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헬로우 고스트 다시 보기 주제에 대한 동영상 보기
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d여기에서 Best Sad Movie Hello Ghost English sub – 헬로우 고스트 다시 보기 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요
Sang-man (Cha Tae-hyun) attempts to commit suicide by overdosing on pills, but fails. He then attempts to kill himself by jumping off a bridge and into a river, but is saved. Brought to the hospital, Sang-man awakens and sees a man smoking next to him. He tells the other hospital patrons, but no one believes him. During his stay in the hospital he eventually meets four ghosts. Meanwhile, Sang-man meets nurse Jung Yun-soo (Kang Ye-won) at the hospital and quickly falls in love.
Sang-man is released from the hospital and the ghosts follow him back to his apartment. He attempts to politely ask the ghosts why they are there, but he doesn’t get an answer. He decides to visit a shaman to get some help and to learn how to get rid of the ghosts. He is told that the ghosts are using his body to enter the world of the living so the ghosts can experience their unfulfilled desires. Sang-man tries to get rid of them, but ghosts haunt him everywhere he goes. Sang-man then attempts to help the ghosts fulfill their unrealized dreams to get them to leave him alone once and for all.
One ghost, an old man, wants to return a camera to his friend. Another ghost, a fat smoker, wants to get his taxi back and drive it. He also uses Sang-man’s body to swim at the beach. This leads to Sang-man being arrested, because he was caught driving without a license. Another ghost, a child, wants to watch a cartoon movie. The last ghost is a crying woman who wants to cook and to eat together with people she cares about. All these events also lead to Sang-man getting to know Yun-soo better.
Yun-soo’s father dies, and Sang-man is the last person he speaks with. Yun-soo is uncomfortable with this, and pushes Sang-man away until she realizes that Sang-man is telling the truth when she sees her father’s last gift for her.
Sang-man tells the ghosts to go away and blames them for Yun-soo’s rejection. When he wakes up, the ghosts are gone. He goes to the hospital and asks Yun-soo out for lunch, and she accepts. She tells him that some people may lose their memories from extreme shock. As soon as Yun-soo asks about the parsley in the kimbap, Sang-man remembers that his mother used to put parsley in kimbap instead of spinach.
Sang-man runs to his apartment, and on his way he remembers what has happened to him. His father was the smoker, his mother the lady, his grandfather the old man, and his older brother the kid. On a family trip, his father forgot to put gas in the car. The car stopped in the road, and was hit by a truck and pushed off a cliff. Sang-man is the only survivor of the accident, after which he lost his memory and grew up in an orphanage. Sang-man calls to them in his apartment. One by one they appear and explain that their wishes each had something to do with the promises they left for Sang-man, and helped him remember them. His mother apologizes for leaving him alone and says that they wanted Sang-man to live, and they will always be with him. At the end, it is revealed that it was his family that stopped Sang-man from committing suicide.
At the post credit scene, Sang-man tells his son about his grandpa and dad while eating at the table, Yun-soo then founds picture of his childhood lying around and his son ask who are the people with him and smiles, implying he can see ghosts too.
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주제에 대한 기사 평가 헬로우 고스트 다시 보기
- Author: Joy
- Views: 조회수 49,894회
- Likes: 좋아요 840개
- Date Published: 2019. 8. 30.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxsuQxTq5Ko
헬로우 고스트 다시보기
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헬로우 고스트 다시보기 토도우
헬로우 고스트 다시보기 하러오신분들반가워요 헬로우 고스트 토도우 고화질로 올려드렸으니 즐감만 하시면되요
진짜 코믹하고도 은근 무서운 국민 영화라고 자부하는 이영화를 리뷰해드리기위해서 제가 태어났나봐요
그만큼 대중들에게 큰인기를 누리고 있는 영화가 아닐까라는 생각에도 빠질수있었답니다
헬로우 고스트 다시보기 하시고요 꼭 댓글로 평가 남겨주셨으면 하는 바램이있습니다 ^^* 그럼 즐감하세요
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