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How to create a SAP PO loopback interface (without receiver)
By a loopback interface I mean an interface that does not have a receiver system, but instead transmits the sent (and optionally transformed) …
Source: blogs.sap.com
Date Published: 3/13/2022
View: 4984
SAP PI / SAP PO: Interface Development with Standard Adapter
Step by Step Course that shows how to Build Interface with SAP PI / SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) Standard Adapter.
Source: www.udemy.com
Date Published: 5/12/2022
View: 7208
SAP PI/PO Tutorial: What is Process Integration & Orchestration
SAP PI (Process Integration) is an enterprise integration platform that proves seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP applications within the …
Source: www.guru99.com
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타 시스템과 인터페이스 관련 문의 – SAP 한국 커뮤니티
일단은 MES 솔루션 업체마다 SAP 관련 연동 경험이 있을테니 솔루션 검토시 영업담당에게 물어보시구요. 결과적으로는 SAP 컨설턴트/개발자 + (PO 도입시 …
Source: sapjoy.co.kr
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What is SAP PI and SAP PO? | SAP Integration – MDP Group
Organizations need to interface, integrate and monitor distributed systems in their IT architecture. SAP PO has functions that …
Source: mdpgroup.com
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What is SAP PI (PO) – Ultimate Guide – SAP Integration Hub
One of the major advantages of SAP PI is seamless implementation of interfaces using SAP integration technologies such as Intermediate Document …
Source: sapintegrationhub.com
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SAP PI – Creating Service Interface – Tutorialspoint
Step 2 − Enter the name of Service Interface (In – Inbound here) and by default, it takes the value of Namespace and the software component version. Click …
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SAP Middleware (PI/PO/CPI) Interface Development …
SAP Mdleware (PI/PO/CPI) Interface Development Alternatives 2020 · SAP Process Orchestration 7.50 (PO) · SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI).
Source: www.integration-excellence.com
Date Published: 11/27/2021
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주제와 관련된 이미지 sap po 인터페이스
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 초보자를위한 SAP PI 자습서. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

주제에 대한 기사 평가 sap po 인터페이스
- Author: myTech-school
- Views: 조회수 209,457회
- Likes: 좋아요 1,255개
- Date Published: 2015. 8. 18.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2ThNeTIYIo
How to create a SAP PO loopback interface (without receiver)
In today’s blog we want to take a look at how to implement a loopback interface on the SAP PI / PO. Before we start with the implementation, let’s take a look at what distinguishes a loopback interface and what its uses are.
Table of contents
What is a loopback interface?
When to use a loopback interface?
How to build a loopback interface Enterprise Service Repository Objects Integration Directory Objects Loopback Module configuration (this is where the magic happens!)
What is a loopback interface?
By a loopback interface I mean an interface that does not have a receiver system, but instead transmits the sent (and optionally transformed) message back to the sender.
In the past I’ve seen only solutions which involved a receiver system with a small dummy server, that responded with the request sent to it. In opposite to this, our loopback interface will work without any receiver system and thus keep its footprint as small as possible.
When to use a loopback interface?
I basically see two uses for a loopback interface:
Implementation of a mapping-only service.
If you want to carry out a complicated data transformation and at the same time want to maintain flexibility, you can outsource the mapping to a loopback interface and call it up from your application using a “lookup”.
If you want to carry out a complicated data transformation and at the same time want to maintain flexibility, you can outsource the mapping to a loopback interface and call it up from your application using a “lookup”. Implementation of a service / monitoring interface.
For example, if you want to provide system parameters such as CPU, hard disk space or database consumption (or whatever you read out using Java mapping / UDF) via an interface as an API.
If you recognize more / other use cases, please write a comment below this blog.
How to build a loopback interface
First let us setup Enterprise Service Repository (ESR) content: Data- and message types, service interfaces and message- and operation mapping.
At first let’s create the request and response data types. For our example we build two minimalistic datatypes with just one string field.
Enterprise Service Repository Objects
Next create two message types and connect them with the data types created right before.
Now we can create the Service Interfaces. Since we expect a result from our loopback interface, we will create them as “synchronous” interfaces.
Attention: For the outbound interface we use our request message type as request and the response message type as response. For the inbound interface we use the response message type as request and response! (That’s because we just want to return the message after we mapped it once.)
In the next step, we will create the Operation Mapping as also the Message Mapping. Use the Service Interfaces created one step before to define the Operation Mapping. Then add a new Message Mapping as “Request Mapping”.
For the Message Mapping, we implement a small “Hello X”-logic. It’s nothing special but should be enough to show in the later tests, that our interface works.
Save and activate all objects you’ve newly created. Then open the Integration Builder.
Integration Directory Objects
Let’s start with the communication channels. Create two SOAP channels – a sender and a receiver one. The sender channel is a regular SOAP sender channel. For now you just have to ensure, that its “Quality of Service” is set to “Best effort” (synchronous mode).
For the receiver channel we play the same game. Just create a standard SOAP receiver channel. Since we have no real receiver system, but have to provide a target url, we enter “http://nowhere.de” as url.
Create a new Integration Configuration now by using the Service Interfaces, Operation Mapping and Communication Channels we created in this tutorial. (Click image to enlarge!)
Save and activate the Integrated Configuration.
Loopback Module configuration
Now let’s go back to the communication channels. So far we have created an interface, which is not guaranteed to work. Finally, a “receiver system” is still missing in the receiver channel. Or not?
Through the targeted use of various adapter modules, we will teach SAP PI that as soon as a message arrives at the receiver channel, it is immediately sent back to the sender. In principle, we configure a kind of “sync async bridge” (as described here, for example), only that we work without a receiver system. So we are building a “sync nobody bridge”.
Let’s start with the sender channel. Open the channel object and switch to the “Module” tab. Then add three new module (in the order as shown in the screenshot below).
The modules itself shall be configured as shown in the following table:
Module Key Parameter Name Parameter Value dynConf key.0 read http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/Messaging messageId dynConf value.0 message.messageId rob passThrough true wrb timeout 30000
The most important point here is the DynamicConfigurationBean, which we use to remember the message id of the incoming message. (We need this in the receiver channel right away.)
Save and activate the sender channel and open the receiver channel. In the receiver channel we will remove the main module of the adapter itself and add two new modules instead.
By removing the channels own module (“sap.com/com.sap.aii.af.soapadapter/XISOAPAdapterBean”) we prevent the channel from running (and trying to send the message to …nowhere.de).
The modules itself shall be configured as shown in the following table:
Module Key Parameter Name Parameter Value dynConf key.1 write http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/Messaging messageId dynConf value.1 message.correlationId nrb timeout 30000
As first thing we read back the recorded own message id and set it as correlation id. (Clear text: We claim that the message correlates to itself.) Then the NotifyResponseBean is called. This bean looks for the message matching the correlationId and setting to “waiting” state (via WaitResponseBean). And what does it find? Our request message, we set to waiting state in the sender channel.
That way we created a loopback interface which works fully without any target system/server. A quick test in SoapUI approves the functionality of our interface.
Due to the many pictures, the article looks longer than it actually is. I’m saying it, because to build a loopback interface, all you need is a few simple steps and cleverly used adapter modules. It’s not that hard than it may look like.
Finally, I have two questions for you:
Have you already built a loopback interface? (And if so, how did you implement it?) What uses do you see for loopback interfaces? (Or do you think it’s completely unnecessary?)
I look forward to your comments and a lively discussion. And now – have fun building it!
SAP PI / SAP PO: Interface Development with Standard Adapter
This is one of the detailed course that is designed to cover all the aspects of Interface Development with SAP PI / SAP PO tool that can help you learn a skill and build your career in Integration space.
What SAP PI / SAP PO Adapters are covered?
You will learn Interface Development for following Adapters:
What Interface Scenarios are covered?
This course covers the following Interface Scenarios:
File with File Content Conversion
File with Availability Time Planning (ATP)
File Adapter Scheduling
JDBC to JDBC Scenario
Synchronous Interface with HTTP_AAE Adapter
Webservices with SOAP (Publish in Service Registry, Generate WSDL)
Token Authentication with REST
ECC to PO Connection
Order Scenario with IDOC
Lookup with RFC
Send email with Mail Adapter
What will your learn in this course?
This course will prepare you to:
Build End to End Interface with SAP PO / SAP PI Process Integration Tool.
How to do Client Transport from ESR and ID.
Learn How to use the Standard Adapter and Build Interface.
How to Monitor your Interface via PIMON tool .
How to Test your Interface with tools like RWB , SOAPUI and PostMan
Build Interface with Configuration Scenarios.
What Topics are covered in this Course?
End to End Development of Interface.
Integration Scenarios.
Standard Adapter Configuration.
Mapping Techniques with RFC Lookup.
Testing of the Interface with RWB, SOAPUI and Postman
Monitoring of Interface with PIMon.
Course based on:
SAP PO 7.5
Download Interface Code (TPZ)
Source Code
Supported Structures of XSD
All the hands-on training is shown on the Live PO 7.5 system so that you can do it yourself later.
SAP PI/PO Tutorial: What is Process Integration & Orchestration
What is SAP PI? SAP PI (Process Integration) is an enterprise integration platform that provides seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP applications within the organization A2A (Application to Application) or even outside the organization B2B (Business to Business). It allows organizations to exchange information between internal softwares within the company and external systems outside the company.
The SAP PI full form is Process Integration.
What is SAP PO? SAP PO (Process Orchestration) is a tool for automation and optimization of business processes. It combines features of SAP Business Process Management (BPM), SAP Process Integration (PI), and SAP Business Rules Management (BRM). In other words, SAP Process Orchestration is a more advanced version of SAP PI and has all the tools required to integrate applications.
The SAP PO full form is Process Orchestration.
Understanding SAP PI/PO with an Example
But this was a technical aspect of SAP PI, but to understand this better we will see the example of implementation of SAP Process Integration.
To understand the concept of SAP PI more clearly, we take an example of a large-scale Dairy Industry, which is operating in a large portion of a state and dominating the region. But there is some small-scale dairy industries operating in the same region, parallel to the large-scale industry which is not making a profit due to their price variation compare to large-scale industry. So to avoid the pricing conflict and maintaining the same price all over the region, large scale and small scale industry decide to link together, with the help of SAP PI. They interconnect with each other with the help of SAP PI and started to work as a single unit. Now, through SAP PI they are able to exchange all the information pertaining to dairy industry, including pricing and share an equal amount of profit.
SAP and Non-SAP systems
B2B and A2A Scenarios
Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications
Cross-component business process management
In this SAP PI/PO tutorial, we will learn
Prior to SAP PI, business would connect with each other through point-to-point communication. But this process is not used for multiple and complex processes. For smooth communication between multiple businesses, Mediated communication or Integration broker is used, and SAP PI adapts this system very well. It enables interconnection of a different process via a central location known as Integration Broker, unlike the point to point connection which is more like a spider web. The integration broker or server is an integral part of mediated communication consist of Java based Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE) and an integration engine for routing. Mediated communication is based on an integration broker which is executed by exchanging XML messages.
SAP PI PO Overview
Let see how SAP PI handles the XML messages by the help of Integration Broker. The exchange of data or message in SAP PI occurs in this four phases.
Message Transformation: During message exchange, it transforms the structure of the business data
During message exchange, it transforms the structure of the business data Message Routing: Forwarding a message sent by a sender system to one or more receiver systems
Forwarding a message sent by a sender system to one or more receiver systems Connectivity Adapters: Connecting the integration broker and receiver system, the adapter will transform the incoming message into an inbound message and later convert it to the format of the receiving system at the other end
Connecting the integration broker and receiver system, the adapter will transform the incoming message into an inbound message and later convert it to the format of the receiving system at the other end Integration Processes: Cross component Business Process Management (ccBPM) consists of functions for enhanced service orchestration.
Next in this SAP PI tutorial, we will learn How SAP PI/PO works.
How SAP PI/PO works
SAP PI performs three basic functions
Connect: SAP PI has an ability to integrate with all application regardless of whether it is an application from a 3 rd party or from the SAP. It uses the adapter framework to integrate 3 rd party solutions.
SAP PI has an ability to integrate with all application regardless of whether it is an application from a 3 party or from the SAP. It uses the adapter framework to integrate 3 party solutions. Co-ordinate: It can define a path/workflow for each business transaction that is integrated. It ensures that each message is correctly delivered from the source to the target destination
It can define a path/workflow for each business transaction that is integrated. It ensures that each message is correctly delivered from the source to the target destination Communicate: It can translate files into any format whether an internal file format or any business to business integration standard.
Next in this SAP PO tutorial, we will learn about SAP PI PO architecture.
SAP PI/PO Architecture
SAP PI/PO Architecture
SAP PI is not a single component responsible for the integration of SAP and Non- SAP application, but it is a cluster of components that together make SAP PI functional. This architecture of SAP PI or components is used during design time, configuration time and at run time. The various components of SAP PI include
System Landscape Directory:
It is a central information provider in a system landscape. SLD contains two types of information, “Component Information (Installable & Installed) and Landscape description.”
Integration Builder:
It is a tool-set which contains a set of tools for accessing and editing integration objects
Integration Repository:
To develop, design and maintain data types, message structures, mappings, interfaces, integration processes and integration scenarios independently of system landscape, integration repository is used.
Integration Server:
It is a central processing engine of the PI. All messages are processed using this server.
Central Monitoring:
With the help of this monitoring of PI domain is done, and “workbench” is the tool that is used for monitoring.
Adapter Engine:
It acts as a connector to connect the integration engine to SAP systems and other systems.
Message Processing Technique by PI:
To access data from SAP and Non-SAP application this technique is used. SAP PI uses an intermediate document like IDoc to Flat files to transfer their data.
Process Integration (PI) uses integration repository to design message structure
Integration Directory (ID) is used to configure technical parameters for objects created in IR ( Integration Repository)
Message Processing:
Once the IDOC is activated in SAP system, PI takes in charge and convert messages into XML format for its internal processing
Message Monitoring:
The messages can be monitored and traced using “Run Time Workbench”. This tool can be useful in monitoring sender and receiver adapters, Outgoing and Incoming messages, End to End monitoring of complete scenario and error traces.
Connectivity: Proxy Framework & Adapter Framework
Adapter Framework:
SAP PI connects with any external systems (SAP or Non-SAP) using the Adapter Framework. The adapter framework is based on the AS Java runtime environment and the connector architecture (JCA) version. The adapter framework consists of two default module chains if message processing is to be executed entirely within the adapter, default module chain for the adapter can be used.
One for the sender direction One for the receiver direction
There are four types of Adapters used in SAP PI
File adapters: It exchanges files with external systems
It exchanges files with external systems JMS adapters: It communicates with a messaging system
It communicates with a messaging system SOAP adapters: It communicates with providers and clients of web services
It communicates with providers and clients of web services JDBC adapters: It is an extended pack for SAP PI
Other interfaces supported by adapter framework are
Configuration Services ( API and Adapter metadata xsd) Administration Services Various service APIs provided by Adapter framework- Thread Manager, Transaction Manager) Adapter framework includes a message audit log API. The API can be used for the technical trace and logging to write trace statements that describes the execution of the code.
How adaptor framework works?
The data is received from the wire through a receive location that is listening for messages at certain protocol at a specified address After the message is received by the receive location, a message is sent to the adapter. It creates a new BizTalk message, attaches the data stream to the message. It adds any meta-data pertaining to the end-point over which the data was received and then the message is submitted to the message engine Message engine sends the message to the receive pipeline where the data is transformed into XML, here the message sender is authenticated, a message is decrypted and the XML is validated Next, the messaging engine published the message to the message box. The message box is a Microsoft SQL table containing messages to be processed The messaging engine sends the message to either the orchestration or send port.
SAP PI/PO Security
For messages, SAP PI provides the message level security for XI message protocol, for the SOAP adapter, for the RosettaNet protocol, for mail adapter, for the CIDX protocol and for connectivity with WSRM (Web Service Reliable Messaging) enabled systems. In SAP PI message level security enabled through the use of encryption, digital signature, SAML Assertion, Username token, Certificate token, etc. Authentication methods supported by WS infrastructure for transport level includes basic authentication (Password and Username), SAP assertion ticket, and HTTP over SSL.
Connecting Integration Server with WSRM (Web Service Reliable Messaging) Enabled System
To connect with WSRM enabled system you use a communication channel of adapter type WS.
You use a sender agreement with an assigned WS sender adapter to connect the Integration Server to a WS consumer
You use a receiver agreement with an assigned WS receiver adapter to connect the integration server to a WS provider
Benefits of Security in SAP PI/PO
Permissions of the receiver application are checked against the original user
In the receiver system, a user can be audited
Dynamic configuration at the PI receiver channel
New Features in SAP PI/PO
The new features in SAP PI include
Centralized monitoring based on SAP solution manager.
Very large (binary) file to file transfer
IDOC ( Intermediate Document ) and HTTP adapters in AAE (Advance Adapter Engine)
User Centric perspective in the ESR
Interface and Mapping based message split on AAE
Time Out configuration per communication channel
Automated Transport for Schema Validation
Replacing Trex, user-defined message search
User Centric perspectives in the ESR
Add-on for SAP PI: Secure Connectivity add-on (SGTP Adapter, PGP module) & B2B add-ons (OFTP adapter, AS2 adapter, EDI separator, EDI XML converter etc.)
Advantages of SAP PI/PO
In comparison to any other middleware product monitoring in SAP PI is better. It offers monitoring features like a message, performance, component monitoring and so on, all of which can be used to track and rectify the errors.
SAP PI supports various SAP components which are required while integrating with SAP PI
Adapters and mappings are good as compared with any other middleware product
Asynchronous and Synchronous communication is possible
SAP PI vs. BizTalk
SAP PI BizTalk Mostly used only by SAP customers to enable SOAP-based integration BizTalk is completely built on .Net, certified by Microsoft and SAP to Integrate with SAP directly without the need of any middleware ESB product designed and implemented to integrate SAP systems with Non- SAP Systems More generalized product, ability to integrate a variety of systems including SAP and other products SAP PI has pre-delivered message monitoring system Not available SAP PI can do multiple data transfer Not available In SAP PI automation can be manual as well as scheduled Not available SAP uses net weaver portal solution BizTalk uses MS SharePoint as a portal solution SOA architecture paradigm for SAP is eSOA ( Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture) SOA is on basis of .NET and BizTalk SAP PI Base Engine is priced based on the overall processed message volume expressed in Gigabytes/month. SAP PI is free to use between SAP-to-SAP MS BizTalk server is priced based on the server capacity. It has four different version Enterprise, Standard, Branch, and Developer
When SAP PI/PO is not recommended in enterprise SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
타 시스템과 인터페이스 관련 문의
SAP와 도입 검토중인 MES와의 인터페이스를 고려중입니다.
일반적으로 생각하시는 원자재 입고부터 완재품 출고까지 material movement를 인터페이스 하기를 원하고 manufacturing에서의 자재 투입도 생각합니다. 실시간 자재 소요가 반영이 되겠죠. 여기까지가 option1 입니다.
option2는 원자재 입고와 마지막 완제품 생산 입고 및 출고만 SAP와 연동하고 상세 실시간 재고는 MES에서만 확인합니다.
SAP에서 MES로 생산계획(오더) 정보 batch sheet,는 반영되어야 할 것으로 생각합니다.
이 경우 MES와 SAP는 어떤 방식으로 인터페이스 하고, 대략적인 공수/비용은 얼마나 필요할까요?
RFC, IDOC(?), GUI script, QM-IDI 등 들어는 봤는데 개발자가 아니라 직접 구현해 본것은 아니라 모릅니다. 별도 CBO테이블 만들어서 하는 방식일까요?
인터페이스 작업할 때 어떤 프로세스로, 어떤 방식으로 하는지도 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
예전 회사에서는 인터페이스 할때는 보통 공수가 1~2주에서 복잡한것은 한달도 있었는데, 이번에 global SAP consulting사에 문의해봤더니 인터페이스에만 5억을 태우네요. 한국에서는 SAP 도입할 수 있는 비용…
만약 DEV서버의 권한 계정만 있으면 한국 vendor에서 할 수 있나요? 더 필요한 접근 권한이 있나요?
조언과 답변 부탁 드립니다.
What is SAP PI and SAP PO?
Organizations need to interface, integrate and monitor distributed systems in their IT architecture. SAP PO has functions that meet the needs of the IT architecture of organizations. On the other hand, SAP PI facilitates organizations to serve the outside world in line with the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
SAP PO is an application integration middleware software developed by SAP for users to integrate their SAP systems with SAP or non-SAP systems, enabling the creation of synchronous and asynchronous communication. On the other hand, SAP PI is a component of the SAP Netweaver platform that provides integration between SAP PO and SAP with legacy applications or other external systems. SAP PO is the latest version after the introduction of SAP PI.
What is SAP PI?
SAP Process Integration (PI) is an enterprise integration platform that provides seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP systems, application-to-application (A2A), business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C) applications. The purpose of SAP PI is to enable organizations to seamlessly exchange information between internal software and external systems.
SAP PI integration servers are used at design time, configuration time, and runtime as integration builder, System View Directory (SLD), monitoring components and their architecture.
What is SAP PO?
SAP Process Orchestration (PO) is a tool that makes it easy to synchronize data between different systems to automate and optimize business processes. SAP PO has all the functionality of SAP Process Integration (PI) is a single Java stack plus unified features such as Business Rule Management (BRM), Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Service Repository (ESR), B2B Collaboration and cloud integration, and for application integration. SAP Process Orchestration includes all the necessary tools.
Why should Companies Use SAP PI/PO?
Before SAP PI/PO, the business world tried to manage their business through point-to-point communication, but nowadays this process cannot be used for multiple and complex transactions. Businesses need an intermediary communication or integration tool for seamless communication between multiple processes. SAP PI/PO is an integration tool designed to seamlessly deliver multiple communications. SAP PI/PO enables the interconnection of multiple different processes through a central location.
SAP PI/PO has tools that can be used by organizations for various integrations, and thanks to these tools, business processes become easier and smoother. Most targeted customers use SAP ERP and trust the SAP developers to do a good job developing useful integration tools.
What are the Advantages of SAP PI/PO?
SAP PI/PO provides multiple tools to optimize business processes and help organizations increase their competitiveness. However, it first covers a large number of integration processes. With SAP PI/PO, users implement interfaces seamlessly and developers can create three-to-end integration flows (iFlow) with minimal coding using a user-friendly interface.
Seamless integration with SAP
One of the biggest advantages of using SAP PI/PO is the seamless implementation of interfaces using SAP integration technologies such as the Intermediate Document (ALE/iDoc) Framework, Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI), Remote Function Calls (RFC), and ABAP Proxy Framework. However, SAP has a set of tools for registering SAP backend systems to System Horizontal.
The comprehensive set of connectivity options
SAP PI/PO provides a comprehensive set of adapters for integrating complex systems. It includes adapters delivered by SAP in a standard package and add-on components can be installed as needed.
Ease of interface creation
Interface developers can create end-to-end integration scenarios with a user-friendly graphical interface using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) provided by SAP. However, integration makes the effort to develop flows more effective. The ability to interface with a user-friendly graphical as an IDE and create minimal coding are the main advantages of SAP PI/PO.
Center interface monitoring capabilities
One of the biggest advantages of using SAP PI is to monitor every step of the interface runtime pipeline with a message monitor of all interfaces. Message monitor sender adapters can be configured to log information and data of interface runtime steps. However, SAP PI can be used to send automatic alerts to system administrators when interface problems are detected, thanks to its Component-Based Message Alert Framework (CBMA).
What is SAP PI/PO Consultancy?
SAP PI/PO consultancy is to ensures that the solutions used by organizations for different business processes work in an integrated manner. With SAP PI/PO consultancy, companies can prevent data confusion and data loss by ensuring that their different systems work under a single roof. On the other hand, SAP PI/PO consultant increases the efficiency of the organizations it serves by providing these tasks and the integration of these platforms.
What is SAP PI (PO)
SAP Process Integration (PI) and the latest versions known as SAP Process Orchestration (PO) are the application integration middleware provided by SAP. SAP PI (PO) is the component (middleware) of SAP Netweaver group of products that facilitates system integration between SAP and other external systems.
The very first version of SAP integration application was called XI (Exchange Infrastructure). The next major change to the system was the introduction of SAP Process Integration (PI), and the latest version is Process Orchestration (PO).
In this article, we will discuss,
The functionality of SAP PI/PO
History and evolution of SAP XI, PI, and PO
SAP PI in NetWeaver stack
Advantages of SAP PI over other middleware
The architecture of SAP Process Orchestration (PO)
How to develop interfaces in SAP PI/PO
Tools used for interface development (IDE)
How to create message mapping programs
SAP PI message processing steps at runtime
Future of SAP PI
How to learn SAP PI
The Functionalities of SAP PI (PO)
As the integration broker of SAP NetWeaver stack, SAP PI (PO) has capabilities to integrate SAP with other legacy systems and applications.
The system allows you to integrate SAP with other SAP or non-SAP systems, as well as build and execute A2A and B2B interfaces in both synchronous and asynchronous communication techniques.
Most importantly, it provides a central location for an organization to build, integrate and monitor interfaces between heterogeneous systems in the landscape. Besides, PI facilitates you to expose services to the outside world according to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
Main Functions of SAP PI Are,
Connecting systems using communication protocols such as sFTP, AS2, SOAP, HTTP, etc.
systems using communication protocols such as sFTP, AS2, SOAP, HTTP, etc. Route messages between systems. PI/PO can route messages from one sender system to one or more receiver systems based on business process rules or technical routing rules.
messages between systems. PI/PO can route messages from one sender system to one or more receiver systems based on business process rules or technical routing rules. Transform or map message formats between sender and target systems.
or map message formats between sender and target systems. Provide a run-time environment for exchanging messages between systems and interface monitoring capabilities.
environment for exchanging messages between systems and interface capabilities. Execute integration workflows with a series of steps, such as Purchase Order process integration with approval actions.
History/Evolution of SAP XI, PI and PO Versions:
History and Evolution of SAP PI from XI to CPI
Exchange Infrastructure (XI)
SAP integration platform was first introduced to customers in 2003. The product was called SAP XI (Exchange Infrastructure). The very first version was SAP XI 2.0. Then XI 3.0 was introduced. XI 3.0 was the first version of SAP XI I worked with back in 2008.
At that time, around 2008, the first version of SAP Process Integration (SAP PI) was already available to general customers. SAP released it in 2006.
SAP XI was a dual-stack system with Java stack and SAP ABAP stack. In other words, some components of the systems were installed in ABAP stack while other components were included in the Java stack. For example, Integration Engine and Business Process Engine (BPM) were based in AS ABAP stack while and Adapter Engine resided in AS Java stack.
Process Integration (PI)
PI evolved from its first version of SAP PI 7.0 to PI 7.30. Similar to SAP XI, the first few versions of PI consisted of ABAP and Java dual stacks. The first Java-only single stack integration platform PI 7.30 was introduced in 2010. Moving from dual SAP XI/PI systems to Java-only single stack version was a major milestone for this NetWeaver product.
Process Orchestration (PO)
Finally, SAP Process Orchestration (PO) was introduced by SAP in the year 2012. In a few words, SAP PO was a combination of SAP PI single stack with Business Process Management (NW BPM) and Business Rule Management (BRM). But there are several other differences between SAP PI and PO.
Cloud Platform (CPI) and HANA Cloud Platform Integration (HCI)
The newest addition to the SAP integration platform is SAP Cloud Platform (CPI) which was formally known as SAP HANA Cloud Platform Integration Service (HCI).
Keep in mind, SAP CPI is not a replacement for SAP PI/PO. It is a completely new integration product of SAP Integration Suite that allows an organization to integrate SAP cloud applications with its on-premise systems. Newer versions of SAP PO are integrated with CPI so you can harmonize on-premise and cloud integrations.
You can read more about PO to CPI migration in the linked article.
Advantages of SAP PI (PO) over Other Non-SAP Middleware
Seamless Integration with SAP
One of the major advantages of SAP PI is seamless implementation of interfaces using SAP integration technologies such as Intermediate Document (ALE/iDoc) framework, Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI), Remote Function Calls (RFC), and ABAP Proxy framework.
Moreover, SAP has provided a set of tools to easily register SAP back-end systems in the System Landscape.
Comprehensive Set of Connectivity Options (Adapters)
SAP PI provides a comprehensive set of adapters to integrate heterogeneous systems across your landscape, for example, RFC, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), File/FTP, Mail, iDoc, Java Message Service (JMS), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) are some of the adapters delivered by SAP with the standard package.
Moreover, Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Open Data Protocol (OData), Representational State Transfer (REST), Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP), EDI Separator, and X400 adapters can be installed as add-on components.
Simplicity of Building Interfaces
Interface developers can readily build end-to-end integration scenarios using Integrated Development Environments (IDE) such as Eclipse-based NetWeaver Development Studio (NWDS) or Jawa-Swing-based IDE provided by SAP.
End-to-end integrations or Integration Flows (iFlow) can be built with a user-friendly graphical interface of Eclipse NWDS. Additionally, iFlows employs standard NW BPM notation which makes the development effort more effective and the development interface even more user-friendly.
This capability of building interfaces with user-friendly graphical IDE and no coding (or minimum coding) is one of the main benefits of PI/PO compared to other tools.
Central Interface Monitoring Capabilities
Being able to monitor all interfaces centrally is one of the major advantages of SAP PI. Message Monitor of SAP PI allows you to monitor each step of interface run-time pipeline.
The state of the message (from the time it was transferred from sender system till it’s received by target system) can be monitored easily. Message monitor can be configured to log information/warning/error of interface run-time steps at sender adapter, routing determination, XML validation, message transformation, receiver adapter, etc.
Moreover, PI’s Component-Based Message Alert Framework (CBMA) can be used to send automatic alerts or emails to system admins when interface issues are detected.
The Architecture of SAP Process Orchestration (PO)
The architectures of SAP XI, PI, PO, HCI/CPI are vastly different. This is due to the constant evolution of the software from an ABAP and Java dual-stack solution to a Java-only single stack product to a Cloud-enabled product. Therefore, we need to examine the architecture of each product separately and discuss differences between SAP PI, PO, and XI.
What is SAP Process Orchestration (PO)?
SAP PO is a combination of several products bundled together.
PO includes,
Business Process Management (BPM)
Business Rule Management (BRM)
Enterprise Service Repository (ESR)
Process Integration (PI)
B2B Collaboration
Cloud Integration
Components of SAP Process Orchestration (PO)
SAP PI can be further divided into,
Enterprise Service Repository (ESR) Integration Directory (ID) System Landscape Directory (SLD) Advance Adapter Engine (AAE)
The functionality of ESR, ID, and AAE are bundled together as Advance Adapter Engine (AAX) in SAP PI/PO single stack versions.
Architecture of Java-Only Single Stack PI or PO Versions
The architecture of Single Stack SAP PI Versions
System Landscape Directory (SLD)
SLD is the central component used to register and hold information about the systems in the landscape. Metadata of systems in the landscape and their software components are stored in SLD.
Enterprise Service Repository (ESR) Content
ESR is the central repository that contains Data Types, Message Types, Service Interfaces, Message Mapping Programs, and, other object definitions of interfaces.
ES Builder
ES Builder is a tool used to define objects in ESR.
Configuration Content:
Configuration Content is the central repository that contains objects defined in the configuration time of interface development. Objects in configuration time define the technical parameters of interfaces such as Adapter configuration.
Integration Builder
Integration Builder is a set of tools that allows integration experts to configure end-to-end integrations using objects created in ESR and SLD.
Integration Experts
Integration experts are SAP PI developers and consultants who build and deploy interfaces.
Adapter Engine
Adapter Engine contains a set of adapters such as SOAP, HTTP, FTP, etc. that allow SAP PI to connect to heterogeneous systems.
Eclipse PI Tools
Also known as NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS), Eclipse PI tools allow integration developers to access and create ESR and ID objects.
Central Message Monitor
Central Message Monitor provides a set of tools for users to check run time of interfaces in SAP PI. The monitor allows system admins to inspect all message processing steps of an interface. Users can monitor adapter engine’s communication-related logs, incoming/outgoing message content, message mapping logs, message split logs, execution of routing rules, the status of content conversions, etc. using the central message monitor.
This truly is the one central component that can be used to monitor all the interfaces built in PI.
NetWeaver Administrator (NWA)
NWA is the administrator portal of SAP PI. User authorization, certificates, keys, performance-related parameters, ports, destinations, etc. are defined by SAP PI system administrators (BASIS consultants) and configured in NWA.
How to Develop Interfaces in SAP PI (PO)
If we take a simple A2A integration scenario, as an interface developer you need to configure 3 components to build the complete interface:
Step 1 – System Landscape Directory (SLD)
Step 2 – Enterprise Service Repository (ESR)
Step 3 – Integration Directory (ID)
All three components can be accessed from SAP PI home page using URL
: /dir SAP PI/PO Home Page
Step 1 – System Landscape Directory (SLD)
Systems in the integration landscape are registered in SLD as a combination of Products, Software Component Versions (SWCV), Technical Systems and Business Systems.
Different types of systems are registered using particular methods in SLD. For example, registering an SAP back-end system is different from how you represent a third-party or a stand-alone system. But user-friendly wizards are available to guide you through the system registration process.
For example, the Software Component Version (SWCV) creation wizard in SLD looks like this:
SWCV generation wizard in SLD
Of course, there is one way to skip this step. If the integrated systems are out of the organizational landscape and the technical details are unknown, systems can be represented directly in the Integration Directory (Step 3) as Business Components or Parties.
Step 2 – Enterprise Service Repository (ESR)
ESR is where you develop/design objects such as Data types and Messages Types of the sender/target messages. Furthermore, the sender (outbound) and the target (inbound) Service Interfaces are defined in ESR. Last but not least, Message Mapping programs between sender message and target message are also created in ESR.
Step 3 – Integration Directory (ID)
ID is where you configure the end-to-end Integration Scenario using the objects you created in ESR and SLD.
Communication adapters, also known as Communication Channel of the sender system and target system, are configured in ID. For example, if the sender system is an sFTP server, sFTP server hostname (IP), directory, file name format, authentication methods, archiving method, etc. are configured in this step.
Message routing between the sender and target systems are also defined in the configuration time in ID.
Configuration time in ID answers all these questions of the end-to-end integration scenario,
What is the message sender system?
Are there multiple message receivers?
Should the message receiver system be derived dynamically from the message content?
What is the mapping program to transform the sender message to the target message format?
How should the adapters be defined?
Integrated Development Environments (IDE) of SAP PI/PO
There are two IDEs that can be used for SAP PI interface development and configuration,
Java Swing Clients Eclipse-based NetWeaver Development Studio (NWDS)
Java Swing Clients
Java Swing-based clients are certainly the oldest IDE of SAP PI. It was launched during SAP XI days. Both ESR and ID developments can be completed using Swing Clients.
ESR objects are built in Enterprise Service Builder (ESB) and ID configurations are done in Integration Builder (IB).
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) should be installed in the developers’ client machine to run Swing Clients.
Enterprise Service Builder
Swing client for ESR object development
Graphical Message Mapping Program in ESB
Graphical Message Mapping program in swing ESR tool
Integration Builder
Integrated Configuration created in ID swing client
Eclipse NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS)
Fairly new IDE NetWeaver Development Studio is an Eclipse-based tool that can be used to fully develop end-to-end to integrations. Similar to Swing Clients, NWDS is capable to create ESR objects and ID configurations.
Java Developer Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) are required to use NWDS.
Advantages of using NWDS are,
A more user-friendly system in comparison with swing-based tools. One IDE for all SAP Java-based development. For example, NWDS has capabilities to create Web Dynpro application and not only integration scenarios. Possibility to leverage Eclipse IDE capabilities to create Java Mappings. A vast number of plugins for development available in Eclipse. capability to build end-to-end integrations using iFlows in NW BPM notation.
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
NWDS loading screen
Enterprise Services Browser of NWDS:
ESR perspective of NWDS
Message Mapping Program in NWDS:
Graphical Message Mapping program in NWDS ESR perspective
iFlow in PI Explorer of NWDS:
iFlow generated in NWDS
The interface created in the iFlow above loads exchange rates to SAP from an sFTP XML file sender system.
How to Create Message Mapping Programs in SAP PI/PO:
The transformation of sender message format to target message format is one of the main functionalities of a middleware.
Using either Swing Clients or NWDS you can create interface Message Mapping programs.
There are three different Message Mapping techniques in SAP PI:
Graphical Mapping Java Mapping XSLT Mapping
Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s look at each mapping technique in detail.
Graphical Mapping
This is the most commonly used mapping technique. With this method, mapping programs can be built using a graphical user interface of ES builder or NWDS.
The main advantage of this mapping technique for integration specialists is the capability to build mapping programs with a drag-and-drop option without coding. Additionally, developers can re-use standard mapping functions provided by SAP.
SAP has provided standard functions for String, Boolean, Arithmetic, Date, Node, Conversions, and Transformations. For example, Substring and Concatenate are some of the String functions. Logics, such as If, Else, Or, are available under boolean standard functions. Under Date transformations, we have date format conversion functions.
For example, if you want to transform the sender message date format of MM-DD-YYYY to receiver message date format YYYY-MM-DD, it can be done using DateTrans function without any coding. These functions can be applied to message mappings using a simple drag-and-drop feature.
Graphical mapping in SAP PI/PO
Maintenance and modification of graphical mapping programs are easier than with other techniques. This is due to the fact that mappings can be built using graphical functions without any coding. Additionally, you can inject codes using User-Defined Functions (UDF) to build complex logic.
Java Mapping
Java mapping uses the Document Object Model (DOM ) or Simple API for XML (SAX) parser techniques. Java mappings can be used to build complex logic that cannot be handled by Graphical mapping option.
XSLT Mapping
This technique is mostly used when you need to change the namespaces of the message or sort/filter/group message content. XSLT mappings use more memory than other techniques and are not easy to maintain.
Message Processing Steps in SAP PI/PO
Ultimately, after your interfaces are built and deployed, PI runtime takes care of the actual processing of the message based on the design and configuration defined. Messages are processed in a specific sequence based on the objects built in SLD, ESR, and configuration in ID.
In single stack SAP PI/PO versions, message processing is done by Advance Adapter Extended (AAX) at run-time in the sequence below.
Sender Adapter processing Inbound XML validation Receiver Determination Interface determination Message mapping Outbound XML validation Receiver Adapter processing
Overview of Message Processing Pipeline of AAX:
Message processing steps of SAP PI/PO AAX
PI/PO Practical Examples and Scenarios
I have discussed a few practical integration scenarios that make use of the capabilities of SAP PI/PO and CPI capabilities. You can find them here.
Future of SAP PI/PO
As we discussed in the beginning, SAP PI keeps on evolving. SAP regularly adds new functionalities and capabilities to PI. Due to these improvements, the architecture of PI has changed drastically and some components have become obsolete.
Removal of ABAP Stack
Moving from dual-stack SAP XI/PI versions to Java-only single stack versions is already a reality. As of now, newer versions of SAP PO do not include the dual-stack installation option.
Starting from PO 7.31 onward, dual-stack installation is not available. Therefore, it’s important for organizations with dual-stack installations to migrate to a newer Java version of SAP PO.
Cloud Integration Runtime Included in On-Premise SAP PO
Following the recent trend on cloud-based applications, SAP introduced SAP HCI and CPI for cloud-based integration scenarios. HCI and CPI can be used to design and deploy only cloud-based integration scenarios. On-premise SAP PO was not able to handle cloud integrations.
But with recent changes to SAP PO, we are able to use SAP PO as a hybrid solution for both on-premise and cloud-based integrations.
You can launch SAP CPI content in on-premise SAP PO.
Cloud Integration Integrated with on-premise PO
This functionality of SAP PO and hybrid architecture are still evolving. In the future, we will be able to have one single integrated solution with more capabilities to deploy both on-premise and cloud integrations.
B2B Add-On for B2B EDI Integration Instead of Seeburger Adapter:
With the introduction of B2B Integration Cockpit functionality of Seeburger Adapter has become obsolete. You can build B2B EDI integrations effectively using the B2B add-on.
B2B add-on is compatible with SAP PI or PO version 7.1 or higher. Add-on can be installed in SAP PO with a few easy steps.
EDI message type configured in SAP PI/PO B2B Cockpit
You can configure the EDI cockpit to handle different EDI formats such as Edifact, ANSI X.12, Tradacoms, VDA, and EANCOM. B2B Cockpit also has capabilities to build custom modules to convert text file formats such as CSV or plain text to XML.
Additionally, B2B adapters AS2, OFTP, EDI Separator, and X400 are included in the package.
In conclusion, B2B Integration Cockpit is the tool of the furure, while Seeburger adapter is left in the past.
How to Learn SAP PI?
When it comes to the topic of learning SAP PI, one should understand that experience is as important as technical knowledge. Experience in integrations is a major factor in how the roles of SAP PI Consultant vs SAP PI Developer are defined.
With the right technical knowledge in creating mapping programs, building iFlows, configuring Adapters, etc. you can become a solid SAP PI developer.
But in order to become an SAP PI Consultant, you should be able to,
build integration architecture concepts
define development guidelines and naming conventions
conduct integration-related workshops
understand business processors
define EDI techniques suitable for the organization
have knowledge of best practices for adapter usage
lead a team of technical consultants and developers
manage customer expectations and escalations
solve problems and communicate effectively with business users, IT technical team and third party system owners.
These skills come with experience!
Learn SAP PI Online
If you are a fresher or have no previous knowledge in SAP PI, my advice is to follow SAP PI technical courses online. Make sure to understand the profile of the tutor before you sign up for these courses. A good tutor should have in-depth knowledge about SAP PI with multiple years of SAP implementation experience.
Search Udemy, Teachable, or other reputed online learning platforms for SAP PI courses.
Join an SAP Consultancy Firm or Internal IT Team
In my opinion, the best way to learn SAP PI is by implementing real-life integration scenarios. You can join the SAP IT team of a company that has SAP PI implemented and learn PI while working on troubleshooting issues, monitoring the system, and building real-time integrations.
The main advantage of this method over following a technical course is gaining valuable experience while learning the subject.
Whichever method you choose to learn SAP PI, I wish you all the best!
If you have further questions on SAP PI, leave a comment below. Also, you can check my other articles on SAP PI and ABAP topics.
SAP PI – Creating Service Interface
SAP PI – Creating Service Interface
Let us now understand how to create a service interface. We have to create two service interfaces — one for inbound and one for outbound.
Step 1 − Right click Namespace → New → Interface Objects → Service Interface
Step 2 − Enter the name of Service Interface (In – Inbound here) and by default, it takes the value of Namespace and the software component version. Click Create button.
Step 3 − In Inbound Service Interface, enter the category as Inbound and the the mode of communication as Synchronous or Asynchronous.
Step 4 − Now, define the Message Type by dragging it from the left pane to Service Interface Inbound Request Message as below. Click the Save button at the top.
Step 5 − Go to Service Interface and Activate after saving this Service Interface.
Step 6 − Similarly, create a Service Interface for outbound process.
Step 7 − You can select the Service Interface → Object → New.
Step 8 − Enter the name of Service Interface (Out represents outbound process).
Step 9 − Click Create button to create the interface.
Step 10 − In the next window, define the category and the mode of communication for Outbound Service Interface. As we have one message type for both service interfaces, drag the Message Type from the left pane to request message and click Save.
Step 11 − Once it is saved, click Activate button under the Service Interface button.
SAP Middleware (PI/PO/CPI) Interface Development Alternatives 2020
This blog post discusses the various development options we have with the current SAP Middleware products:
SAP Process Orchestration 7.50 (PO)
SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI)
Lets assume we have both options available, being a SAP PO 7.50 customer who also purchased a SAP CPI tenant e.g. for B2G scenarios (SII spain). Now lets discuss the options we have when we build new integrations:
Option 1: SAP PO Integrated Configuration / iFlow
Integrated Configuration
This is the typical use case, having a message sent from sender to receiver through an integrated configuration (ICO) using a sender channel, routing, mapping and a receiver channel.
Classic PI/PO setup, known area (no surprises)
No stateful message processing, unless you use BPM
Option 2: SAP Cloud Platform Integration
SAP CPI running in the Cloud
This is a use case to connect e.g. two cloud applications or (e.g. in case of B2G) to connect SAP ECC/ERP/S4 with the legal authorities of Spain (SII).
Prepackaged Integration Content available from SAP and Partners
Connectivity and Messaging runs in the Cloud
On-Premise Connectivity possible through SAP Cloud Connector
Option 3: Cloud Integration Content on SAP PO 7.50
Local Cloud Integration Content deployed on SAP PO 7.50
Here the modeling if an Integration Flow takes place in SAP CPI, but the artifact is deployed on SAP Process Orchestration.
On-Premise Connectivity
Complex scenarios with stateful message processing supported
Option 4: ICO and Cloud Integration Content on SAP PO 7.50
Co-existence of CPI Content and ICO
Both objects are deployed in co-existence on SAP PO. The ICO calls the local CPI iFlow (or vice versa) typically using the SOAP XI 3.0 or SOAP 1.1 protocol.
Separation of duties: ICO for classic connectivity and mapping/routing, CPI content for stateful message processing (e.g. Aggregate)
Option 5: SAP CPI and SAP PO in Co-Existence
Co-existence of SAP CPI and SAP PO
SAP CPI (running in the Cloud) together with SAP PO (On-Premise).
Inbound: This makes sense e.g. if you have no public IP Address and inbound connectivity from the internet is not possible for SAP PO. The incoming communication can be handled via SAP CPI and messages can be sent to SAP PO via SAP Cloud Connector
Outbound: Modern APIs might require multiple interactions which has to be implemented in Mappings (via Lookup) or Adapter Modules with classic ICOs. CPI offers many more flexibility here!
There are also other flavors of this option available:
SAP CPI integration content deployed on-premise and in the cloud
Using a combination of all possible cases
SAP PO can also run in the Cloud (Microsoft Azure, AWS, SAP HEC), but we consider this as the On-Premise Installation, as this not a SaaS/IPaaS approach, but rather a hosted scenario (infrastructure-as-a-service).
The future option will be a SAP CPI runtime made available On-Premise which is independent from (the NetWeaver based) SAP Process Orchestration (expected 2021).
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