tax at the tax office will it be accurate 기한 내에 서류를 갖춰서 학과에 내도록 하세요

= Be sure to prepare the documents within the timeframe and submit them to the department 2015 년에 돈을 많이 벌어서 소득세를 얼마나 낼 것 같아요?

= In 2015, you earned a lot of money, so how much tax will you (probably) have to pay?

피로감 = fatigue

Common Usages:

피로감이 몰려오다 = for one to be overcome with fatigue Examples:

자전거를 피로감이 느껴지도록 빨리 탔어요 = I rode my bike to the point that I felt fatigued 요즘 너무 많은 정보로 인해 인터넷을 할 때 피로감이 느껴져요

= These days people feel fatigued when they use the internet because of an excess of information

피해자 = victim

Common Usages:

지진 피해자 = earthquake victim

피해자와 협의하다 = to consult with a victim Examples:

우리는 피해자들을 구하려고 노력해 볼 거예요

= We will try to save the victims 그 범죄자는 범죄를 저지를 때 피해자가 자기를 알아볼 수 없도록 마스크를 써요

= The criminal wears a mask so that the victims can’t recognize him when he commits a crime

금메달 = gold medal

Common Usages:

금메달을 따다 = to win a gold medal Examples:

금메달을 따기 위해 맨날 죽도록 운동했어요

= In order to win the gold medal, I exercised every day to the point that I would die 슬기가 10 년 동안 연습하다 보면 올림픽 금메달을 딸 수 있을 것 같아요

= If 슬기 (continually) practiced for 10 years, she will probably be able to win an

Olympic gold medal

삼각형 = triangle


오늘은 삼각형, 직사각형과 같은 도형에 대해 배울 거예요

= Today we will learn about triangles, rectangles and similar shapes 삼각형 모양으로 만들어진 김밥이라 해서 삼각김밥이라고 불려요

= It is kimbap made into triangle shapes, so it is called a kimbap triangle

직사각형 = rectangle


네팔 국기는 유일하게 직사각형이 아닌 국기예요

= Nepal’s flag is the only flag that isn’t rectangular 오늘은 삼각형, 직사각형과 같은 도형에 대해 배울 거예요

= Today we will learn about triangles, rectangles and similar shapes

정사각형 = square


정사각형의 면적을 구하려면 가로와 세로를 곱하면 돼요

= In order to find the area of a square, you can multiply its length by its width 정사각형은 가로와 세로의 길이가 똑같은 도형을 말해요

= A square is said to be a shape where the length and width are exactly the same length

동그라미 = circle


선생님이 학생들을 동그라미 모양으로 서도록 했어요

= The teacher made the students stand in a circle 정답이 맞으면 동그라미, 틀리면 엑스자 모양을 손으로 만들어주세요

= Make a circle with your hand if it is correct, and an X if it is incorrect please

미세먼지 = microdust

Common Usages:

초미세먼지 = ultra-fine microduct (the 2.5 ppm variety)

미세먼지 마스크 = microdust mask Examples:

미세먼지가 심한 날에 목이 아프지 않도록 꼭 마스크를 써야 돼요

= On days that the micro-dust is severe, you should definitely wear a mask so that your throat doesn’t get sore 초미세먼지는 미세먼지보다 입자가 훨씬 작아서 몸에 더 잘 흡수되기 때문에 훨씬 더 위험해요

= The ultra-fine microdust particle is much smaller than (regular) microdust, so it can be absorbed easier and therefore it is much more danger


따다 = to get, to obtain, to win

Common Usages:

학위를 따다 = to obtain a degree

자격증을 따다 = to get a certificate

운전면허증을 따다 = to get a driver’s license Examples:

저는 운전면허를 16 살 때 땄어요

= I got my driver’s license when I was 16 years old 슬기가 10 년 동안 연습하다 보면 올림픽 금메달을 딸 수 있을 것 같아요

= If 슬기 (continually) practiced for 10 years, she will probably be able to win an

Olympic gold medal

닳다 = to be worn down

Notes: This word is used in the Korean national anthem. The first verse of the anthem is: 동해 물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록… Idioms:

발바닥이 닳도록 = doing something so hard/often to the point that the soles of one’s feet get worn down

손바닥이 닳도록 빌다 = to beg to the point that one’s hands are worn down Common Usages:

입이 닳다 = to say something so much that one’s mouth gets worn down

신발이 닳다 = for shoes to be worn out

건전지가/배터리가 다 닳다 = for a battery to be dead Examples:

3년 전부터 그 회사 주식을 사라고 입이 닳도록 친구에게 말했지만 사지 않았다

= I told me friend for three years to buy stock in that company, to the point that my lips were worn down, but he never bought any 부모님 몰래 외박을 하고 집에 돌아와서 손바닥이 닳도록 빌었지만 부모님의 화가 풀리지 않았다

= I slept somewhere else without my parents knowing, and as soon as I came home, I begged them (to the point that my palms were worn down), but it wasn’t enough to calm their rage

갖추다 = to prepare, make preparations for

Common Usages:

구색을 갖추다 = preparing an assortment Examples:

기한 내에 서류를 갖춰서 학과에 내도록 하세요

= Be sure to prepare the documents within the timeframe and submit them to the department 이 가게를 둘러보다 보니 몇몇 상품들은 그냥 구색을 갖추기 위해 갖다 놓은 게 보였다

= While looking around this store, it seems like some of the products are there just to make it look like they have an assortment of products

비기다 = to tie in a match, game

Common Usages:

경기를 비기다 = to tie a match, game Examples:

지난 경기를 안타깝게 비겨서 이번에 꼭 이기도록 할 거예요

= We unfortunately tied the previous match, so this time I will (be sure to) win 어제는 네가 이겼지만 오늘은 내가 이겼으니 우리 서로 비긴 거다!

= Yesterday you won, and today I won, so let’s just say that we tied each other!

부과하다 = to impose, to levy

The noun form of this verb “부과” translates to “a levy.” Common Usages:

벌금을 부과하다 = to impose a fine

세금을 부과하다 = to impose taxes

과태료를 부과하다 = to impose a fine Examples:

적발 시 10 만원의 과태료가 부과됩니다

= If caught, a fine of 100,000 won will be imposed 일반차량 주차시 즉시 과태료가 부과됩니다

= If you park a regular vehicle here, a fine will be imposed immediately 사슴사냥은 불법이니 적발 시 과태료가 부과됩니다

= Deer hunting is illegal, so if caught, a fine will be imposed 소득세를 기한 안에 내지 않으면 벌금이 부과되기 때문에 꼭 3 월 31 일까지 내도록 하세요

= If you don’t pay your taxes in the timeframe, a fine will be imposed, so be sure to pay by March 31st

강요하다 = to force, to impose


부모님은 제가 대학교에 진학하도록 강요하셨어요

= My parents forced me to go to University 선배가 담배를 피라고 자꾸 강요해서 어쩔 수 없이 폈어요

= My upper-classman kept forcing me to smoke, so there was really nothing I could do

이주하다 = to immigrate

The noun form of this verb “이주” translates to “immigration.” Common Usages:

이주민 = immigrant Examples:

1980년대에 한국에서 독일로 이주한 사람들이 많았다

= There are a lot of people who immigrated from Korea to Germany in the 1980s 이곳은 세계 각국에서 이주한 이주민들이 모여 사는 지역이다

= This place is a district where immigrants who immigrated from around the world gather

저지르다 = to commit a crime

This word follows the 르 irregular. Common Usages:

범죄를 저지르다 = to commit crime Examples:

범죄를 저지르면 감옥에 가야 돼요

= If you commit a crime, you need to go to prison 이 남자는 살인을 저지른 죄수로 곧 감옥에 수감될 예정입니다.

= This prisoner who committed murder will soon be locked up in a prison 범죄를 저지른 사람이 양심에 가책을 느낄 거라서 곧 자수하겠지 뭐

= People that commit crimes will feel the guilt on the conscious and will eventually turn themselves in 그 범죄자는 범죄를 저지를 때 피해자가 자기를 알아볼 수 없도록 마스크를 써요

= The criminal wears a mask to make his victims not recognize him when he commits a crime 옛날에는 큰 죄를 저지른 사람에게는 벌로써 독약이 담긴 음식을 먹게 했어요

= A long time ago, as punishment for commitment of serious crimes, people were forced to eat poisoned food

양치질하다 = to brush one’s teeth

The noun form of this verb “양치질” translates to “brushing teeth.” Common Usages:

구석구석 양치질하다 = to brush one’s teeth thoroughly (in all crooks and crannies) Examples:

컵을 쓰면 양치를 할 때 양칫물을 아낄 수 있어요

= If you use a cup when you brush your teeth, you can save water 입 냄새가 나지 않도록 매일 양치질을 열심히 해요

= I brush my teeth well everyday so that my mouth/breath doesn’t smell 치약을 너무 많이 묻혀서 양치를 하는 것은 좋지 않아요

= It is not good to brush your teeth using too much toothpaste


피로하다 = to be tired, to be fatigued


야근이 반복될수록 몸이 더욱 피로해져서 일에 집중하기 힘들어요

= As I continue to do the night shift over and over, my body gets more and more fatigued and it is hard to focus on work 계속되는 사람들이 주식과 부동산 이야기로 저의 정신이 점점 피로해졌어요

= I’m getting more and more tired of hearing about people constantly talking about real-estate and investments

삭막하다 = to be dreary, desolate

Common Usages:

분위기가 삭막하다 = for the mood/atmosphere to be dreary Examples:

이 교실환경이 너무 삭막해서 다른 데에 가야 돼요

= The environment/atmosphere of this classroom is so desolate we should go somewhere else 이 삭막한 공간을 리모델링해서 새로운 공간으로 만들어 내도록 하겠습니다

= We will renovate this dreary space and turn it into a new one

미세하다 = to be minute


창문에 미세하게 금이 가 있어서 창문이 깨지기 전에 교체해야 돼요

= There is a minute crack on the window so you should replace it before it breaks 진품과 가품의 차이가 너무 미세해서 전문가가 아니면 알아채기 힘들어요

= There is such a minute difference between a genuine product and a counterfeit, unless you are an expert it is hard to tell the difference

Adverbs and Other Words:

깨끗이 = cleanly

Common Usages:

깨끗이 청소하다 = to clean well, thoroughly Examples:

소독약을 바르기 전에 우선 손을 깨끗이 씻어 주세요

= Before you rub disinfectant on your hands, you should wash them cleanly 엄마 아빠에게 칭찬을 받을 수 있도록 방을 깨끗이 청소했어요

= I cleaned my room (cleanly) so that I could receive praise from mom and dad

For help memorizing these words, try using our Memrise tool.


In this lesson, you will learn about the Korean grammatical principle ~도록, which has confused foreign learners of Korean for ages. I think the confusion with this grammatical principal stems from the fact that there are so many translations for the same Korean usage. I will break it all down for you step by step, so you have no reason to worry. Let’s get started.

~ 도록 : To cause a situation to occur

There are many ways that ~도록 can be translated to English. As is typical with Korean, knowing what translation to use in English depends on the situation in which ~도록 is used. Although the English translation might differ, the Korean usage of ~도록 is actually the same in all cases. You might be tempted to separate the uses of ~도록 based on their English translations, but one of the goals of this lesson is to show that all of the sentences with ~도록 have a common theme: ~도록 causes some situation to occur.

Depending on who is causing what, or what is causing whom, or who is causing whom, or what is causing what, the translation to English might be different. Here we go.

Translation 1: So that, in order to…

~도록 can be attached to adjectives or verbs to have the meaning of “so that” or “in order to.” For example:

아침에 일찍 일어나도록 어젯밤에 일찍 잤어요

= I went to bed early last night in order to get up early in the morning

One way to look at this is to think that the clause before ~도록 (getting up early) “occurs” because of the main action in the sentence (going to bed early). This fits with my description above where I state that ~도록 causes some situation to occur. This is also true for the sentences below:

버스를 놓치지 않도록 정류장으로 뛰어 갔어요

= I ran to the bus stop so that I would not miss the bus

학생들이 알아들을 수 있도록 천천히 말했어요

= I spoke slowly so that the students could understand me

입 냄새가 나지 않도록 매일 양치질을 열심히 해요

= I brush my teeth well everyday so that my mouth/breath doesn’t smell

내일 할머니 댁에 일찍 갈 수 있도록 짐을 미리 다 쌌어요

= I packed all of my bags so that I can go to grandma’s house early tomorrow

엄마 아빠에게 칭찬을 받을 수 있도록 방을 깨끗이 청소했어요

= I cleaned my room (cleanly) so that I could receive praise from mom and dad

미세먼지가 심한 날에 목이 아프지 않도록 꼭 마스크를 써야 돼요

= On days that the micro-dust is severe, you should definitely wear a mask so that your throat doesn’t get sore

그 범죄자는 범죄를 저지를 때 피해자가 자기를 알아볼 수 없도록 마스크를 써요

= The criminal wears a mask so that the victims can’t recognize him when he commits a crime

This meaning of ~도록 is very commonly seen in signs around Korea. For example, you may see signs that say:

다른 승객들이 불편하지 않도록 신문을 읽지 마세요

= Please don’t read a newspaper on the train so that other passengers are not uncomfortable

There is a sign at the gym that I work out at that has the following message:

모든 회원님들이 사용할 수 있도록 긴 시간 동안 기구를 사용하지 마세요

= Don’t use a machine for a long time so that all members can use them


Recall that one of the usages of ~게 (from Lesson 56) is to create this same meaning. ~도록 can be replaced with ~게 in all of the above sentences. For example:

버스를 놓치지 않게 정류장으로 뛰어 갔어요

학생들이 알아들을 수 있게 천천히 말했어요

입 냄새가 나지 않게 매일 양치질을 열심히 해요

내일 할머니 댁에 일찍 갈 수 있게 짐을 미리 다 쌌어요

미세먼지가 심한 날에 목이 아프지 않게 꼭 마스크를 써야 돼요

그 범죄자는 범죄를 저지를 때 피해자가 자기를 알아볼 수 없게 마스크를 써요

Although ~도록 and ~게 can be used interchangeably in these types of sentences, you are more likely to see ~도록 on signs and in formal writing. I would much rather say “~게” in my sentences over “~도록.” If you plan on taking a TOPIK test, you’ll find that there are commonly questions asking you to replace ~도록 with a grammatical principle that has the same meaning. For example, the question might ask what can replace the underlined section below to have the same meaning:

버스를 놓치지 않 도록 정류장으로 뛰어 갔어요

Possible choices might be:

a) 는데

b) 고

c) 게

d) 아도

Easy peasy.

Translation 2: I will, I will be sure to…

In the sentences above, some situation “causes” the clause before ~도록 to occur. That same idea allows ~도록 to be attached to verbs and then followed by a verb (usually 하다) in the future tense. For example:

내일까지 하도록 하겠습니다 = I will do it by tomorrow

Despite the differences in translation, try to notice the similarities with the sentences introduced in Translation 1 in the way that ~도록 is used. Again, the clause before ~도록 is being made to occur. How will it occur? Well, we don’t know that specifically, but we know that the speaker of the sentence will be taking care of it.

In essence, this is simply a way for a speaker to indicate that he will do something in the future. It is typically used in formal settings (like in a work environment) as it contains the feeling that the speaker will “be sure to” to do the action. Below are more examples:

제가 지금부터 열심히 일하도록 할게요

= I will (be sure to) work hard from now on

서류를 준비해서 오후에 주도록 하겠습니다

= I will (be sure to) prepare the documents and give them to you in the afternoon

지난 경기를 안타깝게 비겨서 이번에 꼭 이기도록 할 거예요

= We unfortunately tied the previous match, so this time I will (be sure to) win

이 대회의 상금이 크기 때문에 대회를 이길 수 있도록 열심히 노력할 거에요

= The prize money for this contest is big, so I will (be sure to) try hard to win

이 삭막한 공간을 리모델링해서 새로운 공간으로 만들어 내도록 하겠습니다

= We will renovate this dreary space and turn it into a new one

In these sentences, the speaker is indicating that he will be sure to do the action attached to ~도록. It is also possible to apply this same idea to a command.

Translation 3: Be sure to…

This is the same idea that I’ve been referring to since the beginning of the lesson. A speaker can use ~도록 attached to an action that he would like to be done. This could be directed at a listener, or directed at a general audience (like the general public). Again, the clause before ~도록 is being made to occur. For example:

쿠키를 사각형 모양이 되도록 만들어 주세요

= Be sure to make the cookies into a square/rectangle shape

기한 내에 서류를 갖춰서 학과에 내도록 하세요

= Be sure to prepare the documents within the timeframe and submit them to the department

중요한 선거가 곧 있으니 뇌물을 받지 않도록 주의하세요

= There is an important election soon, so be careful to not accept any bribes

소득세를 기한 안에 내지 않으면 벌금이 부과되기 때문에 꼭 3월 31일까지 내도록 하세요

= If you don’t pay your taxes in the timeframe, a fine will be imposed, so be sure to pay by March 31st

Those commands are directed at somebody. However, it is also possible to refer to the fact that someone gave a command to someone else. This could be seen as another translation.

Translation 4: To make, to force

It is possible to use ~도록 to refer to a command that was given. For example:

부장님은 모든 직원들이 회의에 참석하도록 했어요

= The boss made all of the workers come to the meeting

부모님은 제가 대학교에 진학하도록 강요하셨어요

= My parents forced me to go to University

선생님이 학생들을 동그라미 모양으로 서도록 했어요

= The teacher made the students stand in a circle

As I’ve been saying this whole lesson – all of these different uses of ~도록 are the same. We just give them different translations in English, which makes us think that they should be different in Korean. Because we’re technically always talking about the same usage, it is sometimes possible for there to be more than one translation for ~도록 in a sentence. For example, the following two sentences (from “Translation 1”) would also be appropriate using the current translation:

엄마 아빠에게 칭찬을 받을 수 있도록 방을 깨끗이 청소했어요

= I cleaned my room (cleanly) to make mom and dad praise me

그 범죄자는 범죄를 저지를 때 피해자가 자기를 알아볼 수 없도록 마스크를 써요

= The criminal wears a mask to make his victims not recognize him when he commits a crime

Although there are no commands in these two sentences, you could see how the translation of “make” would work. Again, it doesn’t matter how we translate it to English. The clause attached to ~도록 is being made to happen.

Translation 5: To the point of, to the extent of…

~도록 can be used to indicate that one does an action to a certain extent. For example:

선수는 숨을 못 쉬도록 빨리 뛰었어요 = The athlete ran fast to the extent that he couldn’t breathe

By looking at this sentence, we can see immediately how this usage fits the general usage of ~도록 that we have been referring to the entire lesson. The athlete made the action of “not being able to breathe” occur because he ran so much. Again, this action was made to occur.

Below are more examples:

제가 김치를 질리도록 먹었어요 = I ate kimchi to the extent that I was sick of it

우리는 발이 아프도록 걸어 다녔어요 = We walked around to the point that our feet hurt

자전거를 피로감이 느껴지도록 빨리 탔어요 = I rode my bike to the point that I felt fatigued

군인들은 눈을 감고 총을 쏠 수 있도록 훈련을 받았다 = The soldiers trained to the extent that they could shoot guns with their eyes closed.

This style of sentence is often used as a metaphor (most commonly with 죽다) to indicate that one does something to some metaphoric extreme. For example:

제가 죽도록 당신을 사랑할 거예요 = I will love to the point that I will die

금메달을 따기 위해 맨날 죽도록 운동했어요 = In order to win the gold medal, I exercised every day to the point that I would die


This usage is used in the Korean national anthem. The first verse of the anthem is:

동해 물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록…

“동해 물” refers to the water in the East Sea, and “백두산” is a mountain in Korea (it’s actually on the border of North Korea and China, but has cultural significance for all Korean people). I don’t want to write the next line, because it gets confusing. However, it refers to Korea living “long and forever.”

The line above provides the metaphor that Korea will live forever, until “the East Sea is dry, and 백두산 is completely worn down” – both of which would never really happen.


A common word that ~도록 is used with is “지나다.” By using “지나도록,” you can indicate that a certain amount of time has passed since something happened. For example:

우리는 3년이 지나도록 못 만났어요 = We haven’t met in three years

이틀이 지나도록 밥을 안 먹었어요 = I haven’t eaten in two days

My brain likes to compartmentalize things. I feel these types of sentences fit mostly with the “extent” translation above. Although you probably wouldn’t normally say it like this, you could write those sentences as:

우리는 3년이 지나도록 못 만났어요

= We haven’t met in so long (to the extent that) three years have passed since we last met!

이틀이 지나도록 밥을 안 먹었어요

= I haven’t eaten in so long (to the extent that) two days have past


That’s it for this lesson!

Click here for a Workbook to go along with this lesson.

Click here for Korean Short Stories specifically tailored to learners at this level.

Okay, got it! Take me to the next lesson!

Key to Korean

Tell someone else to do something in a manner between a suggestion and a command. It’s a bit stronger than a suggestion, but less strong than a direct command.

V~도록 [Korean Grammar]

Today we’ll be looking at the usage of “V ~도록” with some example sentences. Usage :

A connective ending used when the preceding statement is the purpose, result, method, amount, etc., of something mentioned in the following statement. It can be equivalent to saying ~so that, in order that, that, so as to, in order to…. in English. It should be used with Verbs.

The usage can be in assertive or negative sentences as “V + 도록” and “V + 지 않도록” respectively. 하다 – 하도록 – So as to (do something)

하다 – 하지 않도록 – So as not to (do something) The conjugation rule is simple :

You simply have to add “도록” or “지 않도록” after the verb stem irrespective of whether the verb stem ends with a consonant or vowel.

1) 그 여자에게 말하지 않도록 주의하라 Take care not to tell her. 2) 급행 열차에 댈 수 있도록 빨리 일어났다 I got up early so as to be on time for the express. 3) 가옥은 신선한 공기와 광선이 많이 들어 오도록 지어져야 한다 Houses should be built so as to admit plenty of light as well as fresh air. 4) 내가 납득이 가도록 다시 설명해 봐. Explain it again so I can understand. 5) 길이 미끄러우니까 넘어지지 않도록 조심하렴. The road is slippery, so be careful in order to not fall. 6) 나는 코미디 영화를 보고 허리가 아프도록 웃었다. I laughed until my back hurt when I watched a comedy movie. There’s another usage of 도록 where It is used as a sentence-final ending used to indicate a statement as a command. It can be equivalent to saying ~ till, until, to the point where… in English. 밤이 늦도록 – Till late at night

죽도록 사랑하다 – Love till death 1) 건물 내에서는 담배를 피우지 말도록. Don’t smoke in the building. 2) 무슨 일이 생기면 바로 나에게 보고하도록. If anything happens, report it to me right away.

(Please) be sure to V: 도록 하다

V + 도록 하다 is used to instruct someone or suggest something. Its strength falls between 주세요 (‘please V’) and 보세요 (‘why don’t you try Ving’):

이번 주에는 학교에 지각하지 말도록 하세요. This week please don’t be late for school.

기차역에 도착해서 기다리도록 해요. I’ll arrive at the train station, please be sure to wait for me.

밥을 먹을 때 쳐다보지 말도록 하세요. Please don’t watch me when I’m eating.

내일 저녁 6시에 만나도록 합시다. Let’s meet no later than 6pm tomorrow.

PC방에 간 후에 모든 숙제를 끝나도록 해요. I’ll try to finish all my homework before going to the PC room.

감기에 걸리지 않도록 조심하세요. Be careful not to catch a cold. Be sure that you don’t catch a cold.

– 저의 책을 읽고싶으면 먼저 물어보도록 하세요. – If you want to read my book, please ask me first. – 하도록 하겠습니다. – OK I’ll be sure to do that.

감기에 걸리지 않도록 조심하세요!

Please be careful not to catch a cold!

키워드에 대한 정보 도록 하다 grammar

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