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d여기에서 Vue JS + Spring Boot REST API Tutorial | Full Stack Development – spring boot vue js 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요
In this video tutorial, we will learn how to build a simple Full Stack application using #SpringBoot as backend and #Vue JS as frontend.
Vue JS is a progressive framework for building user interfaces (UI) on the front end.
Spring Boot is a very popular Java framework for building RESTful web services and microservices.
Blog post at https://www.javaguides.net/2021/07/vue-js-spring-boot-rest-api-tutorial.html
Course Content:
[00:00] – Overview
[04:01] – Creating Spring Boot Project and Expose REST API
[20:52] – Creating Vue Project and Consume REST API
spring boot vue js 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.
Vue.js Frontend with a Spring Boot Backend – Baeldung
In this tutorial, we’ll go over an example application that renders a single page with a Vue.js frontend, while using Spring Boot as a …
Source: www.baeldung.com
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Tích hợp build VueJS trong Spring Boot – Viblo
Tích hợp build VueJS trong Spring Boot … Dạo gần đây, do có chút thời gian rảnh mình có vọc vạch về Spring Boot + Gradle thay cho Spring Boot + Maven như bình …
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[Full-stack] Spring Boot + Vue.js: CRUD example – BezKoder
In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a full stack Spring Boot + Vue.js example with a CRUD App. The back-end server uses Spring Boot …
Source: www.bezkoder.com
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GitHub – jonashackt/spring-boot-vuejs
Example project showing how to build a Spring Boot App proving a GUI with Vue.js – GitHub – jonashackt/spring-boot-vuejs: Example project showing how to …
Source: github.com
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Spring Boot Restful API and Vue.js Frontend – Simple Solution
Spring Boot Restful API and Vue.js Frontend · Introduction · Create New Spring Boot Restful API Project · Create new MySQL database to manage customer information.
Source: simplesolution.dev
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Spring Boot Vue.js – ZetCode
Spring Boot Vue.js · It is marketed as an approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces. Vue.js is an …
Source: zetcode.com
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Chạy vuejs trên spring boot với maven – Kipalog
1. Tạo cái project spring boot · 2. Tạo cái project vuejs · 3. Config file pom.xml · 4. Chạy thử.
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Full Stack Java development with Spring Boot and VueJS
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a full-stack application that uses Vue for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend.
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Build a Simple CRUD App with Spring Boot and Vue.js
Add CORS Filter to Your Spring Boot App. Before you move on to the Vue client app, there’s one more thing to update. Currently, the server …
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주제와 관련된 이미지 spring boot vue js
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Vue JS + Spring Boot REST API Tutorial | Full Stack Development. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
![Vue JS + Spring Boot REST API Tutorial | Full Stack Development](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hDC_kNlzz6c/maxresdefault.jpg)
주제에 대한 기사 평가 spring boot vue js
- Author: Java Guides
- Views: 조회수 25,350회
- Likes: 좋아요 441개
- Date Published: 2021. 8. 30.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDC_kNlzz6c
How does spring boot integrate with Vue JS?
- Vue.js & Spring Boot application Overview.
- Technology Stack.
- Setup Vue Client.
- Import Vue Project to Spring Tool Suite.
- Setup Spring Boot Server.
- Integrating Vue.js with Spring Boot. Build Vue App. …
- Serve Vue App on Spring Boot.
- Spring Boot + Vue: Whitelabel Error Page.
What is VUE JS in Java?
Vue. js is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework used to develop interactive web user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue. js is mainly focused on the view part of the application that is also called front end development.
Is Vue JS MVC or MVVM?
js is an open-source model-view-view model (MVVM) JavaScript framework.
What is VUEX in VUE JS?
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue. js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.
Why Vue is better than react and angular?
Vue provides higher customizability and hence is easier to learn than Angular or React. Further, Vue has an overlap with Angular and React with respect to their functionality like the use of components. Hence, the transition to Vue from either of the two is an easy option.
What is the difference between spring boot and spring?
Spring is an open-source lightweight framework widely used to develop enterprise applications. Spring Boot is built on top of the conventional spring framework, widely used to develop REST APIs.
Why VueJS is used?
VueJS is primarily used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. In saying that, it can also be applied to both desktop and mobile app development thanks to the HTML extensions and JS base working in tandem with an Electron framework – making it a heavily favoured frontend tool.
Is Vue front end or backend?
The result was Vue. js, which is one of the most popular frontend frameworks in use today.
Is VueJS better than React?
What is the difference between ReactJS and VueJS? VueJS is two-way binding; whereas ReactJS is one-way binding and that’s why VueJs uses more computer resources than ReactJS. Moreover, looking at the learning curve, Vue is easier than React and applications can get developed in a shorter time duration than ReactJS.
Does VueJS use MVC?
The name of the framework – Vue – is the same phonetically in English as view, and it corresponds to the traditional Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Simply put, view is a UI of an application/website, and the core library of Vue. js focuses the view layer by default.
What is design pattern for VueJS?
Design patterns for Vue. js will arm you with the tools, patterns and concepts to build complex, scalable and testable applications. This book is aimed at developers with some JavaScript and Vue. js experience, who would like to learn more advanced patterns.”
What is a ViewModel in Vue?
ViewModel. An object that syncs the Model and the View. In Vue.js, every Vue instance is a ViewModel.
What is difference between Vue and Vuex?
Vue is a progressive Javascript framework and Vuex is the state management tool. We can use redux or flux inside Vue, But Vuex is native to the Vue.
Is Vuex like Redux?
Vuex state is mutable, hence we can directly create state variables and assign values to them. Redux uses Reducers, which are pure functions that take the previous state and action, and return the next state. we’ll talk more about this below. Redux uses Reducers to create and manage a set of states.
Should I use Vuex?
People often say “as your app grows, you’ll need Vuex”. Actually, it depends on the way it grows. Your app may grow but your data flow stays nuclear (i.e parent-child and close siblings). Eventually, you can use to props and events to share this data without having to add Vuex and the boilerplate that comes wtihit.
What is the use of spring boot framework?
Spring Boot helps developers create applications that just run. Specifically, it lets you create standalone applications that run on their own, without relying on an external web server, by embedding a web server such as Tomcat or Netty into your app during the initialization process.
How do I create a Thymeleaf template in spring boot?
- Create a Spring Boot Project. Using STS or Spring Initializr. …
- Create a Controller Class in package. Either add a new package or use the default package containing main application class. …
- Add a HTML template. thymeleafTemplate. …
- Build code.
Tích hợp build VueJS trong Spring Boot
Dạo gần đây, do có chút thời gian rảnh mình có vọc vạch về Spring Boot + Gradle thay cho Spring Boot + Maven như bình thường vẫn hay sử dụng do được vài đại ca giang hồ bảo là Gradle nó xịn xò hơn Maven nhiều. Kết quả thì mình thấy có vẻ là đúng thật, về cả hiệu năng và cách viết build-script trong Gradle có vẻ gọn gàng hơn Maven. Để minh họa thử, mình sẽ tạo một project Spring kết hợp với FE (cụ thể là VueJS, các bạn có thể thay thế bằng ReactJS cũng được) và build chung trong một lần luôn (cũng khá giống với việc viết Jenkins Pipeline để build cả FE và BE lên server vậy). Dài dòng đủ rồi, giờ bắt đầu thôi.
1. Tạo Project
Các bạn có thể tạo project tại Spring Initializr hoặc tạo trực tiếp trong IDE (mình sử dụng Eclipse, các bạn có thể sử dụng IntelliJ hoặc bất cứ IDE nào khác). Do đây chỉ là demo về build nên mình chỉ chọn các dependency đơn giản Giờ mình sẽ tạo thêm project vue. Cấu trúc của project như sau Ok vậy là xong. Các bạn có thể chạy thử 2 project vừa tạo để kiểm tra
2. Config build.gradle
Giờ chúng ta sẽ đi vào mục tiêu chính của bài viết. Về cơ bạn các task build của chúng ta sẽ như sau
yarn install để kéo các dependency về trong node_modules yarn build webpack sẽ build các code, component, css, ảnh thành các static resource duy nhất tại thư mục dist. Copy tất cả các static resource vào thư mục static resource của spring project Biên dịch các resource và java code thành một gói jar duy nhất. Đây là các step chúng ta sẽ làm khi build thông thường, tuy vậy với việc config trong build.gradle, Gradle sẽ tự chạy các task tương ứng và làm điều này dùm chúng ta (cũng từa tựa cấu hình các step trong CI/CD vậy). ! Cài đặt thêm plugin để hỗ trợ node và các script của node
plugins { id “com.moowork.node” version “1.3.1” }
Config cấu hình của node
node { version = ‘14.15.4’ workDir = file(“${project.projectDir}/src/main/fe/node”) }
Các task build
processResources{ dependsOn ‘vueBuild’ dependsOn ‘copyFrontendToBuild’ } task copyFrontendToBuild(type: Copy) { from “$projectDir/src/main/fe/dist/” into “$buildDir/resources/main/static” } task vueBuild(type: YarnTask) { dependsOn ‘vueInstall’ execOverrides { it.workingDir = ‘src/main/fe’ } args = [‘run’, ‘build’] } task vueInstall (type: YarnTask) { execOverrides { it.ignoreExitValue = true it.workingDir = ‘src/main/fe’ } args = [‘install’] }
Các task build sẽ bắt đầu chạy trong processResources đầu tiên là sẽ chạy vueBuild, mà cụ thể sẽ đợi vueInstall hoàn thành trước. Thứ tự sẽ giống với các step chúng ta khai báo ở trên. Sau đó, Gradle sẽ copy các file vừa build tới folder resource.
3. Build project
jonashackt/spring-boot-vuejs: Example project showing how to build a Spring Boot App providing a GUI with Vue.js
If you´re a JavaMagazin / blog.codecentric.de / Softwerker reader, consider switching to vue-cli-v2-webpack-v3
A live deployment is available on Heroku: https://spring-boot-vuejs.herokuapp.com
This project is used as example in a variety of articles & as eBook:
blog.codecentric.de/en/2018/04/spring-boot-vuejs | JavaMagazin 8.2018 | entwickler.press shortcuts 229 | softwerker Vol.12
Upgrade procedure
Get newest node & npm:
brew upgrade node npm install -g npm@latest
Update vue-cli
npm install -g @vue/cli
Update Vue components/plugins (see https://cli.vuejs.org/migrating-from-v3/#upgrade-all-plugins-at-once)
vue upgrade
In Search of a new Web Frontend-Framework after 2 Years of absence…
Well, I’m not a Frontend developer. I’m more like playing around with Spring Boot, Web- & Microservices & Docker, automating things with Ansible and Docker, Scaling things with Spring Cloud, Docker Compose, and Traefik… And the only GUIs I’m building are the “new JS framework in town”-app every two years… 🙂 So the last one was Angular 1 – and it felt, as it was a good choice! I loved the coding experience and after a day of training, I felt able to write awesome Frontends…
But now we’re 2 years later and I heard from afar, that there was a complete rewrite of Angular (2), a new kid in town from Facebook (React) and lots of ES201x stuff and dependency managers like bower and Co. So I’m now in the new 2-year-cycle of trying to cope up again – and so glad I found this article: https://medium.com/reverdev/why-we-moved-from-angular-2-to-vue-js-and-why-we-didnt-choose-react-ef807d9f4163
Key points are:
Angular 2 isn’t the way to go if you know version 1 (complete re-write, only with Typescript, loss of many of 1’s advantages, Angular 4 is coming)
React (facebookish problems (licence), need to choose btw. Redux & MObX, harder learning curve, slower coding speed)
And the introduction phrase sounds really great:
Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only and is very easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.
So I think, it could be a good idea to invest a day or so into Vue.js. Let’s have a look here!
Setup Vue.js & Spring Boot
brew install node npm install -g @vue/cli
sudo apt update sudo apt install node npm install -g @vue/cli
choco install npm npm install -g @vue/cli
Project setup
spring-boot-vuejs ├─┬ backend → backend module with Spring Boot code │ ├── src │ └── pom.xml ├─┬ frontend → frontend module with Vue.js code │ ├── src │ └── pom.xml └── pom.xml → Maven parent pom managing both modules
Go to https://start.spring.io/ and initialize a Spring Boot app with Web and Actuator . Place the zip’s contents in the backend folder.
Customize pom to copy content from Frontend for serving it later with the embedded Tomcat:
< build > < plugins > < plugin > < groupId >org.springframework.boot groupId > < artifactId >spring-boot-maven-plugin artifactId > plugin > < plugin > < artifactId >maven-resources-plugin artifactId > < executions > < execution > < id >copy Vue.js frontend content id > < phase >generate-resources phase > < goals > < goal >copy-resources goal > goals > < configuration > < outputDirectory >src/main/resources/public outputDirectory > < overwrite >true overwrite > < resources > < resource > < directory >${project.parent.basedir}/frontend/target/dist directory > < includes > < include >static/ include > < include >index.html include > < include >favicon.ico include > includes > resource > resources > configuration > execution > executions > plugin > plugins > build >
Creating our frontend project is done by the slightly changed (we use –no-git here, because our parent project is already a git repository and otherwise vue CLI 3 would initialize an new one):
vue create frontend –no-git
see https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/
This will initialize a project skeleton for Vue.js in /frontend directory – it, therefore, asks some questions in the cli:
Do not choose the default preset with default (babel, eslint) , because we need some more plugins for our project here (choose the Plugins with the space bar):
You can now also use the new vue ui command/feature to configure your project:
If you want to learn more about installing Vue.js, head over to the docs: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/installation.html
Use frontend-maven-plugin to handle NPM, Node, Bower, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack and so on 🙂
If you’re a backend dev like me, this Maven plugin here https://github.com/eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin is a great help for you – because, if you know Maven, that’s everything you need! Just add this plugin to the frontend’s pom.xml :
< build > < plugins > < plugin > < groupId >com.github.eirslett groupId > < artifactId >frontend-maven-plugin artifactId > < version >${frontend-maven-plugin.version} version > < executions > < execution > < id >install node and npm id > < goals > < goal >install-node-and-npm goal > goals > < configuration > < nodeVersion >v10.10.0 nodeVersion > configuration > execution > < execution > < id >npm install id > < goals > < goal >npm goal > goals > < phase >generate-resources phase > < configuration > < arguments >install arguments > configuration > execution > < execution > < id >npm run build id > < goals > < goal >npm goal > goals > < configuration > < arguments >run build arguments > configuration > execution > executions > plugin > plugins > build >
Tell Webpack to output the dist/ contents to target/
Commonly, node projects will create a dist/ directory for builds which contains the minified source code of the web app – but we want it all in /target . Therefore we need to create the optional vue.config.js and configure the outputDir and assetsDir correctly:
module . exports = { … // Change build paths to make them Maven compatible // see https://cli.vuejs.org/config/ outputDir ; : ‘target/dist’ , assetsDir ; : ‘static’ ; }
First App run
Inside the root directory, do a:
mvn clean install
Run our complete Spring Boot App:
mvn –projects backend spring-boot:run
Now go to http://localhost:8098/ and have a look at your first Vue.js Spring Boot App.
Faster feedback with webpack-dev-server
The webpack-dev-server, which will update and build every change through all the parts of the JavaScript build-chain, is pre-configured in Vue.js out-of-the-box! So the only thing needed to get fast feedback development-cycle is to cd into frontend and run:
npm run serve
That’s it!
Browser developer tools extension
Install vue-devtools Browser extension https://github.com/vuejs/vue-devtools and get better feedback, e.g. in Chrome:
IntelliJ integration
There’s a blog post: https://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2018/01/working-with-vue-js-in-webstorm/
Especially the New… Vue Component looks quite cool 🙂
HTTP calls from Vue.js to (Spring Boot) REST backend
Prior to Vue 2.0, there was a build in solution (vue-resource). But from 2.0 on, 3rd party libraries are necessary. One of them is Axios – also see blog post https://alligator.io/vuejs/rest-api-axios/
npm install axios –save
Calling a REST service with Axios is simple. Go into the script area of your component, e.g. Hello.vue and add:
import axios from ‘axios’ data ( ) ; { return { response : [ ] , errors : [ ] } } , callRestService ( ) ; { axios . get ( `api/hello` ) . then ( response => { // JSON responses are automatically parsed. this . response = response . data } ) . catch ( e => { this . errors . push ( e ) } ) } }
In your template area you can now request a service call via calling callRestService() method and access response data:
< button class = ”Search__button” @click =" callRestService() " > CALL Spring Boot REST backend service button > < h3 > {{ response }} h3 >
The problem with SOP
Single-Origin Policy (SOP) could be a problem if we want to develop our app. Because the webpack-dev-server runs on http://localhost:8080 and our Spring Boot REST backend on http://localhost:8098.
We need to use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Protocol (CORS) to handle that (read more background info about CORS here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS)
Enabling Axios CORS support
Create a central Axios configuration file called http-commons.js :
import axios from ‘axios’ export const AXIOS = axios . create ( { baseURL : `http://localhost:8098` , headers : { ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ : ‘http://localhost:8080’ } } )
Here we allow requests to the base URL of our Spring Boot App on port 8098 to be accessible from 8080.
Now we could use this configuration inside our Components, e.g. in Hello.vue :
import { AXIOS } from ‘./http-common’ export default { name : ‘hello’ , data ( ) { return { posts : [ ] , errors : [ ] } } , methods : { // Fetches posts when the component is created. callRestService ( ) { AXIOS . get ( `hello` ) . then ( response => { // JSON responses are automatically parsed. this . posts = response . data } ) . catch ( e => { this . errors . push ( e ) } ) } }
Enabling Spring Boot CORS support
Additionally, we need to configure our Spring Boot backend to answer with the appropriate CORS HTTP Headers in its responses (there’s a good tutorial here: https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service-cors/). Therefore we add the annotation @CrossOrigin to our BackendController:
@ CrossOrigin ( origins = “http://localhost:8080” ) @ RequestMapping ( path = “/hello” ) public @ ResponseBody String sayHello () { LOG . info ( “GET called on /hello resource” ); return HELLO_TEXT ; }
Now our Backend will respond CORS-enabled and will accept requests from 8080. But as this only enables CORS on one method, we have to repeatedly add this annotation to all of our REST endpoints, which isn’t a nice style. We should use a global solution to allow access with CORS enabled to all of our REST resources. This could be done in the SpringBootVuejsApplication.class :
// Enable CORS globally @ Bean public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer () { return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter () { @ Override public void addCorsMappings ( CorsRegistry registry ) { registry . addMapping ( “/api/*” ). allowedOrigins ( “http://localhost:8080” ); } }; }
Now all calls to resources behind api/ will return the correct CORS headers.
But STOP! Webpack & Vue have something much smarter for us to help us with SOP!
Thanks to my colleague Daniel who pointed me to the nice proxying feature of Webpack dev-server, we don’t need to configure all the complex CORS stuff anymore!
According to the Vue CLI 3 docs the only thing we need to configure is a devserver-proxy for our webpack devserver requests. This could be done easily in the optional vue.config.js inside devServer.proxy :
module . exports = { // proxy all webpack dev-server requests starting with /api // to our Spring Boot backend (localhost:8098) using http-proxy-middleware // see https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#devserver-proxy devServer : { proxy : { ‘/api’ : { target : ‘http://localhost:8098’ , ws : true , changeOrigin : true } } } , … }
With this configuration in place, the webpack dev-server uses the http-proxy-middleware, which is a really handy component, to proxy all frontend-requests from http://localhost:8080 –> http://localhost:8098 – incl. Changing the Origin accordingly.
This is used in the webpack build process to configure the proxyMiddleware (you don’t need to change something here!):
// proxy api requests Object . keys ( proxyTable ) . forEach ( function ( context ) { var options = proxyTable [ context ] ; if ( typeof options === ‘string’ ) { options = { target : options } } app . use ( proxyMiddleware ( options . filter || context , options ) ) } )
Using history mode for nicer URLs
If we use the default configuration of the generated Vue.js template, we see URLs with a # inside them – like this:
http://localhost:8098/#/bootstrap or http://localhost:8098/#/user
With the usage of HTML5 history mode, we can achieve much nicer URLs without the # in them. Only thing to do in the Vue.js frontend is to configure our router accordingly inside the router.js:
… Vue.use(Router); const router = new Router({ mode: ‘history’, // uris without hashes #, see https://router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/history-mode.html#html5-history-mode routes: [ { path: ‘/’, component: Hello }, { path: ‘/callservice’, component: Service }, …
That’s nearly everything. BUT only nearly! If one clicks on a link inside our frontend, the user is correctly send to the wished component.
But if the user enters the URL directly into the Browser, we get a Whitelabel Error Page because our Spring Boot backend gives us a HTTP 404 – since this URL isn’t present in the backend:
The solution is to redirect or better forward the user to the frontend (router) again. The Vue.js docs don’t provide an example configuration for Spring Boot, but luckily there are other resources. In essence we have to implement a forwarding controller in our BackendController:
// Forwards all routes to FrontEnd except: ‘/’, ‘/index.html’, ‘/api’, ‘/api/**’ // Required because of ‘mode: history’ usage in frontend routing, see README for further details @RequestMapping(value = “{_:^(?!index\\.html|api).$}”) public String redirectApi() { LOG.info(“URL entered directly into the Browser, so we need to redirect…”); return “forward:/”; }
This controller will forward every request other then ‘/’, ‘/index.html’, ‘/api’, ‘/api/**’ to our Vue.js frontend.
Bootstrap & Vue.js
There’s a nice integration of Bootstrap in Vue.js: https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/
npm install bootstrap-vue
Now you can use all the pretty Bootstrap stuff with ease like:
CALL Spring Boot REST backend service instead of
The docs contain all the possible components: https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/alert/
See some elements, when you go to http://localhost:8080/#/bootstrap/ – this should look like this:
A good discussion about various UI component frameworks: http://vuetips.com/bootstrap
Heroku Deployment
As you may already read, the app is automatically deployed to Heroku on https://spring-boot-vuejs.herokuapp.com/.
The project makes use of the nice Heroku Pipelines feature, where we do get a full Continuous Delivery pipeline with nearly no effort:
And with the help of super cool Automatic deploys , we have our GitHub Actions build our app after every push to master – and with the checkbox set to Wait for CI to pass before deploy – the app gets also automatically deployed to Heroku – but only, if the GitHub Actions (and Codegov…) build succeeded:
You only have to connect your Heroku app to GitHub, activate Automatic deploys and set the named checkbox. That’s everything!
Accessing Spring Boot REST backend on Heroku from Vue.js frontend
Frontend needs to know the Port of our Spring Boot backend API, which is automatically set by Heroku every time, we (re-)start our App.
You can try out your Heroku app locally! Just create a .env-File with all your Environment variables and run heroku local !
To access the Heroku set port, we need to use relative paths inside our Vue.js application instead of hard-coded hosts and ports!
All we need to do is to configure Axios in such a way inside our frontend/src/components/http-common.js:
export const AXIOS = axios.create({ baseURL: `/api` })
Using Heroku’s Postgres as Database for Spring Boot backend and Vue.js frontend
First, add Heroku Postgres database for your Heroku app.
Then follow these instructions on Stackoverflow to configure all needed Environment variables in Heroku: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49978310/4964553
Mind the addition to the backend’s pom.xml described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49970142/4964553
Now you’re able to use Spring Data’s magic – all you need is an Interface like UserRepository.java:
package de . jonashackt . springbootvuejs . repository ; import de . jonashackt . springbootvuejs . domain . User ; import org . springframework . data . repository . CrudRepository ; import org . springframework . data . repository . query . Param ; import java . util . List ; public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository < User , Long > { List < User > findByLastName ( @ Param ( “lastname” ) String lastname ); List < User > findByFirstName ( @ Param ( “firstname” ) String firstname ); }
Now write your Testcases accordingly like UserRepositoryTest.java:
package de . jonashackt . springbootvuejs . repository ; import de . jonashackt . springbootvuejs . domain . User ; import org . junit . Before ; import org . junit . Test ; import org . junit . runner . RunWith ; import org . springframework . beans . factory . annotation . Autowired ; import org . springframework . boot . test . autoconfigure . orm . jpa . DataJpaTest ; import org . springframework . boot . test . autoconfigure . orm . jpa . TestEntityManager ; import org . springframework . test . context . junit4 . SpringRunner ; import java . util . List ; import static org . hamcrest . Matchers . contains ; import static org . junit . Assert .*; @ RunWith ( SpringRunner . class ) @ DataJpaTest public class UserRepositoryTest { @ Autowired private TestEntityManager entityManager ; @ Autowired private UserRepository users ; private final User norbertSiegmund = new User ( “Norbert” , “Siegmund” ); private final User jonasHecht = new User ( “Jonas” , “Hecht” ); @ Before public void fillSomeDataIntoOurDb () { // Add new Users to Database entityManager . persist ( norbertSiegmund ); entityManager . persist ( jonasHecht ); } @ Test public void testFindByLastName () throws Exception { // Search for specific User in Database according to lastname List < User > usersWithLastNameSiegmund = users . findByLastName ( “Siegmund” ); assertThat ( usersWithLastNameSiegmund , contains ( norbertSiegmund )); } @ Test public void testFindByFirstName () throws Exception { // Search for specific User in Database according to firstname List < User > usersWithFirstNameJonas = users . findByFirstName ( “Jonas” ); assertThat ( usersWithFirstNameJonas , contains ( jonasHecht )); } }
Then include this functionality in your REST-API – see BackendController.java:
@ RequestMapping ( path = “/user” , method = RequestMethod . POST ) @ ResponseStatus ( HttpStatus . CREATED ) public @ ResponseBody long addNewUser ( @ RequestParam String firstName , @ RequestParam String lastName ) { User user = new User ( firstName , lastName ); userRepository . save ( user ); LOG . info ( user . toString () + ” successfully saved into DB” ); return user . getId (); }
and use it from the Vue.js frontend, see User.vue:
< template > < div class =" user " > < h1 > Create User h1 > < h3 > Just some database interaction… h3 > < input type =" text " v-model =" user.firstName " placeholder =" first name " > < input type =" text " v-model =" user.lastName " placeholder =" last name " > < button @click =" createUser() " > Create User button > < div v-if =" showResponse " > < h6 > User created with Id: {{ response }} h6 > div > < button v-if =" showResponse " @click =" retrieveUser() " > Retrieve user {{user.id}} data from database button > < h4 v-if =" showRetrievedUser " > Retrieved User {{retrievedUser.firstName}} {{retrievedUser.lastName}} h4 > div > template > < script > // import axios from ‘axios’ import { AXIOS } from ‘./http-common’ export default { name : ‘user’ , data ( ) { return { response : [ ] , errors : [ ] , user : { lastName : ” , firstName : ” , id : 0 } , showResponse : false , retrievedUser : { } , showRetrievedUser : false } } , methods : { // Fetches posts when the component is created. createUser ( ) { var params = new URLSearchParams ( ) ; params . append ( ‘firstName’ , this . user . firstName ) ; params . append ( ‘lastName’ , this . user . lastName ) ; AXIOS . post ( `/user` , params ) . then ( response => { // JSON responses are automatically parsed. this . response = response . data ; this . user . id = response . data ; console . log ( response . data ) ; this . showResponse = true } ) . catch ( e => { this . errors . push ( e ) } ) } , retrieveUser ( ) { AXIOS . get ( `/user/` + this . user . id ) . then ( response => { // JSON responses are automatically parsed. this . retrievedUser = response . data ; console . log ( response . data ) ; this . showRetrievedUser = true } ) . catch ( e => { this . errors . push ( e ) } ) } } } script >
Install vue-test-utils
npm install –save-dev @vue/test-utils
Jest is a new shooting star in the sky of JavaScript testing frameworks: https://facebook.github.io/jest/
Intro-Blogpost: https://blog.codecentric.de/2017/06/javascript-unit-tests-sind-schwer-aufzusetzen-keep-calm-use-jest/
Examples: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-test-utils-jest-example
Vue.js Jest Docs: https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org/guides/#testing-single-file-components-with-jest
A Jest Unittest looks like Hello.spec.js:
import { shallowMount } from ‘@vue/test-utils’ ; import Hello from ‘@/components/Hello’ describe ( ‘Hello.vue’ , ( ) => { it ( ‘should render correct hello message’ , ( ) => { // Given const hellowrapped = shallowMount ( Hello , { propsData : { hellomsg : ‘Welcome to your Jest powered Vue.js App’ } , stubs : [ ‘router-link’ , ‘router-view’ ] } ) ; // When const contentH1 = hellowrapped . find ( ‘h1’ ) ; // Then expect ( contentH1 . text ( ) ) . toEqual ( ‘Welcome to your Jest powered Vue.js App’ ) ; } ) } )
To pass Component props while using Vue.js Router, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/37940045/4964553.
How to test components with router-view or router-link https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org/guides/using-with-vue-router.html#testing-components-that-use-router-link-or-router-view.
The test files itself could be named xyz.spec.js or xyz.test.js – and could reside nearly everywhere in the project.
Jest Configuration
The Jest run-configuration is done inside the package.json:
“scripts” ; : { … “test:unit” ; : “vue-cli-service test:unit –coverage” , ; … . } ,
Jest can be configured via jest.config.js in your project root, or the jest field in package.json. In our case we especially need to configure coverageDirectory :
], “jest” : { … “coverageDirectory” : ”
/tests/unit/coverage ” , “collectCoverageFrom” : [ ” src/**/*.{js,vue} ” , ” !src/main.js ” , ” !src/router/index.js ” , ” !**/node_modules/** ” ] } } Jest needs to know the right output directory /tests/unit/coverage to show a correct output when npm run test:unit is run (or the corresponding Maven build). If you run the Jest Unit tests now with:
npm run test:unit
you´ll recognize the table of test covered files:
Integration in Maven build (via frontend-maven-plugin)
Inside the pom.xml we always automatically run the Jest Unittests with the following configuration:
< execution > < id >npm run test:unit id > < goals > < goal >npm goal > goals > < phase >test phase > < configuration > < arguments >run test:unit arguments > configuration > execution >
This will integrate the Jest Unittests right after the npm run build command, just you are used to in Java-style projects:
And don’t mind the depiction with ERROR – this is just a known bug: eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin#584
Run Jest tests inside IntelliJ
First, we need to install the NodeJS IntelliJ plugin (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/developing-node-js-applications.html), which isn’t bundled with IntelliJ by default:
IntelliJ Jest integration docs: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/running-unit-tests-on-jest.html
The automatic search inside the package.json for the Jest configuration file jest.conf.js doesn’t seem to work right now, so we have to manually configure the scripts part of:
“unit”: “jest –config test/unit/jest.conf.js –coverage”,
inside the Run Configuration under Jest and All Tests :
Now, when running All Tests , this should look like you’re already used to Unittest IntelliJ-Integration:
End-2-End (E2E) tests with Nightwatch
Great tooling: http://nightwatchjs.org/ – Nightwatch controls WebDriver / Selenium standalone Server in own child process and abstracts from those, providing a handy DSL for Acceptance tests:
Docs: http://nightwatchjs.org/gettingstarted/#browser-drivers-setup
Nightwatch is configured through the nightwatch.conf.js. Watch out for breaking changes in 1.x: https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/wiki/Migrating-to-Nightwatch-1.0
More options could be found in the docs: http://nightwatchjs.org/gettingstarted/#settings-file
Write Nightwatch tests
An example Nightwatch test is provided in HelloAcceptance.test.js:
module . exports = { ‘default e2e tests’ : browser => { browser . url ( process . env . VUE_DEV_SERVER_URL ) . waitForElementVisible ( ‘#app’ , 5000 ) . assert . elementPresent ( ‘.hello’ ) . assert . containsText ( ‘h1’ , ‘Welcome to your Vue.js powered Spring Boot App’ ) . assert . elementCount ( ‘img’ , 1 ) . end ( ) } }
Run E2E Tests
npm run test:e2e
Run all tests
npm test
NPM Security
npm Security – npm@6
npm audit
Run npm audit fix to update the vulnerable packages. Only in situations, where nothing else helps, try npm audit fix –force (this will also install braking changes)
—> Update NPM regularly
npm install -g npm@latest
—> Update Packages regularly
npm outdated
npm update
Shift from templates to plugin-based architecture in Vue Cli 3
In the long run, templates like the main webpack are deprecated in the Vue.js universe:
Plugins bring the following benefits compared to templates:
No lock in, as plugins can be added at any point in the development lifecycle
Zero config plugins allow you to spend time developing rather than configuring
Easy to upgrade, as configuration can be customized without “ejecting”
Allows developers to make their own plugins and presets
Starting point: https://cli.vuejs.org/
OMG! My package.json is so small – Vue CLI 3 Plugins
From https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/plugins-and-presets.html:
Vue CLI uses a plugin-based architecture. If you inspect a newly created project’s package.json, you will find dependencies that start with @vue/cli-plugin- . Plugins can modify the internal webpack configuration and inject commands to vue-cli-service . Most of the features listed during the project creation process are implemented as plugins.
With plugings, extensions to an existing project could also be made via: vue add pluginName . E.g. if you want to add Nightwatch E2E tests to your project, just run vue add @vue/e2e-nightwatch . All scoped packages are available here: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/tree/dev/packages/%40vue
These new Vue CLI 3 plugin architecture cleans our big package.json to a really neat compact thing. This was the old big dependency block:
“devDependencies” : { “@vue/test-utils” : ” ^1.0.0-beta.25 ” , “autoprefixer” : ” ^7.1.2 ” , “babel-core” : ” ^6.26.3 ” , “babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props” : ” ^2.0.3 ” , “babel-jest” : ” ^21.0.2 ” , “babel-loader” : ” ^7.1.5 ” , “babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node” : ” ^1.2.0 ” , “babel-plugin-syntax-jsx” : ” ^6.18.0 ” , “babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs” : ” ^6.26.0 ” , “babel-plugin-transform-runtime” : ” ^6.22.0 ” , “babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx” : ” ^3.5.0 ” , “babel-preset-env” : ” ^1.7.0 ” , “babel-preset-stage-2″ : ” ^6.22.0 ” , “babel-register” : ” ^6.22.0 ” , “chalk” : ” ^2.4.1 ” , “chromedriver” : ” ^2.41.0 ” , “copy-webpack-plugin” : ” ^4.5.2 ” , “cross-spawn” : ” ^5.0.1 ” , “css-loader” : ” ^0.28.0 ” , “extract-text-webpack-plugin” : ” ^3.0.0 ” , “file-loader” : ” ^1.1.4 ” , “friendly-errors-webpack-plugin” : ” ^1.6.1 ” , “html-webpack-plugin” : ” ^2.30.1 ” , “jest” : ” ^22.0.4 ” , “jest-serializer-vue” : ” ^0.3.0 ” , “nightwatch” : ” ^1.0.11 ” , “node-notifier” : ” ^5.1.2 ” , “optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin” : ” ^3.2.0 ” , “ora” : ” ^1.2.0 ” , “portfinder” : ” ^1.0.17 ” , “postcss-import” : ” ^11.0.0 ” , “postcss-loader” : ” ^2.1.6 ” , “postcss-url” : ” ^7.2.1 ” , “rimraf” : ” ^2.6.0 ” , “selenium-server” : ” ^3.14.0 ” , “semver” : ” ^5.5.1 ” , “shelljs” : ” ^0.7.6 ” , “uglifyjs-webpack-plugin” : ” ^1.3.0 ” , “url-loader” : ” ^1.1.1 ” , “vue-jest” : ” ^1.0.2 ” , “vue-loader” : ” ^13.7.3 ” , “vue-style-loader” : ” ^3.0.1 ” , “vue-template-compiler” : ” ^2.5.17 ” , “webpack” : ” ^3.6.0 ” , “webpack-bundle-analyzer” : ” ^2.13.1 ” , “webpack-dev-server” : ” ^2.11.3 ” , “webpack-merge” : ” ^4.1.4 ” },
As you can see, we´re not only maintaining our high-level libraries of choice like nightwatch, jest and so on. We´re also maintaining libraries that they use itself. Now this is over with Vue CLI 3. Let´s have a look at the super clean dependency block now:
“devDependencies” : { “@vue/cli-plugin-babel” : ” ^3.0.3 ” , “@vue/cli-plugin-e2e-nightwatch” : ” ^3.0.3 ” , “@vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest” : ” ^3.0.3 ” , “@vue/cli-service” : ” ^3.0.3 ” , “@vue/test-utils” : ” ^1.0.0-beta.20 ” , “babel-core” : ” 7.0.0-bridge.0 ” , “babel-jest” : ” ^23.0.1 ” , “node-sass” : ” ^4.9.0 ” , “sass-loader” : ” ^7.0.1 ” , “vue-template-compiler” : ” ^2.5.17 ” },
As you dig into the directories like node_modules/@vue/cli-plugin-e2e-nightwatch , you´ll find where the used libraries of nightwatch are configured – in the respective package.json there:
“dependencies” : { “@vue/cli-shared-utils” : ” ^3.0.2 ” , “chromedriver” : ” ^2.40.0 ” , “deepmerge” : ” ^2.1.1 ” , “execa” : ” ^0.10.0 ” , “nightwatch” : ” ^0.9.21 ” , “selenium-server” : ” ^3.13.0 ” },
This is really cool, I have to admit!
The vue.config.js file
Vue CLI 3 removes the need for explicit configuration files – and thus you wont find any build or config directories in your projects root any more. This now implements a “convention over configuration” approach, which makes it much easier to kick-start a Vue.js project, as it provides widly used defaults to webpack etc. It also eases the upgradeability of Vue.js projects – or even makes it possible.
But: How do we configure webpack etc. for CORS handling, the build directories and so on? This could be done with the optional vue.config.js:
module . exports = { // proxy all webpack dev-server requests starting with /api // to our Spring Boot backend (localhost:8098) using http-proxy-middleware // see https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#devserver-proxy devServer : { proxy : { ‘/api’ : { target : ‘http://localhost:8098’ , ws : true , changeOrigin : true } } } , // Change build paths to make them Maven compatible // see https://cli.vuejs.org/config/ outputDir : ‘target/dist’ }
Updating Vue in an existing project
Update your local @vue/cli to the latest version:
npm install -g @vue/cli
Then update Vue.js and all your other JS dependencies with:
cd frontend npm update
Upgrade to Vue.js 3.x/4.x next
Let’s move from 2.6.x -> 3.x/4.x next here.
Be aware that the latest version of vue currently is 2.6.x and 3.x is considered next !
There are some resources:
And if we are using 3.x, we can even migrate to 4.x: https://cli.vuejs.org/migrating-from-v3/
Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x
There’s a migration tooling, simply use:
vue add vue-next
This took around 3 minutes or more on my MacBook and changed some files:
The package.json got some new or upgraded deps:
As John stated in his post it’s strange to find beta versions with vue , vue-router and vuex .
So in order to see what a fresh skeleton would produce, let’s also create one in another dir (I assume you have npm install -g @vue/cli installed:
mkdir vue3test && cd vue3test vue create hello-vue3
I aligned my project to match the latest skeleton generation much better: So router, store and api got their own directories. The views are now in the correct folder views – and I extracted one component to use from the newly introduced Home.vue view: the HelloSpringWorld.vue component.
I also went over the package.json and upgraded to the latest release versions instead of alphas (except @vue/test-utils which only has a rc atm).
All imports were refactored too. Coming from this style:
import Vue from ‘vue’ import Router from ‘vue-router’
everything now reads:
import { createApp } from ‘vue’ ; import { createRouter , createWebHistory } from ‘vue-router’
Also check your router.js or router/index.js! Using a path redirect like this leads to a non working routing configuration:
// otherwise redirect to home { path : ‘*’ , redirect : ‘/’ }
The error in the Browser console states:
Uncaught Error: Catch all routes ( ” * ” ) must now be defined using a param with a custom regexp. See more at https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/migration/ # removed-star-or-catch-all-routes.
I changed it to the new param with regex syntax like this:
// otherwise redirect to home { path : ‘/:pathMatch(.*)*’ , redirect : ‘/’ }
A crucial point to get jest to work again, was to add the following to the jest.config.js:
transform: { ‘^.+\\.vue$’ : ‘vue-jest’ }
Otherwise my tests ran into the following error:
npm run test:unit > [email protected] test:unit > vue-cli-service test:unit –coverage FAIL tests/unit/views/User.spec.js ● Test suite failed to run Vue packages version mismatch: – [email protected] (/Users/jonashecht/dev/spring-boot/spring-boot-vuejs/frontend/node_modules/vue/index.js) – [email protected] (/Users/jonashecht/dev/spring-boot/spring-boot-vuejs/frontend/node_modules/vue-template-compiler/package.json) This may cause things to work incorrectly. Make sure to use the same version for both. If you are using vue-loader@ > =10.0, simply update vue-template-compiler. If you are using vue-loader@ < 10.0 or vueify, re-installing vue-loader/vueify should bump vue-template-compiler to the latest. at Object. < anonymous > (node_modules/vue-template-compiler/index.js:10:9)
Luckily this so answer helped me out: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65111966/4964553
And finally Bootstrap Vue doesn’t support Vue 3.x right now: bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue#5196 – So I temporarily commented out the imports.
Add TypeScript
Vue 3.x is now build with TypeScript: https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/typescript-support.html
A static type system can help prevent many potential runtime errors as applications grow, which is why Vue 3 is written in TypeScript. This means you don’t need any additional tooling to use TypeScript with Vue – it has first-class citizen support.
There’s also a huge documentation of TypeScript itself at https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/ I can also recommend https://medium.com/js-dojo/adding-typescript-to-your-existing-vuejs-2-6-app-aaa896c2d40a
To migrate your project there’s the command:
vue add typescript
The first question arises: Use class-style component syntax? (Y/n) whether to use class-style component syntax or not. I didn’t use it. I think the interface definitions of components are concise enough without the class-style. But let’s see how this will work out.
So this was the output:
vue add typescript WARN There are uncommitted changes in the current repository, it ‘ s recommended to commit or stash them first. ? Still proceed? Yes 📦 Installing @vue/cli-plugin-typescript… added 59 packages, removed 58 packages, and audited 2219 packages in 6s 85 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 3 low severity vulnerabilities To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix –force Run `npm audit` for details. ✔ Successfully installed plugin: @vue/cli-plugin-typescript ? Use class-style component syntax? No ? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes ? Use TSLint? Yes ? Pick lint features: Lint on save ? Convert all .js files to .ts? Yes ? Allow .js files to be compiled? Yes ? Skip type checking of all declaration files (recommended for apps)? Yes 🚀 Invoking generator for @vue/cli-plugin-typescript… 📦 Installing additional dependencies… added 2 packages, and audited 2221 packages in 3s … ✔ Successfully invoked generator for plugin: @vue/cli-plugin-typescript
Now I went through all the componentes and views and extended
For now the conditional is only handled by two boolean values: loginSuccess and loginError .
To bring those to life, we implement the callLogin() method:
, methods: { callLogin() { api.getSecured(this.user, this.password).then(response => { console.log("Response: '" + response.data + "' with Statuscode " + response.status) if(response.status == 200) { this.loginSuccess = true } }).catch(error => { console.log("Error: " + error) this.loginError = true }) } }
With this simple implementation, the Login component asks the Spring Boot backend, if a user is allowed to access the /api/secured resource. The backend-api.js provides an method, which uses axios' Basic Auth feature:
getSecured(user, password) { return AXIOS.get(`/secured/`,{ auth: { username: user, password: password }}); }
Now the Login component works for the first time:
Protect multiple Vue.js components
Now we have a working Login component. Now let's create a new Protected.vue component, since we want to have something that's only accessible, if somebody has logged in correctly:
Access to protected site granted! If you're able to read this, you've successfully logged in.
Please login to get access! You're not logged in - so you don't see much here. Try to log in:
This component should only be visible, if the appropriate access was granted at the Login. Therefore we need to solve 2 problems:
Store the login state
Redirect user from Protected.vue to Login.vue, if not authenticated before
Store login information with vuex
The super dooper simple solution would be to simply use LocalStorage . But with vuex there is a centralized state management in Vue.js, which is pretty popular. So we should invest some time to get familiar with it. There's a full guide available: https://vuex.vuejs.org/guide/ and a great introductory blog post here: https://pusher.com/tutorials/authentication-vue-vuex
You could also initialize a new Vue.js project with Vue CLI and mark the vuex checkbox. But we try to extend the current project here.
First we add the vuex dependency into our package.json:
... "vue": "^2.6.10", "vue-router": "^3.0.6", "vuex": "^3.1.1" },
There are four things that go into a Vuex module: the initial state, getters, mutations and actions
Define the vuex state
To implement them, we create a new store.js file:
import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { loginSuccess: false, loginError: false, userName: null }, mutations: { }, actions: { }, getters: { } })
We only have an initial state here, which is that a login could be successful or not - and there should be a userName .
Define a vuex action login() and the mutations login_success & login_error
Then we have a look onto vuex actions: They provide a way to commit mutations to the vuex store.
As our app here is super simple, we only have one action to implement here: login . We omit the logout and register actions, because we only define one admin user in the Spring Boot backend right now and don't need an implemented logout right now. Both could be implemented later!
We just shift our logic on how to login a user from the Login.vue to our vuex action method:
mutations: { login_success(state, name){ state.loginSuccess = true state.userName = name }, login_error(state){ state.loginError = true state.userName = name } }, actions: { async login({commit}, user, password) { api.getSecured(user, password) .then(response => { console.log("Response: '" + response.data + "' with Statuscode " + response.status); if(response.status == 200) { // place the loginSuccess state into our vuex store return commit('login_success', name); } }).catch(error => { console.log("Error: " + error); // place the loginError state into our vuex store commit('login_error', name); return Promise.reject("Invald credentials!") }) } },
Instead of directly setting a boolean to a variable, we commit a mutation to our store if the authentication request was successful or unsuccessful. We therefore implement two simple mutations: login_success & login_error
Last but not least: define getters for the vuex state
To be able to access vuex state from within other components, we need to implement getters inside our vuex store. As we only want some simple info, we need the following getters:
getters: { isLoggedIn: state => state.loginSuccess, hasLoginErrored: state => state.loginError }
Use vuex Store inside the Login component and forward to Protected.vue, if Login succeeded
Instead of directly calling the auth endpoint via axios inside our Login component, we now want to use our vuex store and its actions instead. Therefore we don't even need to import the store.js inside our Login.vue , we can simply access it through $store . Thy is that? Because we already did that inside our main.js:
import store from './store' ... new Vue({ router, store, render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app')
With that configuration store and router are accessible from within every Vue component with the $ prefixed 🙂
If we have a look into our Login.vue we see that in action:
callLogin() { this.$store.dispatch('login', { user: this.user, password: this.password}) .then(() => this.$router.push('/Protected')) .catch(error => { this.error.push(error) }) }
Here we access our vuex store action login and issue a login request to our Spring Boot backend. If this succeeds, we use the Vue $router to forward the user to our Protected.vue component.
Redirect user from Protected.vue to Login.vue, if not authenticated before
Now let's enhance our router.js slightly. We use the Vue.js routers' meta field feature to check, whether a user is loggin in already and therefore should be able to access our Protected component with the URI /protected :
{ path: '/protected', component: Protected, meta: { requiresAuth: true } },
We also add a new behavior to our router, that checks if it requires authentication every time a route is accessed. If so, it will redirect to our Login component:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)) { // this route requires auth, check if logged in // if not, redirect to login page. if (!store.getters.isLoggedIn) { next({ path: '/login' }) } else { next(); } } else { next(); // make sure to always call next()! } });
Now if one clicks onto Protected and didn't login prior, our application redirects to Login automatically:
With this redirect, we also don't need the part with
inside our Login.vue, since in case of a successful login, the user is directly redirected to the Protected.vue.Check auth state at secured backend endpoints
We're now already where we wanted to be at the first place: Our Spring Boot backend has a secured API endpoint, which works with simple user/password authentication. And our Vue.js frontend uses this endpoint to do a Login and protect the Protected component, if the user didn't log in before. The login state is held in the frontend, using the vuex store.
Now if we want to go a step ahead and call a secured API endpoint in the backend from within our Protected frontend component, we need to fully store the credentials inside our vuex store, so we could access our secured resource
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Vue.js frontend | | +----------------------------------------+ | | | vuex store | | | +----------------------------------------+ | | | | | | +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Login.vue | | Protected | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+ | | | | | +-------------------------------------------|---------------|-----------+ |-------------| | +---+ +---+ +---+ | | /api/hello | | /api/user | | /api/secured +---+ +---+ +---+ | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Spring Boot backend | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
Therefore we enhance our store.js:
export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { loginSuccess: false, loginError: false, userName: null, userPass: null, response: [] }, mutations: { login_success(state, payload){ state.loginSuccess = true; state.userName = payload.userName; state.userPass = payload.userPass; }, ... }, actions: { login({commit}, {user, password}) { ... // place the loginSuccess state into our vuex store commit('login_success', { userName: user, userPass: password }); ... getters: { isLoggedIn: state => state.loginSuccess, hasLoginErrored: state => state.loginError, getUserName: state => state.userName, getUserPass: state => state.userPass }
Be sure to use the current way to define and interact with vuex mutations. Lot's of blog posts are using an old way of committing multiple parameters like commit('auth_success', token, user) . This DOES NOT work anymore. Only the first parameter will be set, the others are lost!
Now inside our Protected.vue, we can use the stored credentials to access our /secured endpoint:
{{ message }}