The Way Nature Intended | Brite Snack \”The Way Nature Intended\” 18 개의 베스트 답변

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d여기에서 Brite Snack \”The way nature intended\” – the way nature intended 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Organic Snack Brand using only the finest ingredients from around the globe

the way nature intended 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Develop people and business the way nature intended

The ebook (EPUB and Kindle Mobi) of “Develop people and business the way nature intended “, by Yoshimi and Jon Brett (meBooks Publishing).

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Date Published: 4/22/2021

View: 6219

The way nature intended – The Australian Jewish News

Honey – the way nature intended. … In 1920, Mr. James Archibald bought a farm in the Mallee with beehives on it and his son Robert developed a …

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Date Published: 12/8/2021

View: 829

The Way Nature Intended – Acronyms and Abbreviations

TWNI. (redirected from The Way Nature Intended). Acronym, Definition. TWNI, The Way Nature Intended. Copyright 1988-2018, …

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Date Published: 9/5/2022

View: 7101

Water the Way Nature Intended – 50 pack – Ionfaucet Inc

Learn about the health benefits alkaline water can have on one’s body. This trifold brochure is packed full of information to educate your potential clients …

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Date Published: 9/3/2022

View: 4612

Business The Way Nature Intended, by Giles Hutchins

Giles Hutchins feels that study of our relationship with Nature can help us understand the challenges we face today.

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Date Published: 3/22/2021

View: 2778

Business – The Way Nature Intended

Good business sense is creative, fun and opportunistic. Good business sense improves the indivual, the organisation and the wer …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 10/6/2021

View: 7025

Self care the way nature intended

Self care the way nature intended | Natural Selection Company.

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Date Published: 7/22/2022

View: 6852

주제와 관련된 이미지 the way nature intended

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Brite Snack \”The way nature intended\”. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Brite Snack \
Brite Snack \”The way nature intended\”

주제에 대한 기사 평가 the way nature intended

  • Author: Brite Snack
  • Views: 조회수 36회
  • Likes: 좋아요 3개
  • Date Published: 2019. 8. 28.
  • Video Url link:

Develop people and business the way nature intended

Do you ever catch yourself saying why are you like that or why don’t we see the same picture? If you have, look inside — this book may be for you!

It offers personal insights using anecdotal stories about how people have shifted mindsets by understanding their own and others’ communication preferences. Slowly but surely the authors’ dreams are being realised as thousands of people have used TetraMap to optimise their everyday interactions to increase personal and business productivity.

Nature is used as a powerful metaphor to illustrate four behavioural preferences. You will learn simple strategies to reduce conflict, value diversity and strengthen relationships.

To find out more go to:

The way nature intended

In 1920, Mr. James Archibald bought a farm in the Mallee with beehives on it and his son Robert developed a keen, lifelong interest in bees and honey. As a commercial beekeeper, he did not agree with honey bought and sold on colour, as was the case then. He was so adamant that honey should be sold on flavour that he started packing and selling the honey varieties we see today.

With the motto “honey the way nature intended”, Archibald’s Honey only sells top grade premium Australian honey which is produced away from cities and pollutants using traditional natural methods. Processed as little as possible to keep all nutrients intact, Archibald’s only warm the honey until it is liquid, then run it through a bag strainer that collects any large particles and most of the beeswax. The warming process is unique to Archibald’s Honey, as it leads to honey that is not damaged or burnt by heat, which lasts a decent amount of time in the jar before starting to crystallise.

Archibald’s Honey is pleased to be able to provide a way for all Australians to taste and enjoy their premium honey varieties individually or in bulk.

For more information, visit

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Water the Way Nature Intended – 50 pack

Learn about the health benefits alkaline water can have on one’s body. This trifold brochure is packed full of information to educate your potential clients of the hidden power of what this machine can do.

Calfornia residents see Prop 65 Warnings.

Business The Way Nature Intended, by Giles Hutchins

There is an old saying, ‘May you live in interesting times’.

When someone said this to you it was viewed as both a blessing and a curse, because to live in interesting times means to face both danger and opportunity, to simultaneously embrace both breakdown and breakthrough, which is exactly what these transformative times demand of us.

The UN Secretary General refers to these times as the Great Transition; Joanna Macy, Thomas Berry, Charles Eisenstein and others have referred to it as the Great Turning, due to a trilemma of social, environmental and economic factors.

My own contribution to this Great Turning is to shed some light on our relationship with Nature, to help illuminate the way we live and work with Nature; Nature – not ‘out there’ but within and all around us. Because I see this as primary to the challenges we face today.

Whether its climate change, neo-liberal economics, rampant social inequality or rising stress in the workplace, these are symptomatic of a deeper underlying cause – the way we relate with life, and our sense of place and purpose within life. Our relationship with ourselves, each other and the world us, is in desperate need of our dear attention. This way, we move beyond applying the very same logic to our well-intended solutions that created the problems in the first place.

For several years now, my focus has been on attending to the relationship our leaders, managers and business change agents have with Nature by exploring how our organizations can be perceived as vibrant emergent living systems that thrive by tending towards harmony with life (regardless of whether they are for-profit, non-profit or public bodies).

My latest book Future Fit builds on my explorations over the years by synthesizing a new business logic in harmony with the natural rhythms of life. This is a much needed {r}evolution for leadership and organizational development. And it comes at a time when many forward-thinking leaders know in their hearts that a ‘new norm’ of operating and organizing is now essential. The rapid rise in interest across the globe in ground-breaking approaches such as: Teal, Theory U, B-Corp, Conscious Leadership, etc. exemplify the rumblings of this {r}evolution.

Future Fit is prescient and practical. It describes the future as it can and must be, by drawing on a breadth of insight, concrete examples and range of tools and tips to help todays pioneers navigate a complex world.

What does the term ‘Future Fit’ mean?

The scientific definition of a Future Fit organization is one that in no way undermines – and ideally increases – the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on Earth forever.

In practice this means:

The organization is actively working towards going beyond a threshold of performance across a range of social and environmental factors. This is quantifiable through the Future Fit business benchmarking goals (supported by a non-profit open source Foundation).

The organisation’s sense of purpose, culture and leadership is aimed at becoming a regenerative life-affirming business. This life-affirming strategic intent drives behavior throughout all operations and stakeholder relations (including society and the environment).

What do we mean by ‘regenerative business’?

Regenerative business seeks to create the conditions conducive for life, by operating in ways that contribute, replenish and evolve within the evolution of life: business that is not just copying living systems logic but deeply embodying this logic, by seeking harmony within the rhythms, flows and evolutionary currents of life.

It is a strategic intent to serve life; a heart-felt mind-set that guides our journey.

This mind-set can be characterized as a shift from an overly mechanistic and materialistic perspective of the world rooted in separation, self-maximization, fear and control, towards a realization of the inter-connectedness of life. It is an awakened recognition that our selves and our organizations are living systems immersed within the living systems of society and our more-than-human world.

Mechanistic Characteristics Future Fit Characteristics

Blame culture Compassionate culture

Controlling ethos Learning ethos

Remote management by numbers Distributed decision-making

Bureaucratic Self-organizing & locally-attuning

Short-term maximization for shareholders Value-creation for all stakeholders

Self-preservation/maximization In service of life

Exploitation and enslavement Empathy and empowerment

Extractive Regenerative

Adversarial Inspirational

Separation Participation

Anthropocentric Interconnected

Fear-based Love-based

A friend of mine Andy Bradley, of Frameworks4Change, describes this shift from fear to love as, ‘a shift from simply providing services to creating connected, inclusive, balanced organizations and communities.’ It’s time to ask ‘why on Earth would we wish to work in an organization that doesn’t value the livelihood of ourselves, the next generation and our more-than-human kinship?’

The purpose and soul of our organizational endevour beyond mere sustainability measuring and monitoring is what is explored here. As it is root causes that need addressing in these metamorphic times as well as downstream effects.

Regenerative life-affirming business is not a utopian dream; it is how life really is. It is our prevalent practices that are a deluding aberration. It’s fallacy to think we need to be singularly at odds with life. We are waking up to this reality, and a number of forward-thinking organizations are paving the way. The financial services provider Triodos makes money work for positive social, environmental and cultural change; the chemicals company Pantheon Enterprises applies conscious chemistry for non-toxic chemical products while encouraging its people to become more conscious and empowered so they go home from work wiser for it; the legal services provider IACP’s boardroom considers the impact all its decisions have on the next generation, our children; the global network of social-enterprise community centers Impact Hub has check-ins at the beginning and end of every meeting for people to center themselves and share in open-hearted authentic ways; Jamies Farm produces food for the local and global community while transforming the lives of vulnerable children through the combination of ‘family, farming and therapy’.

There are lots of useful learnings, techniques and tools, as well as plenty of case studies we can take inspiration from to help us ‘home grow’ our own unique brew of life-affirming business, as no two organizations are the same. And it’s not about ‘being holier than thou’ but embracing our foibles and failings; learning and sharing as we go; creating safe space for learning to become more human in our more-than-human world, and having fun as we become.

Purposeful work can enliven and enrich us – we all know this in our hearts. This is not rocket science – sure there are some complexities and, for certain, facilitation and coaching help. But essentially, this is about learning to respect our own selves, respect each other, and respect life. This is simply good business sense, as hot-off-the-press research shows that organizations embracing this regenerative logic consistently out-perform their mechanistic counterparts in these volatile times.

We are living through a supreme moment in our human history. It is what the ancient Greeks referred to as Kairos, an indeterminable period of time during which old assumptions fall away and a deeper, more authentic worldview takes shape. Each of us has the humbling responsibility to seize the moment and make a stand for Life, in-so-doing enabling our organizations to become more resilient, purposeful, vibrant future-fit enterprises.

Business – The Way Nature Intended

Business – The Way Nature Intended

Good business sense is creative, fun and opportunistic. Good business sense improves the individual, the organisation and the wider stakeholder community and environment. The daunting challenge of becoming a Firm of the Future can become an exciting opportunity; a path that once found becomes the only right path to follow.

There is indeed a significant gap between Natural Business and our current prevailing business practices, rooted in our scientific and cultural heritage as well as in our human nature which gives us the freedom to break the rules of Nature and learn (or not) accordingly. In that regard, ‘Nature’s Business Principles’ may appear idealistic but is there an alternative?

Bio-mimicry as a school of thought suggests that we can learn to play by the guidelines of Nature, which offer a very rich source of inspiration to challenge our current unsustainable business practices and invent new strategies. ‘Nature’s Business Principles’ are universal but there is room for specific individual behaviours and indeed we as individuals and business people need to invent our future in a great variety of ways. We ought to accept that we are stepping into the unknown and let go of the need to find an answer or singular goal to achieve. We should rather re-cognise that we are on a journey not towards the optimal organisation or business model, but towards the understanding of business as dynamic, emergent, constantly interacting, adapting and morphing to maintain right-balance and right-relationship in an ever- changing environment.

‘The new opportunity is to emulate nature, because in so doing, we bring our actions in alignment with our potential. We begin to get the design right. And as we get the design right, we create pathways through which new capacities, new innovations, new value can flow.’ – Tachi Kiuchi and Bill Shireman

In these challenging yet pivotal times for business and humanity, we must realize that to become truly sustainable, human and business life has to become scientifically inspired, emotionally connected and spiritually entwined with Nature and Gaia. Nature and business (as with Nature and humanity within it) must be symbiotic and operate in mutualism for there to be anything resembling a successful outcome. The sooner business realizes the opportunities that come with being attuned with and inspired by Nature, the better for humanity and for all species.

‘Gratitude for the bounty of Nature and gratitude for the opportunities coming our way to fulfill our highest potential as human beings by learning to live in abundant harmony with her’ – Victor Lebow

It Starts With Authenticity

The journey towards a Firm of The Future is as much about individual transformation as it is about organisational transformation, each being interconnected with the other. No man is an island and no organisation can thrive disconnected. In the same regard, this personal and organisational transformation is about being authentic and true to your values and value; the authentic self and the authentic organisation go hand-in-hand. Finding our authentic self and organisation is transformative and emergent – life in its beautiful way, is dynamic, continually giving us opportunities to learn and grow. It is our choice, our perception and state of mind that decides whether we become burdened by fear, anger, guilt and laziness, or whether we take each step with positivity, faith, hope and courage.

This is the same for the high-performing team, the community of stakeholders, the organisation and its wider business ecosystem. Be the change you wish to see – take ownership and responsibility for how you want to be, act and provide value in the world as best you can. Only then can real progress towards a Firm of The Future be made; an organisation that seeks not just to limit its negativity on society and the environment but an organisation that gives and in return receives, that provides net-positive value enhancement to all its stakeholders and wider business environment. This is the future, and it is bright. Natural Business – The way life intended.

To explore ‘the new paradigm’ further, join the Face Book community here

View a short video clip on business inspired by nature here

Self care the way nature intended | Natural Selection Company

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키워드에 대한 정보 the way nature intended

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Brite Snack \”The way nature intended\”

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