대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지 | 대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (Page 167) 상위 149개 베스트 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지 – 대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167)“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 you.tfvp.org 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: https://you.tfvp.org/blog/. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 오각도리쌤 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 167회 및 좋아요 없음 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167) – 대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167)

대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답입니다. 저작권은 해당 출판사에 있습니다. 대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지는 아래로 내리면 있습니다.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: caac.tistory.com

Date Published: 3/11/2022

View: 7591

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1권 답지 해설 바로보는 사진답지 …

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1권 답지 해설 바로보는 사진답지 빠른답지 모바일최적화. 다운로드 받을필요 없이 바로 볼수 있는 모바일에 최적화된 답지 …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: mathuncle.tistory.com

Date Published: 1/12/2021

View: 5449

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답. … 동사: smells 보어: good. 2-1 주어 첫걸음. 중학 영문법. 본문 10 쪽. 1. 03 동사: go 해석: 나의 어머니와 여동생은 …

+ 여기에 더 보기

Source: 123dok.co

Date Published: 7/22/2021

View: 3671

대치동 영문법 3600제 정답과해설 – 대치북스

이글 공유하기; 게시글을 twitter로 보내기; 게시글을 facebook으로 보내기. 이글의 추천수 : 1 추천하기. 목록. RSS, 총 20개 게시물이 있습니다.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: d1books.co.kr

Date Published: 12/9/2022

View: 1445

대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (Page 167) 142 개의 정답

중학 영문법. 본문 10 쪽. 1. 02 동사: goes. 해석: Jack은 매주 일요일에 낚시하러 간다. 03 동사: go.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: you.covadoc.vn

Date Published: 11/17/2021

View: 620

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 3 답지 (2019)

더보기 시험완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석 3 정답과 해설 Chapter 1-1 1 문장의 구조 1-1 문장의 필수요소 첫걸음 2-3 감각동사 본문 08 쪽 첫걸음 …

+ 여기에 보기

Source: dabji.org

Date Published: 9/8/2022

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대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1(개정판)대치북스 편집부 – 교보문고

시험 완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석 | ▷ 이 책은 중학 영문법을 다룬 이론서입니다.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: www.kyobobook.co.kr

Date Published: 2/9/2022

View: 9500

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 다운 받기 (중1 중2 중3)

이번 포스팅은 대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 다운 방법을 알려드릴게요. ​. 코로나 바이러스 확산으로 연기되었던 등교가 드디어 마무리되었네요.

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: blog.naver.com

Date Published: 2/21/2021

View: 657

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 학년별 파일 받기

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 소개 코로나로 인해 연기되었던 등교가 “4차 등교”을 마지막으로 모든 유치원생과 초중고교생이 학교에 가게 되었죠.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: mo-mo.tistory.com

Date Published: 11/28/2021

View: 6088

주제와 관련된 이미지 대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167). 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167)
대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167)

주제에 대한 기사 평가 대치동 중학 영문법 3600 제 1 답지

  • Author: 오각도리쌤
  • Views: 조회수 167회
  • Likes: 좋아요 없음
  • Date Published: 실시간 스트리밍 시작일: 2020. 7. 10.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8L4391QZH0

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답


대치동 중학영문법 3600 제 1 답지 정답입니다 .

저작권은 해당 출판사에 있습니다.

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지는

아래로 내리면 있습니다. ^^

[ 표지 확인하세요! ]

첫 번째 이야기 : 책 소개

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 교재는 챕터별 구성으로 군더더기 없는 문법을 완성 할 수 있습니다. 첫 걸음, 실력다지기, 개념 다지기 순으로 단계별 구성으로 학습할 수 있습니다. 실전 응용 문제들을 학습하고 완벽하게 서술형 문제들까지 대비할 수 있습니다. 한바닥 정리를 통해 문법 개념을 총정리 할 수 있습니다.

반드시 답안 확인 및 오답 체크에만 사용하세요!

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지는

아래 있으니 다운받아 확인하세요.^^

PDF 파일이므로 PDF 뷰어는 따로 받으시고

답지를 받아 사용하시기 바랍니다.

도움이 되셨으면 ♥에 도장 꾹! 해주시면

블로거에게 많은 도움이 됩니다.

대치동 3600제 1권 정답및해설.pdf 2.65MB


대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1권 답지 해설 바로보는 사진답지 빠른답지 모바일최적화


여러분의 하트 하나에 큰 힘이 납니다

진심으로 감사드립니다

‘로그인없이’ 누르실 수 있어요

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1권 답지 해설 바로보는 사진답지 빠른답지 모바일최적화

다운로드 받을필요 없이 바로 볼수 있는 모바일에 최적화된 답지 입니다

필요한 답지가 있다면 댓글로 신청해주세요

최대한 빨리 찾아서 올려드리겠습니다

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1권 답지 해설 바로보는 사진답지 빠른답지 모바일최적화


대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답

(1) 시험완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석. 1 정답과 해설.

(2) Chapter 1-1. 1. 문장의 구조. 02 주어: Mike, Jenny, and Sarah 해석: Mike, Jenny와 Sarah는 같은 도시 에 산다.. 1-1 문장의 구조 첫걸음. 본문 8 쪽. 01 주어: I . 02 주어: Jenny 03 주어: It . 04 주어: The weather 05 주어: My mother 06 주어: Helen 07 주어: Paul . 08 주어: Karen and Nick. 본문 7 쪽. 동사: walked 동사: plays 동사: is. 03 주어: I 해석: 나는 사과와 바나나를 좋아한다.. 04 주어: Kate’s father 해석: Kate의 아버지는 과학자이다. 05 주어: He 해석: 그는 굉장히 관대하다.. 동사: is. 동사: has. 동사: reads 동사: likes. 동사: study. 2-2 동사 첫걸음. 본문 11 쪽. 01 동사: is 해석: 내가 가장 좋아하는 영화는 ‘해리포터’ . 1-2 문장의 필수요소. 이다.. 첫걸음. 본문 9 쪽. 01 주어: The music 목적어: the movie 주어: I 02 목적어: history 03 주어: The food 목적어: 없음 . 동사: made. 보어: interesting 동사: love 보어: 없음. 동사: smells 보어: good. 2-1 주어 첫걸음. 중학 영문법. 본문 10 쪽. 1. 03 동사: go 해석: 나의 어머니와 여동생은 중국에 간다. 04 동사: likes 해석: Paul은 Anna를 좋아한다. 05 동사: has 해석: Karen은 차를 가지고 있다.. 2-3 목적어. 01 주어: My friends and I 해석: 내 친구들과 나는 9시에 학교에 간다.. 02. 02 동사: goes 해석: Jack은 매주 일요일에 낚시하러 간다.. 첫걸음 01 목적어: playing with my friends. 본문 12 쪽. 해석: 나는 친구들과 함께 노는 것을 좋아한다..

(3) 02 목적어: strawberries 해석: Karen은 딸기를 먹는다.. 2-5 명사의 인칭과 인칭대명사. 03 목적어: the piano 해석: Jane은 피아노를 연주한다.. 첫걸음. 04 목적어: my pen 해석: Harry는 내 펜을 빌린다. 05 목적어: coffee 해석: Laura은 커피를 마신다.. 2-4 보어 첫걸음. 본문 13 쪽. A 01 주어: a student. 해석: Henry는 학생이다.. 02 주어: hard-working 해석: Nick은 성실하다.. 03 주어: interesting 해석: Jake는 영화가 흥미롭다고 생각한다. 04 주어: a scientist 해석: Ben은 과학자이다.. 05 주어: good 해석: 그 음식은 좋은 냄새가 난다.. B 01 주어 03 동사 05 주격보어 07 동사 09 목적어 11 주격보어 13 목적격보어 15 주격보어 . 02 목적격보어. 주어 19. 20 목적어. 동사 17. 04 동사. 06 주격보어 08 주어 10 목적어. 12 목적어 . 14 목적격보어 16 동사 18 목적어. 본문 16 쪽. A 01 He or She 03 It 05 We 07 We 09 You 11 She 13 It 15 It 17 He 19 We. 02 She. B 01 Her 03 it 05 his 07 Their 09 Our 11 It 13 It 15 theirs 17 her 19 theirs. 02 His. C 01 hers 03 Her 05 his 07 their 09 theirs 11 his 13 His 15 its 17 My 19 her 21 him 23 mine 25 Her . 02 you. 04 He. 06 They 08 It. 10 She 12 He. 14 They 16 She. 18 They 20 We. 04 It. 06 his. 08 their 10 His 12 It. 14 yours 16 hers 18 It. 20 Its. 04 her. 06 hers. 08 Its 10 them. 12 yours 14 me 16 It. 18 Their 20 hers 22 His. 24 yours 26 He. 정답과 해설. 03.

(4) . 27 him. 28 my. 29 your 30 them. 개념다지기 warm up. 05 terrible . 06 wisely. 3-3 3형식. 본문 19 쪽. 1 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어 . 첫걸음. 2 ( X ). 3 앞, ~가 / 이 . 4 뒤, ~을 / 를 5 뒤, 명사, 형용사. 01 ( O ) . 02 1형식. 05 ( O ) . 06 1형식. 03 ( O ) . 6 명사 보충. 07 5형식 . 7 목적어. 09 2형식. 8 보어 9 명사, 사람을 대신해주는 말. 본문 22 쪽. 04 2형식 08 1형식 10 ( O ). 10 주격대명사, I, You, He, She, It, They, We. 11 목적격대명사, me, you, him, her, it, them,. 3-4 4형식. 12 소유격, ~의, 뒤에 반드시 명사. 첫걸음. us. 13 소유대명사, ‘소유격+명사’, 명사. 본문 20 쪽. 01 ( O ). 02 3형식. 05 2형식 . 06 ( O ). 07 me some salt. 04 3형식. 08 teaches us English. 09 get her some water. 08 3형식. 10 bake my family a chocolate cake. 3-5. 첫걸음. 4형식 문장을 3형식 문장으로 바꾸기. 본문 21 쪽. 01 nice . 03 gracefully. 중학 영문법. 05 him the ticket. 06 John tells me a story.. 3-2 2형식. 04. 02 Bring me some food.. 04 Buy them something to drink.. 첫걸음. 07 ( O ) . 01 him your book. 03 Send me a present.. 3-1 1형식. 03 ( O ) . 본문 23 쪽. 1. 02 beautiful. 04 beautifully. 첫걸음 A 01 to . 03 of . 본문 24 쪽. 02 for 04 to.

(5) 05 to 07 to. 06 fot. 06 ( O ). 08 of. 07 ( O ). 09 for 10 to. 08 They → Their 09 of → to. B 01 Jane sent a postcard to me.. 02 My boyfriend bought roses for me.. 03 My uncle gave a present to me.. 05 My mother made a birthday cake for me.. 06 Andy told the secret to his friend.. 07 The asked a question of me.. 08 Michael wrote a letter to his girlfriend. 09 Will you pass the salt to me?. 10 I brought some cookies to them.. 본문 26 쪽. 해석: 그 음악은 Phil을 행복하게 만든다.. 목적격보어: president. 02 해석: 그들은 Kate를 의장으로 선출한다.. 03 목적격보어: safe 해석: 그 기사는 그것을 안전하게 지킨다.. 04 목적격보어: easy 해석: Danny는 그 책이 쉽다는 것을 알게 된다.. 01 ( O ). 14 ( O ). 15 sadly → sad 01 목적어 . 02 목적어. 05 목적어 . 06 목적어. 03 보어 . 본문 27 쪽. 04 목적어. 07 보어 . 08 목적어. 11 목적어. 12 보어. 15 목적어. 16 보어. 19 보어 . 20 목적어. 13 목적어 . 01 목적격보어: happy . 실력다지기 check up. 12 his → him. 09 보어. 3-6 5형식. 11 sourly → sour 13 His → He. 04 She found the article for me.. 첫걸음. 10 ( O ). 17 보어. 10 목적어 14 보어 18 목적어. 개념다지기 warm up. 본문 29 쪽. 1 ( O ) 2 ( O ). 3 ( X ) . 4 타동사 5 주어+ 동사 6 I walk to school.. 7 주어+ 동사 + 보어. 8 This looks nice. 9 주어+ 동사+ 목적어. 02 ( O ). 10 I study English. 11 주어+동사 + 간접목적어 +직접목적어. 04 to → for. 12 I gave her a present.. 03 strictly → strict 05 ( O ). 13 주어+동사 + 목적어 + 목적격보어. 정답과 해설. 05.

(6) 26 ④ g.는 목적어의 순서가 바뀜. 27 ③ 해설 (b) a 없앰 (c) seriously → serious. 14 I make my parents happy.. 28 ③ 해설 (a) happily → happy (e) greatly →. 15 ( O ). 16 2, ( O ). great. 29 ⑤ 4형식 문장을 찾아야 함. 30 ④ 해설 ① 3형식 ② 3형식 ③ 3형식 ⑤ 3형식. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 30 쪽. 1④. 2 ② it is의 축약형은 it’s이며, its는 it의 소유격 이다. 3⑤. 4④. 6⑤ 7①. 8 ③ 소유격과 소유대명사의 구분이 중요!. 9 ⑤ 해설 ① Our → We ② Him → He ③ His → Her ④ Theirs → They 10 ③. 11 ④ make는 for을 사용하므로 for을 사용하는 동 사 찾기 해설 ① to ② to ③ to ⑤ of. 12 ③ ⑤ 목적어 자리에는 he대신 him이 와야 한다. 해설 ① he → him ② he → him ④ to 없앰.. 13 ② b. she → he f. we → they g. they → you. 14 ① look은 감각동사이므로 형용사가 뒤에 온다.. 15 ① ③ ④ 빈칸 뒤에 형용사 delicious가 오므로, 2형식 동사를 고른다. 17 ②. 18 ①. 19 ⑤ look 뒤에는 형용사가 와야 하는데, lonely,. beautiful, cool, sad는 형용사이지만, happily는 부사다. 20 ③. 21 ⑤. 22 ① taste 뒤에는 형용사가 와야 하는데, greatly 는 부사다.. 23 ⑤ taste 뒤에는 형용사가 와야 하는데, deliciously는 부사다. 24 ④. 06. 25 ③ show는 전치사 to를 쓴다.. 중학 영문법. 32 ⑤ 해설 ① 3형식 ② 3형식 ③ 3형식 ④ 3형식. 33 ③ 해설 ① 5형식 ② 1형식 ④ 3형식 ① 1형식 34 ② 해설 ② loudly → loud. 35 ② ③ 해설 ① calmly → calm ④ peacefully → peaceful ⑤ nicely → nice. 5 ① 뒤에 명사가 오는 경우, 소유격을 써야 한다.. 16 ①. 31 ④ 해설 ① 2형식 ② 4형식 ③ 2형식 ⑤ 5형식. 1. 36 ② 해설 ② well → good. 37 ③ 해설 ② strangely → strange 38 ① 해설 ② softly → soft. 39 ③ buy는 전치사 to가 아닌 for이 와야 적절하다. 40 ③. 41 ②. 43 ④. 44 ④ take는 4형식동사가 아님. 42 ① give, send, bring, show는 to를 사용 45 ② 빈칸에 오는 것은 the book to 47 ② ④. 48 ②. 46 ⑤. 49 ② ③ 소유대명사를 찾아야 함. 50 ④ 주격보어와 목적격보어의 차이. 51 ④ 4형식 문장을 찾아야 함. 해설 ① 3형식 ② 5 형식 ③ 3형식 ⑤ 5형식. 52 ① ② ④ ⑤ 형용사를 찾아야 함. 53 ② 사물의 소유격을 표현할 때에는 A’s B가 아니 라 B of A로 쓴다.. 54 ④ explain은 4형식 동사가 아니다. 55 ① ④ buy와 make는 전치사 for. 56 ③ 해설 ① to → of ② presents for me ④ to → for ⑤ letter to her 57 ③. 58 ⑤. 59 ① 해설 ② for → to ③ to → of ④ salt to me ⑤ letter to my 60 ⑤. 61 ③. 62 ① 형용사가 올 수 있는 2형식 동사가 필요하다..

(7) 63 ⑤ 소유대명사가 아닌 것을 찾아야 한다. 64 ③. 65 ①. 66 ④. 67 ③. 68 ③. 69 ① 나머지는 주격보어의 형용사이며, ①번의 형용 사는 명사를 수식하는 형용사이다.. 서술형 대비. 1 The ttt looks graceful.. 2 I wanted to borrow my sister’s computer. 3 He is a friend of mine.. 4 Paul buys beautiful flowers for Jane 혹은 Paul buys Jane beautiful fl owers. 5 These jeans look nice on you. 6 a friend of my father’s.. 7 (1) My sister asked a lot of questions of me.. (2) He bought a piece of cake for me. (3) She brought a new bag to me.. 8 (A) to (B) of (C) to. 9 Jane teaches science to the students. 또는 Jane teaches the students science.. 정답과 해설. 07.

(8) Chapter 1-1. 2. 주어와 동사의 관계. 수의 일치 – 단수명사와. 1-1 복수명사 (규칙) 첫걸음 01 shirts. 03 benches. 05 tomatoes. 09 boxes. 13 birds. 07 zoos. 08. 11 sisters. 53 stories. 54 selves. 57 thieves. 58 cats. 55 diaries. 59 beefs. 02 dishes. 61 shelves. 06 radios. 65 parties. 10 apples. 04 pianos. 08 brothers. 63 safes. 67 cherries 69 lives. 56 phones 60 chimneys 62 bodies 64 leaves. 66 families 68 beliefs. 70 candies. 12 jobs. 14 churches. 15 cities. 수의 일치 – 단수명사와. 16 stars. 17 dogs. 1-2 복수명사 (불규칙). 18 ladies. 19 flowers. 20 watches. 21 babies. 첫걸음. 22 days. 23 maps. 24 potatoes. 25 monkeys 27 tests. 29 pens. 31 teams 33 heros. 35 brushes. 본문 47 쪽. 01 children. 02 feet. 06 men. 26 classes. 03 fish. 30 apples. 34 buses. 28 keys. 05 teeth. 32 umbrellas. 09 geese. 07 snowmen 11 mice. 04 sheep 08 deer. 10 oxen. 12 women. 36 friends. 37 mothers. 38 pencils. 39 cups. 41 boys. 40 fathers. 1-3 셀 수 없는 명사. 44 days. 첫걸음. 42 girls. 43 toys. 45 wives. 46 holidays. 47 knives. 48 clocks. 49 foxes. 50 wolves. 51 factories. 중학 영문법. 본문 44 쪽. 본문 43 쪽. 52 photos 1. 본문 48 쪽. A 01 ( X ). 02 ( O ). 06 ( O ). 03 ( X ). 05 ( O ). 04 ( O ).

(9) 07 ( X ). 08 ( X ). B 01 cup . 02 pieces / slices. 12 ( O ). 05 glass. 06 slice. 09 ( O ). 13 ( X ). 11 ( O ) 15 ( O ) 17 ( O ) 19 ( X ) 21 ( X ). 23 ( O ) 25 ( X ) 27 ( X ). 29 ( O ) 31 ( O ) 33 ( X ). 35 ( O ) 37 ( O ) 39 ( O ) 41 ( X ). 10 ( X ) 14 ( X ). 22 ( X ). 수의 일치 – be동사의. 26 ( O ). 첫걸음. 28 ( X ) 30 ( X ) 32 ( X ). 34 ( O ) 36 ( X ). 본문 52 쪽. 01 are . 02 is. 05 are. 06 is. 03 are. 04 is. 38 ( O ) 40 ( O ). 2-2 수의 일치 – 일반동사. 42 ( O ). 첫걸음. 04 a team 08 Air. 10 fresh bread. 02 finds. 10 begins. 07 likes. 11 walks. 09 catches 13 starts. 15 goes 본문 50 쪽. 02 glasses, beer. 04 bottles, beer 06 slices, cheese 08 pairs, pants. 10 pairs, scissors. 본문 53 쪽. A 01 gets 03 draws 05 washes. 1-4 단위명사. A 01 slice, meat 03 pound, sugar 05 pieces, paper 07 piece, cake 09 pounds, meat. 10 piece. 2-1 단수와 복수. 24 ( O ). 06 Hope. 첫걸음. 08 piece. 20 ( X ). 05 a dictionary 09 a tree. 09 pieces. 18 ( O ). 02 salt. 07 paper. 04 slice / piece. 07 pound. 16 ( O ). B 01 Spain 03 Sam. 03 pairs. 17 talks. 21 tells. 19 shows 23 sounds. 25 teaches 27 sends. 29 swims. 04 reads . 06 wakes. 08 works 12 knows. 14 finishes 16 plays. 18 listens. 20 marries 22 tastes. 24 cooks. 26 watches 28 gives. 30 smells. 정답과 해설. 09.

(10) . 31 writes. 32 buries. 35 pushes. 36 relays. 33 prays. 37 learns. 03 understands. 05 discusses. 07 impresses. 09 cries. 11 look. 15 buy. 17 smells, tastes. 19 have. 21 gives. 04 watches . 4 일반동사의 단수형은 동사 뒤에 (e)s가 붙는다. 동사의 형태에 따라 단수형을 만드는 방법이 조금 달라질 수 있다.. 10 misses. 동사 끝이 ‘-o, -s, -x, -ch, -sh’로 끝나 면 ‘동사원형+es’로 나타낸다. (goes). 14 visits. 18 needs. 동사 끝이 ‘자음+y’로 끝나면 y를 i로 바꾸고 ‘es’를 붙이고, 동사 끝이 ‘모음+y’로 끝나면 ‘동사원형+s’로 쓴다. (studies / buys). 5 (O). 08 loses. 16 seems 20 go. 실력다지기 check up 01 pen → pens 02 are → is. 03 is → are. 중학 영문법. 1. 3 ( O ). 06 tidies. 6 is. 7 are. 8 ( O ). 24 passes. 25 finishes. 10. 2 information, advice, water, air, fire. 02 love. 22 washes. 23 studies. 본문 57 쪽. 1 ( O ). 12 addresses. 13 needs. 개념다지기 warm up. 60 pays. B 01 go . 15 forget → forgets. 58 mixes. 59 dries. 14 hurry → hurries. 56 applies. 57 hides. 13 ( O ). 54 replies. 55 asks. 12 ( O ). 52 flies. 53 cries. 11 tomatos → tomatoes. 50 lays. 50 stays. 10 copy → copies. 48 worries. 49 copies. 09 get → gets. 46 wears. 47 carries. 08 is → are. 44 sells. 45 enjoys. 07 Boxs → Boxes. 42 says. 43 feels. 06 Potatos → Potatoes. 40 studies. 41 buys. 05 are → is. 38 makes. 39 thinks. 04 ( O ). 34 pulls. 본문 56 쪽.

(11) 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. wash → washes 본문 58 쪽. 1 ② am → are. 2 ② am not의 약어는 ain’t이다.. 3 ① ①의 주어는 복수, 나머지 ②~⑤의 주어는 단수. 30 ③ teach → teaches. 31 ② The library는 단수이므로 단수동사 is로 바 꿔야 한다.. 32 ③ Paul은 단수이므로 단수동사 likes로 바꿔야 한다.. 이다.. 33 ⑤ man → men. 5 ③ 주어진 문장의 They는 복수이므로, 복수동사 are이 들어가고, (C)를 제외한 나머지는 모두 복수주. 야 한다.. 4 ⑤ is → are. 어이다.. 6 ③ 주어가 단수이므로 단수동사 is를 써야한다.. 7 ② 주어가 복수이므로 복수동사 are을 써야 한다. 8 ⑤ tooth의 복수형은 teeth이다.. 9 ④ 해설 ① her → his ② goes → go ③ his →. 34 ④ Kate는 단수이므로 단수동사 has로 바꿔 35 ④ Peter는 단수이므로 단수동사 loves로 바꿔 야 한다.. 36 ④ Mike는 단수이므로 단수동사 plays로 바꿔야 한다.. 37 ① tooth는 단수이므로 복수형 teeth로 바 꿔야 한다.. her ⑤ are → is. 38 ③ pizza는 단위명사 slice 혹은 piece를 사. learn → learns ⑤ likes → like. 39 ② Two가 앞에 있으므로, 복수명사와 복수동사. 12 ① is → are. 40 ④ 해설 ① piece → pieces ② are → is ③ many → much ⑤ are → is(news는 단수. 10 ③ 해설 ① has → have ② want → wants ④ 11 ③ am → are. 13 ② 해설 ② heros → heroes ③ ch로 끝나도 발 음이 [k]일때는 그냥 s를 붙힌다. 14 ③. 15 ④ foots → feet. 16 ③ teachs → teaches 17 ⑤ plaies → plays. 18 ④ you는 단수/복수 모두 are을 사용한다. 19 ②. 20 ⑤. 21 ② plays → play. 22 ④ ④번은 주어가 단수이므로 is가 적절하다.. 용한다.. 를 사용한다.. 명사이다). 41 ② 해설 ① coffees → coffee ③ egg → eggs ④ toies → toys ⑤ peoples → people(people은 이미 복수명사이다). 42 ② likes → like. 43 ③ 해설 ① movies → movie ② books → book ④ bags → bag ⑤ is → are. 23 ③ likes go → likes to. 24 ③ 해설 b. like → likes / d. need → needs / e. forget → forgets. 25 ④ 해설 ① are ② are ③ are ④ is ⑤ are. 26 ⑤ 해설 ① a milk → milk ② Sugars are → sugar is ③ salts → salt ④ A water → Water 27 ② (B)를 제외한 나머지는 are 이 적절하다. 28 ② are → is. 29 ② 해설 hurts → hurt / skip → skips /. 정답과 해설. 11.

(12) 서술형 대비. 1 are 해설 trousers가 복수이므로 복수명사 are 를 사용한다.. teachers. 2 a slice of pizza / a glass of milk. 3 (1) I drink two cups of coff ee every morning.. (2) Sandy bought two pairs of pants yesterday. (3) Laura has two sisters. (4) Paul has many things to do. (5) Kate and Jane are good friends.. 4 Laura is a student. She is a lively girl. She. has a lot of friends. Her hobby is playing tennis. She plays tennis every Sunday. She likes reading books, too. Her favorite book is Harry Potter.. 12. 중학 영문법. 1.

(13) Chapter 1-1. 3. 동사의 시제. 1-1 현재시제 본문 67 쪽. 01 likes. 02 like. 05 is. 06 rises. 09 plays. 13 is. 03 goes. 07 tastes. 11 is. 15 plays 17 wins 19 is. 21 flock 23 has. 25 rains. 17 was . 18 was. 21 wins. 22 was. 첫걸음. 04 watches 08 is. 12 understand 16 runs. 20 saves 24 is. 05 came. 05 turned. 06 talked. 09 closed. 13 called. 07 began 09 was. 11 were 13 were 15 was. 본문 69 쪽. 08 finished 10 went 12 was. 14 were. 16 watched. 본문 71 쪽. 06 traveled. 02 started. 04 were. 24 was. 01 moved. 07 agreed. 22 does. 2-1 과거시제. 03 was. 25 has. 03 finished. 18 is. 02 went. 23 is. 20 visited. 첫걸음. 14 revolves. 01 was. 19 found. 2-2 과거동사 만드는 방법. 10 drinks. 첫걸음. 본문 66 쪽. 11 cooked 15 washed. 17 watched 19 loved. 21 believed 23 walked 25 missed. 27 learned 29 lived. 31 kicked. 33 wanted 35 applied. 37 touched 39 failed. 04 worked 08 opened 10 solved. 12 visited. 14 picked. 16 pushed 18 cried. 20 danced 22 helped. 24 answered 26 saved. 28 jumped 30 hated. 32 changed 34 seemed. 36 collected 38 entered 40 ended. 정답과 해설. 13.

(14) . 41 studied. 42 failed. 51 knew, known . 52 got, got / gotten. 45 carried. 46 played. 55 rang, rung . 56 kept, kept. 43 enjoyed. 47 married. 57 meant, meant . 48 carried. 49 asked. 53 rose, risen . 44 looked. 59 led, led . 50 replied. 51 stayed. 61 stood, stood . 62 read, read. 65 forgot, forgotten . 66 slept ,slept. 63 lost, lost . 2-3 불규칙 동사. 1 was/were, been. 67 grew, grown 본문 76 쪽. 2 went, gone. 3 taught, taught 4 brought, brought 5 had, had 6 held, held. 7 chose, chosen 8 drew, drawn. 9 woke, woken 10 broke, broken 11 dreamed / dreamt, dreamed / dreamt 12 flew, flown . 13 smelled / smelt, smelled / smelt 14 sang, sung. 15 put, put 16 laid, laid 17 felt, felt. 18 hurt, hurt . 21 threw, thrown . 22 set, set . 19 shut, shut . 23 heard heard 25 fell, fallen 27 met, met . 29 told, told . 31 said, said 33 fed, fed . 35 slid, slid . 37 saw, seen . 39 blew, blown 41 lent, lent . 20 cast, cast 24 left left . 26 drank, drunk 28 made, made. 30 spoke, spoken 32 ate, eaten. 34 bit, bitten 36 sent, sent. 38 showed, shown 40 cost, cost. 42 bought, bought. 43 thought, thought 44 swam, swum 45 began, begun . 46 let, let. 49 spent, spent . 50 sat, sat. 47 fought, fought . 14. 중학 영문법. 1. 58 won, won. 60 understood, understood. 52 baked. 불규칙동사 TEST. 54 drove, driven. 48 wrote, written. 69 gave, given 71 paid, paid. 73 found, found 75 hit, hit. 64 wore, worn 68 caught, caught 70 bore, born. 72 built, built. 74 took, taken. 76 burned/burnt, burned/burnt 77 rode, ridden . 79 spread, spread . 78 sold, sold. 80 did, done. 첫걸음 01 did – done 03 found – found 05 wrote – written 07 felt – felt 09 had – had 11 paid – paid 13 woke – woken 15 was / were – been 17 lost – lost 19 drove – driven 21 saw – seen 23 gave – given 25 blew – blown 27 built – built 29 held – held 31 sat – sit 33 won – won 35 knew – known. 본문 79 쪽. 02 bought – bought 04 came – come 06 flew – flown 08 ate – eaten. 10 drunk – drunken 12 put – put. 14 went – gone 16 hit – hit. 18 ran – run. 20 began – begun. 22 forgot – forgotten. 24 brought – brought 26 set – set. 28 hurt – hurt. 30 rose – risen 32 told – told. 34 threw – thrown 36 broke – broken.

(15) 37 rang – rung. 38 shut – shut. 41 fought – fought. 42 sold – sold. 39 made – made 43 wore – worn. 44 took – taken. 60 thought – thought. 48 kept – kept. 51 caught – caught. 52 spread – spread. 55 met – met. 57 chose – chosen 59 bit – bitten 61 fed – fed. 50 left – left. 54 read – read. 58 stung – stung. 62 taught – taught. 63 understood – understood 64 drew – drawn. 65 rode – ridden. 67 spoke – spoken. 68 lent – lent. 66 showed – showed (shown) 69 slept – slept. 본문 83 쪽. 56 fell – fallen. 47 stood – stood. 53 spent – spent. 첫걸음. 01 I am listening to music. 02 We were having lunch together. 03 We were enjoying the party. 04 I am having breakfast. . 05 He was helping his friends. 06 I was taking Spanish lessons.. 45 became – become 46 swam – swum 49 sang – sung. 4-1 진행시제. 40 let – let. 70 sent – sent. 07 She was running with her dog.. 09 Sam was playing basketball.. 08 He was cleaning his room. 10 She was reading a book. 11 He is wearing jeans. 12 It was raining.. 13 The girl was singing a song.. 14 My brother was driving a car.. 15 He was walking to school.. 3-1 미래시제 본문 81 쪽. A 01 will play . 02 have. 05 will learn. 06 will leave. 03 forgot. 07 will visit. 09 keep. B 01 are going to . 03 will. 05 am going to. 07 are going to 09 are going to. 16 We were building the house.. 18 He was talking to her.. 첫걸음. 04 watched. 08 go. 17 We were sitting together. 19 The man is standing still. 20 I was calling her.. 10 will stop. 4-2 동사원형+ing 만드는 원칙. 02 is going to. 첫걸음. 04 will. 06 is going to rain 08 am going to 10 is going to. 01 answering. 03 buying 05 having. 07 helping. 09 starting. 11 keeping. 본문 85 쪽. 02 coming. 04 missing. 06 walking. 08 meeting 10 waking 12 closing. 정답과 해설. 15.

(16) . 13 teaching. 14 writing. 03 I’m going shopping tomorrow morning.. 17 learning. 18 cooking. 05 The next flight is arriving in two hours.. 21 turning. 25 moving. 15 holding. 16 visiting. 19 seeing. 20 taking 22 saving. 23 doing. 24 pushing. 28 finishing. 29 getting. 32 waving. 33 studying. 43 swimming. 45 resetting. 47 putting. 49 hiking. 42 trying. 53 camping . 55 setting . 57 running . 59 planning 61 waiting . 63 jogging . 48 eating. 첫걸음. 46 sitting. 52 beginning 54 forgetting 56 believing 58 growing. 02 have known. 05 have met. 06 has, finished. 03 has played. 07 has lost. 11 has used. 60 hoping. 62 reading. 66 entering. 첫걸음. 본문 87 쪽. 01 She is leaving Korea next Monday. . 02 They are visiting their grandparents this. weekend.. 중학 영문법. 1. 09 has bought 13 has taught. 15 has worked. 17 has cooked. 4-3 미래를 나타내는 진행시제. 본문 89 쪽. A 01 have been . 16. 04 모름. 5-2 현재완료의 모양. 64 stopping. 65 stopping. 02 모름, 모름. 44 winning. 50 flying. 51 standing. 01 Seoul, Seoul . 40 kidding. 41 wanting. 38 collecting. 39 listening. 본문 88 쪽. 03 깨진 상태. 36 adding. 37 looking. 34 lying. 35 sleeping. 첫걸음. 30 diving. 31 going. 5-1 현재완료. 26 changing. 27 touching. 04 He is going camping this weekend.. 19 has broken. 04 have, had. 08 Have, been. 10 has watched 12 has rained. 14 has known 16 have been 18 has been. 20 has fallen. B 01 계속 . 02 경험. 05 경험. 06 계속. 03 완료. 04 결과. 08 완료. 07 경험 09 완료. 10 결과.

(17) 개념다지기 warm up. 5-3 현재완료, 과거. 1 ( O ) . 첫걸음 01 went. 03 played. 05 had. 09 rained. 07 have been 11 visited. 13 snowed 15 did, do. 2 ( O ). 3 ( O ) . 본문 91 쪽. 4 (O). 5 ( O ) 6 ( X ). 02 has. 7 (X). 04 started. 8 ( O ). 9 ( O ). 06 hasn’t 08 met. 10 has rained. 6-1 수동태와 능동태. 14 won. 첫걸음. 12 have been 16 watched. 실력다지기 check up 01 ( O ). 02 work → works. 본문 94 쪽. 01 능동태. 02 수동태. 05 능동태. 06 수동태. 03 능동태 본문 93 쪽. 본문 95 쪽. 07 능동태 09 능동태. 04 수동태 08 수동태 10 수동태. 03 breaks → broke 04 ( O ). 05 playes → played. 6-2 능동태를 수동태로 바꾸는 법. 07 have been – went. 첫걸음. 06 write → writes 08 ( O ). 09 stoped → stopped. A 01 by him. 11 drinks → drank. 03 My idea. 10 ( O ). 12 teach → teaches 13 ( O ). 14 stealed → stole. 02 was made. 04 am loved. 05 is bought. 06 was finished by her. 17 buy → bought. 08 was built by Bill. 19 ( O ). 15 leaves → leave. 16 speak → speaks 18 forgotten → forgot 20 has changed → changed. 본문 95 쪽. 07 were helped by Maria 09 is drunken by Nick. 10 were washed by Eric. B 01 Music is liked by me.. 02 A small greenhouse was built by us.. 정답과 해설. 17.

(18) . 03 His room was cleaned by him.. 7-1 by+(대)명사의 생략. 05 Some cookies were baked by her.. 첫걸음. 04 The violin was played by Sarah.. 06 A book was read by him.. 01 My bike was stolen.. 07 A book is read by Sam.. 02 English is spoken all over the world.. 08 A huge bag is carried by her.. 03 The window was broken.. 09 His mother is helped by him.. 04 Potatoes are grown here.. 10 The ball was kicked by him.. 05 That building was built in 1972.. 11 A book was written by Susan.. 12 The telephone was invented by Bell.. 13 His car was broken by Karl.. 10 My computer was broken.. 6-3 수동태를 능동태로 바꾸는 법. 본문 98 쪽. 01 My uncle played the guitar. 02 I did the work.. 03 My sister wrote the letter.. 04 Bell invented the telephone. 05 You use the computer.. 06 Your dog bit my brother.. 07 My friends break the glasses.. 08 My mother invited you.. 09 He taught me.. 11 His family visited Paul.. 13 His mother calls Brian.. 15 My sister brought the present.. 10 The students sang the song. 12 The students completed the project. 14 Dr. Smith treated the patient. 14 Dr. Smith treated the patient.. 18. 중학 영문법. 1. 07 This cave was discovered. 09 The rumor was spread.. 15 The door was opened by Claire.. 첫걸음. 06 He is respected.. 08 The poor are helped.. 14 Her house is cleaned by Jamie.. 본문 100 쪽. 실력다지기 check up 01 is → was (과거). 02 are → is (수 일치) 03 you → by you 04 ( O ). 05 choosed → chosen (불규칙동사) 06 him → by him. 07 holded → held (불규칙동사). 08 wrote → written (불규칙동사) 09 ( O ) 10 ( O ). 11 bite → bitten (불규칙동사) 12 ( O ) 13 ( O ). 14 catched → caught (불규칙동사) 15 growed → grown (불규칙동사) 16 was → were (수 일치) 17 ( O ). 18 were → was (수 일치). 19 spreaded → spread (불규칙동사) 20 buyed → bought (불규칙동사). 본문 101 쪽.

(19) 개념다지기 warm up. 본문 102 쪽. 4 ② 해설 ⓑ meet → meets ⓓ forget → forgets ⓔ watchs → watches. 1 ( O ) . 2 동작이 현재 일어나고 있거나, 변함없는 진리, 사실, 속담, 격언, 습관적인 동작 등을 표현할 때 현재시제를 사용한다.. 5 ① ③ ④ 해설 ② read → reads ⑤ work → works. 6 ① ② 해설 ③ go → went ④ read → reads ⑤. 3 뒤에 s를 붙인다.. has gone → went (in 2017으로 시점을 명시했기. 7 ④ sell – sold – sold. sh/ch/-s/-x로 끝나는 경우는 es를 붙인다. 동사 끝이 ‘자음+y’로 끝나면 y를 i로 바꾸고 ‘es’를 붙인다. 동사 끝이 ‘모음+y’로 끝나면. 8 ② ③ ④ 해설 ① 과거동사에는 s를 붙이지 않는 다. ⑤ give의 과거형은 gave이다.. ‘동사원형+s’로 쓴다.. 9 ④ stay – stayed – stayed. 4 보통 ed를 붙인다. 불규칙동사의 다양한 예를 써본다. 5 1. will + 동사원형 2. be동사+ going to v 3. be동사+ V-ing 6 be동사+ V-ing. 10 ④ 해설 (A) is → are (B) gathers → gather (C)have → has (F) starts → start. 11 ④ 해설 ① understoods → understood ② sung → sang ③ meeted → met ⑤ payed →. 7 have / has p.p.. paid. 8 현재완료는 과거에 일어난 일이 현재까지 계속 되거나 영향을 줄 때 사용하며, 과거시제는 현. 12 ② cost – cost – cost. 13 ③. 14 ① drop – dropped – dropped. 15 ② 조동사 뒤에는 항상 동사원형이 온다.. 재에 대한 정보를 주지 않는다.. 16 ② collect → collects. 9 ( O ). 17 ③ 해설 ⓑ worrys → worries ⓒ pushs →. 10 ( O ). 11 ( X ) 과거동사는 ed를 붙인다.. 12 ( X ) 반드시 ‘by 명사’가 오는 것은 아니다.. pushes ⓕ enjoyes → enjoys 18 ④ shoped → shopped 19 ③ slide – slid – slid. 20 ② bring – brought – brought. 21 ① 해설 ⓐ buy – bought – bought ⓑ will. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 때문에 현재완료 시제를 쓸 수 없다.). 본문 104 쪽. 1 ① 해설 ⓐ washs → washes ⓒ saies → says ⓓ stopps → stops. 2 ④ 해설 ① every Sunday는 습관이기 때문에 현. leave → left ⓔ have read → read. 22 ① ④ 해설 ② have → has (수 일치) ③ has → have (수 일치) ⑤ has taken → took (시제) 23 ① ④ ⑤ 해설 ① stayed → have stayed ④ have built → built ⑤ have watched →. 재시제를 쓰는 게 옳다. ② this morning은 이미 지 나갔으므로 보통 과거시제를 쓴다. ③ clean의 올바 른 3인칭 단수형은 cleans이다. ⑤ 과거동사에는 s를. watched. 붙이지 않는다.. 규칙) take – took – taken. s(es)를 붙인다. 주어가 I인 경우에는 동사원형을 사. goeing → going ④ swiming → swimming ⑤. 용한다.. exerciseing → exercising. 3 ④ 해설 3인칭 단수명사가 주어일 때, 동사에는. 24 ③ ④ 해설 ③ begined → began (불규칙). begin – began – begun ④ taked → took (불 25 ④ 해설 ① meetting → meeting ②. 정답과 해설. 19.

(20) 26 ② going은 go의 진행시제이다. 나머지는 be. 럼 읽는 주체가 확실히 표현되어 있을 때는 수동태로. 27 ④ lie+ing는 lying이 올바른 형태이다.. 41 ②. going to V로 ‛~할 예정이다’로 해석된다.. 쓰는 게 맞다.. 28 ② 해설 ⓐ tieing → tying ⓒ buing →. 42 ⑤ 해설 능동태를 수동태로 바꿀 때, be동사의. buying이 옳은 형태이다. ⓓ are → is (수 일치) ⓔ haveing → having. 29 ④ 해설 ① am helping → was helping (시 제) ② was boughting → was buying ③ is learnsing → is learning ⑤ is waitting → is. 시제와 수 일치에 주의하며, 과거분사의 형태에 유의 한다. 능동태 문장의 주어를 수동태에서 동사 뒤로 보 낼 때, by를 꼭 쓰고, 대명사는 목적격으로 바꾸자. 43 ② 해설 ① computer was fixed ③ driven by Lucy ④ buy → bought ⑤ work is done. waiting. 44 ① ③. be v-ing이다.. choosed → chosen ⑤ were → was. 30 ④ 진행의 be v-ing이고, 나머지는 모두 미래의 31 ③ be going to V = will V 로 바꾼다. 해설. ① Andy will go for a jog. ② They will watch a movie. ④ Claire will study history. ⑤ You will miss the bus.. 32 ② 해설 ①, ③ ~ ⑤는 왕래발착동사들이다.. 33 ④ be going to V = will V 로 바꾼다. 해설 ① I will attend the meeting. ② She will brush her teeth. ③ We will cook something. ⑤ Helen will meet me at the airport.. 34 ③ v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ① eatting →. eating ② shoping → shopping ④ swiming → swimming ⑤ runing → running. 35 ④ v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ① was sleepping → sleeping ② was carring → carrying ③. was tooking → taking ⑤ is play → playing 36 ① v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ② giveing →. giving ③ rideing → riding ④ fling → flying ⑤ helding → holding. 37 ④ v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ① is → are (수 일 치) ② startting → starting ③ is → are (수 일 치) ⑤ studieing → studying 38 ④. 39 ① ② ⑤ 해설 ① writed → written ② were → was ⑤ grew → grown. 40 ④ read는 수동불가동사가 아니다. 능동이 수동 을 대신할 수 있는 경우는 책의 성질로 인해 읽혀지는 것이 쉽다거나 재미있어졌을 때이며, 지금 이 문장처. 20. 중학 영문법. 1. 45 ④ 해설 ① were → was ② his → him ③ 46 ⑤. 47 ③ find와 found의 의미를 구분한다.. 48 ③ 해설 ① is → was(시제) ② are → were(시 제) ④ was 없앰. ⑤ window was broken. 49 ③ 해설 ⓐ sang → sung ⓒ are → is ⓕ taken by my ⓖ he → him. 50 ② ④ 해설 ① loves → loved ③ is → was ⑤ is → was 51 ④. 52 ③ 해설 4형식 문장을 수동태로 만드는 경우,. 동사 바로 뒤에 오는 목적어를 앞으로 보내야 한다. This book is given me by Paul. (X) 53 ④.

(21) 서술형 대비. 1 (1) gets . (2) got. (2) Julie is talking to her friends.. (2) A cat is lying on the floor.. 2 (1) Jane is reading a book.. 3 (1) Amy is driving her car.. 4 A meal is cooked by Kate and Ken. 5 The book was bought by me. 6 was read by me 7 was held by us. 8 (1) We spent 2hours in the mall.. (2) My uncle told me a funny story. (3) I bought some pens. (4) My sister sang a beautiful song. (5) I met her at the party. (6) John saw you at the library. (7) I went to Spain. (8) He swam in a river. (9) The bird flew high. (10) Jane read a lot of books.. (3) were (5) was (7) were (9) were (11) Were. 9 (1) were. (2) was (4) was (6) was (8) Was (10) were. 정답과 해설. 21.

(22) 1-1. 4. 조동사. 1-1 조동사의 역할과 종류 첫걸음 02 visit. 03 visit. 04 visit. 05 visit. 06 see. 07 see. 08 stay. 09 stay. 10 be. 1-2 조동사의 부정형, 축약형 첫걸음. 02 He won’t leave soon.. 05 He’d better not stay quiet.. 06 They wouldn’t work hard.. 1-3 조동사 문장의 의문문 전환 첫걸음. 본문 119 쪽. A 01 Can you drive?. 02 Will you move to Venezuela?. 04 Will Jane like the movie?. 03 Should she listen to her parents? 05 Might it be true?. 중학 영문법. 08 May she stay here?. B 01 you can . 02 I will. 04 I must. 06 I would. you can’t. 03 he can. I won’t he can’t. I can’t. 05 I can. 07 I could. 08 he should. 첫걸음. 04 You shouldn’t go out now.. 22. I mustn’t I wouldn’t I couldn’t. he shouldn’t. 2-1 will. 03 You mustn’t pack your car here.. 06 Would Mike show up?. 본문 118 쪽. 01 I can’t find him.. 07 Can you take a break? 본문 117 쪽. 01 visit. 본문 116 쪽. 1. 본문 121 쪽. 01 I will fall asleep. 02 She will miss the bus. 03 Paul will buy some flowers. 04 Laura will like you. 05 They will finish the work. 06 Ken will play football with his friends. 07 Maria will bring an umbrella. 08 It will rain heavily..

(23) 2-2 would. 3-1 can, could. 첫걸음 01 will → would . 02 are able to. 03 isn’t able to. 03 played → play. 04 aren’t able to. 04 stays → stay. 05 The girl was able to. 05 laughed → laugh. 06 Is he able to. 06 went → go. 07 exercised → exercise. 09 singing → sing. 본문 125 쪽. A 01 is able to. 02 tells → tell. 첫걸음. 본문 122 쪽. 07 Are they able to 08 Are you able to. 08 calls → call. 10 not will → will not (won’t). B 01 허락 . 02 허락. 12 won → win. 05 능력. 06 허락. 11 don’t will → won’t. 03 부탁. 04 능력. 08 허락. 07 부탁. 2-3 will you~?, would you ~? 3-2 may 첫걸음 01 Will 03 Would 05 Would. 본문 123 쪽. 첫걸음. 02 Will. 04 Would 06 Will. 첫걸음 01 I want to. 03 I want to. 05 Do you want to. 01 허락. 02 추측. 05 추측. 06 허락. 09 추측. 03 허락. 2-4 would like (to). 본문 124 쪽. 02 I want to. 본문 127 쪽. 07 추측 11 허락 13 추측 15 추측. 04 허락 08 추측 10 허락 12 허락 14 허락 16 추측. 04 Do you want 06 I want. 07 Would you like to 08 I would like to 09 Would you like to 10 I would like to. 정답과 해설. 23.

(24) 3-3 must. 3-6 had better, should. 첫걸음 01 강한 추측 05 의무. 09 강한 추측. 01 should. 02 의무. 03 강한 추측. 첫걸음. 본문 128 쪽. 02 should. 04 의무. 03 had better not 04 should. 08 강한 추측. 06 강한 추측. 07 의무. 본문 132 쪽. 10 강한 추측. 05 had better. 06 had better not. 10 should. 07 should not 09 had better. 08 had better. 실력다지기 check up. 3-4 must, have to 첫걸음 02 has to. 06 have to. 03 has to. 07 have to. 03 has to follow. 05 had to buy. 07 had to hurry. 03 listened → listen 05 must → have to 06 bit → bite 07 ( O ). 08 has to. B 01 had to wait for. 02 swims → swim 04 ( O ). 04 have to. 05 have to. 01 O 본문 129 쪽. A 01 have to. 본문 133 쪽. 08 You can → Can you. 02 have to go 04 had to go. 06 had to take. 08 had to clean. 09 came → come 10 Is → Are. 11 must → had to 12 to go → go. 13 musted → had to. 14 must did → had to do 15 ( O ). 3-5 must not, don’t have to 첫걸음. 본문 131 쪽. 01 must not. 02 must not. 05 must not. 06 must not. 03 must not. 24. 04 don’t have to. 07 don’t have to 09 must not. 중학 영문법. 1. 08 doesn’t have to 10 must not. 16 has better → had better 17 bought → buy. 18 Must you had to → Did you have to 19 ( O ). 20 to를 없앰.

(25) 개념다지기 warm up. 본문 134 쪽. → eat ⑤ learned → learn. 20 ③ 추측 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 의무. 21 ② ④ 조동사 뒤에는 동사원형이 온다. 해설 ②. 1 ( O ) . 2 허가, 추측, 요청, 가능성. helped → help ④ buys → buy. 22 ① 허락 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 능력. 3 의무, 강한 추측 4 (O). 23 ① can → can’t. 5 (O). 24 ⑤ 해설 ① eats → eat ② closed → close ③. 6 (X). must → had to ④ can → be able to. 7 ‘~할 필요가 없다’ ‘~해서는 안 된다’. 25 ③ 해설 ① reads → read ② walked → walk ④ staying → stay ⑤ is → be. 8 ( X ). 26 ⑤ 해설 ① protected → protect ② musts. → must ③ comes → come ④ passes → pass 27 ④ 해설 ① can → is ② pays → pay ③. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 135 쪽. 1②. 2 ⑤ take a photo: 사진을 찍다 / take a. shower: 샤워를 하다 / take a walk: 산책을 하다 / take a rest: 휴식하다 3④. 4 ③ opened → opene. 5 ⑤ 허락 해설 ①, ②, ③, ④ 능력 7 ④ ⓑ, ⓔ, ⓕ. 6②. 8 ③ ④ 해설 ① like to drink ② want to drink ⑤ I would like. 9 ② 해설 ⓑ don’t have to → didn’t have to. ⓒ must → have to(조동사는 두 개를 동시에 쓸 수 없다.) ⓓ have to → has to ⓔ Does he must have to → Does he have to 혹은 Must he로 바 꿔야 한다.. 10 ② had better not은 hadn’t better로 축약할 수 없다.. 11 ① ⑤. 12 ③. 14 ① ③. 15 ④ can’t → couldn’t. 13 ④ 허락 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 추측 17 ① ④ ⑤ 허가 해설 ②, ③ 추측 18 ③. swimming → swim ⑤ be → is. 28 ① 허락 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 능력 29 ④. 30 ⑤ 해설 ① has to → had to ② have → has ④ had → have 31 ①. 서술형 대비. 1 (1) isn’t able to . (2) wasn’t able to. (3) is can to → is able to (4) may be not → may not be (5) can able → can. Can he speak English very well? You must not park here.. I have to study for the test.. 2 (1) has → have (2) not can → cannot. 3 Would you turn down the TV?. 4 The news can’t be true. 16 ① ④. 19 ① ② ⑤ 해설 ① finishes → finish ② to eat. 5 Julie has to stay home today.. 6 you like to go swimming together? 7 must not. 8 You will make a lot of friends.. 정답과 해설. 25.

(26) 1-1. 5. 문장의 완성. 본문 143 쪽. 1-1 부정문 – be동사가 쓰인 문장. 1-2 부정문 – 일반동사가 쓰인 문장. 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 144 쪽. A 01 The books aren’t easy.. A 01 We do not (don’t) like summer.. 03 She wasn’t happy yesterday.. 본문 146 쪽. 02 They aren’t good at dancing.. 04 We aren’t late.. 06 The movie wasn’t interesting.. morning. 05 It did not (didn’t) snow yesterday.. 08 He isn’t a good singer.. 07 She did not (didn’t) take a photo.. 05 I am not a student.. 07 My car isn’t expensive.. B 01 I ain’t happy.. 02 My friend isn’t coming today.. 04 He wasn’t in the room.. 03 You weren’t late for school.. 05 She isn’t tall.. 06 They weren’t angry. 07 It isn’t my job.. 08 We aren’t hungry.. 09 Her friend wasn’t in the library.. 10 He isn’t smart. 11 It isn’t cold.. 12 They aren’t from France.. 26. 중학 영문법. 1. 02 She does not (doesn’t) work hard.. 04 He does not (doesn’t) watch TV every. 03 I do not (don’t) drink coff ee.. 06 I did not (didn’t) buy a car.. 08 We did not (didn’t) play together.. 09 She does not (doesn’t) wear glasses.. 10 You did not (didn’t) go to the cinema.. B 01 I don’t like carrots.. 02 We don’t drink coffee.. 04 Your aunts don’t talk much.. 06 Sam doesn’t live here.. 03 My mother didn’t go to a doctor.. 05 He doesn’t dance.. 07 You didn’t come to school.. 08 His mother doesn’t like animals. 09 I don’t go out late.. 10 We don’t enjoy cold weather..

(27) 06 you did . 2-1 의문사가 없는 의문문 첫걸음. 07 she did 본문 149 쪽. 08 he / she does . you didn’t she didn’t he / she doesn’t. A 01 Are you happy?. 02 Is my mother angry?. 2-3 부정의문문. 04 Are we late?. 첫걸음. 03 Is the boy tall?. 05 Do they like music?. 06 Did the dogs bark at me?. 08 Do you exercise everyday?. 07 Does the woman work in a bank?. 01 No, he isn’t. 02 No, I’m not.. 03 Yes, he does. 04 Yes, they did.. 05 Yes, I did. 06 Yes, they were.. 09 Did he read books yesterday?. 본문 151 쪽. 07 he does.. 08 I do.. 10 Did she enjoy the movie?. B 01 You are excited.. 2-4 의문사가 있는 의문문. 03 I am late.. 첫걸음. 02 He is hungry.. 04 She was nervous.. 01 ① 03 ⑦ 05 ⑨. 05 They finished the work. 06 You play the piano. 07 He wears glasses.. 08 She lived near here.. 07 ⑩. 09 ④. 본문 153 쪽. 02 ⑤. 04 ⑥ . 06 ⑧ 08 ②. 10 ③ . 09 She has big eyes.. 10 He walks to school.. 2-5 부가의문문. 2-2 의문사가 없는 의문문에 대한 대답 첫걸음 01 they do 02 she does 03 they did 04 I did 05 she does . 본문 150 쪽. they don’t she doesn’t they didn’t I didn’t she doesn’t. 첫걸음. 본문 154 쪽. 01 isn’t he. 02 don’t you. 05 can’t you. 06 didn’t she. 03 is she. 07 did they. 09 doesn’t he. 04 doesn’t he 08 didn’t you 10 were we. 정답과 해설. 27.

(28) 3-1 명령문. 3-3 명령문과 청유문의 부가의문문. 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 155 쪽. 01 Stop eating junk food.. 02 Be polite to your teacher.. 01 will you. 02 will you. 05 will you. 06 shall we. 09 shall we. 03 shall we. 03 Don’t go out tonight. 04 Be careful.. 05 Don’t come here.. 06 Don’t worry about the test.. 본문 158 쪽. 07 Don’t be afraid of the future. 08 Be quiet now.. 07 will you. 04 will you. 08 shall we 10 will you. 3-4 감탄문 첫걸음. 3-2 청유문. 01 How. 첫걸음. 본문 156 쪽. A 01 go to the amusement park together. you go to the amusement park together going to the amusement park together B 01 Let’s go. 02 Let’s watch. 05 Let me close. 06 Let’s not go. 03 Let’s study. 07 Let’s play. 04 Let me help 08 Let’s go. 09 Let me introduce 10 Let me take. C 01 going to the library. going to the library go to the library you go to the library 02 take a break taking a break you take a break taking a break. 28. 중학 영문법. 1. 본문 159 쪽. 02 How. 03 What. 04 What. 08 How. 05 How. 09 How. 07 How 11 How. 06 How. 10 What 12 What. B 01 kind they are!. 02 kind people they are!. 04 a polite girl she is!. 06 expensive paintings these are!. 03 polite she is!. 05 expensive these paintings are! 07 wise he is!. 08 a wise man he is!.

(29) 개념다지기 warm up. 4-1 There is / are. 1 ( O ) . 첫걸음. 본문 161 쪽. A 01 is. 02 are. 05 Are. 06 is. 03 Is. 07 are 09 Is. 4 (O). 5 (O). 6 (X). 08 are. 7 (O). 10 are 02 there are. 05 There are. 06 there is. 8 ( O ). 9 will you 10 ( O ). 11 ( O ) . 03 there isn’t 04 there is 07 There is. 01 What → How 02 are → be. 03 looks → look 04 going → go. 05 will you → shall we. 12 There is / are. 08 there weren’t. 실력다지기 check up. 06 Don’t let’s → Let’s not. 2 ( O ) 3 ( O ). 04 is. B 01 There are. 본문 164 쪽. 13 is, are. 첫걸음 유형완전정복. 본문 163 쪽. 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 165 쪽. 1 ② 해설 did로 물어봤으므로, Yes, I did.나 No, I didn’t.로 답한다. 주어가 you이므로 답하는 입장에선 I (단수) 혹은 we(복수)가 될 수 있다. 2②. 07 I amn’t → I’m not. 3 ④ 해설 I, you, we, they, 복수명사는 do를 사. 08 ( O ). 용하고, he, she, it, 단수명사는 does를 쓴다.. 09 ( O ). 10 are → is. ④ doesn’t bought → didn’t buy ⑤ teaches →. 4 ③ 해설 ① not → don’t ② don’t → doesn’t. 11 ( O ). teach. 13 is → isn’t. not are → are not ⑤ rains → rain. 12 What → How 14 is → are. 5 ④ 해설 ① don’t → doesn’t ② likes → like ③ 6⑤. 15 aren’t → didn’t. 7 ③ don’t 해설 ① doesn’t ② doesn’t ④. 17 exercises → exercise. 8 ③ 해설 ① Do ② Do ③ Does ④ Do ⑤ Do. 16 What → How. 18 having → have 19 left → leave 20 do → don’t. doesn’t ⑤ doesn’t. 9 ② 해설 ① Were → Was ③ Are → Do ④ misses → miss ⑤ working → work. 10 ③ 해설 ① Do → Does, likes → like. 정답과 해설. 29.

(30) ② don’t → doesn’t ④ doesn’t → didn’t ⑤ doesn’t → don’t. 11 ② 해설 ① draw → draws ③ doesn’t → don’t ④ went → go ⑤ gives → give 12 ②. 13 ② ㉣, ㉧. 17 ① ③ ⑤. 14 ③. 15 ②. 16 ③. 18 ③ How many people are there in the room?. 19 ① ⑤. 20 ④ a lot of A에서 A가 셀 수 있는 경우, 복수명. 사로 써야 한다. 해설 ① Is → Are ② Are → Is ③ thing → things ⑤ are → is 21 ② 해설 ① is → are ③ There is → Is there. 37 ④ 해설 ① Has → Have ② Are → Be ③ Not forget → Don’t forget ⑤ Be not → Don’t be. 38 ② 해설 ① Not eat → Don’t eat ③ Skip not → Don’t skip ④ Not use → Don’t use ⑤ Doesn’t → Don’t sit 39 ②. 40 ④. 41 ④. 42 ③ 해설 ① Do → Does ② do → are ④ plays → play ⑤ are → aren’t. 43 ④ be동사와 일반동사는 함께 쓰일 수 없다. 진 행시제의 be+v-ing와 수동태의 be+p.p.만 가. 능하다. 해설 ① heard → hear ② am → 혹은 am living ③ are → 혹은 am living ⑤ miss →. ④ Is → Are ⑤ is → are. misses 혹은 missed. 우가 일반적이다. because와 비슷한 단어로는 as,. ④ are → were ⑤ watch → watches. 22 ② Why로 물어볼 경우, because로 대답하는 경. 44 ① 해설 ② Do be → Be ③ don’t → doesn’t. since가 있다. (~이기 때문에). 45 ③. 25 ③ 부정명령문은 don’t로 시작하고, 긍정명령문. he → it ④ will you → shall we. 23 ①. 24 ⑤. 은 동사원형으로 시작한다. be동사가 쓰인 문장은. be동사가 원형이므로 be동사로 시작한다. 해설 ① Don’t ② Don’t ③ Be ④ Don’t ⑤ Don’t. 26 ① doesn’t he 해설 ② didn’t he ③ didn’t he. 46 ③. 47 ⑤ 해설 ① liked → like ② have → has ③ 48 ① ③ 해설 ① closes → close ③ do not → not. 49 ⑤ shall we 해설 ① will you ② will you ③ will you ④ will you. ④ didn’t he ⑤ didn’t he. 50 ④. switch ④ goes → go ⑤ repeating → repeat. you → shall we ④ shall I → shall we ⑤ will. 27 ② 해설 ① quiet → be quiet ③ switched → 28 ⑤. 29 ③. 30 ④. 31 ③ 해설 ① What → How ② How → What ④ a를 없앰. ⑤ is today → today is. 32 ④ What 해설 ① How ② How ③ How ⑤ How. 33 ② 해설 ① runs the boy → the boy runs. ③ you → you are ④ How → What ⑤ What → How. 34 ③ What → How. 35 ③ What 해설 ① How ② How ③ How ⑤ How. 36 ③ 해설 ① did → didn’t ② isn’t → doesn’t ④ don’t he → doesn’t ⑤ don’t → didn’t. 30. 중학 영문법. 1. 51 ③ 해설 ① won’t you → will you ② will we → shall we. 52 ② ④ ⑤ 해설 ② you → they ④ What → How ⑤ is he → he is. 53 ④ 해설 ① came → come ② fall → fell ③ didn’t → wasn’t ⑤ do → does. 54 ② 해설 ① Isn’t → Doesn’t ③ didn’t you go ④ is the night sky → the night sky i ⑤ you are → are you.

(31) 서술형 대비. t (1) My students make a mess.. (2) The kids don’t like hamburgers.. 해설 do make a mess로 긍정문에서, do와. 일반동사를 같이 쓰는 경우도 가능한다. 이렇게 쓰면 일반동사를 강조하는 표현이 된다. 2 (1) Is. (2) are (3) is (4) is (5) Are. (2) No, she doesn’t.. (2) Are Jason and Mike good at dancing?. (2) will you (3) will you. (2) Ted doesn’t clean his room every day.. 3 (1) Does your mother like pizza? 4 (1) Did Karl go to the library? 5 (1) shall we. 6 (1) Does David go to the gym everyday?. 10 ⓐ plays. 11 having dinner. ⓑ played. have dinner have dinner having dinner. (2) How high the birds fly!. 12 (1) How cute the baby is!. 13 What a beautiful day it is!. 14 There is a book on the desk 15 (1) are → is. (2) is → are (3) is → are (4) were → is. (2) doesn’t → don’t (3) like → likes (4) were → is (5) were → is (6) likes → like. 16 (1) are → is. 7 Never break these rules.. 8 Do you remember this list? 9 (1) My name are Jane.. My name is Jane. (2) We plays badminton together. We play badminton together. (3) Although I are not good at it. Although I am not good at it.. 정답과 해설. 31.

(32) 1-1. 6. to부정사. 1-1 동사와 준동사. 본문 181 쪽. 준동사: to walk. 02 주어: prepared 03 주어: is . 05 주어: has . 04 It is fun to bake cookies.. 06 To swim in the ocean is dangerous.. 준동사: to go. 준동사: travelling. 준동사: lying. 04 주어: enjoys . 첫걸음 01 동사: is . 본문 180 쪽. 05 It is difficult to study hard. 07 To do nothing is easy.. 08 To finish the work on time is hard. 09 To make new friends is exciting.. 10 To master a foreign language is difficult.. 준동사: named. 06 주어: walked . 준동사: singing. 07 주어: have . 1-3 to부정사의 형용사적용법. 준동사: written. 08 주어: gave. 준동사: learning. 첫걸음 A 01 nothing to eat. 1-2 to부정사의 명사적용법 첫걸음. 본문 182 쪽. 02 It’s a good idea to take a walk.. 03 I don’t like to dance with him.. 04 To learn a new language is difficult. 05 I want to live abroad for a year.. B 01 To play. 02 To eat. 06 to pass. 03 to teach. 05 To exercise. 02 a book to read. 04 things to sort out. A 01 To read books is fun.. 04 to live. 05 somebody to share. 06 something to tell you. 02 anything to eat. 04 no chair to sit on. 06 dream to pursue. B 01 nothing to drink. 03 two movies to watch. C 01 It is important to eat a healthy meal.. abroad. 03 It is my hobby to exercise.. 32. 02 It has good things and bad things to study. 중학 영문법. 1. 03 things to do. 05 a plan to see him 07 many friends to trust 08 a good place to visit 09 work to do. 10 a test to prepare 11 a book to buy. 본문 184 쪽.

(33) . 12 a bag to put the books in. 1-6 to가 없는 원형부정사 – 사역동사. 13 Danny has a plan to buy a car. 첫걸음. 1-4 to부정사의 부사적용법 첫걸음. 본문 186 쪽. 02 (D) A 01 (A) 03 (B) 04 (D) 05 (C) 06 (A) 07 (E) 08 (B) 10 (E) 09 (E). 11 (B). 12 (C). 15 (C). 16 (C) . 20 (A). 19 (B). 02 play C 01 wash 03 do 04 call 05 wash 06 take 07 do 08 give 10 stay 09 wag. 13 (A) 14 (B) 17 (B). A 01 finishing → finish (to finish) 02 to stay → stay 03 falling → fall 04 apologized → apologize 05 used → use 06 washed → wash ( to wash). 02 stay B 01 sing 03 read 04 communicate 05 touch 06 scream 07 play 08 shake 10 cross 09 play. 02 (C) B 01 (B) 03 (A) 04 (C) 05 (A) 06 (B) 07 (B) 08 (B) 10 (A) 09 (C). 본문 189 쪽. 18 (A) . 1-5 to가 없는 원형부정사 – 지각동사 첫걸음. 본문 188 쪽. 01 talked – talk(talking) . 02 to walk – walk (walking). 03 talked – talk (talking). 04 to read – read (reading). 05 moved – move (moving). 06 touched – touch (touching). 정답과 해설. 33.

(34) 실력다지기 check up. 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 01 plays → play 02 does → to do. 1③. 04 ( O ). 5 ④ 해설 ① saving → save ② explores → explore ③ win → to win ⑤ win → to win. 07 to play → play / playing 08 cooked → cook. 09 to sing and dance → sing and dance /. singing and dancing 10 watches → watch 11 ( O ) 12 ( O ) 13 to leave → leave / leaving 14 to shake → shake / shaking 15 danced → dance / dancing 16 are → is 17 to finds → find 18 take→ to take / taking 19 to stay → stay 20 ( O ) 21 to met → to meet. (O) (O) (O) I want to study English.. (‘~하는 것’으로 해석될 수 있는 예). 5 (O) 6 I have a book to read. 7 (O) 8 I go to school to study. 9 I am glad to see you. 10 She must be smart to say so. 11 She grew up to be a doctor. 12 The water is too cold to drink. 13 ( O ). 34. 중학 영문법. 1. 3 ① 해설 work → works. ④ saw → see ⑤ read → to read. 05 being → be 06 washes → wash. 1 2 3 4. 2④. 본문 193 쪽. 4 ③ 해설 ① to reads → to read ② getting → get. 03 water를 없앰. 개념다지기 warm up. 첫걸음 유형완전정복. 본문 191 쪽. 6 ③ 해설 ① stays → stay ② winning → win ④ learn → to learn ⑤ plan → to plan. 7 ⑤ 부사적 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 명사적. 8 ② 부사적용법 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법 9 ① 부사적용법 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법. 10 ① ③ 해설 ①, ③ 부사적용법 ②, ④, ⑤ 명사적 용법. 11 ② 부사적용법 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법. to부정사의 형용사적 용법은 S is to V로 쓰일 때, 해석이 예정, 가능, 의무 등으로 해석되므로 보어로 쓰인 명사적 용법과 해석이 다르다.. 12 ④ 형용사적용법(=must) 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 명사적용법. 13 ① 형용사적용법 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법 14 ③ 부사적용법 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법 본문 192 쪽. 15 ④ 명사적 해설 ① 부사적-감정의 원인 ②, ③, ⑤ 부사적-목적. 16 ② 부사적-목적. 함께 노는 친구들이므로 with를 꼭 써야 한다. 해설 ① 형용사적 ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적. 17 ⑤ 명사적 해설 ①, ② 부사적 ③, ④ 형용사적 18 ② 형용사적 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적. 19 ③ 부사적-감정의 원인 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 부 사적-목적. 20 ④ 부사적-결과 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 부사적목적. 21 ④ 형용사적 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 명사적. 22 ③ to부정사의 부정은 not to V로 쓴다.. 23 ① 부사적-판단의 근거 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 부 사적-목적. 24 ② 형용사적 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 부사적.

(35) 25 ① 부사적 해설 ① something을 꾸며주는 것이 므로 형용사적용법의 to부정사이다. ②, ③, ④, ⑤. 서술형 대비. 형용사적. 1 (1) going / to go. sing 혹은 singing ③ plays → play ⑤ did → do. 2 to be a lawyer. 26 ④ 해설 ① to clean → clean ② sang → 혹은 to do. 27 ④ 해설 ① danced → dance 혹은 dancing ② barks → bark 혹은 barking ③ to walk → walk 혹은 walking ⑤ got → get 28 ⑤ 해설 to wait 29 ① ③. 30 ② chose → choose. (2) to return. 3 not to be late for school. 4 (1) to buy her some fl owers. (2) to feed her (3) to send e-mails (4) to buy a new one. bring – brought – brought. 5 promised to call me today 해설 어제 가져온 것이므로, 과거동사를 쓴다. 6 brought two books to read 7 must be a fool to say so 8 needs a chair to sit on. 해설 3인칭 단수는 단수동사를 쓰는 것에 유의. 하자.. 9 helped me learn(to learn) English. 10 (1) I wanted to made his birthday special.. → I wanted to make his birthday special.. (2) He was so happy to has a new ball. → He was so happy to have a new ball.. 정답과 해설. 35.

(36) 1-1. 7. 동명사. 03 went shopping 04 goes swimming. 1-1 동명사. 첫걸음. 본문 202 쪽. A 01 wash → washing 02 sing and dance → singing and dancing 03 stay → staying 04 call → calling 05 try → trying 02 (A) B 01 (C) 03 (C) 04 (D) 05 (C) 06 (C) 07 (A) 08 (B) 10 (D) 09 (C). 11 (A). 12 (D). 15 (C). 16 (A) . 20 (D). 18 (C) . 19 (D). 1-2 동명사의 관용적 표현 첫걸음. 본문 204 쪽. A 01 학생들은 현장 학습 에 가는 것을 고대하고 있다. 02 Paul은 역사 수업을 이해하는 데 어려움을 겪 고 있다.. 03 Susan은 숙제를 하는 데 4시간을 썼다. 04 나는 웃지 않을 수 없었다.. B 01 will go camping. 36. 중학 영문법. 1. 05 will go fishing 07 go jogging. 06 go surfing. C 01 taking a walk. taking a walk take a walk take a walk 02 play baseball playing baseball play baseball play baseball 03 having lunch together having lunch together have lunch together have lunch together. 13 (C) 14 (B) 17 (B). 본문 201 쪽. 02 went skiing. D 01 kept, from fighting 경찰은 두 남자가 싸우지 못하게 막았다. 02 keeps, from drinking 그 법은 십 대들이 술을 마시지 못하게 막는다. 03 keep, from coming 나는 눈물이 나오는 것을 막지 못했다. 04 laughing 나는 웃음을 참을 수가 없었다. 05 spent, buying 그녀는 새 차를 사는 데 많은 돈을 썼다. 06 spent, practicing 나는 오늘을 위해 연습하면서 일주일을 보냈다. 07 remembering. 그들은 내 이름을 기억하는 데 어려움을 겪었다.. 08 stop, from eating 우리는 그가 패스트푸드를 먹는 것을 막아야 한다..

(37) . 09 to having. 10 keep, from shouting. 우리는 파티를 하는 것을 고대하고 있다.. 08 cheating. Mike는 시험에서 부정행위를 한 것을 시인했다. 09 trying Rachel은 좀 더 나은 거래를 찾기 위해 애쓰. 그들의 부모는 자녀들이 소리치는 것을 막아 야 한다.. 11 adjusting 그녀는 새로운 학교에 적응하는 데 어려움을 겪었다. 12 stopped, from falling 선생님은 우리가 잠들지 못하게 막았다.. 2-1 동명사만 목적어로 갖는 동사 첫걸음. 본문 208 쪽. 02 making A 01 going 03 lying 04 playing 05 06 making watching 07 buying 08 posing 10 cooking 09 writing. B 01 watching 그는 스릴러물을 보는 것을 즐기지 않는다. 02 cleaning Laura는 사물함을 청소하는 것을 끝냈다. 03 exercising 의사들은 매일 운동하는 것을 제안한다. 04 biting Jamie는 손톱을 물어뜯는 것을 그만뒀다. 05 trying. Katie는 상황을 설명하기 위해 계속 노력했다. 06 reading 나의 선생님은 매일 책을 읽는 것을 권고했다. 07 opening 점원은 새 계좌를 여는 것(만드는 것)을 추천 했다. . 는 것을 포기했다. 10 going. David은 재미삼아 하이킹을 가는 것을 언급 했다.. 11 witnessing 그들은 사고를 목격한 것을 부인했다. 12 turning 음악 소리를 좀 줄여주는 것을 꺼리니? = 음악소리 좀 줄여주지 않을래?. 2-2 to부정사만 목적어로 갖는 동사 첫걸음. 본문 210 쪽. 02 to tell 01 to go 03 to buy 04 to draw 05 to go. 동명사와 to부정사 모두 목적어로. 2-3 갖는 동사 첫걸음. 본문 211 쪽. 01 exploring 너는 새로운 것들을 탐구하는 것을 즐기니? 02 to do Nick은 숙제를 하겠다고 약속했다. 03 to stay Joan은 며칠 더 머무르기로 결정했다. 04 making Kate는 실수를 한 것을 시인했다. 05 to believe Laura는 진실을 믿기를 거절했다.. 정답과 해설. 37.

(38) . 06 being. 실력다지기 check up. Danny는 때때로 슈퍼스타가 되는 것을 상상한다.. 07 to be. 01 to do → doing. 08 to buy 그녀는 새 옷을 사기로 결정했다. 09 watching. 03 to do → doing. John은 배우인 척한다.. Julia는 영화를 같이 보러가는 것을 제안했다. 10 to sign. 내 상사는 계약서에 서명하기로 동의했다. 11 cutting 내 담당 의사는 커피를 줄이는 것을 권고했다. 12 breaking Judy는 규칙을 깬 것을 부인한다. 13 writing Brian은 보고서를 쓰는 것을 마쳤다. 14 to pass Mark는 시험에 통과하는 것을 실패했다. 15 encouraging 선생님은 학생들을 계속 격려했다. 16 to meet 나는 언젠가 내가 가장 좋아하는 가수를 만나. 본문 213 쪽. 02 ( O ) 04 ( O ). 05 to look → looking 06 ( O ). 07 go → from going. 08 go to swim → go swimming 09 ( O ) 10 ( O ). 11 to go → to going 12 staying → stay 13 ( O ). 14 from buying → buying 15 to learning → learning 16 getting → to get 17 feel → feeling. 18 going → to go 19 ( O ) 20 ( O ). 기를 희망한다.. 17 to ride. Peter는 저녁 식사 후에 자전거를 타고 싶어 한다.. 18 to be 너는 도서관에서 조용히 할 필요가 있다. 19 waiting 나는 너를 기다리는 것을 꺼리지 않는다. 20 to ask 그 남자아이는 질문하기를 계속했다.. 38. 중학 영문법. 1. 개념다지기 warm up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 본문 214 쪽. (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) look forward to ~ spend time V-ing cannot help V-ing keep / prevent / stop O from V-ing 8 plan, decide, refuse, hope, want, wish, expect, need 9 suggest, finish, deny, avoid, give up, enjoy, mind, practice.

(39) 27 ④. 28 ③ 해설 ① eat → eating ② waiting → to. 10 ( O ) 11 start, begin, love, like, continue. wait ④ locking → lock ⑤ buying → to buy 29 ④ to wait → wait. 30 ④ to hold → holding. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 215 쪽. 1 ④ 해설 ① climbsing → climbing ② wenting → going ③ are → is ⑤ to meeting → meeting 2③. 3②. 4 ② 해설 ① study → studying ② studying. → study ④ study → studying ⑤ studying → study. 5 ② 해설 ① accepted → accepting ③ to cry. → crying ④ giving → to give ⑤ to learning → learning. 6 ③ asked → asking. 7⑤. 8①. 9⑤. 10 ② ③ 해설 ① to go → going ④ seeing → see. 31 ⑤. 32 ②. 33 ④. 서술형 대비. 1 ① refuse → refuses. ② talking → to talk. ② to visit → visiting. 2 ① make → makes. 3 ① to ride ② to ask ③ to help ④ going 4 (1) ① kept (prevented, stopped). ② from falling asleep last night. (2) spent all my money buying a ticket for the concert. (3) I could not help laughing at his joke.. ⑤ eating → to eat. 5 We couldn’t keep her from dancing.. study ⑤ do → doing. 7 (1) buy → to buy. 11 ② ③ 해설 ① make → makes ④ study → to 12 ⑤ go → going. 13 ④. 14 ① 해설 ② go → going ③ getting → to get ④ going → go ⑤ joining → join 15 ④ ⓐ ⓒ ⓓ. 16 ③ go → going. 17 ② 해설 ① me from going ③ close → closing ④ to cry → crying ⑤ visiting → to visit. 18 ④ ⓐ ⓑ ⓓ. 6 We went shopping together yesterday.. to buying → to buy saving → to save to have → to having (2) to solve → solving to pay → paying fall → falling. 19 ④ to go → going. 20 ② sister from crying. 21 ④. 22 ② ① 수일치때문에 틀린 문장이다. 23 ④ ① 수일치때문에 틀린 문장이다.. 24 ④. 25 ⑤ 해설 ① going → go ② going → go ③ go → going ④ go → going. 26 ④ 해설 ① have → had ② to를 없앰 ③ have → had, with를 없앰 ⑤ to finish → finishing. 정답과 해설. 39.

(40) 1-1. 8. 분사. 본문 223 쪽. 2-1 현재분사와 동명사. 1-1 현재분사와 과거분사 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 224 쪽. 02 baked 01 broken 03 singing 04 written 05 planted 06 sleeping 07 dying 08 finished 10 closed 09 ringing. 1-2 명사를 꾸며주는 분사 첫걸음. 본문 225 쪽. 01 served. 02 used. 03 locked 04 running 05 praying. 06 flying. 10 walking. 07 rising. 08 broken. 09 painted. A. 본문 227 쪽. 01 walking – 동명사. 02 singing / interesting – 현재분사. 03 being – 동명사 (scolded는 과거분사) 04 fitting – 동명사. 05 putting – 현재분사. 06 waiting – 현재분사. 02 동명사 B 01 현재분사 03 현재분사 04 동명사 동명사 05 06 동명사 07 현재분사 08 현재분사 10 현재분사 09 동명사 02 현재분사 C 01 동명사 03 동명사 04 현재분사 동명사 05 06 현재분사 07 현재분사 08 현재분사 10 동명사 09 동명사. 1-3 동사의 표현에 함께 쓰이는 분사 첫걸음. 02 practicing 01 shopping 03 built 04 watched 05 06 broken cleaning 07 painted 08 passed 10 been 09 flooded. 40. 11 is broken. 중학 영문법. 2-2 감정유발동사의 분사. 본문 226 쪽. 12 is repaired. 1. 첫걸음 A. 01 move → moving. 02 shock → shocking 03 excite → excited 04 bore → boring. 05 amaze → amazed. 본문 229 쪽.

(41) 02 boring B 01 interested 03 shocking 04 amazing 05 06 satisfying exciting 07 amazing 08 tired 10 moving 09 interesting. 11 bored. 12 shocked. 13 excited 14 satisfied 15 tiring. 16 disappointing. 20 confusing. 17 surprising 19 exciting. 18 tiring. 실력다지기 check up. 본문 231 쪽. 01 ( O ). 02 breaking → broken 03 tried → trying. 개념다지기 warm up 1 2 3 4. 본문 232 쪽. (O) (O) (X) (X). 5 진행 6 수동태 7 (O) 8 ( O ) 9 현재분사 10 동명사 11 현재, 과거 12 현재 13 ( X ) 많이 실수하는 부분이다. 감정동사가 아니라 감정유발동사이므로, 감정 을 느끼는 겨우, 감정유발을 당한 것이므로, 수동의 과거분사를 써야 한다.. 04 ( O ). 05 crossed → crossing. 06 shocking → shocked 07 ( O ). 08 amazed and moved → amazing and. moving 09 barked → barking 10 using → used 11 write → written 12 ( O ) 13 surrounding → surrounded 14 ( O ) 15 lived → living 16 writing → written 17 building → built 18 ( O ) 19 ( O ) 20 ( O ). 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 233 쪽. 1 ① stolen → stealing. 2 ③ 동명사 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 현재분사 3 ② 현재분사 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 동명사. 4 ① 동명사 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 현재분사. 5 ② 현재분사 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 동명사 6③. 7④. 8 ① 동명사 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 현재분사. 9 ③ 동명사 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 현재분사 10 ① 현재분사 15 ②. 16 ③. 18 ③ ④ ⑤. 11 ④. 12 ②. 13 ④. 14 ④. 17 ⑤ confused → confusing. 19 ② 해설 ① serving → served ③ depressed → depressing ④ Unfinishing → Unfinished ⑤ washed → been washed 20 ① ③ ④. 21 ④. 22 ③. 23 ④. 24 ③. 정답과 해설. 41.

(42) 25 ① talked → talking. 26 ③ 해설 ① bring → brought ② boiling →. boiled ④ spending → spent ⑤ publishing →. 서술형 대비. 1 made. published. 2 mended. solving → solved ⑤ walked → walking. 4 spoken. 27 ① 해설 ② has → is ③ fixed → fixing ④ 28 ②. 29 ②. 30 ③. 3 washed. 5 waiting 6 caught. 7 interesting → interested. excited → exciting. 8 walked → walking. dressing → dressed looked → looking horrifying → horrified. 42. 중학 영문법. 1.

(43) 1-1. 9. 형용사와 부사. 1-1 형용사. 본문 239 쪽. 2-1 수와 양의 형용사 1 – many, much. 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 240 쪽. 본문 243 쪽. A 01 useful. 02 wonderful . A 01 much. 02 many. 05 important. 06 boring. 05 much. 06 much. 09 special 10 careful. 03 sick. 07 interesting. 04 friendly 08 honest. B 01 수식 03 서술. 02 서술. 08 수식. 09 서술 10 수식. 07 서술. 03 many. 07 much. 09 many. 04 many. 08 many 10 much. 11 much 12 much 13 much 14 many. 04 수식. 05 수식. 15 much. 06 서술. B 01 much fun. 02 many kinds. 05 much sugar. 06 much sleep. 09 much time. 03 many rules. 11 서술 12 서술 13 수식 14 서술. 15 수식. 07 many books. 04 much coffee 08 many bags. 10 much knowledge. 11 much bread 12 much help. 1-2 형용사의 위치 2-2 수와 양의 형용사 2 – some, any 첫걸음. 01 something cold. 02 something interesting 03 somebody special. 04 something shocking. 06 new thing. 05 nothing strange 07 anything sweet 08 funny thing. 본문 242 쪽. 첫걸음. 본문 245 쪽. 02 any 01 some 03 any 04 any 05 any 06 any 07 any 08 any 09 any 10 any 11 some 12 any. 정답과 해설. 43.

(44) 13 any 14 some 15 any. 2-3. 본문 246 쪽. 25 simply. 26 strongly. 27 softly. 31 amazingly. 01 A few 02 little. 29 heavily. 33 importantly 35 similarly. 37 lazily. 03 a few 04 A few. 05 a little. 22 specially. 23 diligently. 수와 양의 형용사 3 – (a) few, (a) little. 첫걸음. 21 bravely. 39 finally. 24 curiously 28 suddenly. 30 surprisingly 32 poorly 34 newly 36 safely. 38 interestingly 40 cautiously. B 01 completely, is covered. 3-1 부사. 03 extremely, beautiful. 첫걸음. 본문 247 쪽. 01 형용사 03 부사 05 부사. 02 형용사. 04 부사 . 첫걸음. 44. 07 gentle, man. 09 automatically, starts. 10 lightly, blew. 3-3 형용사와 부사의 모양 2 첫걸음. 06 happily. 07 gladly. 08 perfectly. 09 weakly. 10 regularly. 11 mainly. 12 surely. 13 kindly. 14 wonderfully. 15 quietly. 16 noisily. 18 silently. 19 strongly. 중학 영문법. 04 wisely. 17 sadly. 06 truly, unique. 02 nicely. 05 loudly. 05 really, famous. 본문 248 쪽. 03 prettily. 04 immediately, reminded. 08 quiet, place. 3-2 형용사와 부사의 모양 1. A 01 certainly. 02 quietly, open. 20 seriously. 1. 본문 250 쪽. 01 부사, 새들은 높이 난다. 02 형용사, 산들이 높다.. 03 부사, 이 기계는 몹시 효율적이다.. 04 부사, 한국 학생들은 열심히 공부한다.. 05 형용사, 그 임무는 내가 완성하기에 어려웠다. 06 부사, 일찍 일어나는 것은 중요하다. 07 형용사, 이른 아침이 몇시쯤입니까? 08 부사, 그녀는 집에 늦게 왔다..

(45) . 09 형용사, Jack은 항상 늦는다. 10 부사, 이 그림을 면밀히 바라보아라.. 그는 항상 직장에 늦나요?. 3-5 의문부사 3-4 빈도부사 첫걸음 첫걸음. 01 Where. 02 Why. 05 When. 06 Why. 09 When. 본문 252 쪽. 01 The park can sometimes be busy. 그 공원은 가끔씩 혼잡하다. 02 My dog never barks. 내 개는 절대 짖지 않는다. 03 Jack sometimes skips breakfast. Jack은 때때로 아침식사를 거른다. 04 She is often late for school.. 그녀는 종종 학교에 늦는다. 05 You should always listen to your parents. 너는 항상 너의 부모님 말씀을 들어야 한다. 06 Mike always washes his hands when he gets home. Mike는 집에 오면 항상 손을 씻는다. 07 What do you usually do on weekends? 너는 주말에 대개 무엇을 하니? 08 Karen is always kind to her neighbors. Karen은 그녀의 이웃들에게 항상 친절하다. 09 Julie usually stays home on weekends. Julie는 주말에 대개 집에 머무른다. 10 I have never seen Jane angry.. 나는 Jane이 화난 것을 한번도 본적이 없다. 11 Tom often reads newspapers in the morning. Tom은 종종 아침에 신문을 읽는다. 12 I sometimes have a lot of work to do. 나는 때때로 할 일이 매우 많다. 13 You can always ask for help.. 본문 254 쪽. 03 Where. 07 When 11 Where. 13 Where. 15 Why. 04 How. 08 Where 10 When 12 How. 14 When. 3-6 How + 형용사/부사 첫걸음 A 01 gracefully 03 quietly. 05 glad. 본문 256 쪽. 02 graceful 04 nicely. B 01 long. 02 far. 05 many. 06 old. 09 many. 03 much. 04 often. 07 many 08 long 11 long. 10 tall. 12 much. 너는 항상 도움을 요청할 수 있다. 14 Do you usually have coffee without sugar? 너는 보통 설탕을 넣지 않고 커피를 마시니? 15 Is he always late for work?. 정답과 해설. 45.

(46) 3-7 good, well. 14 longly → long. 첫걸음. 본문 258 쪽. 01 well. 02 good. 05 good. 06 good. 03 well. 18 good → well 19 too → either. 20 calmly → calm. 08 good. 09 good. 16 special nothing → nothing special 17 always are → are always. 04 good. 07 well. 15 come → comes. 10 well. 개념다지기 warm up 1 형용사. 3-8 too와 either. 2 부사. 3 앞, 뒤. 첫걸음. 본문 259 쪽. 01 either. 02 too. 05 either. 06 too. 03 too. 01 kindly → kind 02 fastly → fast. 03 well → good 04 any → some 05 ( O ). 06 slow → slowly 07 lately → late. 08 highly → high. 09 politely → polite 10 a few → a little. 11 student understands →. students understand 12 ( O ) 13 sometimes are → are sometimes. 중학 영문법. 6 few, little. 7 거의 없는, 조금 있는 8 ly. 9 high, hard, late, fast. 실력다지기 check up. 46. 5 some, any . 04 either. 07 either. 4 many, much. 1. 10 뒤, 뒤, 앞. 본문 260 쪽. 11 how, where, when, why, what 12 어떻게, 얼마나 13 명사, 동사. 14 긍정문, 부정문. 본문 261 쪽.

(47) 첫걸음 유형완전정복. Jake always careful. 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 262 쪽. 1 ④ 해설 ① some books → some new books ② beauty → beautiful ③ well → good ⑤ a thing easy → an easy thing 2 ①③. 3① ④ ⑤. 4②. 5 ① 해설 ② happily → happy ③ difficulty. → difficult ④ nicely → nice ⑤ difference → different 6④. 7③⑤. 8①. 9②. 10 ④. 11 ① 해설 밑줄 친 형용사는 보어(명사 서술)이므 로, ①번의 보어가 같은 쓰임이다.. 12 ② 수식 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 서술 13 ④. 34 ③ 37 ②. 35 ② 38 ①. 36 ④ 39 ③. 40 ⑤. 41 ② 해설 comes always → always comes 42 ④ 부사 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 형용사 서술형 대비. 1 Mark is often late for school.. 2 I will always remember my teacher.. 3 How far is it from here to the airport? 4 impatient → impatiently 5 fastly → fast. 6 lately → late. 14 ② ③ ⑤. 15 ③ 해설 want to eat something special.. 7 few things to eat. 16 ③. 8 Few people have true friends. 해설 few 뒤에는 복수명사, 복수동사가 온다는 것을 명심하자.. interesting thing. 9 day → days. 17 ① 해설 a thing interesting → an 18 ① ③ ④ 해설 ① The most thing important. → The most important thing ③ delicious something → something delicious ④ A thing strange → A strange thing 19 ④. 20 ④ 해설 ① many → much ② sugars →. sugar ③ many → much ⑤ much → many 21 ② 해설 ① many → much ③ many →. never was → was never lately → late. 10 student → students. sadly → sad much → many visited often → often visited. much ④ calmly → calm ⑤ much → many 22 ① 해설 a little → a few 23 ③. 24 ②. 25 ④. 27 ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑨ ⑩. 26 ① ③ ④ ⑤ ⑦ ⑧. 28 ② ④ ⑤. 29 ⑤. 30 ① ③ ⑤ 해설 timely는 형용사로 ‘시기적절한’. highly는 부사이지만 ‘몹시’, ‘매우’라는 뜻을 가지므 로 주어진 문장에 적절하지 않다. 31 ③. 32 ①. 33 ③ 해설 ① clean → cleans ② sometimes. is → is sometimes ④ has been never → has never been ⑤ Is always Jack careful → Is. 정답과 해설. 47.

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여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167)

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대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1권 답지 해설 바로보는 사진답지 빠른답지 모바일최적화. 다운로드 받을필요 없이 바로 볼수 있는 모바일에 최적화된 답지 …

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대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 정답. … 동사: smells 보어: good. 2-1 주어 첫걸음. 중학 영문법. 본문 10 쪽. 1. 03 동사: go 해석: 나의 어머니와 여동생은 …

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더보기 시험완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석 1 정답과 해설 Chapter 1-1 1 … 1-1 문장의 구조 첫.. … 대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 답지 (2019).

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대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 소개 코로나로 인해 연기되었던 등교가 “4차 등교”을 마지막으로 모든 유치원생과 초중고교생이 학교에 가게 되었죠.

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대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1. 시험 완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석. 대치북스 편집부, 정새라 저 대치북스 2018.11.22. 판매지수 185. 별점10.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: mbook.interpark.com

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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 대치동 중학 영문법 3600제 중1 (page 167). 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

(1) 시험완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석. 1 정답과 해설.

(2) Chapter 1-1. 1. 문장의 구조. 02 주어: Mike, Jenny, and Sarah 해석: Mike, Jenny와 Sarah는 같은 도시 에 산다.. 1-1 문장의 구조 첫걸음. 본문 8 쪽. 01 주어: I . 02 주어: Jenny 03 주어: It . 04 주어: The weather 05 주어: My mother 06 주어: Helen 07 주어: Paul . 08 주어: Karen and Nick. 본문 7 쪽. 동사: walked 동사: plays 동사: is. 03 주어: I 해석: 나는 사과와 바나나를 좋아한다.. 04 주어: Kate’s father 해석: Kate의 아버지는 과학자이다. 05 주어: He 해석: 그는 굉장히 관대하다.. 동사: is. 동사: has. 동사: reads 동사: likes. 동사: study. 2-2 동사 첫걸음. 본문 11 쪽. 01 동사: is 해석: 내가 가장 좋아하는 영화는 ‘해리포터’ . 1-2 문장의 필수요소. 이다.. 첫걸음. 본문 9 쪽. 01 주어: The music 목적어: the movie 주어: I 02 목적어: history 03 주어: The food 목적어: 없음 . 동사: made. 보어: interesting 동사: love 보어: 없음. 동사: smells 보어: good. 2-1 주어 첫걸음. 중학 영문법. 본문 10 쪽. 1. 03 동사: go 해석: 나의 어머니와 여동생은 중국에 간다. 04 동사: likes 해석: Paul은 Anna를 좋아한다. 05 동사: has 해석: Karen은 차를 가지고 있다.. 2-3 목적어. 01 주어: My friends and I 해석: 내 친구들과 나는 9시에 학교에 간다.. 02. 02 동사: goes 해석: Jack은 매주 일요일에 낚시하러 간다.. 첫걸음 01 목적어: playing with my friends. 본문 12 쪽. 해석: 나는 친구들과 함께 노는 것을 좋아한다..

(3) 02 목적어: strawberries 해석: Karen은 딸기를 먹는다.. 2-5 명사의 인칭과 인칭대명사. 03 목적어: the piano 해석: Jane은 피아노를 연주한다.. 첫걸음. 04 목적어: my pen 해석: Harry는 내 펜을 빌린다. 05 목적어: coffee 해석: Laura은 커피를 마신다.. 2-4 보어 첫걸음. 본문 13 쪽. A 01 주어: a student. 해석: Henry는 학생이다.. 02 주어: hard-working 해석: Nick은 성실하다.. 03 주어: interesting 해석: Jake는 영화가 흥미롭다고 생각한다. 04 주어: a scientist 해석: Ben은 과학자이다.. 05 주어: good 해석: 그 음식은 좋은 냄새가 난다.. B 01 주어 03 동사 05 주격보어 07 동사 09 목적어 11 주격보어 13 목적격보어 15 주격보어 . 02 목적격보어. 주어 19. 20 목적어. 동사 17. 04 동사. 06 주격보어 08 주어 10 목적어. 12 목적어 . 14 목적격보어 16 동사 18 목적어. 본문 16 쪽. A 01 He or She 03 It 05 We 07 We 09 You 11 She 13 It 15 It 17 He 19 We. 02 She. B 01 Her 03 it 05 his 07 Their 09 Our 11 It 13 It 15 theirs 17 her 19 theirs. 02 His. C 01 hers 03 Her 05 his 07 their 09 theirs 11 his 13 His 15 its 17 My 19 her 21 him 23 mine 25 Her . 02 you. 04 He. 06 They 08 It. 10 She 12 He. 14 They 16 She. 18 They 20 We. 04 It. 06 his. 08 their 10 His 12 It. 14 yours 16 hers 18 It. 20 Its. 04 her. 06 hers. 08 Its 10 them. 12 yours 14 me 16 It. 18 Their 20 hers 22 His. 24 yours 26 He. 정답과 해설. 03.

(4) . 27 him. 28 my. 29 your 30 them. 개념다지기 warm up. 05 terrible . 06 wisely. 3-3 3형식. 본문 19 쪽. 1 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어 . 첫걸음. 2 ( X ). 3 앞, ~가 / 이 . 4 뒤, ~을 / 를 5 뒤, 명사, 형용사. 01 ( O ) . 02 1형식. 05 ( O ) . 06 1형식. 03 ( O ) . 6 명사 보충. 07 5형식 . 7 목적어. 09 2형식. 8 보어 9 명사, 사람을 대신해주는 말. 본문 22 쪽. 04 2형식 08 1형식 10 ( O ). 10 주격대명사, I, You, He, She, It, They, We. 11 목적격대명사, me, you, him, her, it, them,. 3-4 4형식. 12 소유격, ~의, 뒤에 반드시 명사. 첫걸음. us. 13 소유대명사, ‘소유격+명사’, 명사. 본문 20 쪽. 01 ( O ). 02 3형식. 05 2형식 . 06 ( O ). 07 me some salt. 04 3형식. 08 teaches us English. 09 get her some water. 08 3형식. 10 bake my family a chocolate cake. 3-5. 첫걸음. 4형식 문장을 3형식 문장으로 바꾸기. 본문 21 쪽. 01 nice . 03 gracefully. 중학 영문법. 05 him the ticket. 06 John tells me a story.. 3-2 2형식. 04. 02 Bring me some food.. 04 Buy them something to drink.. 첫걸음. 07 ( O ) . 01 him your book. 03 Send me a present.. 3-1 1형식. 03 ( O ) . 본문 23 쪽. 1. 02 beautiful. 04 beautifully. 첫걸음 A 01 to . 03 of . 본문 24 쪽. 02 for 04 to.

(5) 05 to 07 to. 06 fot. 06 ( O ). 08 of. 07 ( O ). 09 for 10 to. 08 They → Their 09 of → to. B 01 Jane sent a postcard to me.. 02 My boyfriend bought roses for me.. 03 My uncle gave a present to me.. 05 My mother made a birthday cake for me.. 06 Andy told the secret to his friend.. 07 The asked a question of me.. 08 Michael wrote a letter to his girlfriend. 09 Will you pass the salt to me?. 10 I brought some cookies to them.. 본문 26 쪽. 해석: 그 음악은 Phil을 행복하게 만든다.. 목적격보어: president. 02 해석: 그들은 Kate를 의장으로 선출한다.. 03 목적격보어: safe 해석: 그 기사는 그것을 안전하게 지킨다.. 04 목적격보어: easy 해석: Danny는 그 책이 쉽다는 것을 알게 된다.. 01 ( O ). 14 ( O ). 15 sadly → sad 01 목적어 . 02 목적어. 05 목적어 . 06 목적어. 03 보어 . 본문 27 쪽. 04 목적어. 07 보어 . 08 목적어. 11 목적어. 12 보어. 15 목적어. 16 보어. 19 보어 . 20 목적어. 13 목적어 . 01 목적격보어: happy . 실력다지기 check up. 12 his → him. 09 보어. 3-6 5형식. 11 sourly → sour 13 His → He. 04 She found the article for me.. 첫걸음. 10 ( O ). 17 보어. 10 목적어 14 보어 18 목적어. 개념다지기 warm up. 본문 29 쪽. 1 ( O ) 2 ( O ). 3 ( X ) . 4 타동사 5 주어+ 동사 6 I walk to school.. 7 주어+ 동사 + 보어. 8 This looks nice. 9 주어+ 동사+ 목적어. 02 ( O ). 10 I study English. 11 주어+동사 + 간접목적어 +직접목적어. 04 to → for. 12 I gave her a present.. 03 strictly → strict 05 ( O ). 13 주어+동사 + 목적어 + 목적격보어. 정답과 해설. 05.

(6) 26 ④ g.는 목적어의 순서가 바뀜. 27 ③ 해설 (b) a 없앰 (c) seriously → serious. 14 I make my parents happy.. 28 ③ 해설 (a) happily → happy (e) greatly →. 15 ( O ). 16 2, ( O ). great. 29 ⑤ 4형식 문장을 찾아야 함. 30 ④ 해설 ① 3형식 ② 3형식 ③ 3형식 ⑤ 3형식. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 30 쪽. 1④. 2 ② it is의 축약형은 it’s이며, its는 it의 소유격 이다. 3⑤. 4④. 6⑤ 7①. 8 ③ 소유격과 소유대명사의 구분이 중요!. 9 ⑤ 해설 ① Our → We ② Him → He ③ His → Her ④ Theirs → They 10 ③. 11 ④ make는 for을 사용하므로 for을 사용하는 동 사 찾기 해설 ① to ② to ③ to ⑤ of. 12 ③ ⑤ 목적어 자리에는 he대신 him이 와야 한다. 해설 ① he → him ② he → him ④ to 없앰.. 13 ② b. she → he f. we → they g. they → you. 14 ① look은 감각동사이므로 형용사가 뒤에 온다.. 15 ① ③ ④ 빈칸 뒤에 형용사 delicious가 오므로, 2형식 동사를 고른다. 17 ②. 18 ①. 19 ⑤ look 뒤에는 형용사가 와야 하는데, lonely,. beautiful, cool, sad는 형용사이지만, happily는 부사다. 20 ③. 21 ⑤. 22 ① taste 뒤에는 형용사가 와야 하는데, greatly 는 부사다.. 23 ⑤ taste 뒤에는 형용사가 와야 하는데, deliciously는 부사다. 24 ④. 06. 25 ③ show는 전치사 to를 쓴다.. 중학 영문법. 32 ⑤ 해설 ① 3형식 ② 3형식 ③ 3형식 ④ 3형식. 33 ③ 해설 ① 5형식 ② 1형식 ④ 3형식 ① 1형식 34 ② 해설 ② loudly → loud. 35 ② ③ 해설 ① calmly → calm ④ peacefully → peaceful ⑤ nicely → nice. 5 ① 뒤에 명사가 오는 경우, 소유격을 써야 한다.. 16 ①. 31 ④ 해설 ① 2형식 ② 4형식 ③ 2형식 ⑤ 5형식. 1. 36 ② 해설 ② well → good. 37 ③ 해설 ② strangely → strange 38 ① 해설 ② softly → soft. 39 ③ buy는 전치사 to가 아닌 for이 와야 적절하다. 40 ③. 41 ②. 43 ④. 44 ④ take는 4형식동사가 아님. 42 ① give, send, bring, show는 to를 사용 45 ② 빈칸에 오는 것은 the book to 47 ② ④. 48 ②. 46 ⑤. 49 ② ③ 소유대명사를 찾아야 함. 50 ④ 주격보어와 목적격보어의 차이. 51 ④ 4형식 문장을 찾아야 함. 해설 ① 3형식 ② 5 형식 ③ 3형식 ⑤ 5형식. 52 ① ② ④ ⑤ 형용사를 찾아야 함. 53 ② 사물의 소유격을 표현할 때에는 A’s B가 아니 라 B of A로 쓴다.. 54 ④ explain은 4형식 동사가 아니다. 55 ① ④ buy와 make는 전치사 for. 56 ③ 해설 ① to → of ② presents for me ④ to → for ⑤ letter to her 57 ③. 58 ⑤. 59 ① 해설 ② for → to ③ to → of ④ salt to me ⑤ letter to my 60 ⑤. 61 ③. 62 ① 형용사가 올 수 있는 2형식 동사가 필요하다..

(7) 63 ⑤ 소유대명사가 아닌 것을 찾아야 한다. 64 ③. 65 ①. 66 ④. 67 ③. 68 ③. 69 ① 나머지는 주격보어의 형용사이며, ①번의 형용 사는 명사를 수식하는 형용사이다.. 서술형 대비. 1 The ttt looks graceful.. 2 I wanted to borrow my sister’s computer. 3 He is a friend of mine.. 4 Paul buys beautiful flowers for Jane 혹은 Paul buys Jane beautiful fl owers. 5 These jeans look nice on you. 6 a friend of my father’s.. 7 (1) My sister asked a lot of questions of me.. (2) He bought a piece of cake for me. (3) She brought a new bag to me.. 8 (A) to (B) of (C) to. 9 Jane teaches science to the students. 또는 Jane teaches the students science.. 정답과 해설. 07.

(8) Chapter 1-1. 2. 주어와 동사의 관계. 수의 일치 – 단수명사와. 1-1 복수명사 (규칙) 첫걸음 01 shirts. 03 benches. 05 tomatoes. 09 boxes. 13 birds. 07 zoos. 08. 11 sisters. 53 stories. 54 selves. 57 thieves. 58 cats. 55 diaries. 59 beefs. 02 dishes. 61 shelves. 06 radios. 65 parties. 10 apples. 04 pianos. 08 brothers. 63 safes. 67 cherries 69 lives. 56 phones 60 chimneys 62 bodies 64 leaves. 66 families 68 beliefs. 70 candies. 12 jobs. 14 churches. 15 cities. 수의 일치 – 단수명사와. 16 stars. 17 dogs. 1-2 복수명사 (불규칙). 18 ladies. 19 flowers. 20 watches. 21 babies. 첫걸음. 22 days. 23 maps. 24 potatoes. 25 monkeys 27 tests. 29 pens. 31 teams 33 heros. 35 brushes. 본문 47 쪽. 01 children. 02 feet. 06 men. 26 classes. 03 fish. 30 apples. 34 buses. 28 keys. 05 teeth. 32 umbrellas. 09 geese. 07 snowmen 11 mice. 04 sheep 08 deer. 10 oxen. 12 women. 36 friends. 37 mothers. 38 pencils. 39 cups. 41 boys. 40 fathers. 1-3 셀 수 없는 명사. 44 days. 첫걸음. 42 girls. 43 toys. 45 wives. 46 holidays. 47 knives. 48 clocks. 49 foxes. 50 wolves. 51 factories. 중학 영문법. 본문 44 쪽. 본문 43 쪽. 52 photos 1. 본문 48 쪽. A 01 ( X ). 02 ( O ). 06 ( O ). 03 ( X ). 05 ( O ). 04 ( O ).

(9) 07 ( X ). 08 ( X ). B 01 cup . 02 pieces / slices. 12 ( O ). 05 glass. 06 slice. 09 ( O ). 13 ( X ). 11 ( O ) 15 ( O ) 17 ( O ) 19 ( X ) 21 ( X ). 23 ( O ) 25 ( X ) 27 ( X ). 29 ( O ) 31 ( O ) 33 ( X ). 35 ( O ) 37 ( O ) 39 ( O ) 41 ( X ). 10 ( X ) 14 ( X ). 22 ( X ). 수의 일치 – be동사의. 26 ( O ). 첫걸음. 28 ( X ) 30 ( X ) 32 ( X ). 34 ( O ) 36 ( X ). 본문 52 쪽. 01 are . 02 is. 05 are. 06 is. 03 are. 04 is. 38 ( O ) 40 ( O ). 2-2 수의 일치 – 일반동사. 42 ( O ). 첫걸음. 04 a team 08 Air. 10 fresh bread. 02 finds. 10 begins. 07 likes. 11 walks. 09 catches 13 starts. 15 goes 본문 50 쪽. 02 glasses, beer. 04 bottles, beer 06 slices, cheese 08 pairs, pants. 10 pairs, scissors. 본문 53 쪽. A 01 gets 03 draws 05 washes. 1-4 단위명사. A 01 slice, meat 03 pound, sugar 05 pieces, paper 07 piece, cake 09 pounds, meat. 10 piece. 2-1 단수와 복수. 24 ( O ). 06 Hope. 첫걸음. 08 piece. 20 ( X ). 05 a dictionary 09 a tree. 09 pieces. 18 ( O ). 02 salt. 07 paper. 04 slice / piece. 07 pound. 16 ( O ). B 01 Spain 03 Sam. 03 pairs. 17 talks. 21 tells. 19 shows 23 sounds. 25 teaches 27 sends. 29 swims. 04 reads . 06 wakes. 08 works 12 knows. 14 finishes 16 plays. 18 listens. 20 marries 22 tastes. 24 cooks. 26 watches 28 gives. 30 smells. 정답과 해설. 09.

(10) . 31 writes. 32 buries. 35 pushes. 36 relays. 33 prays. 37 learns. 03 understands. 05 discusses. 07 impresses. 09 cries. 11 look. 15 buy. 17 smells, tastes. 19 have. 21 gives. 04 watches . 4 일반동사의 단수형은 동사 뒤에 (e)s가 붙는다. 동사의 형태에 따라 단수형을 만드는 방법이 조금 달라질 수 있다.. 10 misses. 동사 끝이 ‘-o, -s, -x, -ch, -sh’로 끝나 면 ‘동사원형+es’로 나타낸다. (goes). 14 visits. 18 needs. 동사 끝이 ‘자음+y’로 끝나면 y를 i로 바꾸고 ‘es’를 붙이고, 동사 끝이 ‘모음+y’로 끝나면 ‘동사원형+s’로 쓴다. (studies / buys). 5 (O). 08 loses. 16 seems 20 go. 실력다지기 check up 01 pen → pens 02 are → is. 03 is → are. 중학 영문법. 1. 3 ( O ). 06 tidies. 6 is. 7 are. 8 ( O ). 24 passes. 25 finishes. 10. 2 information, advice, water, air, fire. 02 love. 22 washes. 23 studies. 본문 57 쪽. 1 ( O ). 12 addresses. 13 needs. 개념다지기 warm up. 60 pays. B 01 go . 15 forget → forgets. 58 mixes. 59 dries. 14 hurry → hurries. 56 applies. 57 hides. 13 ( O ). 54 replies. 55 asks. 12 ( O ). 52 flies. 53 cries. 11 tomatos → tomatoes. 50 lays. 50 stays. 10 copy → copies. 48 worries. 49 copies. 09 get → gets. 46 wears. 47 carries. 08 is → are. 44 sells. 45 enjoys. 07 Boxs → Boxes. 42 says. 43 feels. 06 Potatos → Potatoes. 40 studies. 41 buys. 05 are → is. 38 makes. 39 thinks. 04 ( O ). 34 pulls. 본문 56 쪽.

(11) 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. wash → washes 본문 58 쪽. 1 ② am → are. 2 ② am not의 약어는 ain’t이다.. 3 ① ①의 주어는 복수, 나머지 ②~⑤의 주어는 단수. 30 ③ teach → teaches. 31 ② The library는 단수이므로 단수동사 is로 바 꿔야 한다.. 32 ③ Paul은 단수이므로 단수동사 likes로 바꿔야 한다.. 이다.. 33 ⑤ man → men. 5 ③ 주어진 문장의 They는 복수이므로, 복수동사 are이 들어가고, (C)를 제외한 나머지는 모두 복수주. 야 한다.. 4 ⑤ is → are. 어이다.. 6 ③ 주어가 단수이므로 단수동사 is를 써야한다.. 7 ② 주어가 복수이므로 복수동사 are을 써야 한다. 8 ⑤ tooth의 복수형은 teeth이다.. 9 ④ 해설 ① her → his ② goes → go ③ his →. 34 ④ Kate는 단수이므로 단수동사 has로 바꿔 35 ④ Peter는 단수이므로 단수동사 loves로 바꿔 야 한다.. 36 ④ Mike는 단수이므로 단수동사 plays로 바꿔야 한다.. 37 ① tooth는 단수이므로 복수형 teeth로 바 꿔야 한다.. her ⑤ are → is. 38 ③ pizza는 단위명사 slice 혹은 piece를 사. learn → learns ⑤ likes → like. 39 ② Two가 앞에 있으므로, 복수명사와 복수동사. 12 ① is → are. 40 ④ 해설 ① piece → pieces ② are → is ③ many → much ⑤ are → is(news는 단수. 10 ③ 해설 ① has → have ② want → wants ④ 11 ③ am → are. 13 ② 해설 ② heros → heroes ③ ch로 끝나도 발 음이 [k]일때는 그냥 s를 붙힌다. 14 ③. 15 ④ foots → feet. 16 ③ teachs → teaches 17 ⑤ plaies → plays. 18 ④ you는 단수/복수 모두 are을 사용한다. 19 ②. 20 ⑤. 21 ② plays → play. 22 ④ ④번은 주어가 단수이므로 is가 적절하다.. 용한다.. 를 사용한다.. 명사이다). 41 ② 해설 ① coffees → coffee ③ egg → eggs ④ toies → toys ⑤ peoples → people(people은 이미 복수명사이다). 42 ② likes → like. 43 ③ 해설 ① movies → movie ② books → book ④ bags → bag ⑤ is → are. 23 ③ likes go → likes to. 24 ③ 해설 b. like → likes / d. need → needs / e. forget → forgets. 25 ④ 해설 ① are ② are ③ are ④ is ⑤ are. 26 ⑤ 해설 ① a milk → milk ② Sugars are → sugar is ③ salts → salt ④ A water → Water 27 ② (B)를 제외한 나머지는 are 이 적절하다. 28 ② are → is. 29 ② 해설 hurts → hurt / skip → skips /. 정답과 해설. 11.

(12) 서술형 대비. 1 are 해설 trousers가 복수이므로 복수명사 are 를 사용한다.. teachers. 2 a slice of pizza / a glass of milk. 3 (1) I drink two cups of coff ee every morning.. (2) Sandy bought two pairs of pants yesterday. (3) Laura has two sisters. (4) Paul has many things to do. (5) Kate and Jane are good friends.. 4 Laura is a student. She is a lively girl. She. has a lot of friends. Her hobby is playing tennis. She plays tennis every Sunday. She likes reading books, too. Her favorite book is Harry Potter.. 12. 중학 영문법. 1.

(13) Chapter 1-1. 3. 동사의 시제. 1-1 현재시제 본문 67 쪽. 01 likes. 02 like. 05 is. 06 rises. 09 plays. 13 is. 03 goes. 07 tastes. 11 is. 15 plays 17 wins 19 is. 21 flock 23 has. 25 rains. 17 was . 18 was. 21 wins. 22 was. 첫걸음. 04 watches 08 is. 12 understand 16 runs. 20 saves 24 is. 05 came. 05 turned. 06 talked. 09 closed. 13 called. 07 began 09 was. 11 were 13 were 15 was. 본문 69 쪽. 08 finished 10 went 12 was. 14 were. 16 watched. 본문 71 쪽. 06 traveled. 02 started. 04 were. 24 was. 01 moved. 07 agreed. 22 does. 2-1 과거시제. 03 was. 25 has. 03 finished. 18 is. 02 went. 23 is. 20 visited. 첫걸음. 14 revolves. 01 was. 19 found. 2-2 과거동사 만드는 방법. 10 drinks. 첫걸음. 본문 66 쪽. 11 cooked 15 washed. 17 watched 19 loved. 21 believed 23 walked 25 missed. 27 learned 29 lived. 31 kicked. 33 wanted 35 applied. 37 touched 39 failed. 04 worked 08 opened 10 solved. 12 visited. 14 picked. 16 pushed 18 cried. 20 danced 22 helped. 24 answered 26 saved. 28 jumped 30 hated. 32 changed 34 seemed. 36 collected 38 entered 40 ended. 정답과 해설. 13.

(14) . 41 studied. 42 failed. 51 knew, known . 52 got, got / gotten. 45 carried. 46 played. 55 rang, rung . 56 kept, kept. 43 enjoyed. 47 married. 57 meant, meant . 48 carried. 49 asked. 53 rose, risen . 44 looked. 59 led, led . 50 replied. 51 stayed. 61 stood, stood . 62 read, read. 65 forgot, forgotten . 66 slept ,slept. 63 lost, lost . 2-3 불규칙 동사. 1 was/were, been. 67 grew, grown 본문 76 쪽. 2 went, gone. 3 taught, taught 4 brought, brought 5 had, had 6 held, held. 7 chose, chosen 8 drew, drawn. 9 woke, woken 10 broke, broken 11 dreamed / dreamt, dreamed / dreamt 12 flew, flown . 13 smelled / smelt, smelled / smelt 14 sang, sung. 15 put, put 16 laid, laid 17 felt, felt. 18 hurt, hurt . 21 threw, thrown . 22 set, set . 19 shut, shut . 23 heard heard 25 fell, fallen 27 met, met . 29 told, told . 31 said, said 33 fed, fed . 35 slid, slid . 37 saw, seen . 39 blew, blown 41 lent, lent . 20 cast, cast 24 left left . 26 drank, drunk 28 made, made. 30 spoke, spoken 32 ate, eaten. 34 bit, bitten 36 sent, sent. 38 showed, shown 40 cost, cost. 42 bought, bought. 43 thought, thought 44 swam, swum 45 began, begun . 46 let, let. 49 spent, spent . 50 sat, sat. 47 fought, fought . 14. 중학 영문법. 1. 58 won, won. 60 understood, understood. 52 baked. 불규칙동사 TEST. 54 drove, driven. 48 wrote, written. 69 gave, given 71 paid, paid. 73 found, found 75 hit, hit. 64 wore, worn 68 caught, caught 70 bore, born. 72 built, built. 74 took, taken. 76 burned/burnt, burned/burnt 77 rode, ridden . 79 spread, spread . 78 sold, sold. 80 did, done. 첫걸음 01 did – done 03 found – found 05 wrote – written 07 felt – felt 09 had – had 11 paid – paid 13 woke – woken 15 was / were – been 17 lost – lost 19 drove – driven 21 saw – seen 23 gave – given 25 blew – blown 27 built – built 29 held – held 31 sat – sit 33 won – won 35 knew – known. 본문 79 쪽. 02 bought – bought 04 came – come 06 flew – flown 08 ate – eaten. 10 drunk – drunken 12 put – put. 14 went – gone 16 hit – hit. 18 ran – run. 20 began – begun. 22 forgot – forgotten. 24 brought – brought 26 set – set. 28 hurt – hurt. 30 rose – risen 32 told – told. 34 threw – thrown 36 broke – broken.

(15) 37 rang – rung. 38 shut – shut. 41 fought – fought. 42 sold – sold. 39 made – made 43 wore – worn. 44 took – taken. 60 thought – thought. 48 kept – kept. 51 caught – caught. 52 spread – spread. 55 met – met. 57 chose – chosen 59 bit – bitten 61 fed – fed. 50 left – left. 54 read – read. 58 stung – stung. 62 taught – taught. 63 understood – understood 64 drew – drawn. 65 rode – ridden. 67 spoke – spoken. 68 lent – lent. 66 showed – showed (shown) 69 slept – slept. 본문 83 쪽. 56 fell – fallen. 47 stood – stood. 53 spent – spent. 첫걸음. 01 I am listening to music. 02 We were having lunch together. 03 We were enjoying the party. 04 I am having breakfast. . 05 He was helping his friends. 06 I was taking Spanish lessons.. 45 became – become 46 swam – swum 49 sang – sung. 4-1 진행시제. 40 let – let. 70 sent – sent. 07 She was running with her dog.. 09 Sam was playing basketball.. 08 He was cleaning his room. 10 She was reading a book. 11 He is wearing jeans. 12 It was raining.. 13 The girl was singing a song.. 14 My brother was driving a car.. 15 He was walking to school.. 3-1 미래시제 본문 81 쪽. A 01 will play . 02 have. 05 will learn. 06 will leave. 03 forgot. 07 will visit. 09 keep. B 01 are going to . 03 will. 05 am going to. 07 are going to 09 are going to. 16 We were building the house.. 18 He was talking to her.. 첫걸음. 04 watched. 08 go. 17 We were sitting together. 19 The man is standing still. 20 I was calling her.. 10 will stop. 4-2 동사원형+ing 만드는 원칙. 02 is going to. 첫걸음. 04 will. 06 is going to rain 08 am going to 10 is going to. 01 answering. 03 buying 05 having. 07 helping. 09 starting. 11 keeping. 본문 85 쪽. 02 coming. 04 missing. 06 walking. 08 meeting 10 waking 12 closing. 정답과 해설. 15.

(16) . 13 teaching. 14 writing. 03 I’m going shopping tomorrow morning.. 17 learning. 18 cooking. 05 The next flight is arriving in two hours.. 21 turning. 25 moving. 15 holding. 16 visiting. 19 seeing. 20 taking 22 saving. 23 doing. 24 pushing. 28 finishing. 29 getting. 32 waving. 33 studying. 43 swimming. 45 resetting. 47 putting. 49 hiking. 42 trying. 53 camping . 55 setting . 57 running . 59 planning 61 waiting . 63 jogging . 48 eating. 첫걸음. 46 sitting. 52 beginning 54 forgetting 56 believing 58 growing. 02 have known. 05 have met. 06 has, finished. 03 has played. 07 has lost. 11 has used. 60 hoping. 62 reading. 66 entering. 첫걸음. 본문 87 쪽. 01 She is leaving Korea next Monday. . 02 They are visiting their grandparents this. weekend.. 중학 영문법. 1. 09 has bought 13 has taught. 15 has worked. 17 has cooked. 4-3 미래를 나타내는 진행시제. 본문 89 쪽. A 01 have been . 16. 04 모름. 5-2 현재완료의 모양. 64 stopping. 65 stopping. 02 모름, 모름. 44 winning. 50 flying. 51 standing. 01 Seoul, Seoul . 40 kidding. 41 wanting. 38 collecting. 39 listening. 본문 88 쪽. 03 깨진 상태. 36 adding. 37 looking. 34 lying. 35 sleeping. 첫걸음. 30 diving. 31 going. 5-1 현재완료. 26 changing. 27 touching. 04 He is going camping this weekend.. 19 has broken. 04 have, had. 08 Have, been. 10 has watched 12 has rained. 14 has known 16 have been 18 has been. 20 has fallen. B 01 계속 . 02 경험. 05 경험. 06 계속. 03 완료. 04 결과. 08 완료. 07 경험 09 완료. 10 결과.

(17) 개념다지기 warm up. 5-3 현재완료, 과거. 1 ( O ) . 첫걸음 01 went. 03 played. 05 had. 09 rained. 07 have been 11 visited. 13 snowed 15 did, do. 2 ( O ). 3 ( O ) . 본문 91 쪽. 4 (O). 5 ( O ) 6 ( X ). 02 has. 7 (X). 04 started. 8 ( O ). 9 ( O ). 06 hasn’t 08 met. 10 has rained. 6-1 수동태와 능동태. 14 won. 첫걸음. 12 have been 16 watched. 실력다지기 check up 01 ( O ). 02 work → works. 본문 94 쪽. 01 능동태. 02 수동태. 05 능동태. 06 수동태. 03 능동태 본문 93 쪽. 본문 95 쪽. 07 능동태 09 능동태. 04 수동태 08 수동태 10 수동태. 03 breaks → broke 04 ( O ). 05 playes → played. 6-2 능동태를 수동태로 바꾸는 법. 07 have been – went. 첫걸음. 06 write → writes 08 ( O ). 09 stoped → stopped. A 01 by him. 11 drinks → drank. 03 My idea. 10 ( O ). 12 teach → teaches 13 ( O ). 14 stealed → stole. 02 was made. 04 am loved. 05 is bought. 06 was finished by her. 17 buy → bought. 08 was built by Bill. 19 ( O ). 15 leaves → leave. 16 speak → speaks 18 forgotten → forgot 20 has changed → changed. 본문 95 쪽. 07 were helped by Maria 09 is drunken by Nick. 10 were washed by Eric. B 01 Music is liked by me.. 02 A small greenhouse was built by us.. 정답과 해설. 17.

(18) . 03 His room was cleaned by him.. 7-1 by+(대)명사의 생략. 05 Some cookies were baked by her.. 첫걸음. 04 The violin was played by Sarah.. 06 A book was read by him.. 01 My bike was stolen.. 07 A book is read by Sam.. 02 English is spoken all over the world.. 08 A huge bag is carried by her.. 03 The window was broken.. 09 His mother is helped by him.. 04 Potatoes are grown here.. 10 The ball was kicked by him.. 05 That building was built in 1972.. 11 A book was written by Susan.. 12 The telephone was invented by Bell.. 13 His car was broken by Karl.. 10 My computer was broken.. 6-3 수동태를 능동태로 바꾸는 법. 본문 98 쪽. 01 My uncle played the guitar. 02 I did the work.. 03 My sister wrote the letter.. 04 Bell invented the telephone. 05 You use the computer.. 06 Your dog bit my brother.. 07 My friends break the glasses.. 08 My mother invited you.. 09 He taught me.. 11 His family visited Paul.. 13 His mother calls Brian.. 15 My sister brought the present.. 10 The students sang the song. 12 The students completed the project. 14 Dr. Smith treated the patient. 14 Dr. Smith treated the patient.. 18. 중학 영문법. 1. 07 This cave was discovered. 09 The rumor was spread.. 15 The door was opened by Claire.. 첫걸음. 06 He is respected.. 08 The poor are helped.. 14 Her house is cleaned by Jamie.. 본문 100 쪽. 실력다지기 check up 01 is → was (과거). 02 are → is (수 일치) 03 you → by you 04 ( O ). 05 choosed → chosen (불규칙동사) 06 him → by him. 07 holded → held (불규칙동사). 08 wrote → written (불규칙동사) 09 ( O ) 10 ( O ). 11 bite → bitten (불규칙동사) 12 ( O ) 13 ( O ). 14 catched → caught (불규칙동사) 15 growed → grown (불규칙동사) 16 was → were (수 일치) 17 ( O ). 18 were → was (수 일치). 19 spreaded → spread (불규칙동사) 20 buyed → bought (불규칙동사). 본문 101 쪽.

(19) 개념다지기 warm up. 본문 102 쪽. 4 ② 해설 ⓑ meet → meets ⓓ forget → forgets ⓔ watchs → watches. 1 ( O ) . 2 동작이 현재 일어나고 있거나, 변함없는 진리, 사실, 속담, 격언, 습관적인 동작 등을 표현할 때 현재시제를 사용한다.. 5 ① ③ ④ 해설 ② read → reads ⑤ work → works. 6 ① ② 해설 ③ go → went ④ read → reads ⑤. 3 뒤에 s를 붙인다.. has gone → went (in 2017으로 시점을 명시했기. 7 ④ sell – sold – sold. sh/ch/-s/-x로 끝나는 경우는 es를 붙인다. 동사 끝이 ‘자음+y’로 끝나면 y를 i로 바꾸고 ‘es’를 붙인다. 동사 끝이 ‘모음+y’로 끝나면. 8 ② ③ ④ 해설 ① 과거동사에는 s를 붙이지 않는 다. ⑤ give의 과거형은 gave이다.. ‘동사원형+s’로 쓴다.. 9 ④ stay – stayed – stayed. 4 보통 ed를 붙인다. 불규칙동사의 다양한 예를 써본다. 5 1. will + 동사원형 2. be동사+ going to v 3. be동사+ V-ing 6 be동사+ V-ing. 10 ④ 해설 (A) is → are (B) gathers → gather (C)have → has (F) starts → start. 11 ④ 해설 ① understoods → understood ② sung → sang ③ meeted → met ⑤ payed →. 7 have / has p.p.. paid. 8 현재완료는 과거에 일어난 일이 현재까지 계속 되거나 영향을 줄 때 사용하며, 과거시제는 현. 12 ② cost – cost – cost. 13 ③. 14 ① drop – dropped – dropped. 15 ② 조동사 뒤에는 항상 동사원형이 온다.. 재에 대한 정보를 주지 않는다.. 16 ② collect → collects. 9 ( O ). 17 ③ 해설 ⓑ worrys → worries ⓒ pushs →. 10 ( O ). 11 ( X ) 과거동사는 ed를 붙인다.. 12 ( X ) 반드시 ‘by 명사’가 오는 것은 아니다.. pushes ⓕ enjoyes → enjoys 18 ④ shoped → shopped 19 ③ slide – slid – slid. 20 ② bring – brought – brought. 21 ① 해설 ⓐ buy – bought – bought ⓑ will. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 때문에 현재완료 시제를 쓸 수 없다.). 본문 104 쪽. 1 ① 해설 ⓐ washs → washes ⓒ saies → says ⓓ stopps → stops. 2 ④ 해설 ① every Sunday는 습관이기 때문에 현. leave → left ⓔ have read → read. 22 ① ④ 해설 ② have → has (수 일치) ③ has → have (수 일치) ⑤ has taken → took (시제) 23 ① ④ ⑤ 해설 ① stayed → have stayed ④ have built → built ⑤ have watched →. 재시제를 쓰는 게 옳다. ② this morning은 이미 지 나갔으므로 보통 과거시제를 쓴다. ③ clean의 올바 른 3인칭 단수형은 cleans이다. ⑤ 과거동사에는 s를. watched. 붙이지 않는다.. 규칙) take – took – taken. s(es)를 붙인다. 주어가 I인 경우에는 동사원형을 사. goeing → going ④ swiming → swimming ⑤. 용한다.. exerciseing → exercising. 3 ④ 해설 3인칭 단수명사가 주어일 때, 동사에는. 24 ③ ④ 해설 ③ begined → began (불규칙). begin – began – begun ④ taked → took (불 25 ④ 해설 ① meetting → meeting ②. 정답과 해설. 19.

(20) 26 ② going은 go의 진행시제이다. 나머지는 be. 럼 읽는 주체가 확실히 표현되어 있을 때는 수동태로. 27 ④ lie+ing는 lying이 올바른 형태이다.. 41 ②. going to V로 ‛~할 예정이다’로 해석된다.. 쓰는 게 맞다.. 28 ② 해설 ⓐ tieing → tying ⓒ buing →. 42 ⑤ 해설 능동태를 수동태로 바꿀 때, be동사의. buying이 옳은 형태이다. ⓓ are → is (수 일치) ⓔ haveing → having. 29 ④ 해설 ① am helping → was helping (시 제) ② was boughting → was buying ③ is learnsing → is learning ⑤ is waitting → is. 시제와 수 일치에 주의하며, 과거분사의 형태에 유의 한다. 능동태 문장의 주어를 수동태에서 동사 뒤로 보 낼 때, by를 꼭 쓰고, 대명사는 목적격으로 바꾸자. 43 ② 해설 ① computer was fixed ③ driven by Lucy ④ buy → bought ⑤ work is done. waiting. 44 ① ③. be v-ing이다.. choosed → chosen ⑤ were → was. 30 ④ 진행의 be v-ing이고, 나머지는 모두 미래의 31 ③ be going to V = will V 로 바꾼다. 해설. ① Andy will go for a jog. ② They will watch a movie. ④ Claire will study history. ⑤ You will miss the bus.. 32 ② 해설 ①, ③ ~ ⑤는 왕래발착동사들이다.. 33 ④ be going to V = will V 로 바꾼다. 해설 ① I will attend the meeting. ② She will brush her teeth. ③ We will cook something. ⑤ Helen will meet me at the airport.. 34 ③ v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ① eatting →. eating ② shoping → shopping ④ swiming → swimming ⑤ runing → running. 35 ④ v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ① was sleepping → sleeping ② was carring → carrying ③. was tooking → taking ⑤ is play → playing 36 ① v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ② giveing →. giving ③ rideing → riding ④ fling → flying ⑤ helding → holding. 37 ④ v-ing의 옳은 형태 해설 ① is → are (수 일 치) ② startting → starting ③ is → are (수 일 치) ⑤ studieing → studying 38 ④. 39 ① ② ⑤ 해설 ① writed → written ② were → was ⑤ grew → grown. 40 ④ read는 수동불가동사가 아니다. 능동이 수동 을 대신할 수 있는 경우는 책의 성질로 인해 읽혀지는 것이 쉽다거나 재미있어졌을 때이며, 지금 이 문장처. 20. 중학 영문법. 1. 45 ④ 해설 ① were → was ② his → him ③ 46 ⑤. 47 ③ find와 found의 의미를 구분한다.. 48 ③ 해설 ① is → was(시제) ② are → were(시 제) ④ was 없앰. ⑤ window was broken. 49 ③ 해설 ⓐ sang → sung ⓒ are → is ⓕ taken by my ⓖ he → him. 50 ② ④ 해설 ① loves → loved ③ is → was ⑤ is → was 51 ④. 52 ③ 해설 4형식 문장을 수동태로 만드는 경우,. 동사 바로 뒤에 오는 목적어를 앞으로 보내야 한다. This book is given me by Paul. (X) 53 ④.

(21) 서술형 대비. 1 (1) gets . (2) got. (2) Julie is talking to her friends.. (2) A cat is lying on the floor.. 2 (1) Jane is reading a book.. 3 (1) Amy is driving her car.. 4 A meal is cooked by Kate and Ken. 5 The book was bought by me. 6 was read by me 7 was held by us. 8 (1) We spent 2hours in the mall.. (2) My uncle told me a funny story. (3) I bought some pens. (4) My sister sang a beautiful song. (5) I met her at the party. (6) John saw you at the library. (7) I went to Spain. (8) He swam in a river. (9) The bird flew high. (10) Jane read a lot of books.. (3) were (5) was (7) were (9) were (11) Were. 9 (1) were. (2) was (4) was (6) was (8) Was (10) were. 정답과 해설. 21.

(22) 1-1. 4. 조동사. 1-1 조동사의 역할과 종류 첫걸음 02 visit. 03 visit. 04 visit. 05 visit. 06 see. 07 see. 08 stay. 09 stay. 10 be. 1-2 조동사의 부정형, 축약형 첫걸음. 02 He won’t leave soon.. 05 He’d better not stay quiet.. 06 They wouldn’t work hard.. 1-3 조동사 문장의 의문문 전환 첫걸음. 본문 119 쪽. A 01 Can you drive?. 02 Will you move to Venezuela?. 04 Will Jane like the movie?. 03 Should she listen to her parents? 05 Might it be true?. 중학 영문법. 08 May she stay here?. B 01 you can . 02 I will. 04 I must. 06 I would. you can’t. 03 he can. I won’t he can’t. I can’t. 05 I can. 07 I could. 08 he should. 첫걸음. 04 You shouldn’t go out now.. 22. I mustn’t I wouldn’t I couldn’t. he shouldn’t. 2-1 will. 03 You mustn’t pack your car here.. 06 Would Mike show up?. 본문 118 쪽. 01 I can’t find him.. 07 Can you take a break? 본문 117 쪽. 01 visit. 본문 116 쪽. 1. 본문 121 쪽. 01 I will fall asleep. 02 She will miss the bus. 03 Paul will buy some flowers. 04 Laura will like you. 05 They will finish the work. 06 Ken will play football with his friends. 07 Maria will bring an umbrella. 08 It will rain heavily..

(23) 2-2 would. 3-1 can, could. 첫걸음 01 will → would . 02 are able to. 03 isn’t able to. 03 played → play. 04 aren’t able to. 04 stays → stay. 05 The girl was able to. 05 laughed → laugh. 06 Is he able to. 06 went → go. 07 exercised → exercise. 09 singing → sing. 본문 125 쪽. A 01 is able to. 02 tells → tell. 첫걸음. 본문 122 쪽. 07 Are they able to 08 Are you able to. 08 calls → call. 10 not will → will not (won’t). B 01 허락 . 02 허락. 12 won → win. 05 능력. 06 허락. 11 don’t will → won’t. 03 부탁. 04 능력. 08 허락. 07 부탁. 2-3 will you~?, would you ~? 3-2 may 첫걸음 01 Will 03 Would 05 Would. 본문 123 쪽. 첫걸음. 02 Will. 04 Would 06 Will. 첫걸음 01 I want to. 03 I want to. 05 Do you want to. 01 허락. 02 추측. 05 추측. 06 허락. 09 추측. 03 허락. 2-4 would like (to). 본문 124 쪽. 02 I want to. 본문 127 쪽. 07 추측 11 허락 13 추측 15 추측. 04 허락 08 추측 10 허락 12 허락 14 허락 16 추측. 04 Do you want 06 I want. 07 Would you like to 08 I would like to 09 Would you like to 10 I would like to. 정답과 해설. 23.

(24) 3-3 must. 3-6 had better, should. 첫걸음 01 강한 추측 05 의무. 09 강한 추측. 01 should. 02 의무. 03 강한 추측. 첫걸음. 본문 128 쪽. 02 should. 04 의무. 03 had better not 04 should. 08 강한 추측. 06 강한 추측. 07 의무. 본문 132 쪽. 10 강한 추측. 05 had better. 06 had better not. 10 should. 07 should not 09 had better. 08 had better. 실력다지기 check up. 3-4 must, have to 첫걸음 02 has to. 06 have to. 03 has to. 07 have to. 03 has to follow. 05 had to buy. 07 had to hurry. 03 listened → listen 05 must → have to 06 bit → bite 07 ( O ). 08 has to. B 01 had to wait for. 02 swims → swim 04 ( O ). 04 have to. 05 have to. 01 O 본문 129 쪽. A 01 have to. 본문 133 쪽. 08 You can → Can you. 02 have to go 04 had to go. 06 had to take. 08 had to clean. 09 came → come 10 Is → Are. 11 must → had to 12 to go → go. 13 musted → had to. 14 must did → had to do 15 ( O ). 3-5 must not, don’t have to 첫걸음. 본문 131 쪽. 01 must not. 02 must not. 05 must not. 06 must not. 03 must not. 24. 04 don’t have to. 07 don’t have to 09 must not. 중학 영문법. 1. 08 doesn’t have to 10 must not. 16 has better → had better 17 bought → buy. 18 Must you had to → Did you have to 19 ( O ). 20 to를 없앰.

(25) 개념다지기 warm up. 본문 134 쪽. → eat ⑤ learned → learn. 20 ③ 추측 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 의무. 21 ② ④ 조동사 뒤에는 동사원형이 온다. 해설 ②. 1 ( O ) . 2 허가, 추측, 요청, 가능성. helped → help ④ buys → buy. 22 ① 허락 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 능력. 3 의무, 강한 추측 4 (O). 23 ① can → can’t. 5 (O). 24 ⑤ 해설 ① eats → eat ② closed → close ③. 6 (X). must → had to ④ can → be able to. 7 ‘~할 필요가 없다’ ‘~해서는 안 된다’. 25 ③ 해설 ① reads → read ② walked → walk ④ staying → stay ⑤ is → be. 8 ( X ). 26 ⑤ 해설 ① protected → protect ② musts. → must ③ comes → come ④ passes → pass 27 ④ 해설 ① can → is ② pays → pay ③. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 135 쪽. 1②. 2 ⑤ take a photo: 사진을 찍다 / take a. shower: 샤워를 하다 / take a walk: 산책을 하다 / take a rest: 휴식하다 3④. 4 ③ opened → opene. 5 ⑤ 허락 해설 ①, ②, ③, ④ 능력 7 ④ ⓑ, ⓔ, ⓕ. 6②. 8 ③ ④ 해설 ① like to drink ② want to drink ⑤ I would like. 9 ② 해설 ⓑ don’t have to → didn’t have to. ⓒ must → have to(조동사는 두 개를 동시에 쓸 수 없다.) ⓓ have to → has to ⓔ Does he must have to → Does he have to 혹은 Must he로 바 꿔야 한다.. 10 ② had better not은 hadn’t better로 축약할 수 없다.. 11 ① ⑤. 12 ③. 14 ① ③. 15 ④ can’t → couldn’t. 13 ④ 허락 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 추측 17 ① ④ ⑤ 허가 해설 ②, ③ 추측 18 ③. swimming → swim ⑤ be → is. 28 ① 허락 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 능력 29 ④. 30 ⑤ 해설 ① has to → had to ② have → has ④ had → have 31 ①. 서술형 대비. 1 (1) isn’t able to . (2) wasn’t able to. (3) is can to → is able to (4) may be not → may not be (5) can able → can. Can he speak English very well? You must not park here.. I have to study for the test.. 2 (1) has → have (2) not can → cannot. 3 Would you turn down the TV?. 4 The news can’t be true. 16 ① ④. 19 ① ② ⑤ 해설 ① finishes → finish ② to eat. 5 Julie has to stay home today.. 6 you like to go swimming together? 7 must not. 8 You will make a lot of friends.. 정답과 해설. 25.

(26) 1-1. 5. 문장의 완성. 본문 143 쪽. 1-1 부정문 – be동사가 쓰인 문장. 1-2 부정문 – 일반동사가 쓰인 문장. 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 144 쪽. A 01 The books aren’t easy.. A 01 We do not (don’t) like summer.. 03 She wasn’t happy yesterday.. 본문 146 쪽. 02 They aren’t good at dancing.. 04 We aren’t late.. 06 The movie wasn’t interesting.. morning. 05 It did not (didn’t) snow yesterday.. 08 He isn’t a good singer.. 07 She did not (didn’t) take a photo.. 05 I am not a student.. 07 My car isn’t expensive.. B 01 I ain’t happy.. 02 My friend isn’t coming today.. 04 He wasn’t in the room.. 03 You weren’t late for school.. 05 She isn’t tall.. 06 They weren’t angry. 07 It isn’t my job.. 08 We aren’t hungry.. 09 Her friend wasn’t in the library.. 10 He isn’t smart. 11 It isn’t cold.. 12 They aren’t from France.. 26. 중학 영문법. 1. 02 She does not (doesn’t) work hard.. 04 He does not (doesn’t) watch TV every. 03 I do not (don’t) drink coff ee.. 06 I did not (didn’t) buy a car.. 08 We did not (didn’t) play together.. 09 She does not (doesn’t) wear glasses.. 10 You did not (didn’t) go to the cinema.. B 01 I don’t like carrots.. 02 We don’t drink coffee.. 04 Your aunts don’t talk much.. 06 Sam doesn’t live here.. 03 My mother didn’t go to a doctor.. 05 He doesn’t dance.. 07 You didn’t come to school.. 08 His mother doesn’t like animals. 09 I don’t go out late.. 10 We don’t enjoy cold weather..

(27) 06 you did . 2-1 의문사가 없는 의문문 첫걸음. 07 she did 본문 149 쪽. 08 he / she does . you didn’t she didn’t he / she doesn’t. A 01 Are you happy?. 02 Is my mother angry?. 2-3 부정의문문. 04 Are we late?. 첫걸음. 03 Is the boy tall?. 05 Do they like music?. 06 Did the dogs bark at me?. 08 Do you exercise everyday?. 07 Does the woman work in a bank?. 01 No, he isn’t. 02 No, I’m not.. 03 Yes, he does. 04 Yes, they did.. 05 Yes, I did. 06 Yes, they were.. 09 Did he read books yesterday?. 본문 151 쪽. 07 he does.. 08 I do.. 10 Did she enjoy the movie?. B 01 You are excited.. 2-4 의문사가 있는 의문문. 03 I am late.. 첫걸음. 02 He is hungry.. 04 She was nervous.. 01 ① 03 ⑦ 05 ⑨. 05 They finished the work. 06 You play the piano. 07 He wears glasses.. 08 She lived near here.. 07 ⑩. 09 ④. 본문 153 쪽. 02 ⑤. 04 ⑥ . 06 ⑧ 08 ②. 10 ③ . 09 She has big eyes.. 10 He walks to school.. 2-5 부가의문문. 2-2 의문사가 없는 의문문에 대한 대답 첫걸음 01 they do 02 she does 03 they did 04 I did 05 she does . 본문 150 쪽. they don’t she doesn’t they didn’t I didn’t she doesn’t. 첫걸음. 본문 154 쪽. 01 isn’t he. 02 don’t you. 05 can’t you. 06 didn’t she. 03 is she. 07 did they. 09 doesn’t he. 04 doesn’t he 08 didn’t you 10 were we. 정답과 해설. 27.

(28) 3-1 명령문. 3-3 명령문과 청유문의 부가의문문. 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 155 쪽. 01 Stop eating junk food.. 02 Be polite to your teacher.. 01 will you. 02 will you. 05 will you. 06 shall we. 09 shall we. 03 shall we. 03 Don’t go out tonight. 04 Be careful.. 05 Don’t come here.. 06 Don’t worry about the test.. 본문 158 쪽. 07 Don’t be afraid of the future. 08 Be quiet now.. 07 will you. 04 will you. 08 shall we 10 will you. 3-4 감탄문 첫걸음. 3-2 청유문. 01 How. 첫걸음. 본문 156 쪽. A 01 go to the amusement park together. you go to the amusement park together going to the amusement park together B 01 Let’s go. 02 Let’s watch. 05 Let me close. 06 Let’s not go. 03 Let’s study. 07 Let’s play. 04 Let me help 08 Let’s go. 09 Let me introduce 10 Let me take. C 01 going to the library. going to the library go to the library you go to the library 02 take a break taking a break you take a break taking a break. 28. 중학 영문법. 1. 본문 159 쪽. 02 How. 03 What. 04 What. 08 How. 05 How. 09 How. 07 How 11 How. 06 How. 10 What 12 What. B 01 kind they are!. 02 kind people they are!. 04 a polite girl she is!. 06 expensive paintings these are!. 03 polite she is!. 05 expensive these paintings are! 07 wise he is!. 08 a wise man he is!.

(29) 개념다지기 warm up. 4-1 There is / are. 1 ( O ) . 첫걸음. 본문 161 쪽. A 01 is. 02 are. 05 Are. 06 is. 03 Is. 07 are 09 Is. 4 (O). 5 (O). 6 (X). 08 are. 7 (O). 10 are 02 there are. 05 There are. 06 there is. 8 ( O ). 9 will you 10 ( O ). 11 ( O ) . 03 there isn’t 04 there is 07 There is. 01 What → How 02 are → be. 03 looks → look 04 going → go. 05 will you → shall we. 12 There is / are. 08 there weren’t. 실력다지기 check up. 06 Don’t let’s → Let’s not. 2 ( O ) 3 ( O ). 04 is. B 01 There are. 본문 164 쪽. 13 is, are. 첫걸음 유형완전정복. 본문 163 쪽. 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 165 쪽. 1 ② 해설 did로 물어봤으므로, Yes, I did.나 No, I didn’t.로 답한다. 주어가 you이므로 답하는 입장에선 I (단수) 혹은 we(복수)가 될 수 있다. 2②. 07 I amn’t → I’m not. 3 ④ 해설 I, you, we, they, 복수명사는 do를 사. 08 ( O ). 용하고, he, she, it, 단수명사는 does를 쓴다.. 09 ( O ). 10 are → is. ④ doesn’t bought → didn’t buy ⑤ teaches →. 4 ③ 해설 ① not → don’t ② don’t → doesn’t. 11 ( O ). teach. 13 is → isn’t. not are → are not ⑤ rains → rain. 12 What → How 14 is → are. 5 ④ 해설 ① don’t → doesn’t ② likes → like ③ 6⑤. 15 aren’t → didn’t. 7 ③ don’t 해설 ① doesn’t ② doesn’t ④. 17 exercises → exercise. 8 ③ 해설 ① Do ② Do ③ Does ④ Do ⑤ Do. 16 What → How. 18 having → have 19 left → leave 20 do → don’t. doesn’t ⑤ doesn’t. 9 ② 해설 ① Were → Was ③ Are → Do ④ misses → miss ⑤ working → work. 10 ③ 해설 ① Do → Does, likes → like. 정답과 해설. 29.

(30) ② don’t → doesn’t ④ doesn’t → didn’t ⑤ doesn’t → don’t. 11 ② 해설 ① draw → draws ③ doesn’t → don’t ④ went → go ⑤ gives → give 12 ②. 13 ② ㉣, ㉧. 17 ① ③ ⑤. 14 ③. 15 ②. 16 ③. 18 ③ How many people are there in the room?. 19 ① ⑤. 20 ④ a lot of A에서 A가 셀 수 있는 경우, 복수명. 사로 써야 한다. 해설 ① Is → Are ② Are → Is ③ thing → things ⑤ are → is 21 ② 해설 ① is → are ③ There is → Is there. 37 ④ 해설 ① Has → Have ② Are → Be ③ Not forget → Don’t forget ⑤ Be not → Don’t be. 38 ② 해설 ① Not eat → Don’t eat ③ Skip not → Don’t skip ④ Not use → Don’t use ⑤ Doesn’t → Don’t sit 39 ②. 40 ④. 41 ④. 42 ③ 해설 ① Do → Does ② do → are ④ plays → play ⑤ are → aren’t. 43 ④ be동사와 일반동사는 함께 쓰일 수 없다. 진 행시제의 be+v-ing와 수동태의 be+p.p.만 가. 능하다. 해설 ① heard → hear ② am → 혹은 am living ③ are → 혹은 am living ⑤ miss →. ④ Is → Are ⑤ is → are. misses 혹은 missed. 우가 일반적이다. because와 비슷한 단어로는 as,. ④ are → were ⑤ watch → watches. 22 ② Why로 물어볼 경우, because로 대답하는 경. 44 ① 해설 ② Do be → Be ③ don’t → doesn’t. since가 있다. (~이기 때문에). 45 ③. 25 ③ 부정명령문은 don’t로 시작하고, 긍정명령문. he → it ④ will you → shall we. 23 ①. 24 ⑤. 은 동사원형으로 시작한다. be동사가 쓰인 문장은. be동사가 원형이므로 be동사로 시작한다. 해설 ① Don’t ② Don’t ③ Be ④ Don’t ⑤ Don’t. 26 ① doesn’t he 해설 ② didn’t he ③ didn’t he. 46 ③. 47 ⑤ 해설 ① liked → like ② have → has ③ 48 ① ③ 해설 ① closes → close ③ do not → not. 49 ⑤ shall we 해설 ① will you ② will you ③ will you ④ will you. ④ didn’t he ⑤ didn’t he. 50 ④. switch ④ goes → go ⑤ repeating → repeat. you → shall we ④ shall I → shall we ⑤ will. 27 ② 해설 ① quiet → be quiet ③ switched → 28 ⑤. 29 ③. 30 ④. 31 ③ 해설 ① What → How ② How → What ④ a를 없앰. ⑤ is today → today is. 32 ④ What 해설 ① How ② How ③ How ⑤ How. 33 ② 해설 ① runs the boy → the boy runs. ③ you → you are ④ How → What ⑤ What → How. 34 ③ What → How. 35 ③ What 해설 ① How ② How ③ How ⑤ How. 36 ③ 해설 ① did → didn’t ② isn’t → doesn’t ④ don’t he → doesn’t ⑤ don’t → didn’t. 30. 중학 영문법. 1. 51 ③ 해설 ① won’t you → will you ② will we → shall we. 52 ② ④ ⑤ 해설 ② you → they ④ What → How ⑤ is he → he is. 53 ④ 해설 ① came → come ② fall → fell ③ didn’t → wasn’t ⑤ do → does. 54 ② 해설 ① Isn’t → Doesn’t ③ didn’t you go ④ is the night sky → the night sky i ⑤ you are → are you.

(31) 서술형 대비. t (1) My students make a mess.. (2) The kids don’t like hamburgers.. 해설 do make a mess로 긍정문에서, do와. 일반동사를 같이 쓰는 경우도 가능한다. 이렇게 쓰면 일반동사를 강조하는 표현이 된다. 2 (1) Is. (2) are (3) is (4) is (5) Are. (2) No, she doesn’t.. (2) Are Jason and Mike good at dancing?. (2) will you (3) will you. (2) Ted doesn’t clean his room every day.. 3 (1) Does your mother like pizza? 4 (1) Did Karl go to the library? 5 (1) shall we. 6 (1) Does David go to the gym everyday?. 10 ⓐ plays. 11 having dinner. ⓑ played. have dinner have dinner having dinner. (2) How high the birds fly!. 12 (1) How cute the baby is!. 13 What a beautiful day it is!. 14 There is a book on the desk 15 (1) are → is. (2) is → are (3) is → are (4) were → is. (2) doesn’t → don’t (3) like → likes (4) were → is (5) were → is (6) likes → like. 16 (1) are → is. 7 Never break these rules.. 8 Do you remember this list? 9 (1) My name are Jane.. My name is Jane. (2) We plays badminton together. We play badminton together. (3) Although I are not good at it. Although I am not good at it.. 정답과 해설. 31.

(32) 1-1. 6. to부정사. 1-1 동사와 준동사. 본문 181 쪽. 준동사: to walk. 02 주어: prepared 03 주어: is . 05 주어: has . 04 It is fun to bake cookies.. 06 To swim in the ocean is dangerous.. 준동사: to go. 준동사: travelling. 준동사: lying. 04 주어: enjoys . 첫걸음 01 동사: is . 본문 180 쪽. 05 It is difficult to study hard. 07 To do nothing is easy.. 08 To finish the work on time is hard. 09 To make new friends is exciting.. 10 To master a foreign language is difficult.. 준동사: named. 06 주어: walked . 준동사: singing. 07 주어: have . 1-3 to부정사의 형용사적용법. 준동사: written. 08 주어: gave. 준동사: learning. 첫걸음 A 01 nothing to eat. 1-2 to부정사의 명사적용법 첫걸음. 본문 182 쪽. 02 It’s a good idea to take a walk.. 03 I don’t like to dance with him.. 04 To learn a new language is difficult. 05 I want to live abroad for a year.. B 01 To play. 02 To eat. 06 to pass. 03 to teach. 05 To exercise. 02 a book to read. 04 things to sort out. A 01 To read books is fun.. 04 to live. 05 somebody to share. 06 something to tell you. 02 anything to eat. 04 no chair to sit on. 06 dream to pursue. B 01 nothing to drink. 03 two movies to watch. C 01 It is important to eat a healthy meal.. abroad. 03 It is my hobby to exercise.. 32. 02 It has good things and bad things to study. 중학 영문법. 1. 03 things to do. 05 a plan to see him 07 many friends to trust 08 a good place to visit 09 work to do. 10 a test to prepare 11 a book to buy. 본문 184 쪽.

(33) . 12 a bag to put the books in. 1-6 to가 없는 원형부정사 – 사역동사. 13 Danny has a plan to buy a car. 첫걸음. 1-4 to부정사의 부사적용법 첫걸음. 본문 186 쪽. 02 (D) A 01 (A) 03 (B) 04 (D) 05 (C) 06 (A) 07 (E) 08 (B) 10 (E) 09 (E). 11 (B). 12 (C). 15 (C). 16 (C) . 20 (A). 19 (B). 02 play C 01 wash 03 do 04 call 05 wash 06 take 07 do 08 give 10 stay 09 wag. 13 (A) 14 (B) 17 (B). A 01 finishing → finish (to finish) 02 to stay → stay 03 falling → fall 04 apologized → apologize 05 used → use 06 washed → wash ( to wash). 02 stay B 01 sing 03 read 04 communicate 05 touch 06 scream 07 play 08 shake 10 cross 09 play. 02 (C) B 01 (B) 03 (A) 04 (C) 05 (A) 06 (B) 07 (B) 08 (B) 10 (A) 09 (C). 본문 189 쪽. 18 (A) . 1-5 to가 없는 원형부정사 – 지각동사 첫걸음. 본문 188 쪽. 01 talked – talk(talking) . 02 to walk – walk (walking). 03 talked – talk (talking). 04 to read – read (reading). 05 moved – move (moving). 06 touched – touch (touching). 정답과 해설. 33.

(34) 실력다지기 check up. 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 01 plays → play 02 does → to do. 1③. 04 ( O ). 5 ④ 해설 ① saving → save ② explores → explore ③ win → to win ⑤ win → to win. 07 to play → play / playing 08 cooked → cook. 09 to sing and dance → sing and dance /. singing and dancing 10 watches → watch 11 ( O ) 12 ( O ) 13 to leave → leave / leaving 14 to shake → shake / shaking 15 danced → dance / dancing 16 are → is 17 to finds → find 18 take→ to take / taking 19 to stay → stay 20 ( O ) 21 to met → to meet. (O) (O) (O) I want to study English.. (‘~하는 것’으로 해석될 수 있는 예). 5 (O) 6 I have a book to read. 7 (O) 8 I go to school to study. 9 I am glad to see you. 10 She must be smart to say so. 11 She grew up to be a doctor. 12 The water is too cold to drink. 13 ( O ). 34. 중학 영문법. 1. 3 ① 해설 work → works. ④ saw → see ⑤ read → to read. 05 being → be 06 washes → wash. 1 2 3 4. 2④. 본문 193 쪽. 4 ③ 해설 ① to reads → to read ② getting → get. 03 water를 없앰. 개념다지기 warm up. 첫걸음 유형완전정복. 본문 191 쪽. 6 ③ 해설 ① stays → stay ② winning → win ④ learn → to learn ⑤ plan → to plan. 7 ⑤ 부사적 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 명사적. 8 ② 부사적용법 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법 9 ① 부사적용법 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법. 10 ① ③ 해설 ①, ③ 부사적용법 ②, ④, ⑤ 명사적 용법. 11 ② 부사적용법 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법. to부정사의 형용사적 용법은 S is to V로 쓰일 때, 해석이 예정, 가능, 의무 등으로 해석되므로 보어로 쓰인 명사적 용법과 해석이 다르다.. 12 ④ 형용사적용법(=must) 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 명사적용법. 13 ① 형용사적용법 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법 14 ③ 부사적용법 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 명사적용법 본문 192 쪽. 15 ④ 명사적 해설 ① 부사적-감정의 원인 ②, ③, ⑤ 부사적-목적. 16 ② 부사적-목적. 함께 노는 친구들이므로 with를 꼭 써야 한다. 해설 ① 형용사적 ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적. 17 ⑤ 명사적 해설 ①, ② 부사적 ③, ④ 형용사적 18 ② 형용사적 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 명사적. 19 ③ 부사적-감정의 원인 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 부 사적-목적. 20 ④ 부사적-결과 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 부사적목적. 21 ④ 형용사적 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 명사적. 22 ③ to부정사의 부정은 not to V로 쓴다.. 23 ① 부사적-판단의 근거 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 부 사적-목적. 24 ② 형용사적 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 부사적.

(35) 25 ① 부사적 해설 ① something을 꾸며주는 것이 므로 형용사적용법의 to부정사이다. ②, ③, ④, ⑤. 서술형 대비. 형용사적. 1 (1) going / to go. sing 혹은 singing ③ plays → play ⑤ did → do. 2 to be a lawyer. 26 ④ 해설 ① to clean → clean ② sang → 혹은 to do. 27 ④ 해설 ① danced → dance 혹은 dancing ② barks → bark 혹은 barking ③ to walk → walk 혹은 walking ⑤ got → get 28 ⑤ 해설 to wait 29 ① ③. 30 ② chose → choose. (2) to return. 3 not to be late for school. 4 (1) to buy her some fl owers. (2) to feed her (3) to send e-mails (4) to buy a new one. bring – brought – brought. 5 promised to call me today 해설 어제 가져온 것이므로, 과거동사를 쓴다. 6 brought two books to read 7 must be a fool to say so 8 needs a chair to sit on. 해설 3인칭 단수는 단수동사를 쓰는 것에 유의. 하자.. 9 helped me learn(to learn) English. 10 (1) I wanted to made his birthday special.. → I wanted to make his birthday special.. (2) He was so happy to has a new ball. → He was so happy to have a new ball.. 정답과 해설. 35.

(36) 1-1. 7. 동명사. 03 went shopping 04 goes swimming. 1-1 동명사. 첫걸음. 본문 202 쪽. A 01 wash → washing 02 sing and dance → singing and dancing 03 stay → staying 04 call → calling 05 try → trying 02 (A) B 01 (C) 03 (C) 04 (D) 05 (C) 06 (C) 07 (A) 08 (B) 10 (D) 09 (C). 11 (A). 12 (D). 15 (C). 16 (A) . 20 (D). 18 (C) . 19 (D). 1-2 동명사의 관용적 표현 첫걸음. 본문 204 쪽. A 01 학생들은 현장 학습 에 가는 것을 고대하고 있다. 02 Paul은 역사 수업을 이해하는 데 어려움을 겪 고 있다.. 03 Susan은 숙제를 하는 데 4시간을 썼다. 04 나는 웃지 않을 수 없었다.. B 01 will go camping. 36. 중학 영문법. 1. 05 will go fishing 07 go jogging. 06 go surfing. C 01 taking a walk. taking a walk take a walk take a walk 02 play baseball playing baseball play baseball play baseball 03 having lunch together having lunch together have lunch together have lunch together. 13 (C) 14 (B) 17 (B). 본문 201 쪽. 02 went skiing. D 01 kept, from fighting 경찰은 두 남자가 싸우지 못하게 막았다. 02 keeps, from drinking 그 법은 십 대들이 술을 마시지 못하게 막는다. 03 keep, from coming 나는 눈물이 나오는 것을 막지 못했다. 04 laughing 나는 웃음을 참을 수가 없었다. 05 spent, buying 그녀는 새 차를 사는 데 많은 돈을 썼다. 06 spent, practicing 나는 오늘을 위해 연습하면서 일주일을 보냈다. 07 remembering. 그들은 내 이름을 기억하는 데 어려움을 겪었다.. 08 stop, from eating 우리는 그가 패스트푸드를 먹는 것을 막아야 한다..

(37) . 09 to having. 10 keep, from shouting. 우리는 파티를 하는 것을 고대하고 있다.. 08 cheating. Mike는 시험에서 부정행위를 한 것을 시인했다. 09 trying Rachel은 좀 더 나은 거래를 찾기 위해 애쓰. 그들의 부모는 자녀들이 소리치는 것을 막아 야 한다.. 11 adjusting 그녀는 새로운 학교에 적응하는 데 어려움을 겪었다. 12 stopped, from falling 선생님은 우리가 잠들지 못하게 막았다.. 2-1 동명사만 목적어로 갖는 동사 첫걸음. 본문 208 쪽. 02 making A 01 going 03 lying 04 playing 05 06 making watching 07 buying 08 posing 10 cooking 09 writing. B 01 watching 그는 스릴러물을 보는 것을 즐기지 않는다. 02 cleaning Laura는 사물함을 청소하는 것을 끝냈다. 03 exercising 의사들은 매일 운동하는 것을 제안한다. 04 biting Jamie는 손톱을 물어뜯는 것을 그만뒀다. 05 trying. Katie는 상황을 설명하기 위해 계속 노력했다. 06 reading 나의 선생님은 매일 책을 읽는 것을 권고했다. 07 opening 점원은 새 계좌를 여는 것(만드는 것)을 추천 했다. . 는 것을 포기했다. 10 going. David은 재미삼아 하이킹을 가는 것을 언급 했다.. 11 witnessing 그들은 사고를 목격한 것을 부인했다. 12 turning 음악 소리를 좀 줄여주는 것을 꺼리니? = 음악소리 좀 줄여주지 않을래?. 2-2 to부정사만 목적어로 갖는 동사 첫걸음. 본문 210 쪽. 02 to tell 01 to go 03 to buy 04 to draw 05 to go. 동명사와 to부정사 모두 목적어로. 2-3 갖는 동사 첫걸음. 본문 211 쪽. 01 exploring 너는 새로운 것들을 탐구하는 것을 즐기니? 02 to do Nick은 숙제를 하겠다고 약속했다. 03 to stay Joan은 며칠 더 머무르기로 결정했다. 04 making Kate는 실수를 한 것을 시인했다. 05 to believe Laura는 진실을 믿기를 거절했다.. 정답과 해설. 37.

(38) . 06 being. 실력다지기 check up. Danny는 때때로 슈퍼스타가 되는 것을 상상한다.. 07 to be. 01 to do → doing. 08 to buy 그녀는 새 옷을 사기로 결정했다. 09 watching. 03 to do → doing. John은 배우인 척한다.. Julia는 영화를 같이 보러가는 것을 제안했다. 10 to sign. 내 상사는 계약서에 서명하기로 동의했다. 11 cutting 내 담당 의사는 커피를 줄이는 것을 권고했다. 12 breaking Judy는 규칙을 깬 것을 부인한다. 13 writing Brian은 보고서를 쓰는 것을 마쳤다. 14 to pass Mark는 시험에 통과하는 것을 실패했다. 15 encouraging 선생님은 학생들을 계속 격려했다. 16 to meet 나는 언젠가 내가 가장 좋아하는 가수를 만나. 본문 213 쪽. 02 ( O ) 04 ( O ). 05 to look → looking 06 ( O ). 07 go → from going. 08 go to swim → go swimming 09 ( O ) 10 ( O ). 11 to go → to going 12 staying → stay 13 ( O ). 14 from buying → buying 15 to learning → learning 16 getting → to get 17 feel → feeling. 18 going → to go 19 ( O ) 20 ( O ). 기를 희망한다.. 17 to ride. Peter는 저녁 식사 후에 자전거를 타고 싶어 한다.. 18 to be 너는 도서관에서 조용히 할 필요가 있다. 19 waiting 나는 너를 기다리는 것을 꺼리지 않는다. 20 to ask 그 남자아이는 질문하기를 계속했다.. 38. 중학 영문법. 1. 개념다지기 warm up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 본문 214 쪽. (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) look forward to ~ spend time V-ing cannot help V-ing keep / prevent / stop O from V-ing 8 plan, decide, refuse, hope, want, wish, expect, need 9 suggest, finish, deny, avoid, give up, enjoy, mind, practice.

(39) 27 ④. 28 ③ 해설 ① eat → eating ② waiting → to. 10 ( O ) 11 start, begin, love, like, continue. wait ④ locking → lock ⑤ buying → to buy 29 ④ to wait → wait. 30 ④ to hold → holding. 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 215 쪽. 1 ④ 해설 ① climbsing → climbing ② wenting → going ③ are → is ⑤ to meeting → meeting 2③. 3②. 4 ② 해설 ① study → studying ② studying. → study ④ study → studying ⑤ studying → study. 5 ② 해설 ① accepted → accepting ③ to cry. → crying ④ giving → to give ⑤ to learning → learning. 6 ③ asked → asking. 7⑤. 8①. 9⑤. 10 ② ③ 해설 ① to go → going ④ seeing → see. 31 ⑤. 32 ②. 33 ④. 서술형 대비. 1 ① refuse → refuses. ② talking → to talk. ② to visit → visiting. 2 ① make → makes. 3 ① to ride ② to ask ③ to help ④ going 4 (1) ① kept (prevented, stopped). ② from falling asleep last night. (2) spent all my money buying a ticket for the concert. (3) I could not help laughing at his joke.. ⑤ eating → to eat. 5 We couldn’t keep her from dancing.. study ⑤ do → doing. 7 (1) buy → to buy. 11 ② ③ 해설 ① make → makes ④ study → to 12 ⑤ go → going. 13 ④. 14 ① 해설 ② go → going ③ getting → to get ④ going → go ⑤ joining → join 15 ④ ⓐ ⓒ ⓓ. 16 ③ go → going. 17 ② 해설 ① me from going ③ close → closing ④ to cry → crying ⑤ visiting → to visit. 18 ④ ⓐ ⓑ ⓓ. 6 We went shopping together yesterday.. to buying → to buy saving → to save to have → to having (2) to solve → solving to pay → paying fall → falling. 19 ④ to go → going. 20 ② sister from crying. 21 ④. 22 ② ① 수일치때문에 틀린 문장이다. 23 ④ ① 수일치때문에 틀린 문장이다.. 24 ④. 25 ⑤ 해설 ① going → go ② going → go ③ go → going ④ go → going. 26 ④ 해설 ① have → had ② to를 없앰 ③ have → had, with를 없앰 ⑤ to finish → finishing. 정답과 해설. 39.

(40) 1-1. 8. 분사. 본문 223 쪽. 2-1 현재분사와 동명사. 1-1 현재분사와 과거분사 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 224 쪽. 02 baked 01 broken 03 singing 04 written 05 planted 06 sleeping 07 dying 08 finished 10 closed 09 ringing. 1-2 명사를 꾸며주는 분사 첫걸음. 본문 225 쪽. 01 served. 02 used. 03 locked 04 running 05 praying. 06 flying. 10 walking. 07 rising. 08 broken. 09 painted. A. 본문 227 쪽. 01 walking – 동명사. 02 singing / interesting – 현재분사. 03 being – 동명사 (scolded는 과거분사) 04 fitting – 동명사. 05 putting – 현재분사. 06 waiting – 현재분사. 02 동명사 B 01 현재분사 03 현재분사 04 동명사 동명사 05 06 동명사 07 현재분사 08 현재분사 10 현재분사 09 동명사 02 현재분사 C 01 동명사 03 동명사 04 현재분사 동명사 05 06 현재분사 07 현재분사 08 현재분사 10 동명사 09 동명사. 1-3 동사의 표현에 함께 쓰이는 분사 첫걸음. 02 practicing 01 shopping 03 built 04 watched 05 06 broken cleaning 07 painted 08 passed 10 been 09 flooded. 40. 11 is broken. 중학 영문법. 2-2 감정유발동사의 분사. 본문 226 쪽. 12 is repaired. 1. 첫걸음 A. 01 move → moving. 02 shock → shocking 03 excite → excited 04 bore → boring. 05 amaze → amazed. 본문 229 쪽.

(41) 02 boring B 01 interested 03 shocking 04 amazing 05 06 satisfying exciting 07 amazing 08 tired 10 moving 09 interesting. 11 bored. 12 shocked. 13 excited 14 satisfied 15 tiring. 16 disappointing. 20 confusing. 17 surprising 19 exciting. 18 tiring. 실력다지기 check up. 본문 231 쪽. 01 ( O ). 02 breaking → broken 03 tried → trying. 개념다지기 warm up 1 2 3 4. 본문 232 쪽. (O) (O) (X) (X). 5 진행 6 수동태 7 (O) 8 ( O ) 9 현재분사 10 동명사 11 현재, 과거 12 현재 13 ( X ) 많이 실수하는 부분이다. 감정동사가 아니라 감정유발동사이므로, 감정 을 느끼는 겨우, 감정유발을 당한 것이므로, 수동의 과거분사를 써야 한다.. 04 ( O ). 05 crossed → crossing. 06 shocking → shocked 07 ( O ). 08 amazed and moved → amazing and. moving 09 barked → barking 10 using → used 11 write → written 12 ( O ) 13 surrounding → surrounded 14 ( O ) 15 lived → living 16 writing → written 17 building → built 18 ( O ) 19 ( O ) 20 ( O ). 첫걸음 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 233 쪽. 1 ① stolen → stealing. 2 ③ 동명사 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 현재분사 3 ② 현재분사 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 동명사. 4 ① 동명사 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 현재분사. 5 ② 현재분사 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 동명사 6③. 7④. 8 ① 동명사 해설 ②, ③, ④, ⑤ 현재분사. 9 ③ 동명사 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 현재분사 10 ① 현재분사 15 ②. 16 ③. 18 ③ ④ ⑤. 11 ④. 12 ②. 13 ④. 14 ④. 17 ⑤ confused → confusing. 19 ② 해설 ① serving → served ③ depressed → depressing ④ Unfinishing → Unfinished ⑤ washed → been washed 20 ① ③ ④. 21 ④. 22 ③. 23 ④. 24 ③. 정답과 해설. 41.

(42) 25 ① talked → talking. 26 ③ 해설 ① bring → brought ② boiling →. boiled ④ spending → spent ⑤ publishing →. 서술형 대비. 1 made. published. 2 mended. solving → solved ⑤ walked → walking. 4 spoken. 27 ① 해설 ② has → is ③ fixed → fixing ④ 28 ②. 29 ②. 30 ③. 3 washed. 5 waiting 6 caught. 7 interesting → interested. excited → exciting. 8 walked → walking. dressing → dressed looked → looking horrifying → horrified. 42. 중학 영문법. 1.

(43) 1-1. 9. 형용사와 부사. 1-1 형용사. 본문 239 쪽. 2-1 수와 양의 형용사 1 – many, much. 첫걸음. 첫걸음. 본문 240 쪽. 본문 243 쪽. A 01 useful. 02 wonderful . A 01 much. 02 many. 05 important. 06 boring. 05 much. 06 much. 09 special 10 careful. 03 sick. 07 interesting. 04 friendly 08 honest. B 01 수식 03 서술. 02 서술. 08 수식. 09 서술 10 수식. 07 서술. 03 many. 07 much. 09 many. 04 many. 08 many 10 much. 11 much 12 much 13 much 14 many. 04 수식. 05 수식. 15 much. 06 서술. B 01 much fun. 02 many kinds. 05 much sugar. 06 much sleep. 09 much time. 03 many rules. 11 서술 12 서술 13 수식 14 서술. 15 수식. 07 many books. 04 much coffee 08 many bags. 10 much knowledge. 11 much bread 12 much help. 1-2 형용사의 위치 2-2 수와 양의 형용사 2 – some, any 첫걸음. 01 something cold. 02 something interesting 03 somebody special. 04 something shocking. 06 new thing. 05 nothing strange 07 anything sweet 08 funny thing. 본문 242 쪽. 첫걸음. 본문 245 쪽. 02 any 01 some 03 any 04 any 05 any 06 any 07 any 08 any 09 any 10 any 11 some 12 any. 정답과 해설. 43.

(44) 13 any 14 some 15 any. 2-3. 본문 246 쪽. 25 simply. 26 strongly. 27 softly. 31 amazingly. 01 A few 02 little. 29 heavily. 33 importantly 35 similarly. 37 lazily. 03 a few 04 A few. 05 a little. 22 specially. 23 diligently. 수와 양의 형용사 3 – (a) few, (a) little. 첫걸음. 21 bravely. 39 finally. 24 curiously 28 suddenly. 30 surprisingly 32 poorly 34 newly 36 safely. 38 interestingly 40 cautiously. B 01 completely, is covered. 3-1 부사. 03 extremely, beautiful. 첫걸음. 본문 247 쪽. 01 형용사 03 부사 05 부사. 02 형용사. 04 부사 . 첫걸음. 44. 07 gentle, man. 09 automatically, starts. 10 lightly, blew. 3-3 형용사와 부사의 모양 2 첫걸음. 06 happily. 07 gladly. 08 perfectly. 09 weakly. 10 regularly. 11 mainly. 12 surely. 13 kindly. 14 wonderfully. 15 quietly. 16 noisily. 18 silently. 19 strongly. 중학 영문법. 04 wisely. 17 sadly. 06 truly, unique. 02 nicely. 05 loudly. 05 really, famous. 본문 248 쪽. 03 prettily. 04 immediately, reminded. 08 quiet, place. 3-2 형용사와 부사의 모양 1. A 01 certainly. 02 quietly, open. 20 seriously. 1. 본문 250 쪽. 01 부사, 새들은 높이 난다. 02 형용사, 산들이 높다.. 03 부사, 이 기계는 몹시 효율적이다.. 04 부사, 한국 학생들은 열심히 공부한다.. 05 형용사, 그 임무는 내가 완성하기에 어려웠다. 06 부사, 일찍 일어나는 것은 중요하다. 07 형용사, 이른 아침이 몇시쯤입니까? 08 부사, 그녀는 집에 늦게 왔다..

(45) . 09 형용사, Jack은 항상 늦는다. 10 부사, 이 그림을 면밀히 바라보아라.. 그는 항상 직장에 늦나요?. 3-5 의문부사 3-4 빈도부사 첫걸음 첫걸음. 01 Where. 02 Why. 05 When. 06 Why. 09 When. 본문 252 쪽. 01 The park can sometimes be busy. 그 공원은 가끔씩 혼잡하다. 02 My dog never barks. 내 개는 절대 짖지 않는다. 03 Jack sometimes skips breakfast. Jack은 때때로 아침식사를 거른다. 04 She is often late for school.. 그녀는 종종 학교에 늦는다. 05 You should always listen to your parents. 너는 항상 너의 부모님 말씀을 들어야 한다. 06 Mike always washes his hands when he gets home. Mike는 집에 오면 항상 손을 씻는다. 07 What do you usually do on weekends? 너는 주말에 대개 무엇을 하니? 08 Karen is always kind to her neighbors. Karen은 그녀의 이웃들에게 항상 친절하다. 09 Julie usually stays home on weekends. Julie는 주말에 대개 집에 머무른다. 10 I have never seen Jane angry.. 나는 Jane이 화난 것을 한번도 본적이 없다. 11 Tom often reads newspapers in the morning. Tom은 종종 아침에 신문을 읽는다. 12 I sometimes have a lot of work to do. 나는 때때로 할 일이 매우 많다. 13 You can always ask for help.. 본문 254 쪽. 03 Where. 07 When 11 Where. 13 Where. 15 Why. 04 How. 08 Where 10 When 12 How. 14 When. 3-6 How + 형용사/부사 첫걸음 A 01 gracefully 03 quietly. 05 glad. 본문 256 쪽. 02 graceful 04 nicely. B 01 long. 02 far. 05 many. 06 old. 09 many. 03 much. 04 often. 07 many 08 long 11 long. 10 tall. 12 much. 너는 항상 도움을 요청할 수 있다. 14 Do you usually have coffee without sugar? 너는 보통 설탕을 넣지 않고 커피를 마시니? 15 Is he always late for work?. 정답과 해설. 45.

(46) 3-7 good, well. 14 longly → long. 첫걸음. 본문 258 쪽. 01 well. 02 good. 05 good. 06 good. 03 well. 18 good → well 19 too → either. 20 calmly → calm. 08 good. 09 good. 16 special nothing → nothing special 17 always are → are always. 04 good. 07 well. 15 come → comes. 10 well. 개념다지기 warm up 1 형용사. 3-8 too와 either. 2 부사. 3 앞, 뒤. 첫걸음. 본문 259 쪽. 01 either. 02 too. 05 either. 06 too. 03 too. 01 kindly → kind 02 fastly → fast. 03 well → good 04 any → some 05 ( O ). 06 slow → slowly 07 lately → late. 08 highly → high. 09 politely → polite 10 a few → a little. 11 student understands →. students understand 12 ( O ) 13 sometimes are → are sometimes. 중학 영문법. 6 few, little. 7 거의 없는, 조금 있는 8 ly. 9 high, hard, late, fast. 실력다지기 check up. 46. 5 some, any . 04 either. 07 either. 4 many, much. 1. 10 뒤, 뒤, 앞. 본문 260 쪽. 11 how, where, when, why, what 12 어떻게, 얼마나 13 명사, 동사. 14 긍정문, 부정문. 본문 261 쪽.

(47) 첫걸음 유형완전정복. Jake always careful. 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제. 본문 262 쪽. 1 ④ 해설 ① some books → some new books ② beauty → beautiful ③ well → good ⑤ a thing easy → an easy thing 2 ①③. 3① ④ ⑤. 4②. 5 ① 해설 ② happily → happy ③ difficulty. → difficult ④ nicely → nice ⑤ difference → different 6④. 7③⑤. 8①. 9②. 10 ④. 11 ① 해설 밑줄 친 형용사는 보어(명사 서술)이므 로, ①번의 보어가 같은 쓰임이다.. 12 ② 수식 해설 ①, ③, ④, ⑤ 서술 13 ④. 34 ③ 37 ②. 35 ② 38 ①. 36 ④ 39 ③. 40 ⑤. 41 ② 해설 comes always → always comes 42 ④ 부사 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤ 형용사 서술형 대비. 1 Mark is often late for school.. 2 I will always remember my teacher.. 3 How far is it from here to the airport? 4 impatient → impatiently 5 fastly → fast. 6 lately → late. 14 ② ③ ⑤. 15 ③ 해설 want to eat something special.. 7 few things to eat. 16 ③. 8 Few people have true friends. 해설 few 뒤에는 복수명사, 복수동사가 온다는 것을 명심하자.. interesting thing. 9 day → days. 17 ① 해설 a thing interesting → an 18 ① ③ ④ 해설 ① The most thing important. → The most important thing ③ delicious something → something delicious ④ A thing strange → A strange thing 19 ④. 20 ④ 해설 ① many → much ② sugars →. sugar ③ many → much ⑤ much → many 21 ② 해설 ① many → much ③ many →. never was → was never lately → late. 10 student → students. sadly → sad much → many visited often → often visited. much ④ calmly → calm ⑤ much → many 22 ① 해설 a little → a few 23 ③. 24 ②. 25 ④. 27 ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑨ ⑩. 26 ① ③ ④ ⑤ ⑦ ⑧. 28 ② ④ ⑤. 29 ⑤. 30 ① ③ ⑤ 해설 timely는 형용사로 ‘시기적절한’. highly는 부사이지만 ‘몹시’, ‘매우’라는 뜻을 가지므 로 주어진 문장에 적절하지 않다. 31 ③. 32 ①. 33 ③ 해설 ① clean → cleans ② sometimes. is → is sometimes ④ has been never → has never been ⑤ Is always Jack careful → Is. 정답과 해설. 47.

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대치동 중학영문법 3600제 3 답지 (2019)

시험완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석 3 정답과 해설 Chapter 1-1 1 문장의 구조 1-1 문장의 필수요소 첫걸음 2-3 감각동사 본문 08 쪽 첫걸음 본문 12 쪽 01 보어: one of the most beautiful cities 01 smell 02 tense 03 둘 다 없음 05 looks like 06 happy 02 둘 다 없음 03 sounded like 07 looks like 04 둘 다 없음 05 목적어: my room 04 sounds like 08 anxious 06 보어: too big 2-4 문장의 형식 – 3형식 08 목적어: to buy 첫걸음 07 둘 다 없음 2-1 문장의 형식 – 1형식 첫걸음 본문 09 쪽 01 3형식 02 1형식 03 3형식 04 2형식 05 1형식 06 1형식 07 1형식 08 3형식 09 1형식 10 1형식 첫걸음 01 3형식 02 2형식 03 2형식 04 3형식 05 3형식 06 3형식 07 3형식 08 3형식 09 1형식 10 3형식 11 3형식 12 3형식 첫걸음 02 rising 05 lay 06 rising 07 raised 09 aroused 01 2형식 02 2형식 03 1형식 04 2형식 05 2형식 06 1형식 07 2형식 08 1형식 09 2형식 10 2형식 11 1형식 12 3형식 첫걸음 13 1형식 14 1형식 01 marry 중학 영문법 04 lay 08 arise 10 Raise 2-6 1형식동사와 헷갈리는 3형식동사 2 03 mention 3 본문 14 쪽 01 raised 03 arisen 본문 10 쪽 15 2형식 본문 13 쪽 2-5 1형식동사와 헷갈리는 3형식동사 1 2-2 문장의 형식 – 2형식 02 본문 07 쪽 본문 15 쪽 02 enter 04 entered 05 marry 06 attend 09 discussed 10 approach 07 resembled 06 4형식 Laura’s mom bought a beautiful doll 08 discussed 2-7 문장의 형식 – 4형식 첫걸음 본문 16 쪽 A 01 Can you send me more information by email? 02 Karl owes me a great deal. 03 My friend lent me a dictionary. 04 Could you show me the way to the station? 05 Can you introduce me to Laura? 06 Jenny described the situation in detail to me. 07 Jamie sent her mother a letter and a package. 08 We are giving Helen a party on her birthday. B 01 sent me an urgent message 02 showed me a picture of her car 03 lend me your car while you are away 04 owe me an apology 05 gave me permission to drive his car 06 bought me the latest model bike 07 gave me a ticket for speeding 08 will cost you 20dollars to buy the shoes for me. 07 3형식 My grandmother made me a cake. 08 4형식 Mr. Smith teaches English to us. 09 4형식 My mother sent a note to my teacher to excuse my absence. 10 4형식 Can you pass some salt to me? 11 4형식 Sam asked a tricky question of me. 12 3형식 Jane wrote me a letter. 13 He sent some flowers with a card to her. 실력다지기 check up 01 1형식 02 3형식 03 1형식 04 3형식 05 4형식 06 3형식 07 2형식 08 2형식 09 3형식 10 2형식 01 his wife → for his wife 02 awfully → awful 03 explain her the rules of the game → 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 2-8 4형식에서 3형식 전환 11 12 첫걸음 본문 18 쪽 01 4형식 He gave good advice to me. 02 4형식 The girls sang a beautiful song to us. 03 3형식 Susan bought her parents a nice present. 04 4형식 Credit card companies send monthly bills to their customers. 05 4형식 My brother lent his computer to me. 본문 20 쪽 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 explain the rules of the game to her lone → lonely raised → risen rise → raise deliciously → delicious me his parents → me to his parents restlessly → restless happily → happy to 없애기 stalely → stale raise → rise lays → lay 혹은 lies a coat me → a coat to me laid → lay to 없애기 raising → rising strangely → strange sound → sound like 정답과 해설 03 개념다지기 warm up 문장의 필수요소 주어 / 동사 / 목적어 / 보어 불가능 명사 주체 동사 명사 대상 명사나 형용사 보충 설명 불완전 완전 타 자 1형식문장 본문 22 쪽 필요 rise raise lie lay arise arouse discuss, enter, approach, mention, marry, resemble, attend 4형식문장 수여동사 완전자동사 give, bring, send, show, pay, pass, hand, lend, owe, cost, teach, make, buy, cook, bake, ask, inquire 부사 전치사 + N 없지만 ~에 있다 4형식과 3형식 2 형식문장 explain, suggest, introduce 불완전자동사 명사 혹은 형용사 보충 설명 ~이다 look, sound, smell, taste, feel come, go, turn, fall, run, become stay, remain, keep look, appear, seem 직접목적어 give, bring, send, show, pay, pass, hand, lend, owe make, buy, cook, bake ask, inquire 2형식 감각동사 실전 유형완전정복 오감동사 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 형용사 like + 명사 부사 형용사 like sound smell look feel taste 2 ④ 해설 a 뒤에 오므로, 명사만 고를 수 있다. 4② ②, ⑤ 2형식 5 ⑤ 해설 sound는 2형식 동사이므로, 부사가 아 닌 형용사가 와야 한다. 6 ④ 해설 주어진 문장은 3형식 문장이므로 ④번의 4형식과는 다른 형식의 문장이다. 완전타동사 대상 ‘을’, ‘를’ 자동사와 타동사 1형식동사, 2형식동사 3형식동사, 4형식동사, 5형식동사 7 ④ 해설 ④번 문장의 lay는 lie의 과거형으로 ④ 번 문장은 1형식 문장이다. 8 ⑤ 해설 explain은 4형식 동사가 될 수 없으므 로, explained a question to me.가 옳은 문 장이다. 없음 중학 영문법 본문 25 쪽 1 ①③④ 해설 ②, ⑤ 2형식 3 ③④ 해설 ① 3형식 3형식문장 04 간접목적어 3 9③ 10 ② 11 ④ 12 ③ 해설 marry, reach, enter는 뒤에 전치사 가 오지 않는다. reach가 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 arrive 는 전치사가 필요하다. 13 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장은 2형식 문장이며, 나머지는 전부 1형식 문장이다. 14 ⑤ 15 ② 해설 ① to → for ③ for → to ④ to → for ⑤ for → to 16 ② 17 ⑤ 19 ② 20 ①④ 18 ② 해설 feel 뒤에 형용사가 와야 한다. 서술형 대비 1 (1) I asked a question of Paul. (2) Julia showed one of her paintings to me. (3) My sister bought a pair of shoes for me. (4) Amy baked some cookies for her friends. 2 ① sound → sound like ② arose → aroused ③ risen → raised 3 ① terribly → terrible ② awfully → awful ③ her → to her 21 ⑤ 해설 on our date는 부사구이므로, 문장의 필수요소가 아니다. 22 ② 해설 yawn은 ‘하품하다’라는 뜻의 1형식 동 사이므로 loud가 아닌 부사 loudly가 와야 한다. 23 ⑤ 해설 주어진 문장은 3형식 문장이며, ⑤번 문장은 2형식 문장이다. 24 ② 25 ② 해설 approach는 전치사와 함께 쓰이지 않 는다. 26 ① 27 ④ 28 ②③ 32 ⑤ 33 ④ 34 ③ 29 ④ 30 ① 31 ② 정답과 해설 05 1-1 2 5형식 to부정사를 목적격보어로 삼는 1-1 5형식 문장 구조 첫걸음 본문 34 쪽 2-3 5형식 동사 본문 35 쪽 01 5형식 easy 02 3형식 03 5형식 careful 첫걸음 01 advised 02 to give 05 to exercise 06 to abandon 03 to go 04 3형식 07 to go 05 5형식 captain of the team 09 to call 06 4형식 11 to give 07 5형식 touching 13 done 08 2형식 09 5형식 walking 08 to admit 10 to give 12 to teach 14 to try 형용사를 목적격보어로 삼는 2-1 5형식 사역동사 첫걸음 첫걸음 본문 36 쪽 01 practice 02 reconsider 05 stop 06 sent 03 enter 04 go 07 admit 10 examined 11 enter 03 fall 05 approaching 04 rise 06 difficult 07 keep 08 hard 10 confused 본문 41 쪽 01 Sophia 02 chairman of the meeting 03 the president of the company. 04 captain of the team. 05 his successor 06 an important part of the learning process 07 a practice 08 a safer place 3 04 different 첫걸음 본문 37 쪽 02 leave 05 quiet 03 unattended 명사를 목적격보어로 삼는 2-2 5형식 지각동사 01 sung 02 waiting 2-5 5형식 동사 12 heard 첫걸음 본문 40 쪽 01 closed 09 awake 08 know 09 eat 중학 영문법 04 to pursue 2-4 5형식 동사 10 3형식 06 본문 38 쪽 개념다지기 warm up 09 a rule 10 a waste of time 실력다지기 check up 01 stood → stand 02 affect → to affect 03 felt → feel 04 looked → look 05 does → do 06 to come → come / coming 07 studying → to study 08 knocked → knock / knocking 09 regulate → to regulate 10 goes → to go 11 gives → give / giving 12 enters → enter / entering 13 to cooking → cook / to cook 14 to shake → shake / shaking 15 to play → play / playing 5형식문장 목적어 본문 42 쪽 5형식동사의 예 1 사역동사 let, make, have 동사원형(능동), 과거분사(수동) 사역동사 동사원형 혹은 과거분사 동사원형과 과거분사 동사원형 과거분사 2 지각동사 지각동사, see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, notice, observe 동사원형 (능동), 현재분사 (능동, 진행의 의미 강조), 과거분사 (수동) 지각동사, 지각(인지) 16 entered → enter / entering 동사원형이나 18 communicate → to communicate 과거분사 20 seriously → serious 동사원형과 현재분사 17 eat → to eat 현재분사 19 tried → to try 동사원형과 과거분사 21 strangely → strange 과거분사 22 silently → silent 23 warmly → warm 24 unsettling → unsettled 25 clearly → clear 26 to open → open 27 nervously  nervous 28 clearly  clear 본문 44 쪽 3 to부정사 allow, force encourage, cause enable, advise ask, want to V 4 동사원형 to V to V (능동) 과거분사 (수동) 5 형용사 (분사 가능) find , make, consider, leave, keep 형용사, 분사 정답과 해설 07 다. to eat → eat / eating 18 ②③⑤ 해설 ① opens → open 6 명사 call, label appoint, elect make, consider ④ flickers → flicker나 flickerin 19 ② 20 ④ 해설 ④번 문장은 1형식 문장이고, 나머지는 명사 다 5형식 문장이다. 21 ① 해설 traveling → to travel 22 ③ 해설 주어진 문장의 동사 advise는 목적격 보어 자리에 to부정사가 온다. 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 46 쪽 1② 2 ①③ 해설 ①번 문장의 made와 ③번 문장의 let 은 사역동사이므로 목적격보어 자리에 동사원형이 와야 한다. 3 ② 해설 ⓒ to feel → feel ⓓ to drink → drink 4 ①② 해설 ③ to sleep → sleep ④ to cry → cry ⑤ called → call이나 calling 5 ② 해설 sadly는 부사다. 6 ③④ 해설 help는 목적격보어 자리에 to부정사 와 동사원형 둘 다 올 수 있다. 7 ③ 해설 ⓑ to sweep → sweep ⓒ to run → run 8 ③④⑤ 해설 ③ to sing → sing ④ to wash → washed ⑤ to go → go 9 ①③④ 해설 make의 목적격보어 자리에는 형용 사(분사) 혹은 동사원형이 올 수 있다. 10 ⑤ 11 ⑤ 해설 ⓐ to cry → cry ⓑ yawned → yawn ⓒ to start → start ⓔ to buy → buy 12 ④ 13 ①④ 해설 ② talked → talk나 talking ③ to use → use나 using ⑤ to explode → explode나 exploding 14 ①④ 15 ④ 해설 yelled → yelling이나 yell 16 ④ 17 ④ 해설 ⓑ를 제외한 모든 문장이 다 옳은 문장이 08 중학 영문법 3 23 ①③ 해설 ② leave → to leave ④ go → to go ⑤ to cheering → to cheer 24 ② 25 ⑤ 해설 ⓐ turn → to turn ⓑ feeling → to feel ⓒ working → to work ⓔ lose → to lose 26 ③ 27 ⑤ 28 ④ 29 ② 해설 ②번 문장은 2형식 문장으로 목적어가 없는 문장이다. 30 ① 해설 주어진 문장은 5형식 문장으로, ①번 문장은 3형식이므로 다른 형식의 문장이다. 31 ④ 32 ①③⑤ 33 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장은 3형식 문장이며, 나머지 문장은 다 5형식 문장이다. 34 ③ 35 ③④ 해설 ① to invite → invite ② to come → come ⑤ to eat → eat 36 ① 해설 해석하여 문맥상 어색한 문장을 찾자. 37 ①② 38 ⑤ 서술형 대비 1 (1) called (2) to go (3) come / coming (4) to finish 2 ① work → to work ② come → to come ③ to work → work 3 ① walked → walk / walking ② ran → run / running 1-1 3 수 일치 1-3 주의해야 할 수 일치 – 상관접속사 1-1 수 일치 – 단수와 복수 첫걸음 01 단수 02 단수 03 복수 04 단수 05 단수 06 단수 07 복수 08 단수 09 단수 10 단수 본문 55 쪽 본문 56쪽 tricks 첫걸음 본문 60 쪽 01 Kate 단수 is absorbs have works helps underestimates want suggests is is 02 Jane 단수 is 03 you 단수 like 04 cooking and cleaning 05 my sister 단수 07 your brother 단수 06 Jake’s parents 복수 08 I 단수 복수 drinks are resembles want 3번과 8번문장의 경우, 주어가 you / I 인 경우의 동사의 형태도 꼭 확인하도록 한다. 주의해야 할 수 일치 – 학문명, 1-2 병명 1-4 주의해야 할 수 일치 – A of B 첫걸음 첫걸음 01 단수 02 단수 03 복수 04 복수 05 복수 06 단수 07 복수 08 복수 09 단수 10 단수 11 복수 본문 58 쪽 is is are are face affects is show is imports visit are 본문 61 쪽 01 The objective 단수 is 02 the earth’s surface 03 the people 복수 05 the gold 단수 07 the students 복수 04 the seats 복수 06 the questions 복수 08 The smell 단수 단수 are are belongs are are fills 실력다지기 check up is 본문 62 쪽 01 is → are 02 approves → approve 03 identifies → identify 04 last → lasts 05 have → has 06 comes → come 07 are → is 정답과 해설 09 08 are → is 09 is → are studies carries plays says 동사원형+s 10 is → are 11 is → are 아무것도 붙이지 않는다 13 has → have 주의해야 하는 수 일치 12 doesn’t → don’t 없다 14 am → is 단수로 취급하는 경우 15 are → is 1 학문명 17 are → is 나라명 16 was → were 병명 18 have → has 2 단수 19 looks → look 단수취급 20 have → has 복수취급 21 doesn’t → don’t 복수로 취급하는 경우 22 was → were Both A and B A number of 복수명사 (a) few 복수명사 The 형용사 23 is → are 24 is → are 25 are → is 복수취급 개념다지기 warm up 수 일치 수 일치 단수동사 am/was are/were 단수취급 본문 64 쪽 주어에 상관접속사가 있는 경우의 수 일치 1 복수취급 2 Either A or B Neither A nor B Not only A but also B Not A but B 복수동사 붙인다 붙이지 않는다 A of B 단수취급 없다 be동사 A B some, half, most, 분수, rest, 퍼센트 is / was is is are / were are 뒤 were 일반동사 s / es walks works es goes does y를 i로 바꾸고 ‘es’ 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 1 ②③ 해설 ② make → makes ③ looks → look 10 중학 영문법 3 본문 67 쪽 2 ①④⑤ 해설 ② feel → feels ③ help → helps 3 ⑤ 해설 ① washes → wash ② exercise → exercises ③ help → helps ⑤ are → is 4 ①② 해설 일반동사의 경우, 과거동사는 단수/복 수 구분이 없다. 그러나 현재동사와 be동사는 단수/ 복수 구분을 해야 하며, be동사는 과거시제에도 단 수(was), 복수(were)구분이 필요하다. 5 ③ 해설 ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓓ 가 옳은 문장이다. 6③ 7⑤ 8② 9 ④ 해설 match의 올바른 단수형은 matches 이다. 10 ③ 해설 ① look → looks ② make → makes ④ moves → move ⑤ do → does 11 ①③⑤ 해설 주어진 문장의 주어는 단수다. 12 ③ 13 ③④ 해설 ③ go → goes ⑤ has → have 14 ③ 해설 enjoyes → enjoys 15 ②⑤ 16 ① 해설 주어는 The lack이므로, 단수동사를 골라야 한다. 29 ④ 해설 ①번 선지의 주어는 Jake이므로, have를 has로 바꿔야 하며, ②번 선지의 주어는 you이므로, has를 have로, ③번 문장의 주어는 furniture이므로 are을 is로, ⑤번 문장의 주어는 The number이므로 are를 is로 바꿔야 한다. 30 ④ 31 ④ 해설 want → wants 32 ③ 33 ① 34 ③ 해설 틀린 문장은 ⓐ와 ⓔ로, 둘 다 복수동사 가 적절하다. ⓐ was → were ⓔ loves → love 35 ①④ 36 ③ 해설 The poor는 ‘가난한 사람들’을 의미하 므로, 복수동사 ‘have’가 적절하다. 37 ⑤ 38 ③④ 39 ③ 서술형 대비 1 (1) is (2) participate (3) show (4) is 2 ① is → are ② accesses → access ③ says → say 17 ② 해설 ① looks → look ③ are → is ④ say → says ⑤ was → were 18 ⑤ 19 ③ 해설 나라 이름이나 과목은 단수취급한다. 20 ③ 해설 the 형용사와 both A and B는 복수 취급한다. 21 ② 22 ⑤ 23 ③ 24 ③④ 해설 ③ are → is ④ is → are 25 ① 해설 half, most는 부분을 의미하므로 of 뒤에 오는 명사의 수에 수를 일치시킨다. 26 ⑤ 27 ② 28 ④ 해설 ④번 선지의 주어는 the scientists 이므로, 복수동사가 필요하다. ⑤번 선지의 주어는 The number 이므로, 단수동사가 적절하다. 정답과 해설 11 1-1 4 수동태 07 The company was lent some money to 1-1 수동태를 만드는 방법 첫걸음 본문 77 쪽 01 The problem is discussed by the committee. 02 A magazine was bought at the station by James. 03 Clear directions are provided by Paul’s new manager. 04 Our environment is affected by the destruction of the rainforests. 05 The nation’s economy was changed by the strike. 06 The audience were moved by Kate’s speech. 07 Light is reflected by water. 08 Their attitude toward their children over time is changed by parents. 09 Its color is changed by the chameleon quickly. 10 Some of the impact was absorbed by the car bumper. 본문 79 쪽 01 Mary was given a raise by her employer. 02 The museum was lent a hundred of the devices by Apple. 03 We are taught English by Mr. Smith. 04 I was given a watch as a birthday gift by Kate. 05 Julia is envied her confidence by me. 06 I was asked a difficult question by my sister. 12 중학 영문법 3 buy a new machine by the bank. 08 The company is saved a considerable amount of money by May’s new idea. 09 I was paid the money by him last week. 10 Your mother is saved a lot of worry by you by calling her right now. 4형식 문장의 수동태에서 1-3 유의할 점 첫걸음 본문 81 쪽 01 Something to eat was found for us by Mike. 02 The brochures were brought to his clients by Mr. Jones. 03 A postcard from Switzerland was sent to me by my little brother. 04 The money that she owed me was brought to me by Nina. 05 A delicious meal is cooked for me by Heidi. 06 The envelope was passed to Tim by Alice. 07 Its new products are sold to people over 1-2 4형식 문장의 수동태 첫걸음 본문 76쪽 the Internet by this company. 08 A bunch of flowers were bought for Kate to celebrate their wedding anniversary by Jeremy. 09 A wonderful meal was cooked for me by Jimmy last night. 10 Some fairy tales were read to her sisters by Jenny. 1-4 5형식 문장의 수동태 첫걸음 1-6 수동불가 동사 본문 83 쪽 01 The place was watched to disappear into the distance by Mike. 02 Someone was heard to knock on the door by Paul. 03 Julie wasn’t heard to speak ill of you by me. 04 I was made to fall in love with physics by my science class. 05 He is forced to make a bad decision by the situation. 06 The man was observed to get in the car by the police. 07 Somebody was heard to cry in the middle of the night by Nick. 08 All passengers are required to show their tickets by them. 09 I was encouraged to write a novel by Laura. 10 I was made to write a diary everyday by my teacher. 11 Kevin was appointed the president of the company by the executive. 12 No one is permitted to enter this building by them. 1-5 주의해야 할 수동태 첫걸음 첫걸음 01 is resembled by → resembles 02 is existed → exists 03 is emerged → emerges 04 was resulted → resulted 05 can be existed → can exist 06 was happened → happened 07 were disappeared → disappeared 08 is belonged → belongs 실력다지기 check up 02 We were forced to postpone the meeting. 03 The customers were disappointed with / 04 05 06 07 08 10 01 with 02 in 11 05 in 06 with 12 03 with 07 for 09 with 04 with 08 to 10 of 본문 87 쪽 01 Someone was seen to walk behind Kelly. 09 본문 85 쪽 본문 86 쪽 13 14 15 16 at the new product. We are enabled to live comfortably by technology. Some major roads in our area were covered with snow and ice. Someone was noticed to stare at Helen. Some chocolate cookies were baked for Peter by his mother. Kate’s heart was filled with joy and happiness. I was made to read the newspaper in the morning by my grandfather. Katherine was encouraged to fulfil her ambitions. A new coat was bought for Amy for her birthday. We can not exist without air and water. In the case of our planet, Earth, life appeared soon after the planet formed. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. The experiment might result in failure. Sam is envied his success by everyone. 정답과 해설 13 17 Someone was heard to speak in the 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 next room last night. Laura was heard to hum her favorite song. A pamphlet was passed to me by somebody while walking on the street. A big tiger emerged from the cave. Radical changes resulted from the women’s movement. All the furniture was covered with dust. Jake’s cat is heard to scratch the door. His favorite story was read to Gavin by his father. I was saved a lot of money by Jake’s advice. Many accidents resulted from the conditions of the road. 개념다지기 warm up By 이외의 전치사와 주로 함께 쓰이는 수동태 be interested in be satisfied with be disappointed with / at be shocked / surprised at be covered with be filled with be charged with be composed of be known for / as / to 수동불가동사 belong / emerge / exist / result / resemble / appear / disappear / happen / consist / occur / rise / arrive 실전 유형완전정복 본문 89 쪽 능동태와 수동태 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 92 쪽 1 ③ 해설 컴퓨터가 고쳐진 것이므로, fixed가 적 주체 대상 절하다. be p.p. be p.p. be동사 2 ⑤ 해설 sell, send, buy, pass는 간접목적어 로 수동태를 만들 수 없는 4형식 동사다. 4형식 문장의 수동태 I.O + be p.p. + D.O + (by S) 1 간접목적어 be p.p. 직접목적어 S + 3V + D.O (직접목적어) + 전치사 + I.O(간접목적어) D.O (직접목적어) + be p.p. + 전치사 + I.O(간접목적어) 1 give, hand, lend, show 2 make, buy, build, cook, get, find, bring, read, pass, write, sing 3 save, spare, envy 5형식 문장의 수동태 O(목적어) + be p.p. + O.C(목적격보어) 14 to부정사 to V have와 let 중학 영문법 3 3④ 4③ 5 ①④ 해설 ②번 선지의 buy는 간접목적어로 수 동태를 쓸 수 없는 4형식 동사다. ③번 선지의 let은 수동태로 쓰지 않는다. 6⑤ 11 ② 7② 12 ⑤ 8④ 9④ 10 ⑤ 13 ②④ 해설 ②번의 주어진 문장을 수동태로 적 절하게 바꾼 형태는 A fine wedding dress was chosen for her favorite model by the designer. 이며, 4번 문장의 적절한 수동태 문장 은 Poor farmers were lent the fields by the governor. 혹은 The fields were lent to poor farmers by the governor. 이다. 14 ① 해설 believes가 아니라 is believed의 수 동의 동사를 쓰는 것이 적절하다. 15 ③ 19 ② 16 ④ 20 ② 17 ④ 18 ③ 21 ② 해설 ②번 문장은 사역동사의 수동태 문장으 로, feel을 to feel로 바꿔야 한다. 22 ④⑤ 해설 ①번 문장의 belong은 수동으로 쓸 수 없다. 23 ③⑤ 24 ① 25 ② 해설 was filled with 가 옳은 표현이다. 26 ① 해설 am interested in 이 옳은 표현이다. 27 ③ 30 ① 28 ④ 31 ② 29 ⑤ 32 ② 해설 retire, disappear, belong, consist, expire는 모두 수동불가동사다. 33 ④ 서술형 대비 1 (1) These books belong to the school library. (2) The committee consists of twelve people. (3) The air consists of oxygen and nitrogen. (4) Dangerous road conditions resulted from snowy and icy weather. (5) My brother is interested in football these days. (6) Most girls are not satisfied with their appearances. 2 ① offered → was offered ② were discussevd → discussed ③ be started → start 3 ① have sighted → have been sighted ② believes → is believed ③ protects → is protected 34 ② 해설 주어진 문장은 pay의 목적어가 attention이므로, attention이 주어 자리에 놓인 수동태 문장도 가능하지만, pay attention to ~ (~에 주의를 기울이다)의 대상인 the trainer 가 주어 자리에 놓인 수동태 문장도 가능하다. 35 ⑤ 36 ③ 37 ⑤ 해설 happen은 수동불가 동사이므로, is를 없애야 한다. 38 ④ 해설 sent to가 적절하다 39 ② 해설 lent는 lend의 과거동사이므로, 주어 진 문장의 시제는 과거시제이다. 그러므로, was로 바꿔야 한다. 40 ⑤ 정답과 해설 15 1-1 5 문장의 종류 10 Does Peter have permission to enter this 1-1 부정문 첫걸음 본문 105 쪽 01 Amy and John didn’t get married last year. 02 Laura hasn’t been to Japan. 03 Jamie didn’t go to school on foot yesterday. 04 Interest rates haven’t been fixed at 2% since last year. 05 Julie’s cat isn’t very friendly. 06 Paul doesn’t have a deep interest in art and history. 07 Helen’s sisters aren’t easygoing and talkative. 08 Their plan doesn’t sound perfect to me. 09 Mr. Smith doesn’t teach us chemistry. 10 Jane can’t stay here if she wants. 11 You mustn’t give Nick a second chance. 12 We hadn’t had dinner before Steve called. 13 Maria wasn’t reading a book then. 14 You don’t owe me an apology. 1-3 부정의문문 첫걸음 01 I am. 02 we should. 03 I do. 04 I did. 05 I did. 06 we have. 08 I have. 본문 107 쪽 01 How did they react to the change? 09 I did. 10 it does. 02 What did you learn from the mistake? 1-4 부가의문문 04 Do people pay much attention to the 첫걸음 03 Must there be a limit? weather? 05 Has it drained much of Charlie’s energy? 06 How do you make such delicious pizza? 07 What is he referring to? 08 How did they measure time in the past? 09 Is it an authorized access? 16 room? 11 Have some people overcome their handicap? 12 Do you have any relevant experience in this field? 13 Was John familiar with health and safety regulations? 14 Did they realize they made a huge mistake? 15 Can little things make the difference? 07 he does. 1-2 의문문 첫걸음 본문 103 쪽 중학 영문법 3 본문 109 쪽 I am not. we shouldn’t. I don’t. I didn’t. I didn’t. we have not. he doesn’t. I have not. I didn’t. it doesn’t. 본문 111 쪽 01 isn’t she 02 haven’t we 05 can’t I 06 won’t it 03 isn’t she 07 isn’t it 09 didn’t he 04 didn’t he 08 aren’t we 10 isn’t it 04 putting this money aside for our summer 2-1 명령문 첫걸음 본문 112 쪽 A 01 Don’t open the window. 02 Don’t ask questions. 03 Don’t be generous to everybody around you. 04 Don’t make a decision right now. 05 Don’t give this package to Daniel. 06 Don’t tell Brian that I am upset at him. B 01 If you push the green button, the light will go on. 02 If you eat more green vegetables, you will be healthier. 03 If you are kind to your friends, they will like you more. 04 If you don’t wear a coat, you will catch a cold. Unless you wear a coat, you will catch a cold. 05 If you don’t water the plants, they will die. Unless you water the plants, they will die. 06 If you don’t get up now, you will miss your flight. Unless you get up now, you will miss your flight. 07 If you don’t stay quiet in the library, they will force you to leave. Unless you stay quiet in the library, they will force you to leave. C 01 will you? 03 will you? 05 will you? 02 will you? 04 will you? 05 will you? 2-2 청유문 첫걸음 vacation 05 play cards instead of watching TV 06 going somewhere quiet 07 you finish our homework first 08 change the plan B 01 shall we? 03 shall we? 05 shall we? 07 shall we? 09 shall we? 02 shall we? 04 shall we? 06 shall we? 08 shall we? 10 shall we? 3-1 간접의문문 – 의문사가 없는 경우 첫걸음 본문 117 쪽 01 Kate wants to know if the weather is going to be OK. 02 I wonder if you like dogs. 03 James wondered if Katherine likes Mike. 04 Billy doesn’t know if his brother is coming. 05 Can you tell me if you passed the test? 06 Paul wanted to know if Amy likes James’s gift. 07 I don’t know if I can attend the meeting tomorrow. 08 Can you tell me if you can accompany me to the mall? 3-2 간접의문문 – 의문사가 있는 경우 첫걸음 본문 119 쪽 01 I want to know who taught you English. 02 I wonder who Jane is smiling at. 본문 115 쪽 A 01 compare its book version to its movie version 02 getting together and having a chat 03 you open the box and see what’s inside it 03 Can you tell me who told you the story? 04 Can you tell me what you did last night? 05 I wonder who you met at the party. 06 I want to know why you left so early yesterday. 정답과 해설 17 07 Can you tell me where the meeting is held? 08 I wonder how you made this bread. 09 Can you tell me why you broke your promise? 10 I want to know when you will be ready to go. 3-3 주의해야 할 간접의문문 첫걸음 본문 121 쪽 01 Who do you think you are ? 02 How old do you think she is? 03 What do you believe he wants? 04 Who do you guess will win the game? 05 How long do you suppose it will take me to finish this work? 06 When do you guess Jake returned from Japan? 본문 123 쪽 01 How 02 What 05 What 06 What 04 What 08 What 실력다지기 check up 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 18 본문 124 쪽 and → or How → What How → What shall we → will you What → How will you → shall we How → What Who do you think called me? won’t you → will you How far do you guess it is from here to the library? 중학 영문법 3 24 25 본문 126 쪽 부정문 첫걸음 07 What 18 19 20 21 22 23 How → What Not let’s → Let’s not knows → know How → What Do you know why Julie seems upset at me? do you → will you I want to know when you cleaned your room. apologized → apologize Can you tell me how often you exercise? doesn’t it → isn’t it I wonder if your sister is taller than me. looking → look I want to know how much you paid for your car. isn’t it → shall we that → if 개념다지기 warm up 4-1 감탄문 03 How 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 not / never am not / ain’t is not / isn’t was not / wasn’t are not / aren’t were not / weren’t 일반동사의 부정문 1 don’t / doesn’t 원형 do not / don’t + 동사원형 does not / doesn’t + 동사원형 2 did not / didn’t 원형 did not / didn’t + 동사원형 완료시제의 부정문 뒤 not have / has / had + not (never) + p.p. 조동사의 부정문 뒤 not 조동사 + not (never) + 동사원형 실전 유형완전정복 의문문 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 앞 do / does / did 주어의 수 앞 앞 앞 원형 did 의문사로 시작하는 의문문 what(무엇), who(누구), when(언제), where(어디서), why(왜), how(어떻게)’ 부가의문문 부정 긍정 명령문 If S + V ~ , S + V ~해라, 그렇지 않으면 ~한다. If S don’t / doesn’t / didn’t V ~ , S + V Unless S + V ~ , S + V will you 청유문 Let’s + 동사원형 ~ Why don’t you 동사원형 ~ ? Why not 동사원형 ~ ? How about V-ing ~ ? What about V-ing ~ ? Shall we 동사원형 ~ ? Let’s not 동사원형 ~ shall we 간접의문문 if / whether 평서문 동사 의문사가 있는 간접의문문 그대로 사용한다 think, guess, believe, suppose, imagine What do you think it is? 감탄문 What + a(an) + 형용사 + 명사 How + 형용사 / 부사 명사 형용사 혹은 부사 1 ③ 2 ③⑤ 3 ②③ 해설 ②번 문장은 Did she walk ~로, ③ 번 문장은 came을 come으로 바꿔야 한다. 4 ⑤ 5 ②④ 6 ④ 7 ① 해설 What do you think dad is doing? 이 옳은 문장이다. 8 ② 9 ① 10 ③ 11 ② 해설 의문사의 의미를 파악하는 문제다. ①번은 What이, ③번은 Where, ④번은 Why, ⑤번은 How가 옳은 표현이다. 동사원형 ~해라, 그러면 ~한다. do / does / did 본문 131 쪽 12 ⑤ 13 ④ 14 ②④ 15 ①④ 16 ② 17 ②⑤ 18 ③ 19 ④ 20 ① 21 ③⑤ 22 ⑤ 23 ④ 해설 ④번 문장의 적절한 부가의문문은 does he? 다. 24 ② 25 ③ 26 ⑤ 27 ②③ 28 ① 해설 뒤에 오는 절이 or로 시작하는 것에 유 의하여 고르자. 29 ④ 해설 옳은 문장은 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ이다. 30 ⑤ 31 ③④ 해설 ③번은 명령문의 부가의문문은 전부 will you로 쓰고, ④번은 청유문의 부가의문문은 shall we?로 쓴다. 32 ③ 33 ②④ 34 ⑤ 35 ① 36 ② 37 ① 38 ④ 39 ③ 40 ⑤ 41 ② 해설 owe → owed 42 ③ 해설 주어 없이 동사가 나올 수는 없다. ③번 선지는 was 앞에 it이 나와야 한다. 서술형 대비 1 Observe the rule, or you will get in trouble. 2 Take the subway, or you will be late. 3 (1) will you? (2) will you? 4 ① not knew → did not know ② that → if 혹은 whether 5 ① when was the first light bulb invented? → when the first light bulb was invented? ② Do you think who invented it? → Who do you think invented it? ③ he not invented it first → he did not invent it first 정답과 해설 19 1-1 6 시제 본문 144 쪽 1-1 시제 – 현재시제 첫걸음 21 hated 03 습관적인 동작 23 talked 04 현재의 동작 / 상태 25 learned 05 속담 27 looked 06 불변의 진리 / 사실 29 saved 07 속담 31 pushed 08 불변의 진리 / 사실 33 kicked 09 속담 35 studied 10 확정된 미래 (왕래발착) 37 picked 39 seemed 1-2 시제 – 과거시제 첫걸음 41 washed 43 watched 본문 147 쪽 01 visited 02 goes 05 takes 06 went 45 walked 47 opened 49 applied 04 had 51 added 08 lived 53 settled 10 went 55 maintained 57 planted 1-3 과거동사 만드는 방법 첫걸음 01 finished 02 collected 05 entered 06 failed 04 carried 07 ended 08 enjoyed 09 baked 20 59 presented 본문 149 쪽 03 changed 중학 영문법 10 asked 3 16 answered 19 played 02 현재의 동작 / 상태 09 drinks 15 loved 17 helped 01 불변의 진리 / 사실 07 sell 12 called 13 closed 본문 146 쪽 03 bought 11 danced 14 cried 18 believed 20 folded 22 cooked 24 started 26 missed 28 wanted 30 married 32 solved 34 touched 36 played 38 stayed 40 turned 42 replied 44 visited 46 worried 48 moved 50 worked 52 saved 54 achieved 56 persisted 58 prepared 60 proceeded 1-4 불규칙동사 4 불규칙동사 TEST 1 was/were 2 went 3 taught 4 brought 본문 153 쪽 been gone taught brought 5 had 6 held 7 chose 8 drew 9 woke 10 broke 11 dreamed/dreamt 12 flew 13 smelled/smelt 14 sang 15 put 16 laid 17 felt 18 hurt 19 shut 20 cast 21 threw 22 set 23 heard 24 left 25 fell 26 drank 27 met 28 made 29 told 30 spoke 31 said 32 ate 33 fed 34 bit 35 slid 36 sent 37 saw 38 showed 39 blew 40 cost 41 lent 42 bought 43 thought 44 swam 44 began had held chosen drawn woken broken dreamed/dreamt flown smelled/smelt sung put laid felt hurt shut cast thrown set heard left fallen drunk met made told spoken said eaten fed bitten slid sent seen shown blown cost lent bought thought swum begun 46 let 47 fought 48 wrote 49 spent 50 sat 51 knew 52 got 53 rose 54 drove 55 rang 56 kept 57 meant 58 won 59 led 60 understood 61 stood 62 read 63 lost 64 wore 65 forgot 66 slept 67 grew 68 caught 69 gave 70 bore 71 paid 71 built 73 found 74 took 75 hit 76 burned/burnt 77 rode 78 sold 79 spread 80 did let fought written spent sat known got / gotten risen driven rung kept meant won led understood stood read lost worn forgotten slept grown caught given born paid built found taken hit burned/burnt ridden sold spread done 1-5 시제 – 미래시제 첫걸음 본문 156 쪽 01 to make some more coffee 정답과 해설 21 02 cook dinner 03 to return to his old behaviors soon 04 know what you are doing 06 Regular exercise has helped reduce your chances of getting heart disease. 2-2 시제 – 현재완료의 용법 1-6 시제 – 진행시제 첫걸음 첫걸음 본문 157 쪽 A 01 Laura was playing the piano when I saw her for the first time. 02 Brian is writing a letter to his grandparents right now. 03 Paul will be making a documentary on healthy eating when you see him next year. 04 They are exploring new sources, such as solar and atomic energy currently. 05 A biomedical firm was developing a new algorithm to detect liver cancer more accurately. 06 Many companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal. 07 Some people are trying to reduce their carbon footprint because they are concerned about global warming. 08 We were learning how to communicating successfully to minimize misunderstandings. 02 계속 03 결과 04 경험 05 계속 06 계속 07 완료 08 경험 2-3 현재완료와 과거시제의 차이 첫걸음 02 have bought → bought 03 have left → left 04 has wanted → wanted 05 has lived → lived 06 works → has worked 07 have met → met 08 plays → has played 첫걸음 첫걸음 Julie. 02 Kate has been trained to deal with this kind of problem. 03 Humanity has adapted to climate change. 04 Mankind has used energy sources such as the sun and wind. 05 Some workers have resisted to the change. 중학 영문법 3 본문 162 쪽 01 was → has been 2-4 과거완료 01 I haven’t been able to get in touch with 22 01 결과 2-1 시제 – 현재완료(have / has p.p.) 본문 159 쪽 본문 161 쪽 본문 164 쪽 01 had made 02 had rained 05 had already risen 06 had met 03 seemed 07 had been 09 had been 04 had passed 08 had given 10 had disappeared 개념다지기 warm up 2-5 미래완료 본문 168 쪽 현재시제 첫걸음 본문 166 쪽 01 will have gone 02 will have controlled 03 will have finished 04 will have been 현재의 동작, 상태 습관적인 동작, 직업, 성격 불변의 진리, 사실 속담 단수와 복수 과거시제 06 will have been 과거의 동작, 상태 과거의 습관 역사적인 사실 동사원형+ed 08 will have read ‘y’를 ‘i’로 고친 후, ‘ed’ 05 will have been 07 will have done lay – lain rose – risen 09 will have visited 10 will have melted 실력다지기 check up 미래시제 본문 167 쪽 01 have read → read 02 am → was 03 spend → spent 04 am knowing → know 05 has been married → 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 will have been married has broken → broke have bought → bought becomes → became saved → saves has already left → had already left has asked → had asked had → has are → were can → could spoke → speaks got → get was → is is → was made → makes became → become will be v-ing be going to v be to be V-ing 진행시제 see, hear, be, understand, know, believe, have(소유), resemble 가까운 미래 현재완료시제 과거에 일어난 일이 현재까지 지속되거나 영향을 미칠 때 1 have/has + 과거분사(p.p.) 2 주어 + have/has + not + 과거분사(p.p.) 현재완료의 용법 1 경험 2 완료 3 계속 계속 4 결과 현재완료와 과거시제 비교 포함한다 주지 않는다 현재완료를 쓸 수 없는 경우 1 yesterday, last night, ~ago, in + 연도, then 등의 명백한 과거를 나타내는 부사와 함께 쓰지 않는다. 정답과 해설 23 19 ② 해설 현재완료시제는 과거를 나타내는 부사 2 when 와 같이 쓸 수 없다. 20 ④ 과거완료시제 21 ②④ 해설 주어진 문장은 경험 용법이다. 대과거 1 had + 과거분사(p.p.) 2 주어 + had + not + 과거분사(p.p.) 미래완료 24 ③ 28 ② 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 3 ④ 해설 ⓒ문장은 변함없는 사실이므로, 과거시제 가 아닌 현재시제를 써야 한다. 4④ 5 ② 해설 역사절 사실은 과거시제로 쓴다. 6④ 7 ①② 해설 find의 과거형은 found이며, plan의 과거형은 planned이다. 8 ①⑤ 해설 ①번 문장은 last week가 명시되어 있으므로, 과거동사를 쓰고, ⑤번 문장은 every morning이 명시되어 있으므로, 현재시제를 쓴다. 9 ② 해설 ① prefered → preferred ④ skiped → skipped ⑤ forgetted → forgot 10 ② 해설 ⓐ drunk → drank ⓕ sled → slid ⓖ shuted – shuted → shut – shut 11 ① 12 ③ 13 ① 해설 ①번의 be going 은 ‘가는 중이다’를 의 미하는 go의 진행시제다. 14 ④ 15 ④ 16 ⑤ 17 ④⑤ 해설 ①번 문장은 making을 동사 형태 로 바꿔야 적절한 문장이 되며, ②번 문장은 am을 was로, ③번 문장은 were을 was로 바꿔야 한다. 18 ②③ 해설 believe, know, understand는 진행시제로 쓸 수 없다. 24 중학 영문법 3 29 ③ 26 ③ 27 ④ 시제가 적절하다. 본문 172 쪽 2① ③ choosed → chose 25 ⑤ 30 ④ 해설 ⓑ문장은, has를 had로 바꾼 과거완료 실전 유형완전정복 ⓓ bored → born(e) 23 ② 해설 ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ는 계속 용법, ⓐ는 완료, ⓔ 는 경험이다. will have + p.p. 1⑤ 22 ② 31 ④ 해설 과거보다 먼저 일어난 일은 현재완료가 아닌 과거완료시제를 쓴다. 32 ④ 35 ④ 33 ⑤ 36 ⑤ 34 ③ 37 ④ 서술형 대비 1 the train had (already) left 2 she will have read the book four times 3 will have been spent 4 had arrived 5 hasn’t eaten 6 ① has visited → visited ② has stayed → had stayed ③ holded → held 7 ① had broken → broke ② went → will go 8 ① has been → was ② make → made 1-1 7 조동사 1-1 조동사의 쓰임 첫걸음 본문 185 쪽 01 can 02 be 05 Can 06 seek 03 apply 07 look 09 be able to 04 must 본문 186 쪽 01 It may not rain tomorrow. 02 You should not (또는 shouldn’t) listen to your friends. 03 The work must not (또는 mustn’t) be done in its usual way. 04 We can not (또는 can’t) survive on this island. 05 You had better not (또는 ’d better not) stay in bed all day. 06 You must not (또는 mustn’t) disclose this information to the public. 07 You will not (또는 won’t) be entitled to use all of its facilities. 08 It should not (또는 shouldn’t) be your job to acquaint the newcomer with the rules of the office. 2-1 조동사 do 본문 188 쪽 02 의문문 05 일반동사 06 일반동사 07 일반동사 08 부정문 09 일반동사 10 강조 01 wouldn’t 1-2 조동사의 부정문과 의문문 01 일반동사 04 의문문 첫걸음 10 can 첫걸음 03 일반동사 2-2 조동사 will / would 08 must 첫걸음 본문 184 쪽 03 wouldn’t 본문 190 쪽 02 Would 04 will 2-3 조동사 can / could 첫걸음 본문 191 쪽 01 능력 02 능력 03 요청 04 능력 05 능력 06 추측 07 능력 08 허가 09 능력 10 능력 11 추측 12 능력 13 추측 14 능력 15 능력 16 능력 2-4 조동사 may / might 첫걸음 본문 193 쪽 01 추측 02 추측 03 허락 04 추측 05 추측 06 허락 07 추측 08 추측 09 추측 정답과 해설 25 2-5 조동사 must / have to 첫걸음 02 의무 03 의무 04 의무 05 추측 06 추측 07 의무 08 추측 09 의무 10 추측 11 의무 12 추측 13 의무 14 의무 15 추측 16 의무 17 의무 18 의무 19 의무 20 추측 09 don’t have to 14 should 첫걸음 08 don’t have to 10 don’t have to 02 resign 05 give 06 get 07 be 09 be 04 increase 08 be 10 leave 3-3 should 용법의 예외 첫걸음 본문 202 쪽 01 does 02 was 05 happened 06 is 03 was 07 are 2-7 조동사 used to 본문 200 쪽 01 see 03 hand 06 must not 07 must not 10 must 3-2 should 용법 – 당위성의 표현 04 must not 05 must not 09 might 13 should 02 don’t have to 03 must not 08 should have asked 12 must 본문 196 쪽 01 must not 07 must 06 must 11 may have been destroyed 2-6 must not / don’t have to 첫걸음 04 must 05 must 본문 194 쪽 01 의무 03 should 04 is 08 speaks 실력다지기 check up 첫걸음 본문 197 쪽 01 used to 02 used to 05 used to follow 06 used to be 03 used to be 07 used to write 04 are used to help 08 is used to 첫걸음 본문 199 쪽 01 must 중학 영문법 02 should 3 01 helps → help 02 will → would 03 have stayed → stay 04 must → may 05 should have been → must have been 06 might misunderstand → might have misunderstood 3-1 조동사 + have p.p. 26 본문 203 쪽 07 goes → go 08 must not → don’t have to 09 should have overslept → must have overslept 3 가능 5 불가능 10 reconsiders → reconsider 11 is used to → used to 12 might hear → might have heard 13 happen → happened (혹은 had will would happened) 14 take place → took place (혹은 had taken 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 place) must be → must have been is → be should have been sleeping → must have been sleeping ate → eat be → was will → would can → must (혹은 should) was used to reading → used to read should do → should have done used to playing → used to play should have been bitten → must have been bitten 개념다지기 warm up 조동사 동사원형 없다 조동사의 부정문 조동사 + not (never) +동사원형 won’t wouldn’t can’t couldn’t 없음 mightn’t mustn’t shouldn’t ’d better not 조동사의 의문문 조동사 + 주어 + 동사원형 do (does / did) 의 쓰임 1 없음 2 없음 원형 본문 205 쪽 과거의 불규칙한 습관 can 능력 be able to 강한 부정 추측 could was/were able to may 허락, 허가 약한 추측 might 약한 추측 must 의무 강한 추측 have to have to have to had to must not ~해서는 안 된다 don’t have to ~할 필요 없다 used to 1 현재에는 하지 않는다 2 S가 ~하곤 했다 S가 ~하는 데 사용되다 S가 ~에 익숙하다 조동사 + have p.p. 1 would have p.p. 2 could have p.p. 3 ~했었을 리가 없다 4 ~였을지도 모른다 5 should have p.p. should have p.p. should not have p.p. 6 must have p.p. should 주장 (insist) 정답과 해설 27 요구 (demand) 명령 (order) 제안 (suggest) 1 ~해야 한다 2 판단의 형용사 고, 나머지 문장의 would는 주어의 의지, 고집을 나타낸다. 21 ②⑤ 해설 ①번은 일반동사, ③, ④번은 부정문 원형 동사원형 과 의문문의 do를 사용했다. 22 ⑤ 23 ②④ 해설 ⓐ 부정 추측 ⓑ 부탁 ⓒ 능력 ⓓ 부 essential, imperative, necessary 정 추측 ⓔ 허락 ⓕ 능력 24 ④ 예외 주장 (insist) / 요구 (demand) / 명령 (order) / 제안 (suggest) ~해야 한다 27 ③ 25 ③ 28 ② 26 ② 29 ⑤ 해설 ①~④는 추측의 may이며, ⑤번의 may는 허락의 may이다. 30 ①⑤ 해설 must have p.p.는 과거에 대한 강 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 한 추측을 의미한다. 본문 210 쪽 1 ② 해설 조동사 뒤에는 동사원형이 온다. 2 ④ 해설 조동사 두 개는 함께 쓸 수 없으므로, can을 be able to로 바꾸는 게 적절하다. 3③ 4 ①③ 해설 ①번과 ③번의 can은 허락의 의미이 고, ②, ④, ⑤는 능력의 의미이다. 5 ③ 해설 can을 be able to로 바꿀 때, 시제와 수 일치에 유의한다. 마찬가지로, must를 have to로 바꿀 때에도 시제와 수 일치에 유의한다. 6① 7③ 8 ④ 해설 should 가 아닌, used to가 의미상 적 절하다. 9 ② 해설 주어진 문장은 추측이므로, 허가가 아닌 추측의 may가 쓰인 문장은 ②번이다. 10 ③ 11 ④ 12 ② 13 ①③ 14 ③ 해설 ③번의 may는 추측을 의미하고, 나머 지는 허가를 의미한다. 15 ③ 16 ①⑤ 17 ⑤ 18 ① 해설 ①번은 부정문의 do이며, 나머지는 강 조의 do다. 19 ④ 해설 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 did는 강조의 의 미를 가지며, 주어진 문장 중, a~c, e는 의문문과 부정문의 do이기 때문에 답은 4개이다. 20 ② 해설 ②번의 would는 시제 일치의 would 28 중학 영문법 3 31 ①③ 해설 ①번과 ③번의 must는 강한 추측, ②, ④, ⑤의 must는 의무의 의미를 가진다. 32 ⑤ 33 ② 해설 주어진 used to는 ‘~하곤 했었다’의 의 미로, a와 c가 같은 의미를 가진다. 34 ② 35 ⑤ 해설 there 뒤에 오는 동사가 원형으로 쓰였 으므로, should의 당위성 표현을 할 수 있는 동사만 쓰일 수 있다. 36 ①③ 37 ③ 해설 이미 일어난 일을 주장한 것이므로, 동 사원형이 아닌 과거완료가 적절하다. 38 ① 해설 ‘~해야 한다’라고 요구한 것이므로, should 용법을 쓴다. 서술형 대비 1 (1) used to (2) should have been (3) couldn’t have said (4) were used to cure 2 ① is used to skip → used to skip ② must have eaten → should have eaten ③ don’t have to → must not 3 should have paid → must have paid 4 ① should have been → must have been ② hurt → have hurt ③ must → had to 1-1 8 명사 1-1 인칭대명사 첫걸음 A 01 mine 03 his 05 mine B 01 his 03 His 05 his 07 yours 본문 224 쪽 03 yourself 05 him 07 myself 09 himself 06 가목적어 07 비인칭주어 08 가주어 10 비인칭 2-2 it ~ that 강조용법 04 his 첫걸음 06 hers 본문 229 쪽 01 It is Nick’s defiant attitude that makes the 08 his 본문 225 쪽 02 herself 04 myself 06 himself 08 myself 10 him B 01 생략 불가능 02 생략 불가능 03 생략 가능 04 생략 불가능 05 생략 가능 06 생략 불가능 07 생략 가능 08 생략 가능 09 생략 불가능 10 생략 불가능 2-1 it 01 가주어 05 비인칭주어 11 가목적어 02 mine 첫걸음 04 가주어 주어 04 mine 1-2 재귀대명사 A 01 myself 03 비인칭주어 09 가목적어 02 your 첫걸음 본문 222 쪽 본문 228 쪽 chief angry. It is the chief that Nick’s defiant attitude makes angry. 02 It was Maria that bought this camera last week. It was this camera that Maria bought last week. It was last week that Maria bought this camera. 03 It is the dynamic plot that makes this novel so great. It is this novel that the dynamic plot makes so great. 04 It was Amy’s sarcastic remark that upset me at the meeting. It was me that Amy’s sarcastic remark upset at the meeting. It was at the meeting that Amy’s sarcastic remark upset me. 05 It was a severe flu that kept me from going to school yesterday. It was yesterday that a severe flu kept me 02 가주어 정답과 해설 29 from going to school. 06 It is poor communication between doctors and nurses that may cause preventable deaths in hospitals. It is preventable deaths that poor communication between doctors and nurses may cause in hospitals. It is in hospitals that poor communication between doctors and nurses may cause preventable deaths. 3-1 부정대명사 첫걸음 본문 231 쪽 01 it 02 one 05 other 06 the other 03 one 04 others 07 Others 08 Others 본문 232 쪽 01 year 02 employee 05 has 06 is 03 has 04 station 07 word 08 year 09 has 12 student 3-3 all / 부분부정 첫걸음 01 나는 반 친구들 모두를 초대할 수 없었다. 02 반짝인다고 다 금은 아니다. 03 모든 이들이 다 피카소처럼 될 수 있는 것은 30 중학 영문법 3 아니다. 07 너는 그것들 둘 다를 살 수 있는 것은 아니다. 08 너는 그것들 둘 다를 살 수 없다. 09 그가 항상 게으른 것은 아니다. 10 모든 학생들이 열심히 공부하는 것은 아니다. 실력다지기 check up 본문 236 쪽 01 me → mine 02 them → it 03 are → is 04 years → year 05 students → student 06 me → mine 07 4year → 4years 08 months → month 09 myself → me 12 myself → me 13 I → mine 14 Other → Others 15 you → yourself 16 buyer → buyers 17 every → each 18 one → it 개념다지기 warm up 본문 234 쪽 아니다. 06 너는 이 책을 모든 곳에서 찾을 수 있는 것은 19 is → was 20 Every → Each 21 yourself → you 10 child 11 is 05 너는 이 책을 어디에서도 찾지 못할 것이다. 10 Another → The other 11 have → has 3-2 each / every 첫걸음 04 그녀가 항상 늦게 온 것은 아니었다. 인칭대명사 my your his her its me you him her it mine yours his hers 본문 237 쪽 our your their us you them ours yours theirs every – 모든 명사 단수 부분부정 all, both, every not always 전치사의 목적격 명사 없다 재귀대명사 myself yourself(단수) yourselves(복수) himself herself itself ourselves themselves 1⑤ 재귀대명사의 쓰임 불가능 1 같을 때 7 ⑤ 해설 강조의 재귀대명사 2 강조 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 4 ⑤ 해설 we의 소유격은 our이다. 5① 3 for oneself 를 사용한 문장은 b문장 하나다. 10 ② 11 ①② 해설 주어진 문장의 it은 비인칭주어이며, ③~⑤번의 it이 비인칭주어다. ①번의 it은 가주어, ②번의 it은 대명사다. 않는다 2 가주어 5형식 문장 3 가목적어 4 비인칭주어 비인칭주어 one another the other the others some others other each – 각각 단수취급 8 ② 해설 should 가 아닌, used to가 의미상 적 9 ⑤ 해설 주어진 문장 중 생략 가능한 재귀대명사 it 1 지시대명사 부정대명사 6② 절하다. by oneself in itself of itself 2 없다 2③ 3 ④ 해설 you의 소유대명사는 yours이다. 강조 가능 It is ~ that 강조구문 시제 1 강조 본문 241 쪽 12 ② 해설 주어진 문장의 it은 가주어이며, ②번을 제외한 나머지 문장의 it은 모두 비인칭주어다. 시제 13 ③ 해설 ③번은 비인칭주어를 사용한 문장이다. 14 ① 15 ③ 해설 ③번의 it은 지시대명사이며, 나머지는 전부 가주어다. 16 ④ 해설 가목적어 it을 활용한 문장이다. 17 ④ 18 ③⑤ 해설 주어진 문장의 it은 가주어다. ①번은 지시대명사, ②번은 비인칭주어, ④번은 가목적어를 사용한 문장들이다. 19 ② 20 ⑤ 21 ③ 해설 나머지를 말할 때에는 꼭 ‘the’를 붙인 다. 22 ② 해설 two sisters이므로, 나머지 한 명을 가리킬 때는 the other로 써야 한다. 정답과 해설 31 23 ② 해설 새로 산 모자들을 가리키는 것이므로 ‘them’이 적절하다. 24 ② 25 ⑤ 26 ③ 해설 ⓐ 뒤에 복수명사가 오므로, 복수명사 앞에 올 수 있는 other이 적절하다. ⓑ 뒤에 복수동사가 오므로 복수명사인 others가 적 절하다. ⓒ 뒤에 오는 subject가 단수이므로 another이 적 절하다. 27 ③ 28 ⑤ 29 ⑤ 해설 맨 마지막은, 나머지를 의미하므로, the가 있어야 하며, 복수명사가 필요하므로, the others가 적절하다. 30 ①④ 31 ①③ 해설 each는 단수취급하므로, 동사도 단 수동사를 쓴다. 32 ① 33 ② 34 ④ 35 ④ 해설 everybody는 단수취급한다. 36 ③ 37 ① 해설 ⓒ는 뒤에 children(복수명사)가 있으 므로, every를 쓸 수 없다. 38 ②③ 39 ② 해설 2개 중에 나머지 하나이므로, the other이 적절하다. 32 중학 영문법 3 서술형 대비 1 (1) mine (2) hers 2 (1) Not both stories are true. 혹은 Both stories are not true. (2) Neither of the stories is true. (3) gave us 10 dollars each. 3 It was because of his selfishness that no one wants to be friends with him. 4 It was outside my house that I saw a stranger late at night. It was late at night that I saw a stranger outside my house. It was a stranger that I saw outside my house late at night. 5 every animal has a backbone. 1-1 9 to부정사 1-1 to부정사 본문 252 쪽 1-4 to부정사의 형용사적용법 2 첫걸음 본문 253 쪽 첫걸음 본문 257 쪽 01 to said → to say 01 예정 02 운명 02 to is → to be 03 명사적 용법 04 의도 03 to left → to leave 05 예정 06 운명 04 to not read → not to read 07 의무 08 예정 05 to visited → to visit 09 가능 10 의무 06 to saw → to see 07 to am → to be 1-5 to부정사의 부사적용법 1 08 to asking → to ask 09 To hearing → To hear 첫걸음 10 to takes → to take 01 Henry raised his hand in order to ask a 1-2 to부정사의 명사적용법 첫걸음 본문 254 쪽 01 보어 02 목적어 03 목적어 04 목적어 05 목적어 06 목적어 07 주어 08 보어 1-3 to부정사의 형용사적용법 1 첫걸음 01 a book to read 02 a measure to ensure food safety 03 a resolution to keep a diary 본문 258 쪽 본문 255 쪽 question. Henry raised his hand so as to ask a question. Henry raised his hand so that he could ask a question. 02 You need to stop eating sweets in order to lose weight. You need to stop eating sweets so as to lose weight. You need to stop eating sweets so that you can lose weight. 03 Kevin left early in order to avoid traffic jams. Kevin left early so as to avoid traffic jams. Kevin left early so that he could avoid traffic jams. 04 When riding a bike, you must keep moving in order to keep your balance. When riding a bike, you must keep moving so as to keep your balance. When riding a bike, you must keep 정답과 해설 33 moving so that you can keep your balance. 05 They went through the contract again in order to avoid misunderstandings. They went through the contract again so as to avoid misunderstandings. They went through the contract again so that they could avoid misunderstandings. 06 He is saving money in order to go to college. He is saving money so as to go to college. He is saving money so that he can go to college. 07 You need a passport in order to enter a foreign country. You need a passport so as to enter a foreign country. You need a passport so that you can enter a foreign country. 08 He nodded in order to show that he approved of my plan. He nodded so as to show that he approved of my plan. He nodded so that he could show that he approved of my plan. 1-6 to부정사의 부사적용법 2 첫걸음 본문 260 쪽 01 결과 02 감정의 원인 03 목적 04 목적 05 판단의 근거 06 형용사 수식 07 결과 08 목적 09 결과 10 결과 11 감정의 원인 12 결과 13 형용사 수식 2-1 to부정사의 의미상의 주어와 태 첫걸음 A 01 you 03 Paul 05 Brian 본문 262 쪽 02 Kelly 04 me B 01 He stepped aside in order for her to enter the room. He stepped aside so that she could enter the room. 02 I turned off the TV in order for my brother to focus on his studies. I turned off the TV so that my brother could focus on his studies. C 01 of 03 of 05 for 07 of 02 for 04 for 06 of 08 for 2-2 to부정사의 시제 첫걸음 본문 264 쪽 01 seems that he is rich 02 seems that he was rich 03 seemed that he was rich 04 seemed that he had been rich 05 seems that the work was quite hard for him 06 seemed that the dog had been wounded 07 seems that Henry forgot about the assignment 08 seemed that some people thought the good times were going to last forever 09 seems that you made considerable progress since I saw you last. 34 중학 영문법 3 개념다지기 warm up 2-3 too ~ to 본문 269 쪽 to부정사 첫걸음 본문 266 쪽 01 The water is so cold that I can’t drink. 02 The water was so cold that I couldn’t drink. 03 He is so proud that he can’t admit his mistake. 04 I arrived so late that I couldn’t see Julia off. 05 The situation has become so serious that I can’t handle. 06 This road is so narrow that tucks can’t pass. 07 The problem was so difficult that James couldn’t deal with it. 08 Kate was so surprised that she couldn’t say anything. 09 This car is so expensive that I can’t buy. 10 It is so hot that we can’t play outside today. 실력다지기 check up 01 so → too 02 can’t → couldn’t 03 too → so 10 for → of 11 can’t → couldn’t 12 of → for 13 so → too 14 too → so 15 proceed → to proceed 16 discuss → to discuss 17 so as wake → so as to wake 18 so → too 부사적 명사적 용법 명사 단수 ~하는 것 없다 ~하는 일 형용사적 용법 수식 뒤 명사서술 1 예정 ~하는 ~할 will must can be destined to intend to 2 의무 3 가능 4 운명 5 의도 ~하는 것 명사적용법 부사적 용법 부사 목적, 감정의 원인, 판단의 근거, 결과 1 목적 본문 268 쪽 04 for me in order to → in order for me to 05 for → of 06 survive → to survive 07 of → for 08 so → too 09 of → for 명사적 형용사적 1 동사원형 2 앞 2 3 4 5 in order to so as to so that S can V ~ 감정의 원인 판단의 근거 결과 형용사수식 to부정사의 의미상의 주어 for 목적어 1 앞에 2 for 3 of of 목적어 bad, careless, clever, cruel, foolish, honest to부정사의 태 to V to be p.p. to부정사의 시제 1 to V 2 to have p.p. too ~ to V so ~ that S can’t / so ~ that S couldn’t ~ . so ~ that S can’t / couldn’t 정답과 해설 35 23 ⑤ 해설 부사적용법 중 결과이다. 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 272 쪽 1 ⑤ 해설 to부정사는 to 동사원형으로 쓰며, to부 정사의 부정은 not to V로 표현한다. 2④ 3 ③ 해설 목적어로 쓰인 명사적용법의 to부정사를 찾는 문제다. 4 ① 해설 보어로 쓰인 명사적용법의 to부정사를 찾 는 문제다. 5 ⑤ 해설 목적어로 쓰인 명사적용법의 to부정사를 찾는 문제다. 6④ 7③ 8 ② 해설 주어진 문장의 to부정사는 명사적용법이 24 ② 25 ① 해설 주어진 문장의 부사적용법의 목적이다. ② 판단의 근거 ③ 결과 ④,⑤ 감정의 원인 26 ⑤ 해설 nice는 사람의 성질, 성격을 의미하므 로, 의미상의 주어 앞에 of를 쓴다. 27 ④ 해설 sweet는 사람의 성질, 성격을 의미하 므로, 의미상의 주어 앞에 of를 쓴다. 28 ① 30 ④ 달한다. 33 ① 법이다. ③번의 to부정사는 명사적용법이다. 11 ④ 해설 주어진 문장의 to부정사는 형용사적용 법이다. 3번 문장은 명사적용법의 to부정사이며, 나 머지 ①, ②, ④, ⑤는 형용사적용법의 문장들이다. 12 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장의 to sit은 some extra chairs를 꾸며주는 형용사적용법의 to부정사이며, ‘앉을’ 의자이므로 to sit on으로 써야 적절하다. 13 ⑤ 해설 if절에 쓰인 be to용법으로, ‘의도’를 나 타낸다. 14 ④ 해설 주어진 문장의 to부정사는 be동사와 함 께 쓰인 be to 용법이다. 15 ③ 해설 바르게 연결 된 문장은 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ이다. ⓒ는 가능, ⓓ는 예정이다. 16 ② 17 ① 18 ③⑤ 해설 밑줄친 to부정사는 부사적용법이다. ① 명사적용법 ② 명사적용법 ④ 형용사적용법 19 ③ 20 ③ 해설 ⓐ는 목적, ⓓ는 결과 용법이다. 21 ④ 22 ④ 해설 부사적용법의 to부정사는 생략해도 문 장이 성립한다. 36 중학 영문법 3 34 ③ 35 ③ 서술형 대비 1 (1) The book was too difficult for me to read. 사를 찾는 문제다. ①, ②, ④, ⑤의 to부정사는 명 사적용법이다. 10 ③ 해설 주어진 문장의 to부정사는 형용사적용 31 ①⑤ 32 ④ 해설 ④번은 충분히 맵지 않았다는 의미를 전 다. ②번의 to부정사는 부사적용법이다. 9 ③ 해설 명사를 수식하는 형용사적용법의 to부정 29 ② 2 3 4 5 6 7 (2) The book was so difficult that I couldn’t read it. (3) seems to have been beautiful. for to of for for ① so → too ② for → of 1-1 10 동명사 1-1 동명사 첫걸음 본문 283 쪽 1-3 동명사의 관용 표현 본문 284 쪽 첫걸음 본문 287 쪽 01 surfing 01 change → changing 02 Give → Giving 인터넷 서핑하면서 시간 낭비하는 것을 멈추렴. 02 crying 03 Go → Going 04 buy → buying Paul은 어젯밤 울지 않을 수 없었다. 03 making 05 raise → raising 06 play → playing Jake는 항상 결정을 내리는 데 어려움을 겪는 07 invite → inviting 것처럼 보인다. 08 being not → not being 04 to meeting 09 By → On 우리 가족은 너를 만나는 것을 기대하고 있다. 05 making 10 on → by Heidi의 회사는 수지 타산을 맞추는 데 어려 1-2 동명사의 태와 시제 첫걸음 움을 겪고 있다. 06 waiting 본문 285 쪽 A 01 나는 내가 그렇게 말한 것을 기억한다. 02 나는 그가 그렇게 말한 것을 기억한다. 03 여기에 (당신이) 조금 더 오래 있는 것을 꺼립 니까? (여기에 조금 더 있어줄 수 있나요?) 04 여기에 내가 조금 더 오래 있는 것을 당신이 꺼 립니까? (여기에 내가 조금 더 있어도 될까요?) B 01 He denied having accepted the bribe. 02 The boy denied that he had stolen the bicycle. 03 Peter denied that he had taken part in the scheme. 04 Amy denies that she says bad things about me. 05 Laura admitted that she had made a 나는 Mr.Madman이 나타나길 기다리면서 오전 시간을 허비했다. 07 to commuting Jane은 버스를 타고 통근하는 데 익숙하다. 08 denying 사실을 부인해봤자 소용없다. 1-4 to부정사와 동명사 1 첫걸음 본문 289 쪽 01 to remember 02 to raise 05 to go 06 learning 03 to show 07 to tell 09 writing 04 travelling 08 to go 10 turing mistake. 정답과 해설 37 개념다지기 warm up 1-5 to부정사와 동명사 2 첫걸음 본문 291 쪽 01 raining 02 asking 05 having 06 to bring 03 crying 07 to send 09 to say 동명사 1 주어, 목적어, 보어, 그리고 전치사의 목적격 없으며 04 neglecting 2 not V-ing 3 ~함으로써 ~하자마자 08 to give 동명사의 의미상의 주어 소유격 10 wasting 실력다지기 check up 01 to show → to showing 02 to improving → to improve 03 to being → to be 소유격 동명사 목적격 동명사의 태 본문 292 쪽 V-ing being p.p. 동명사의 시제 본동사와 같은 시제 과거 having p.p. broke 04 for him → his 05 to giving → giving 06 getting → to get 동명사 관용표현 10 to work → working 11 to play → playing 12 to move → moving 동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사 07 to developing → to develop 08 to catch → catching 09 accepting → to accept 13 to prepare → preparing 14 to see → seeing 15 discuss → discussing 16 remembering → to remember 17 to have → having 18 meeting → having met 19 taking → to take 20 to look → looking 21 going → to go 22 to smoke → smoking 23 to read → reading 24 bringing → to bring 25 doing → to do 26 bringing → to bring 본문 294 쪽 ~하는 것을 고대하다 ~하는 것에 익숙하다 ~하는 데 시간을 쓰다 ~하는 데 어려움을 겪다 ~하지 않을 수 없다 enjoy, mind, finish, suggest, deny, admit, avoid to부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사 plan, decide, want, expect, hope, need, manage to부정사와 동명사 둘 다 목적어로 취하며 의미가 같은 동사 begin start continue prefer to부정사와 동명사 둘 다 목적어로 취하지만 의미가 달라지는 동사 ~해야 한다는 것을 잊다 ~했던 것을 잊다 ~해야 한다는 것을 기억하다 ~했던 것을 기억하다 ~하기 위해 멈추다 ~하던 것을 멈추다 유감이지만, ~하겠다 ~했던 것을 후회한다 ~하기 위해 노력하다 ~을 한번 시도하다 to부정사의 수동이 올 때에는 동명사로 바꿔 쓰는 동사 need V-ing 38 중학 영문법 3 29 ② 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 297 쪽 1 ② 해설 enjoy 뒤에는 to부정사가 아닌 동명사가 목적어로 온다. 2 ④ 해설 ①, ②, ③, ⑤번 문장은 전치사 뒤에 오 는 V-ing로, 동명사지만, ④번의 V-ing는 현재분 사다. 30 ③ 해설 tend는 to부정사를 목적어로 취한다. 31 ① 32 ② 해설 ‘prefer A to B’는 ‘A를 B보다 선호한 다’라는 의미를 갖는다. prefer 뒤에는 to부정사와 동명사 둘 다 올 수 있지만, prefer A to B의 구조 에서는 동명사를 쓴다. 33 ⑤ 해설 suggest는 동명사를 목적어로 취한다. 3 ① 해설 동명사 주어는 단수취급한다. 34 ①② 는 문제다. 다. 4 ⑤ 해설 보어로 쓰인 명사적용법의 to부정사를 찾 5 ④ 해설 동명사 주어는 단수취급하므로, lead가 leads로 바뀌어야 한다. 6 ② 해설 plan은 to부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 다. 7 ④ 해설 ‘시험 삼아 해 보다’는 try V-ing 로 쓴다. 8 ② 해설 want는 to부정사를 목적어로 취한다. 9③ 10 ⑤ 해설 동명사의 의미상의 주어는 소유격으로 쓴다. 11 ① 12 ⑤ 36 ⑤ 해설 fail은 to부정사를 목적어로 취하는 동 사다. 37 ② 38 ② 39 ③⑤ 해설 ‘~하는 것을 멈추다’는 ‘stop V-ing’ 로 쓰는 게 적절하다. ‘~해야 한다는 것을 잊다’는 ‘forget to V’로 쓴다. 40 ①② 해설 look forward to는 to 뒤에 명사나 동명사가 와야 적절하다. 41 ⑤ 해설 enjoy는 동명사를 목적어로 취하고, tend는 to부정사를 목적어로 취한다. 13 ④ 해설 regret V-ing는 ‘~한 것을 후회하다’ 라는 의미를 갖는다. 동명사의 완료시제를 쓰면, ‘~ 했던 것을 후회한다’라는 의미를 전달한다. 14 ① 해설 동명사의 태 문제다. ‘남겨지는 것’이므 로, leave의 수동으로 써야 한다. 15 ④ 35 ④ 해설 ‘~하기 위해 노력하다’는 ‘try to V’로 쓴 16 ② 17 ② 해설 deny는 동명사를 목적어로 취하는 동사 다. 18 ① 서술형 대비 1 I can’t stand things’ not being kept in their proper place. 2 play → playing 3 ① to adjust → adjusting ② we were used to → we used to do ③ seeing → to see 19 ④ 해설 ‘~하는 데 어려움을 겪다’는 ‘have difficulty V-ing’로, 동명사의 관용 표현이다. 20 ② 해설 cannot help V-ing는 ‘~하지 않을 수 없었다’를 의미한다. 21 ⑤ 22 ② 해설 ‘~에 반대하다’는 ‘be opposed to V-ing(혹은 명사)’로 쓴다. 23 ① 26 ① 24 ③ 27 ① 25 ② 28 ③ 정답과 해설 39 1-1 11 분사 07 interested 1-1 현재분사 09 shocking 첫걸음 01 the weather 02 Julie 05 car 06 face 07 footsteps 09 An airplane 10 depressed 1-5 분사구문 04 my brother 03 There being no seat in the bus, I couldn’t 본문 310 쪽 01 asking 02 hidden 05 surrounded 06 covered 07 recommended 04 wearing his eyes. 08 Turning to the right, you’ll see the hospital. 본문 311 쪽 01 동명사 02 동명사 03 현재분사 04 현재분사 television. 02 Not hearing from Jessica for so long, I sent her an email. 03 It having rained all night long, the road is 본문 312 쪽 05 boring 3 본문 315 쪽 01 Told to go to bed, he kept on watching 1-4 감정유발동사 03 disappointing 1-6 분사구문 만들 때 주의할 점 첫걸음 05 현재분사 01 frustrating 05 Living in a remote village, he has few 07 Jake entering the room, something caught 08 attached 첫걸음 have a seat all the way. 04 It being rainy, we didn’t go on a picnic. visitors. 06 Living next to her house, I never see her. 1-3 현재분사와 동명사 비교 첫걸음 본문 313 쪽 much time I wasted. 02 (Being) Exhausted, he had to keep working. 10 a letter 첫걸음 03 related 첫걸음 01 Looking back on my life, I realize how 08 a boy 1-2 과거분사 중학 영문법 08 pleased 본문 309 쪽 03 children 40 본문 308 쪽 02 frustrated 04 surprised 06 intimidated muddy. 04 Angered by his remark, I left the room right away. 05 Having not eaten anything, I am not hungry. 1-7 분사구문을 부사절로 바꾸는 방법 첫걸음 본문 316 쪽 01 As I entered the house, I smelled something burning. 02 As he was frustrated, Owen stormed out of the room. 03 As it is written in technical terms, this book is hard to understand. 04 Although I live next door for three years, I don’t know my next door neighbor well. 05 Although she admitted her mistake, she didn’t apologize. 06 Although she had worked hard, she failed the examination. 07 As it was cloudy, we canceled our trip. 08 As I felt hot, I turned on the fan. 09 As she had a bad cold, Laura was absent from school. 10 As I look back, I feel grateful to my parents. 실력다지기 check up 01 Lived → Living 02 disappointed → disappointing 03 Finished → Finishing 04 Writing → Written 05 had → having 06 Receiving not → Not receiving 07 had → having 08 causing → caused 09 Raining → It raining 10 slept → sleeping 11 Tiring → Tired 12 stood → standing 13 unlocking → unlocked 14 was → being 15 waited → waiting 16 sung → singing 17 sat → sitting 본문 318 쪽 18 making → made 19 renewing → renewed 20 causing → caused 21 showed → showing 22 Lived → Living 23 Barked → Barking 24 sat → sitting 25 Written → It written 개념다지기 warm up 본문 319 쪽 분사 형용사 현재분사 V-ing 1 진행 2 진행 능동 과거분사 p.p. 1 완료 2 수동태 3 수동, 완료 완료 수동 현재분사와 동명사 1 명사 2 진행시제와 명사 수식 3 명사를 V하는 것 V가 N의 용도나 목적 V가 N의 진행이나 상태 감정유발동사 현재분사 과거분사 분사구문 주절의 주어와 같은 경우 분사구문 만들기 1. 접속사 You turn the corner there 2. 같을 때 다른 정답과 해설 41 9 ① 해설 앞에 있는 The people을 꾸며주는 분사 Turn the corner there 로, 능동의 현재분사가 적절하다. 10 ④ 해설 ④번 문장의 wouding은 wounded로 3. 분사형 -ing having + 과거분사 Turning the corner there 바꾸는 게 적절하다. 11 ⑤ 해설 ‘사용하는 것’은 동명사 ‘using’을 사용 하고, 중고품은 사용된 제품이기 때문에, 과거분사 ‘used’를 쓰는 게 적절하다. 분사구문 만들 때, 주의할 점 1 과거분사 12 ② 해설 novels를 꾸며주는 과거분사 written (Being) Written 2 Not V-ing / Not p.p. 과 컴퓨터가 ‘고장난’ 것이므로 과거분사 ‘broken’이 적절하다. 앞 13 ③④ 해설 ①번은 game을 꾸며주는 것이므로 Not understanding 3 완료시제 능동의 현재분사 ‘exciting’을 쓰고, ②번은 ‘그녀가 ~한 감정을 느낀 것’이므로, 과거분사 ‘insulted’가 적절하며, ⑤번의 rescuing도 rescued가 적절하 다. 4 Having p.p. Having been p.p. Having stayed 14 ② 분사구문을 부사절로 만드는 방법 15 ④ 해설 새 모델이 밝혀진 것이므로 수동태로 쓰 1. 동사 시제와 수 일치 인 과거분사가 적절하며, Jack에 의해 감독된 영화 이므로 과거분사를 사용한다. Not was aware was not aware 2. She was not aware 3. As she was not aware 16 ② 해설 온라인에서 구매된 가방이므로 수동의 과거분사 ‘purchased’가 적절하다. 17 ④ 해설 가방이 만들어진 것이므로 과거분사 ‘made’로 바꿔야 한다. 18 ③ 해설 ‘소개된’ 제품이므로, 수동의 과거분사 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 가 적절하다. 본문 323 쪽 1 ③ 해설 ‘울고 있는’을 의미하는 현재분사가 적절 하다. 19 ④ 해설 그림이 ‘그려진’ 것이므로 수동의 과거분 사를 고른다. 20 ① 해설 ①번 문장의 ‘built’는 과거동사이며, ② ~⑤번 문장의 밑줄 친 부분은 과거분사다. 2① 3 ④ 해설 fall은 진행의 의미로 ‘falling’, 완료의 의미로 ‘fallen’을 둘 다 쓸 수 있다. 하지만 과거동 사 fell은 쓸 수 없다. 21 ② 해설 카페에서 ‘공부하는’ 사람들이므로, 능 동의 현재분사를 고른다. 22 ① 해설 세종대왕에 의해 ‘만들어진’ 한글이므로 4 ③ 해설 능동의 현재분사가 필요하다. 수동의 과거분사가 적절하다. 6 ② 해설 ②번은 동명사를 사용한 문장이다. 24 ① 해설 ①번의 reading은 enjoy의 목적어로 5⑤ 7 ① 해설 진행의 의미를 가진 현재분사를 사용한 문장을 고르는 문제다. 8 ③ 해설 ‘끓고 있는’을 의미하기 때문에 진행의 현 재분사를 쓰는 게 맞다. 42 중학 영문법 3 23 ② 해설 ‘미소 짓는’ 이기 때문에 능동의 현재분 사를 고른다. 쓰인 동명사다. 25 ③ 해설 주어진 문장의 ‘remaining’은 현재분 사이므로, 현재분사가 쓰인 문장을 고른다. 26 ①④ 27 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번의 ‘working’은 동명사다. 28 ① 해설 첫번째 문장에서는 현재분사로, 두번째 문장에서는 동명사로 쓰인다. 29 ③ 30 ③ 31 ③ 해설 분사구문의 현재분사 32 ② 해설 Ⓐ intersting → interested 33 ① 해설 내가 감동을 느낀 것이므로, 수동의 과 거분사를 쓴다. 34 ③ 해설 interesting → interested 35 ④ 해설 사람들이 ‘만족된’ 것이기 때문에 수동의 과 거분사를 쓴다. 36 ② 해설 Ⓒ문장의 ‘amazing’은 수동의 과거분 서술형 대비 1 being 2 coming 3 being 4 ① frustrating → frustrated ② Felt → Feeling 5 ① stressing → stressed ② exhausting → exhausted ③ annoying → annoyed 6 ① Tried → Trying ② Felt → Feeling 사인 ‘amazed’로 바꿔야 한다. 37 ②④ 해설 ④번 문장은 분사구문을 사용한 문장 이다. 38 ④ 해설 The train이 도착한 것이기 때문에 능 동의 현재분사를 쓴다. 39 ③ 해설 접속사와 주어를 살려내고 동사는 주절 의 동사와 시제를 맞추지만, 조건과 시간의 부사절 에서는 미래시제를 쓰지 않는다. 그러므로, 현재시 제를 사용한 조건의 부사절을 쓰면 된다. 40 ② 41 ① 42 ①④ 43 ④ 해설 분사구문의 시제가 완료시제인 것을 확 인하자. 주절로 바꿀 때, 주절보다 과거여야 한다. 정답과 해설 43 1-1 12 형용사와 부사 1-1 형용사의 쓰임 첫걸음 1-3 something / anything / nothing 본문 336 쪽 01 right 02 alive 03 content 04 guilty 05 popular 06 asleep 07 close 본문 335 쪽 08 known 첫걸음 본문 339 쪽 01 ② 02 ④ 03 ③ 04 ⑤ 05 ⑤ 06 ③ 07 ③ 08 ③ 09 ② 10 ③ 1-2 형용사의 순서 1-4 some / any 첫걸음 본문 338 쪽 A 01 small new black wallet 02 two brand-new computers 03 large old stone bridge 04 first three copies 05 her two cute cats 06 five big fresh apples B 01 He likes his new car. 첫걸음 본문 340 쪽 01 some 02 any 05 any 06 some 03 some 07 any 04 Some 08 some 2-1 부사의 쓰임 02 어색한 부분 없음 03 Did you buy this coat for your mother? 04 어색한 부분 없음 05 어색한 부분 없음 06 They explained to me about its abilities. 07 His new movie was not very impressive. 08 This new bag was given to me by my aunt. 09 어색한 부분 없음 10 Keep all your belongings safe. 첫걸음 본문 341 쪽 01 reluctantly 02 gladly 05 undoubtedly 06 quickly 03 absolutely 07 fast 09 carefully 04 thoroughly 08 fluently 10 very 2-2 빈도부사 첫걸음 01 Amy always comes late. 44 중학 영문법 3 본문 342 쪽 02 I sometimes hear from Zoe. 07 lately 최근에 04 Brian is seldom late for school. 09 close 가까이에 03 I often call my family. 08 closely 면밀하게 05 You can often tell where a person comes from by his accent. 10 late 늦은 06 You will never see snakes in these mountains. 07 Nick sometimes misses his bus. 실력다지기 check up 08 Brian usually takes a walk after dinner. 01 quitely → quite 10 Some people never make the same mistake 03 fastly → fast 09 Jane often travels alone. again. 본문 348 쪽 02 careful → carefully 04 anything → something 05 this a new book → this new book 주의해야 할, 3-1 헷갈리는 형용사와 부사 1 첫걸음 본문 344 쪽 06 never can → can never 07 deeply → deep 08 interesting something → something 09 10 01 부사 02 부사 03 형용사 04 부사 05 형용사 06 부사 07 형용사 08 부사 09 부사 10 부사 11 형용사 12 형용사 15 13 부사 14 부사 16 15 부사 16 부사 17 17 부사 18 부사 18 19 형용사 20 부사 19 11 12 13 14 20 interesting closely → close unexpected something → something unexpected bad something → something bad reliable somebody → somebody reliable deep → deeply worry sometimes → sometimes worry something → anything hard → hardly new anything → anything new something → anything tries always → always tries hardly → hard 주의해야 할, 3-2 헷갈리는 형용사와 부사 2 첫걸음 본문 347 쪽 개념다지기 warm up 형용사 01 deeply 몹시, 깊이 수식하거나 서술 수식 1 보어 03 highly 매우 2 afraid. alone. alive 05 hardly 거의 ~않다 형용사의 순서 3 없다 02 deep 깊은 04 highly 매우 06 high 높은 본문 349 쪽 alike. asleep. ready 정답과 해설 45 실전 유형완전정복 형용사가 반드시 뒤에서만 수식하는 명사 something / nothing / anything somebody / nobody / anybody some / any 1 긍정문, 권유문 2 부정문, 의문문, 조건문 부사 동사, 형용사, 부사, 또는 문장 전체 1 동사 2 형용사 3 부사 4 문장 전체 본문 354 쪽 1⑤ 2 ④ 해설 뒤에 오는 yellow와 함께 명사 umbrella를 수식한다. 3⑤ 4 ④ 해설 형용사로 쓰인 perfect가 오는 것이 적절 하다. perfectly는 부사이다. 5 ③ 해설 something은 형용사가 뒤에서 수식한 다. 6 ① 해설 afraid는 명사를 서술할 수 있지만, 수 식은 할 수 없는 형용사다. 빈도부사 7④ 빈도부사 빈도부사 never 결코 ~아닌, 절대 ~아닌 seldom 드물게 sometimes 때때로 often 종종 usually 보통, 대개 always 항상 빈도부사 앞 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 8 ④ 해설 the + 형용사는 복수명사이므로, 복수동 사가 와야 한다. 9③ 10 ③ 해설 관사와 소유격은 함께 명사를 수식할 수 없다. 11 ② 12 ① 해설 긍정문이므로 everything을 써야 한 다. 뒤 뒤 ly가 붙으면 의미가 달라지는 부사 거의 ~않다 최근에 13 ② 해설 긍정문에서는 some, 부정문, 의문문에 서는 any를 쓴다. 14 ④ 해설 something이 아닌 anything이 와야 한다. 15 ③ 해설 긍정문이며, 뒤에 오는 명사를 꾸며주 거의 몹시, 매우 (‘대단히, 몹시의 뜻으로’) 깊이 엄중히, 면밀히, 밀접하게 lovely 사랑스러운 deadly 치명적인 lowly (신분이) 낮은, 미천한 friendly 친근한 lonely 외로운 costly 비싼 므로, some을 쓰는 게 맞다. 16 ① 해설 ①번 문장의 부사는 형용사 ‘hard’를 수 식하고, ②~⑤번 문장의 부사는 동사를 수식한다. 17 ② 18 ② 해설 ①, ⑤번 문장의 부사는 문장 전체를 수 식하고, ③, ④번 문장의 부사는 형용사를 수식한 다. 19 ③ 20 ② 해설 ①, ③~⑤번 문장의 부사는 형용사를 수식한다. 21 ① 22 ③ 해설 빈도부사는 일반동사 앞에 온다. 46 중학 영문법 3 23 ④ 24 ③ 25 ④ 해설 unique의 올바른 부사형은 uniquely 다. 26 ② 27 ② 28 ② 29 ② 해설 빈도부사는 조동사 뒤에 위치한다. 30 ② 해설 ‘가까이에’를 의미하는 부사는 ‘close’로 쓴다. 31 ③ 32 ④ 해설 ‘low’는 형용사와 부사의 생김새가 같 다. 33 ③⑤ 34 ② 해설 ‘몹시, 매우’를 의미하는 ‘깊이’는 ‘deeply’로 쓴다. 35 ⑤ 해설 ‘면밀히, 주의 깊게’를 의미하는 부사는 ‘closely’다. 36 ③④ 37 ③④ 서술형 대비 1 helps the homeless to live a meaningful life. 2 I sometimes spend my spare time listening to music and reading books. 3 Someone strange asked your name. 4 My sister hardly eats junk food. 5 ① lowly → low ② any → some ③ late → lately 6 ① works always → always works ② hardly → hard ③ any sandwiches → some sandwiches ④ quitely → quite 정답과 해설 47 1-1 13 비교 05 as 1-1 비교급, 최상급 첫걸음 07 as 본문 367 쪽 01 more difficult, most difficult 09 as 06 than 08 than 2-3 비교급의 다양한 표현 02 more carefully, most carefully 03 thinner, thinnest 04 more important, most important 첫걸음 05 higher, highest 01 the more difficult it seemed 07 more interesting, most interesting 03 the more you want 본문 371 쪽 06 more useful, most useful 02 the more quickly a person will learn 08 cleverer, cleverest 04 is getting colder and colder 05 becomes more and more interesting 06 the more uneasy I feel 1-2 불규칙 비교급, 최상급 첫걸음 07 the better I like him 본문 368 쪽 01 elder 02 farther 05 better 06 More 03 latter 첫걸음 02 the prettiest 본문 369 쪽 01 than 02 than 05 higher than 06 than 04 higher than 중학 영문법 본문 370 쪽 02 fast 04 as 3 05 the most difficult 06 the most popular actors 3-2 원급과 비교급을 이용한 최상급 첫걸음 03 as 03 longest 04 the most diligent 2-2 원급비교 01 as 본문 372 쪽 01 the highest 첫걸음 03 faster 08 the cooler the air becomes 3-1 최상급 04 older 2-1 비교급 비교 48 본문 366 쪽 첫걸음 01 important as you in the world 02 longest river in the world 본문 373 쪽 longer than any other river in the world 03 higher than any other mountain in the wold 04 populous as Seoul in Korea 18 taller as → taller than 19 most diligent boy → the most diligent 05 than any other boy in his class than all the other boys in his class is taller than Brian in his class is as tall as Brian in his class 06 more precious than any other thing in the world more precious than life in the world as precious as life in the world 06 is more diligent than any other boy in his class is more diligent than Mike in his class is as diligent as Mike in his class 실력다지기 check up 본문 375 쪽 01 as → than 02 it will be better → the better it will be 03 the air becomes thinner → the thinner the air becomes 04 as precious than → more precious than (혹은 as precious as) 05 less beautiful as → less beautiful than 06 the three longest river → the third longest 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 as important than → more important that than (혹은 as important as) river fast than → faster than the air became colder → the colder the air became best student → the best student the two longest river → the second longest river we want the more → the more we want precious as → as precious as as → than as larger than → larger than more beautiful as → more beautiful than diligent than → more diligent than boy 20 twice as old than → twice as old as 21 second as large as → twice as large as 개념다지기 warm up 본문 376 쪽 비교급과 최상급 비교급 최상급 비교급 -er more 최상급 –est most 비교급 비교 비교급 + than less + 비교급 비교급 앞 원급 비교 A is as 원급 as B A is so 원급 as B 배수사 as 원급 as become, get, grow, turn + 비교급 and 비교급 become, get, grow, turn + more and more +원급 far, still, even, a lot, much, way 비교급이 먼저 나오고 주어와 동사가 최상급 ~번째로 ~한 the least Nothing is as 원급 as ~ 비교급 비교를 이용하여 최상급 표현 Nothing is 비교급 than A. A is 비교급 than any other 명사(단수명사). A is 비교급 than all the other 명사(복수명사). 정답과 해설 49 Nothing is more precious than time in the world. Time is more precious than any other thing in the world. Time is more precious than all the other things in the world. 29 ① 30 ④ 31 ⑤ 해설 ‘어느 곳에서’가 아닌, ‘~중에서’ 이므로 전치사 ‘in’이 아닌 ‘of’가 적절하다. 32 ① 해설 완성된 문장은 ‘My son wanted to buy the biggest toy car in the world.’이다. 33 ④ 해설 Ⓑ문장은 ‘of’를 ‘in’으로 바꿔야 한다. 34 ② 해설 ‘가장 ~한 것 중의 하나’의 최상급에서 는 of 뒤에 오는 명사가 복수명사여야 한다. 35 ④⑤ 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 379 쪽 1 ⑤ 해설 분사는 more을 붙여서 비교급을 만든다. 2 ④ 해설 ‘easy’의 최상급은 ‘easiest’이다 3 ② 해설 ‘famous’의 최상급은 ‘most famous’ 다. 4③ 5 ③ 해설 ‘far’의 비교급은 ‘farther’, ‘further’이 다. 6① 7 ⑤ 해설 거리 상의 ‘더 먼’은 ‘farther’이 옳다. 8④ 12 ② 9② 13 ③ 10 ① 14 ② 11 ④ 15 ③ 해설 비교급은 more로 표현한다. 16 ④ 해설 ④번 문장의 해석은 ‘Jenny가 다른 가 족 구성원들만큼 가볍다.’이므로, 주어진 문장과는 다른 의미를 전달한다. 17 ① 18 ④ 해설 주어진 문장이 ‘가족이 가장 소중하다’ 이므로, ‘가족보다 더 소중한 것은 없다’를 골라야 한 다. 19 ① 20 ③⑤ 21 ② 해설 Ⓒ문장은 three times 앞에 위치한 as 를 없애야 한다. 22 ④⑤ 23 ④ 해설 very는 비교급을 꾸밀 수 없다. 24 ② 25 ③ 26 ① 27 ④ 28 ⑤ 해설 Ⓐ문장은 you will get 의 목적어인 the better score가 앞에 위치하기 때문에 ‘it’을 빼야 옳은 문장이다. 50 중학 영문법 3 36 ⑤ 37 ②③ 38 ③ 해설 Ⓐ문장의 ‘the most beautiful place’는 ‘the most beautiful places’로 바꿔야 한다. 서술형 대비 1 taller 2 the second tallest building 3 as tall 4 later 5 less tall, more 6 deeper than 7 the third deepest lake 8 The building that I bought 2years ago is getting more and more expensive. 9 The more you exercise, the better your health will be. 10 ① the more influential → the most influential ② further → farther ③ getting tired and tired → getting more and more tired ④ my school life got better → the better my school life got 1-1 14 접속사 05 목적어 that the earth was flat 1-1 전치사와 접속사 첫걸음 06 동격의 명사절 that I’m here 본문 391 쪽 01 구 02 절 03 구 04 구 05 구 06 절 07 보어 that I am not disappointed 08 주어 that you exercise regularly 09 동격의 명사절 that I did my best 10 보어 that I had no insurance 07 절 2-3 명사절 접속사 if 2-1 명사절 접속사 첫걸음 본문 390 쪽 첫걸음 본문 392 쪽 01 who gave Jim that information. 02 What you eat 03 how it worked 본문 395 쪽 01 ① 02 ④ 03 ① 04 ④ 05 ① 06 ③ 07 ④ 08 ③ 09 ③ 04 who sent him this letter 05 Where the treasure is hidden 2-4 명사절 접속사 how 07 that customers have to tip their servers 첫걸음 06 that I can’t afford to buy a new car 08 what I found under the tree 02 why you look upset today 2-2 명사절 접속사 that 첫걸음 본문 396 쪽 01 ③ 얼마나 02 ④ 어떻게 03 ② 어떻게 04 ③ 얼마나 05 ③ 얼마나 06 ③ 어떻게 07 ② 얼마나 본문 394 쪽 명사절 접속사 01 목적어 that he had already finished his 2-5 when / where / why 02 동격의 명사절 that something dreadful 첫걸음 homework was happening 03 목적어 that he had made a huge mistake. 04 목적어 that the world population has more than tripled since the Industrial Revolution 본문 397 쪽 01 who wrote the book 02 who will be promoted next month 03 when they shipped the package 04 how we can pay off our debts 05 when the book will arrive here 정답과 해설 51 06 where she would go 07 where he wants to go for holiday 08 that something should be done about unemployment 08 after school was over 학교가 끝난 후에 우리는 축구를 했다. 09 since he was a little boy 나는 그가 어렸을 때부터 그를 알았다. 09 Why she decided to leave all of a sudden 2-6 명사절 접속사 what / who 첫걸음 본문 398 쪽 01 who cheated on the test. 때를 나타내는 부사절 접속사 3-3 while 첫걸음 01 While 02 while 05 during 06 while 03 during 02 who’ll play Snow White 03 what you want 07 while 04 what he said 09 While 05 what I expected 06 What matters most 07 who will win the first prize 04 while 08 While 10 While 이유를 나타내는 부사절 접속사 08 who has done it 3-4 because / as / since 10 What is considered impolite in one country 첫걸음 09 what we aren’t willing to do 3-2 때를 나타내는 부사절 접속사 첫걸음 본문 400 쪽 01 when it snows heavily 눈이 많이 내릴 때 나는 운전을 할 수 없다. 02 ① 03 ④ 04 ④ 05 ③ 06 ④ 07 ① 08 ③ 양보를 나타내는 접속사 3-5 although 03 when I arrived 내가 도착했을 때, 회의는 이미 시작해 있었다. 첫걸음 04 when you are riding in a car 차에 타고 있을 때에는 항상 안전벨트를 매야 한다. 05 When you leave the room 방을 나갈 때, 꼭 불을 끄고 가주세요. 06 when he was a boy 내 삼촌은 어렸을 때 비행기 조종사가 되고 싶었다. 07 After he came back home 그가 돌아온 후에 그는 새 사업을 시작했다. 중학 영문법 3 본문 403 쪽 01 ① 02 when I went to say good bye to him 내가 Karl에게 작별 인사를 하러 갔을 때, 그는 이미 떠난 상태였다. 52 본문 402 쪽 본문 404 쪽 01 Even though / 그들은 가난했음에도 불구하 고, 행복했다. 02 Although / 오늘 아침에 날씨가 흐렸지만, 날씨가 좋아졌다. 03 Even though / Tom은 아프지만, 파티에 갈 것이다. 04 Although / 비가 많이 내렸음에도 불구하고 축구 경기는 시작했다. 05 Because / Jake는 열심히 공부했기 때문에, 입학 시험에 합격했다. 06 Although / 그들은 쌍둥이임에도 불구하고, 비슷해 보이지 않는다. 3-6 as의 다양한 용법 첫걸음 본문 405 쪽 01 ~한대로 02 ~이지만, ~임에도 불구하고 명사절 접속사 that 03 ~이기 때문에 주어, 목적어, 보어, 전치사의 목적격 1 주어 it 2 목적어 3 보어 4 동격의 명사절 5 in that 04 ~함에 따라 05 ~한대로 06 ~할 때 07 ~한대로 08 ~이기 때문에 실력다지기 check up 본문 406 쪽 if if 04 what → whether / if 05 what → that 06 are → is when 언제 어디서 why 왜 14 who → how 15 because → because of 혹은 due to during (기간의 명칭) for (기간의 구체적인 길이) 어떻게 얼마나 where 12 while → during 13 are → is 1 while ~인지 아닌지 만약 ~라면 how 10 whether → that 11 who → that 명사 / 명사구 절 whether how 07 if → that 08 while → during 09 despite → although / even though 접속사와 전치사 if if 1 whether 2 if 01 are → is 02 that → whether / if 03 while → during 개념다지기 warm up because, since, as because of, due to, owing to although, even though despite, in spite of 2 since as before after what 무엇이(주어), 무엇을(목적어) who / whom 누가(주어), 누구를(목적어) 본문 407 쪽 부사절 because, since, as although, even though when, while, after, before, since, as if, unless, provided 접속사와 전치사 1 Because / As / Since Because of, Due to 정답과 해설 53 더해질 필요가 없으므로 명사절 접속사 ‘that’이 적절하 다. 2 Although / Even though 9 ② 해설 ‘~인지 아닌지’의 의미를 가진 명사절 접 Despite, In spite of 3 While During For 속사는 ‘if’이며, 의미가 더해질 필요가 없는 명사절 은 ‘that’이 이끈다. 10 ⑤ when 11 ④ 해설 ④번 문장의 ‘he can do this task’는 ~일 때 없다 완전한 문장이므로, 명사절 접속사 ‘that’으로 바꿔 야 한다. while ~하는 동안에 문장에서 이유를 나타내는 절을 이끄는 접속사 ~이래로 for 14 ② ~에도 불구하고 as S + V as의 다양한 용법 1 ~ 때문에 (이유) 2 ~할 때, ~하면서 3 ~한대로 4 ~하고 있을 때, ~함에 따라 (시간) 전치사로 쓰인 as 15 ③ 16 ② 17 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장의 if는 부사절을 이끄는 부사 절 접속사이며, ‘만약 ~ 라면’으로 해석한다. 18 ① 19 ② 20 ③ 해설 ③번의 ‘when’이 이끄는 절은 명사절이다. 21 ④⑤ 22 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장의 ‘when’은 형용사절 접속사 이다. ~로서 23 ② 24 ④ 주절은 과거시제인데 부사절은 미래시제가 올 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 수 없다. 본문 413 쪽 1 ③ 해설 ③번 문장의 despite는 전치사이므로, 절이 아닌 구가 와야 한다. 2⑤ 3 ③④ 해설 이유의 접속사로는 for과 as가 있다. 4 ③ 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤의 밑줄 친 부분들은 명사절 접속사이지만, ③번의 when은 의문사 역할을 하고 있 다. 5 ② 해설 ‘언제’라는 의미를 가진 ‘when’이 접속사 와 ‘언제’의 의미를 겸한다. 6 ④ 해설 Ⓑ의 문장은 ‘what’을 ‘that’으로 바꾸는 게 적절하다. 7 ③ 해설 ③번 문장의 that은 앞에 위치한 명사 ‘The city’를 꾸며주는 형용사절을 이끄는 관계대명사 이며, 관계대명사 ‘that’이 이끄는 문장은 불완전하다. 8 ② 해설 뒤에 오는 문장이 완전하며, 다른 의미가 중학 영문법 13 ③④ 해설 ①, ②, ⑤번의 that의 공통점은 뒤 에 오는 문장이 불완전하다는 것이다. 명사절 접속 사 ‘that’은 뒤에 오는 문장이 완전하다. Although / Even though 54 12 ② 해설 관계대명사 3 25 ③ 26 ④ 27 ②③ 31 ② 32 ③ 33 ③ 28 ② 29 ① 30 ③ 해설 ③ 접속사 ①, ②, ④, ⑤ 전치사 35 ① 36 ② 37 ④ 34 ② 38 ② 서술형 대비 1 even though 2 Because 3 While 4 that 5 how 6 What 7 ① if → that ② Although → Despite / In spite of ③ will keep → keep 8 ① Because of → Because ② that → what 1-1 15 관계사 1-2 관계대명사 that 첫걸음 1-5 관계대명사 who 본문 428 쪽 01 ③ 02 ④ 03 ③ 04 ④ 05 ③ 06 ③ 07 ③ 08 ③ 본문 426 쪽 첫걸음 본문 431 쪽 01 whom 02 whom 05 who 06 whose 03 who 04 whose 1-6 관계대명사의 주격 / 목적격 1-3 관계대명사 which 첫걸음 첫걸음 본문 429 쪽 본문 432 쪽 01 생략 가능 02 생략 가능 01 a book 03 생략 가능 04 생략 가능 02 she would come back again 05 생략 가능 06 생략 불가능 03 the novel 07 생략 가능 08 생략 가능 04 the house 09 생략 불가능 10 생략 불가능 05 He wanted to come 06 persuade Kate to stay 2-1 관계부사 1-4 관계대명사 what 첫걸음 첫걸음 본문 430 쪽 01 Jake reluctantly gave James the thing that he asked for. 02 I cannot understand the thing that you are talking about. 03 Anna was not attracted by the thing that he had. 04 The thing that he says sounds very sensible to me. 05 I want to know the thing that happened to the book Jimmy gave you. 본문 433 쪽 01 which 02 which 05 where 06 when 03 which 07 where 04 where 08 where 2-2 관계부사 where / when / why 첫걸음 본문 434 쪽 01 when 02 why 05 when 06 where 06 when 04 where 정답과 해설 55 개념다지기 warm up 07 why 관계사 2-3 관계부사 how 첫걸음 형용사 관계대명사 본문 435 쪽 01 Julie isn’t very good at hiding the way (혹은 how) she really feels. 02 Tell me the way (혹은 how) you solved the problem. 03 I will share with you the unique way (혹은 how) I master English easily. 04 That was the way (혹은 how) I came to know the secret. 05 Taking notes is class and revising them was the way (혹은 how) I studied in my high school days. 실력다지기 check up 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 관계부사 관계대명사 that which what who that which what whom 관계대명사를 사용하여 문장 만들기 the river The river The river that The river that flows through Paris The river which flows through Paris is called the Seine. that that which 본문 436 쪽 01 What was the reason which he gave for 02 being late? James was a great historian, whose life is not known well. His uncle lives in the house of which (혹은 whose) windows are broken. The boy whose father is a diplomat speaks English fluently. There is a spring of which (혹은 whose) waters never go dry. I quarrel with my brothers everyday, which makes my parents angry. Do you know the man who is standing over there is Julie’s father? Look at the mountain that (혹은 which) is covered in snow. Tell me the way (혹은 how) you succeeded in persuading your parents. March is the month which I like most. which which 계속적용법 서술적용법 1 콤마 , which 문장 전체 / 구 2 있다 on which 관계부사 3 소유격 whose what what 포함하기 때문에, 선행사를 앞에 쓸 수 없다 the thing that /which who who 주격, 목적격, 소유격 ,(콤마) 생략 가능한 관계대명사 1 주격 + be동사 56 중학 영문법 3 본문 437 쪽 22 ①②③ 23 ②④ 24 ① 해설 the way와 how는 함께 쓰일 수 없다. be동사 25 ① 생략 불가능 2 목적격 29 ①③ 없다 26 ④ 27 ① 30 ①③ 28 ③ 31 ① 32 ④ 해설 부사절 접속사 33 ② 관계부사 부사 36 ②④ 명사 관계부사와 관계대명사의 차이 34 ① 37 ① 35 ③ 서술형 대비 where when why how 1 (1) something 없다 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 440 쪽 (2) the things (3) something 2 ① what → that 혹은 which ② has → have 3 ① the way how → how 혹은 the way ② which → who ③ who → that 혹은 which 1② 2 ④ 해설 선행사가 사물이므로 who가 아닌 that 이나, which를 써야 한다. 3② 4 ③ 해설 명사절접속사 5 ③ 해설 ①, ②, ④, ⑤번 문장의 that은 뒤에 오 는 문장이 완전한, 명사절 접속사다. 6 ①⑤ 7④ 8① 9 ① 해설 관계대명사 that은 콤마와 함께 쓰일 수 없다. 10 ③ 11 ③ 해설 계속적용법으로 쓰인 which이며, 선행 사는 앞 문장 전체이다. 12 ② 해설 선행사가 없으므로 What이 적절하다. 13 ② 해설 ②번 문장의 that 앞에 선행사가 없으 므로, that을 what으로 바꿔야 한다. 14 ①④ 15 ③ 해설 what은 ‘the thing that’ 혹은 ‘the thing which’로 바꿀 수 있다. 16 ① 17 ③ 18 ⑤ 19 ③ 20 ② 21 ①② 해설 주격관계대명사 + be동사는 함께 생 략될 수 있으므로, ②번도 옳은 문장이다. 정답과 해설 57 1-1 16 가정법 1-1 조건의 부사절 첫걸음 본문 451 쪽 1-4 가정법 미래 본문 452 쪽 첫걸음 본문 455 쪽 01 returns 02 will trust 01 would be 02 were to have 05 proposes 06 will call 05 should 06 would be 03 doesn’t get up 07 feels 04 is not 08 will give 07 would buy 1-2 가정법 과거 본문 453 쪽 01 could let 02 were 05 were 06 broke 04 could become 07 were interested 08 could get 1-3 가정법 과거완료 첫걸음 본문 454 쪽 01 have become 02 had dyed 03 had moved 04 had been 05 had had 06 have lost 07 have looked 08 have given 09 hadn’t forgotten 04 were 1-5 without 가정법 첫걸음 03 finished 03 would be 10 wouldn’t have gotten 첫걸음 01 But for your encouragement, I would have given up this plan. If it hadn’t been for your encouragement, I would have given up this plan. 02 Without your help, I couldn’t do this work properly. If it were not for your help, I couldn’t do this work properly. 03 But for Andy’s phone call, she wouldn’t have heard the news. If it hadn’t been for Andy’s phone call, she wouldn’t have heard the news. 04 Without this dress, I might have had nothing to wear that evening. If it hadn’t been for this dress, I might have had nothing to wear that evening. 05 But for your help, we wouldn’t be able to carry out our plan. If it were not for your help, we wouldn’t be able to carry out our plan. 06 But for May’s support, we couldn’t have put this plan into practice. 58 중학 영문법 3 본문 456 쪽 If it hadn’t been for May’s support, we couldn’t have put this plan into practice. 1-6 가정법 도치 첫걸음 13 Jim should be → If Jim should be 혹은 본문 458 쪽 01 could have helped / If Cindy had changed her mind, I could have helped her choose her dress for the party. 02 Had / If I had decided not to go to a boarding school, I could have not become friends with Jenny. 03 Were / If I were a billionaire, I would spend all the money travelling. 04 would have called / If I had known your number, I would have called you. 05 Had / If I had brought a blanket with me, we wouldn’t have been sitting down on the grass. 06 will have / If you should eat the food Tina made, you will have difficulty swallowing it. 07 could stay / If she were not to travel to Hungary, we could stay longer in Prague. 08 Were it / If it were not for water, we wouldn’t be alive. 실력다지기 check up 본문 460 쪽 01 won’t → doesn’t 02 will keep → keep 03 won’t → don’t 04 won’t → doesn’t 05 works → worked 06 don’t → didn’t 07 have → had had 08 didn’t put → hadn’t put 09 told → had told 11 wasn’t → hadn’t been 12 bought → had bought 혹은 wouldn’t have been broken → wouldn’t be broken 10 apologized → had apologized 혹은 would have forgiven → would forgive 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Should Jim be You should → If you should 혹은 Should you The weather should → If the weather should 혹은 Should the weather is → were 또는 was Without for → But for 혹은 Without But → But for is → were had not been → were not 혹은 would be → would have been It → If it If had I not bought → Had I not bought 혹은 If I had not bought do → did My father → If my father buy → bought 개념다지기 warm up 본문 462 쪽 조건의 부사절 아니다 If S + V ~ Unless S + V~ 쓰지 않는다 가정법 과거 현재사실 반대 S 과거동사 ~, S would / could / might + 동사원형 were 가정법 과거완료 과거사실 반대 S + had p.p., S would / could / might + have p.p. 가정법 미래 적거나 없을 때 정답과 해설 59 19 ③ 해설 과거사실 반대를 가정하는 것은 가정법 should, S will / would V ~ were to V, S would ~ were to 과거완료다. 20 ② 21 ① 22 ③ 해설 ③번 문장은 가정법 과거이므로, ‘am’ Without 가정법 But for A If it were not for A But for A If it had not been for A 을 ‘were’로 써야 한다. 23 ② 26 ② 가정법 도치 Had S p.p., S would / could / might + have p.p. Should S ~, S will / would V ~. 24 ④ 27 ① 25 ⑤ 28 ③ 해설 주절의 시제로 보아 가정법 과거완료이 므로, 가정법 과거완료의 ‘If it had not been for’ 를 고른다. 29 ① 30 ② 해설 ②번 문장의 ‘can’을 ‘could’로 바꿔야 한다. 31 ④ 해설 가정법 문장의 도치는 Had she gone 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 ~이 옳은 형태다. 본문 464 쪽 1 ② 해설 가정법 과거이므로, 주절의 동사를 ‘would fly’로 바꿔야 한다. 2② 3 ③ 해설 ③번 문장은 ‘가정법 과거’로, 현재사실 반대를 의미한다. 4 ⑤ 해설 Ⓐ문장은 가정법 현재(조건절)이며, Ⓒ문 장은 가정법과거(현재사실반대)다. 5③ 6 ⑤ 해설 조건의 부사절에서는 미래시제를 쓸 수 없다는 것을 명심하자. 7④ 8 ② 해설 Ⓒ문장은 ‘take’를 ‘took’를 바꾸는 게 적 절하다. 9⑤ 10 ②④⑤ 해설 ①, ③번은 조건의 부사절로 현재 사실의 반대를 의미하지 않는다. 11 ① 12 ④ 13 ② 14 ② 해설 ‘could get’을 ‘could have gotten’으 로 바꿔야 한다. 15 ② 해설 Ⓒ문장은 ‘will not catch’를 ‘wouldn’t have caught’로 바꿔야 한다. 16 ① 60 17 ② 중학 영문법 18 ⑤ 3 32 ② 33 ② 34 ⑤ 35 ② 서술형 대비 1 will finish → finish 2 (1) could see (2) wouldn’t have had to stay up 3 Had it not been for your sandwich 4 Had it not been for your sandwich 1-1 17 도치 본문 474 쪽 실력다지기 check up 1-1 there is / are 첫걸음 본문 475 쪽 01 is 02 is 05 are 06 is 03 are 07 is 09 are 01 is → are 02 are → is 03 is → are 04 stand → stands 04 are 05 strawberry cakes are → are strawberry 08 is 06 10 are 07 08 1-2 장소의 부사구 도치 09 10 첫걸음 본문 476 쪽 01 is 02 stand 05 were 06 is 03 was 07 is 09 lies 11 12 13 04 live 14 08 sits 15 10 swim 16 17 1-3 부정어구 강조 도치 18 19 첫걸음 01 did I use 02 did I watch 본문 477 쪽 20 21 22 03 had Susan been 04 did Jason show 05 does my sister open 23 07 does Tom call 24 06 did Jane tell 08 did she finish 본문 478 쪽 25 cakes were → was Frank called → did Frank call I can → can I the black boots are → are the black boots I wore → did I wear a mysterious guy is → is a mysterious guy stand → stands the princess cleaned → did the princess clean sit → sits are → is is → are my little brother goes → does my little brother go something was → was something I touched → did I touch are → is Kate goes → does Kate go Only after did I arrive in London I realized that I forgot to bring that book. → Only after I arrived in London did I realize that I forgot to bring that book. a number of students were → were a number of students Calvin arrived → did Calvin arrive is → are 09 did he stop 10 does Anne talk 정답과 해설 61 개념다지기 warm up 본문 479 쪽 는 게 맞다. 도치 11 ④ 해설 Ⓑ의 ‘come’을 ‘comes’로 바꿔야 한다. There + 동사 + 주어 한다. 12 ③ 해설 ③번 문장의 ‘plays’를 ‘play’로 바꿔야 13 ② 해설 Ⓒ문장은 동사가 so much dust 앞으 뒤 수 일치 로 와야 한다. 14 ② 단수명사 15 ③ 해설 Ⓐ문장의 sits를 sit으로 바꿔야 한다. 복수명사 16 ③ 대명사 There 주어 + 동사 17 ④ 장소 / 방향의 부사구 도치 18 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장의 ‘loved’를 ‘love’로 바꿔야 장소 / 방향의 부사구(전치사 + 명사) + 동사 + 주어 19 ② 해설 Ⓐ문장은 ‘On the second floor is 될 수 없다 한다. my cousin’s office.’가 옳은 문장이다. 20 ③ 뒤 23 ① sit, be동사, lie, stand 24 ① 바꿔야 한다. do / does / did 조동사 동사원형 + 주어 + have / has / had 22 ② 25 ④ 26 ② 해설 도치구문이므로, ‘I can’ 을 ‘can I’로 부정어구 강조 도치 be 동사 21 ③ p.p. Only yesterday did Jane come to Korea. 일어나지 않는다 27 ③ 30 ③ 28 ① 31 ③ 29 ③ 32 ③ 33 ① 해설 ② Only then did I realize she had tried to help me. ③ Never have I tried to deceive you. ④ Never has she traveled to Europe. ⑤ Not only was I late, but also I forgot to bring the tickets. 으로 바꿔야 한다. 34 ② 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 481 쪽 1 ④ 해설 Ⓑ문장의 올바른 도치는 ‘Never did 35 ⑤ 서술형 대비 1 There are free donuts for everyone. he do his work ~’ 이다. 2 There is an employee who knows about this 3 ⑤ 해설 ⑤번 문장의 ‘drinks’는 동사원형 3 There are many opportunities for students 4③ 4 was Paul satisfied with his success Ⓒ문장은 ‘are a number of skyscrapers’로 바꿔 야 한다. 6 did James 2 ②④ ‘drink’로 써야 한다. 5 ⑤ 해설 Ⓐ문장은 ‘Never could ~’으로, 6④ 7① 8③ 9① 10 ② 해설 ②번 문장은 ‘On the playground stood the boy that played baseball.’로 고치 62 중학 영문법 3 building well. who prepared for the future. 5 did Ben 7 did she listen 8 she saw me did 9 your bag is my umbrella 10 the house are sunflowers 1-1 18 화법 1-1 평서문의 직접화법과 간접화법 첫걸음 본문 492 쪽 01 had 02 hadn’t brought 05 hadn’t heard 06 hadn’t 03 looked 07 wanted 09 would take 04 would 10 looked 1-2 명령문의 직접화법과 간접화법 01 to come 03 to close 05 that we should 본문 494 쪽 04 advised 본문 495 쪽 01 had brought 02 liked 05 wanted 06 she was going 07 had yelled 09 had boiled 08 wanted 10 I was 01 said → asked 02 that → if 혹은 whether 03 have written → had written 04 can → could 05 are → were 17 do I want → I wanted 18 said → asked 19 said → asked 25 said that → asked 개념다지기 warm up 본문 499 쪽 직접화법의 평서문을 간접화법으로 바꾸는 방법 04 was 실력다지기 check up 15 boiled → boils 16 know → knew 22 is → was 23 that → if 혹은 whether 24 where was I → where I was 1-3 의문문의 직접화법과 간접화법 03 had solved 09 said → asked 10 said to → asked 11 seems → seemed 20 are → were 21 is → was 02 asked 첫걸음 06 did I buy → I bought 07 said to → asked 08 said → asked 12 was I → I was 13 sees → saw 14 don’t → didn’t 08 needed 첫걸음 본문 490 쪽 본문 497 쪽 say tell that I will take you to the park tomorrow. that you will take me to the park tomorrow. that you would take me to the park the next day(today). then there that those before 정답과 해설 63 25 ④ 26 ⑤ 해설 Ⓐ문장은 전달동사가 said to로 바껴야 that day that night the next day, the following day the day before, the previous day the night before, the previous night the next week, the following week 하며, Ⓑ문장은 ‘do you ~’가 아니라 ‘Did you ~’ 로 써야 한다. 27 ③ 해설 can → could 28 ① 32 ② 현재 과거 tell to V to stay to부정사 to부정사 to부정사 실전 유형완전정복 중간·기말고사 대비 변형 문제 본문 502 쪽 2④ 3 ④ 해설 Ⓑ문장의 wants를 wanted로, Ⓒ문장 의 has를 had로 바꿔야 한다. 6① 7 ③ 해설 wants → wanted 8 ①④ 9② 10 ③ 11 ② 해설 says to me는 간접화법에서 tells me 로 바꿔야 한다. 12 ① 13 ③ 해설 Ⓐ문장의 said to me를 told me로 바 꿔야 한다. 14 ⑤ 15 ③ 17 ② 18 ⑤ 16 ② 해설 wants → wanted 21 ① 22 ①② 19 ⑤ 23 ③ 20 ③ 24 ③ 해설 Ⓐ문장의 asked to를 asked로 바꿔야 한다. 64 35 ⑤ 37 ④ 1 (1) My mother told me to do my homework. where I was then. if I could finish the work by the next day. 5② 34 ③ 31 ① 서술형 대비 직접화법의 의문문을 간접화법으로 바꾸는 방법 4③ 33 ⑤ 30 ④ 36 ① 해설 Ⓒ문장의 is를 was로 바꿔야 한다. 직접화법의 명령문을 간접화법으로 바꾸는 방법 1① 29 ⑤ 중학 영문법 3 (2) Jane’s mother told Jane not to stay up too late. (3) Julia asked me why I called her the day before. (4) Paul asked me if I knew why May was upset at me. (5) Mark asked me where I had been and he said he had been looking for me.

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 1 시험 완벽대비 내신기출문제 정밀분석

상품상세정보 ISBN 9791187803560 ( 1187803561 ) 쪽수 378쪽 크기 189 * 260 * 22 mm /793g 판형알림


이 책이 속한 분야

▶ 이 책은 중학 영문법을 다룬 이론서입니다.

– 독자대상 : 중학생

– 구성 및 특징 :

① 최근 경향 반영

② 학습 내용 체계적으로 구성


chapter 1 문장의 구조

chapter 2 주어와 동사의 관계

chapter 3 동사의 시제

chapter 4 조동사

chapter 5 문장의 완성

chapter 6 to부정사

chapter 7 동명사

chapter 8 분사

chapter 9 형용사와 부사

chapter 10 비교

chapter 11 전치사

chapter 12 접속사

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 다운 받기 (중1 중2 중3)

이번 포스팅은 대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 다운 방법을 알려드릴게요.

코로나 바이러스 확산으로 연기되었던 등교가 드디어 마무리되었네요.

거의 100일 만에 4차 등교를 마지막으로 모든 학년이 학교에 다닐 수 있게 되었습니다.

아직 원격 수업과 병행해 가는 방식으로 수업이 진행되지만 다행이네요.

이제 코로나로 인한 학습 공백을 열심히 메꾸는 일만 남았습니다.

중학교 영어 교재 중에 대치동 중학영문법 많이 사용하시죠.

군더더기 없는 문법을 완성시키고 실전, 서술형 대비, 한바닥 정리를 통해

단계별 실력을 다지기에 좋은 교재입니다.

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 학년별 파일 받기

대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 소개

코로나로 인해 연기되었던 등교가 “4차 등교”을 마지막으로 모든 유치원생과 초중고교생이 학교에 가게 되었죠. 지난 3월 등교 개학이 미뤄진 지 거의 4달만입니다. 아직 완전한 등교 수업은 어렵지만, 원격, 등교 수업을 번갈아 가는 방식으로 수업이 진행된다고 하네요. 하지만 코로나로 인한 학습공백은 학생에 따라 격차가 크게 벌어질 수 있는데요. 이럴 때일수록 자기주도 학습으로 위기를 극복해야 할 것 같아요.

오늘은 대치동 중학영문법 3600제 답지 다운 방법을 소개해 드릴게요. 대치동 중학영문법은 군더더기 없는 문법을 완성하고 첫걸음, 실력다지기, 개념다지기를 통해 단계별 실력을 향상 시킬 수 있는 영어 교재입니다. 대치북스에서는 자체 자료실을 운영하여 모든 교재의 정답과 해설을 쉽게 다운받을 수 있습니다.

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대치동 중학영문법 정답과 해설 다운 받기

답지의 저작권은 출판사에 있기 때문에 직접 공유는 불법입니다. 대신 공식 홈페이지에서 다운받는 방법을 알려드릴게요. (바로가기)

▼ 홈페이지 자료실 “정답지”을 클릭해 주세요.

▼ 게시판에서 “대치동 영문법 정답과 해설”을 클릭해 주세요.

▼ 우측 “첨부파일”을 클릭하면 학년별 정답과해설을 다운받을 수 있이요.

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